[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 5]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.415-7]

[Page 741-749]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.415-7  Limitation in case of defined benefit and defined contribution plan for same employee.

    (a) Overall limitation--(1) In general. Under section 415(e) and 
this section, in any case in which an individual has at any time 
participated in a defined benefit plan and also has at any time 
participated in a defined contribution plan maintained by the same 
employer, to satisfy the provisions of section 415(a), the sum of the 
defined benefit plan fraction (as defined in paragraph (b) of this 
section) and the defined contribution plan fraction (as defined in 
paragraph (c) of this section) with respect to that participant for any 
limitation year may not exceed 1.4.

[[Page 742]]

    (2) Application of overall limitation to employee stock ownership 
plan. An employee stock ownership plan which qualifies for, and takes 
advantage of, the special dollar limitation provided in section 
415(c)(6) and Sec. 1.415-6(g) is still subject to the 1.4 limitation of 
paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
    (b) Defined benefit plan fraction--(1) In general. For purposes of 
paragraph (a) of this section, the defined benefit plan fraction 
applicable to a participant for any limitation year is a fraction--
    (i) The numerator of which is the projected annual benefit (as 
defined in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph) of the participant under 
the plan (determined as of the close of the limitation year), and
    (ii) The denominator of which is the projected annual benefit (as 
defined in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph) of the participant under 
the plan (determined as of the close of the limitation year) if the plan 
provided such participant the maximum benefit allowable under 
Sec. 1.415-3.

In the event a participant has participated in more than one defined 
benefit plan maintained by the employer, the numerator of the defined 
benefit plan fraction is the sum of the projected annual benefits under 
all of the defined benefit plans.
    (2) Participants described in section 2004(d)(2) of the Employee 
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. For purposes of this paragraph, 
in the case of a participant described in section 2004(d)(2) of the 
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-406, 88 
Stat. 987), the defined benefit plan fraction applicable to such 
participant is deemed not to exceed 1.0 for any limitation year to which 
section 415 and this section apply.
    (3) Projected annual benefit. For purposes of this section, a 
participant's ``projected annual benefit'' is equal to the annual 
benefit (as defined in Sec. 1.415-3(b)(1)(i)) to which a participant in 
a defined benefit plan would be entitled under the terms of the plan 
based upon the following assumptions:
    (i) The participant will continue employment until reaching normal 
retirement age as determined under the terms of the plan (or current 
age, if that is later).
    (ii) The participant's compensation for the limitation year under 
consideration will remain the same until the date the participant 
attains the age described in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph.
    (iii) All other relevant factors used to determine benefits under 
the plan for the limitation year under consideration will remain 
constant for all future limitation years.
    (c) Defined contribution plan fraction--(1) In general. For purposes 
of paragraph (a) of this section, the defined contribution plan fraction 
applicable to a participant for any limitation year is a fraction--
    (i) The numerator of which is the sum of the annual additions to the 
participant's account as of the close of the limitation year and for all 
prior limitation years, and
    (ii) The denominator of which is the sum of the maximum amount of 
annual additions which could have been made under section 415(c) 
Sec. 1.1415-6(a) (determined without regard to the special dollar 
limitation provided for employee stock ownership plans under section 
415(c)(6) and Sec. 1.415-6(g)) for the limitation year and for each 
prior limitation year of the participant's service with the employer 
(regardless of whether a plan was in existence during those years).

For purposes of this paragraph, the term ``annual additions'' has the 
same meaning as set forth in Sec. 1.415-6(b).
    (2) Special rules for certain annuity contracts and individual 
retirement plans. (i) Except as provided in subdivision (ii) of this 
subparagraph, in computing the defined contribution plan fraction 
applicable to an individual on whose behalf a section 403(b) annuity 
contract has been purchased, the amount which is included in the 
denominator of such fraction for a particular limitation year is the 
maximum amount which could have been contributed under the limitations 
of section 415(c) and Sec. 1.415-6(a) applicable to the individual for 
the particular limitation year. However, if the individual elects an 
alternative limitation described in either section 415(c)(4)(A) or 
section 415(c)(4)(B) for a particular limitation year, the denominator 
of the fraction for such limitation year is the maximum amount

[[Page 743]]

which could have been contributed under the applicable limitations of 
section 415(c) and Sec. 1.415-6(a), as modified by the alternative 
limitation elected.
    (ii) This subdivision provides a rule for computing the defined 
contribution plan fraction with respect to an individual on whose behalf 
a section 403(b) annuity has been purchased prior to commencing 
employment with an employer which the individual controls (within the 
meaning of section 414 (b) or (c), as modified by section 415(h)) and 
which maintains a defined benefit plan. In this situation, the 
controlled employer is considered to be maintaining the section 403(b) 
annuity contract as a defined contribution plan under the rules of 
paragraph (h)(2)(i) of this section. However, for all years prior to 
commencing employment with the controlled employer, the individual does 
not have any years of service (within the meaning of subparagraph 
(1)(ii) of this paragraph) with that employer. Thus, for each limitation 
year in which such individual did not have a year of service with the 
controlled employer, the denominator of the defined contribution plan 
fraction applicable to the individual is deemed to equal the numerator 
of that fraction.
    (iii) The rules described in this paragraph also apply to an 
individual on whose behalf an individual retirement plan (as described 
in section 7701(a)(37)) has been maintained.
    (iv) See paragraph (h)(4) of this section for special rules relating 
to the aggregation of a section 403(b) annuity contract and a qualified 
    (d) Special transitional rules for defined contribution plan 
fraction. For purposes of determining the defined contribution plan 
fraction under paragraph (c) of this section for any limitation year 
beginning after December 31, 1975, the following rules shall apply with 
respect to limitation years before the first limitation year to which 
section 415 and this section apply.
    (1) The aggregate amount taken into account under paragraph 
(c)(1)(i) of this section in determining the numerator of the defined 
contribution plan fraction is deemed not to exceed the aggregate amount 
taken into account under paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section in 
determining the denominator of the fraction. Thus, for example, if the 
aggregate amount of actual annual additions to the plan for all such 
limitation years is $500,000, while the aggregate amount in the 
denominator is $250,000, under the rule set forth in this subparagraph, 
the defined contribution plan fraction is $250,000 divided by $250,000, 
or 100 percent.
    (2) The amount taken into account under section 415(c)(2)(B)(i) for 
each such limitation year is an amount equal to--
    (i) The amount by which the aggregate amount of employee 
contributions (whether voluntary or mandatory) for all limitation years 
beginning before January 1, 1976, during which the employee was a 
participant in the plan exceeds 10 percent of the employee's aggregate 
compensation from the employer for all such limitation years, divided by
    (ii) The number of full limitation years (counting any part of a 
limitation year as a full limitation year) beginning before January 1, 
1976, during which the employee was a participant in the plan. 
Therefore, for purposes of computing the numerator of a participant's 
defined contribution plan fraction for limitation years beginning after 
December 31, 1975, no employee contributions made to the plan before the 
first limitation year to which section 415 and this section apply are 
taken into account as annual additions if the aggregate amount of the 
contributions does not exceed 10 percent of the employee's aggregate 
compensation from the employer for all limitation years prior to the 
first such limitation year.
    (3) The special transitional rule concerning employee contributions 
provided for in paragraph (d)(2) of this section does not apply to any 
employee contributions (whether voluntary or mandatory) made on or after 
October 2, 1973, to the extent that these contributions exceed the 
maximum amount of employee contributions permitted under the plan as in 
effect on October 2, 1973. For purposes of the preceding sentence, plan 
amendments approved by the Internal Revenue Service before October 2, 
1973, and actually put into effect before January 1, 1974, are 
considered in effect on October 2, 1973.

[[Page 744]]

Therefore, for purposes of computing the numerator of the defined 
contribution plan fraction for limitation years beginning after December 
31, 1975, employee contributions made between October 2, 1973 and prior 
to the first limitation year to which section 415 and this section apply 
which exceed the maximum amount the employee was permitted to contribute 
under the provisions of the plan as in effect on October 2, 1973, are 
taken into account as annual additions (within the meaning of 
Sec. 1.415-6(b)(1)(ii)).
    (4) For purposes of this paragraph, the participant's aggregate 
compensation for all years (whichever are applicable under either 
paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section) with the employer before the 
first limitation year to which section 415 applies equals the product of 
the participant's compensation during the first limitation year to which 
section 415 applies times the number of such applicable years. However, 
this special rule is available only if records necessary for the 
determination of the participant's aggregate compensation for all such 
applicable years with the employer before the first limitation year to 
which section 415 applies are not available.
    (e) Examples. The provisions of paragraphs (a) through (d) of this 
section may be illustrated by the following examples:

    Example (1). (i) S is an employee of T Corporation and is a 
participant in both the noncontributory defined benefit plan and 
noncontributory defined contribution plan maintained by the corporation. 
S became an employee of T on July 1, 1966. S became a participant in the 
defined benefit plan maintained by T on January 1, 1968 and he became a 
participant in the defined contribution plan maintained by T on January 
1, 1970. T uses the calendar year as the limitation year for both plans. 
The current limitation year is 1978. S's compensation (as defined in 
Sec. 1.415-2(d)) from T is as follows:

                     Limitation year                       Compensation
1966....................................................          $3,000
1967....................................................           6,000
1968....................................................           6,000
1969....................................................           8,000
1970....................................................           8,000
1971....................................................           8,000
1972....................................................           9,000
1973....................................................          10,000
1974....................................................          10,000
1975....................................................          11,000
1976....................................................          11,000
1977....................................................          12,000
1978....................................................          12,000

    (ii) S's projected annual benefit (as defined in paragraph (b)(3) of 
this section) as of the close of the current limitation year under the 
terms of the plan is $9,000. S's compensation for the current limitation 
year is $12,000. Therefore, the defined benefit plan fraction applicable 
to S for the current limitation year is .75 or 75 percent (9,000 / 
12,000). S's defined contribution compensation limitation (as described 
in section 415(c)(1)(B)) for the current limitation year is $3,000 (25 
percent of $12,000). For all limitation years beginning before January 
1, 1978, the maximum aggregate amount of annual additions which could 
have been allocated to S's account under the defined contribution plan 
is $25,500 (aggregate compensation of $102,000 for all years of service 
with T Corporation x 25 percent). Assume that annual additions totaling 
$11,400 have been allocated to S's account as of the end of the current 
limitation year. Therefore, S's defined contribution plan fraction as of 
the end of the current limitation year equals

Because the sum (115 percent) of the defined benefit plan fraction (75 
percent) and the defined contribution plan fraction (40 percent) 
applicable to S for the current limitation year does not exceed 140 
percent, the limitations of section 415(e) and this section are not 
    Example (2). Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that the 
defined contribution plan maintained by T Corporation provides for 
mandatory employee contributions of 6% of compensation and voluntary 
employee contributions of 10% of compensation. Assume further that S 
made the maximum allowable employee contributions under the plan for 
each limitation year (including the current limitation year) during 
which he was a participant. For limitation years beginning

[[Page 745]]

before January 1, 1976, S made total employee contributions of $8,960. 
However, because of the special transitional rule applicable to the 
defined contribution plan fraction with respect to employee 
contributions for limitation years beginning before January 1, 1976 (as 
described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section), only $560 of the total 
employee contributions of $8,960 made by S will be considered an annual 
addition for each of those limitation years in which S was a participant 
in the plan total employee contributions for limitation years in which S 
participated in the plan beginning before January 1, 1976 of $8,960 
minus $5,600 (10 percent of total compensation of $56,000 for such 
years) divided by 6 (the number of such years in which S was a 
participant in the plan). Thus, in determining the numerator of the 
defined contribution plan fraction applicable to S, because S was a 
participant in the plan for 6 limitation years beginning before January 
1, 1976, the total amount of employee contributions that must be taken 
into account as annual additions for such limitation years is $3,360 
($560 x 6). For limitation years beginning after January 1, 1976, S made 
contributions of $1,760 (for limitation year 1976), $1,920 (for 
limitation year 1977) and $1,920 (for limitation year 1978, the current 
limitation year). The amount of annual additions attributable to such 
contributions under section 415(c)(2)(B) is $880 (for limitation year 
1976), $960 (for limitation year 1977) and $960 (for the current 
limitation year), for a total of $2,800. Thus, the defined contribution 
plan fraction applicable to S for the current limitation year is

Because the sum (137 percent) of the defined benefit plan fraction (75 
percent) and the defined contribution plan fraction (62 percent) 
applicable to S for the current limitation year does not exceed 140 
percent, the limitations of section 415(e) and this section are not 
    Example (3). (i) A is an employee of M Corporation and is a 
participant in both the noncontributory defined benefit plan and 
noncontributory defined contribution plan maintained by the corporation. 
A became an employee of M on January 1, 1969 and immediately became a 
participant in both plans. M uses the calendar year as the limitation 
year for both plans. The current limitation year is 1978. A's 
compensation (as defined in Sec. 1.415-2(d)) from M is as follows:

                     Limitation year                       Compensation
1969....................................................        $100,000
1970....................................................         120,000
1971....................................................         130,000
1972....................................................         160,000
1973....................................................         200,000
1974....................................................         240,000
1975....................................................         280,000
1976....................................................         320,000
1977....................................................         400,000
1978....................................................         460,000

    (ii) A is a participant described in section 2004(d)(2) of the 
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. A's projected annual 
benefit (as defined in paragraph (b)(3) of this section) as of the close 
of the current limitation year under the terms of the defined benefit 
plan is $100,000. The defined benefit dollar limitation (as described in 
section 415(b)(1)(A)) applicable to A for the current limitation year is 
$90,150. Absent the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the 
defined benefit plan fraction applicable to A for the current limitation 
year would be 1.11 or 111 percent. However, under the provisions of 
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, for purposes of computing the overall 
1.4 limitation imposed by section 415(e) and this section applicable to 
A for the current limitation year and all future limitation years, A's 
defined benefit plan fraction is considered to equal 1.0 or 100 percent.
    (iii) A's defined contribution dollar limitation (as described in 
section 415(c)(1)(A)) for the current limitation year is $30,050. For 
the 9 limitation years ending before January 1, 1978, the maximum amount 
of annual additions which could have been allocated to A's account under 
the defined contribution plan is $230,000 ($25,000 x 7, plus $26,825 
(adjusted figure for 1976) and $28,175 (adjusted figure for 1977)). 
Assume that annual additions totaling $60,000 ($10,000 of this amount 
being attributable to the current limitation year) have been allocated 
to A's account as of the close of the current limitation year. A's 
defined contribution plan fraction computed as of the end of the current 
limitation year is .23 or 23 percent

Because the sum (123 percent) of the defined benefit plan fraction (1.0 
or 100 percent) and the defined contribution plan fraction (.23 or 23 
percent) for the current limitation year

[[Page 746]]

does not exceed 1.4 or 140 percent, the limitations of section 415(e) 
and this section are not violated.
    Example (4). (i) J is an employee of M Corporation and is the only 
participant in the defined contribution plan maintained by the 
corporation. M uses the calendar year as the limitation year for the 
plan. The current limitation year is 1980. For all limitation years 
prior to 1980, the maximum allowable contribution was made to the plan. 
Thus, J's defined contribution plan fraction as of the end of 1979 is 
1.0 or 100 percent. In 1980, before any contributions had been made to 
the defined contribution plan, the defined contribution plan is 
converted into a defined benefit plan. The defined benefit plan provides 
a benefit in the form of a straight life annuity equal to 50% of a 
participant's compensation for the high 3 years of service, but not less 
than the amount purchasable by J's account balance. J's average 
compensation for the high 3 years is $50,000.
    (ii) As a result of the conversion of the defined contribution plan 
into the defined benefit plan, J becomes subject to the 1.4 limitation 
of section 415(e) and this section because he has at one time 
participated in a defined contribution plan and has at one time 
participated in a defined benefit plan maintained by M. Although the 
defined contribution plan is no longer in existence, J must still take 
the defined contribution plan fraction into account. A defined 
contribution plan fraction must continue to be taken into account 
regardless of whether the plan has been converted into another plan or 
whether the plan is terminated and distributions are made to 
    (iii) Even though J is subject to the limitations of section 415(e) 
and this section, in computing the defined benefit plan fraction, the 
special rule set forth in Sec. 1.415-3(b)(1)(iv) is applicable based on 
the facts of this example. That rule provides that when there is a 
transfer of assets or liabilities from one qualified plan to another, 
the annual benefit attributable to the assets transferred does not have 
to be taken into account by the transferee plan in applying the 
limitations of section 415. (For purposes of section 415, a conversion 
of a defined contribution plan into a defined benefit plan is considered 
such a transfer.) Assume that one-half of J's annual benefit under the 
defined benefit plan is attributable to the assets transferred from the 
defined contribution plan. This means that by applying the special rule 
set forth in Sec. 1.415-3(b)(1)(iv), only one-half of J's projected 
annual benefit must be taken into account in computing J's defined 
benefit plan fraction. Accordingly, because J's defined benefit plan 
fraction is only 25 percent (\1/2\ of 50% of high 3 years of 
compensation ($12,500) divided by 100% of high 3 years of compensation 
($50,000)) and not 50 percent (which would have been the case absent the 
special rule of Sec. 1.415-3(b)(1)(iv), the 140 percent limitation of 
section 415(e) and this section is not violated.

    (f) Special rules where records are not available for past periods--
(1) In general. The rules described in paragraph (f) (2) and (3) of this 
section apply only if the plan is unable to compute the defined 
contribution plan fraction because of the unavailability of records with 
respect to limitation years ending before the first limitation year to 
which section 415 applies to the plan.
    (2) Defined contribution plan fraction for first limitation year to 
which section 415 applies to a plan. For purposes of paragraph (c) of 
this section, the defined contribution plan fraction for the first 
limitation year to which section 415 and this section apply to a plan 
equals the following fraction:
    (i) The numerator of the fraction is the sum of the participant's 
account balance as of the valuation date under the plan immediately 
preceding November 2, 1975, plus any additions to the participant's 
account made subsequent to that valuation date and through the end of 
the first limitation year to which section 415 applies to the plan. In 
determining the participant's account balance as of the valuation date 
under the plan immediately preceding November 2, 1975, for purposes of 
this subdivision, one-half of all employee contributions (whether 
voluntary or mandatory) are not taken into account.
    (ii) The denominator of the fraction is the sum of the maximum 
allowable annual additions under section 415(c) and Sec. 1.415-6 for 
each limitation year, including the first limitation year to which 
section 415 applies to the plan, in which the participant had a year of 
service with the employer (see Sec. 1.415-3(g)(1) for rules relating to 
the determination of a year of service). In determining the maximum 
allowable annual additions for purposes of this subdivision, the 
compensation limitation (as described in section 415(c)(1)(B)) taken 
into account for all of such limitation years is the applicable 
compensation limitation for the first limitation year to which section 
415 applies to the plan and the dollar limitation taken into account for 
each such limitation year is the dollar limitation described in

[[Page 747]]

section 415(c)(1)(A), as adjusted for cost-of-living increases under 
section 415(d)(1)(B).
    (3) Defined contribution plan fraction for future limitation years. 
For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, with respect to all 
limitation years after the first limitation year to which section 415 
applies to the plan, the defined contribution plan fraction for the 
current limitation year equals a fraction. The numerator of the fraction 
is the amount determined under paragraph (g)(2)(i) of this section, plus 
any subsequent annual additions made to the participant's account 
through the end of the current limitation year. The denominator of the 
fraction equals the sum of--
    (i) The amount determined under subparagraph (2)(ii) of this 
paragraph, plus
    (ii) The sum of the maximum allowable annual additions under section 
415(c) and Sec. 1.415-6 for the current limitation year and all prior 
limitation years beginning after the end of the first limitation year to 
which section 415 applies to the plan.
    (g) Special rule for certain plans in effect on date of enactment. 
In the case of an individual who, on September 2, 1974, was a 
participant in a defined benefit and defined contribution plan 
maintained by the same employer and with respect to whom the sum of the 
defined benefit plan fraction and the defined contribution plan fraction 
for the limitation year during which such date falls (determined as of 
the close of that limitation year) exceeded 140 percent, the sum of such 
fractions may continue to exceed 140 percent for any particular future 
limitation year, but only if the conditions set forth in paragraph (g) 
(1) and (2) of this section are satisfied:
    (1) The defined benefit plan fraction of the participant computed as 
of the close of the particular limitation year does not exceed such 
fraction computed as of the close of the limitation year during which 
September 2, 1974, falls.
    (2) After September 2, 1974,
    (i) No employer contributions are allocated to the participant's 
account under any defined contribution plan,
    (ii) No forfeitures arising under any defined contribution plan are 
allocated to the participant's account,
    (iii) No voluntary employee contributions are made by the 
participant under any defined contribution or defined benefit plan, and
    (iv) No mandatory employee contributions are made by the participant 
under any defined contribution plan.
    (h) Special rules for section 403(b) annuity contracts--(1) In 
general. For purposes of section 415, the following rules shall apply:
    (i) In the case of an annuity contract described in section 403(b), 
the participant, on whose behalf the annuity contract is purchased, is 
considered to have exclusive control of the annuity contract. 
Accordingly, the participant, and not the participant's employer who 
purchased the section 403(b) annuity contract, is deemed to maintain the 
annuity contract.
    (ii) Any contributions by the employer for an annuity contract 
described in this subparagraph are not taken into account in computing 
the defined contribution plan fraction applicable to the participant for 
the limitation year.
    (2) Special rules under which the employer is deemed to maintain the 
annuity contract. (i) The provisions of this paragraph and not paragraph 
(h)(1) of this section apply for a particular limitation year with 
respect to a participant on whose behalf a section 403(b) annuity 
contract is purchased, if that participant is in control of any employer 
within the meaning of section 414 (b) or (c), as modified by section 
415(h). Under these circumstances, the section 403(b) annuity contract 
for the benefit of the participant is treated as a defined contribution 
plan maintained by both the controlled employer and the participant for 
that limitation year.
    (ii) The provisions of this paragraph also apply for a particular 
limitation year if a participant on whose behalf a section 403(b) 
annuity contract is purchased has elected, under section 415(c)(4)(D) 
and Sec. 1.415-6(e)(6), to have the provisions of section 415(c)(4)(C) 
and Sec. 1.415-6(e)(5) apply for the taxable year with or within which 
such limitation year ends. In such a case, the exclusion allowance 
determined under

[[Page 748]]

section 403(b)(2)(A) is not applicable to the annuity contract for the 
particular limitation year, and the annuity contract is treated as a 
defined contribution plan maintained by both the employer and the 
participant for that limitation year.
    (iii) For purposes of the limitations of section 415(e) and this 
section, where a section 403(b) annuity contract is treated as a defined 
contribution plan maintained by the employer under this subparagraph, 
any contributions made for the annuity contract for a participant are 
taken into account in computing the defined contribution plan fraction 
applicable to that participant for the limitation year. Thus, for 
example, if a doctor is employed by an educational organization which 
provides him with a section 403(b) annuity contract and also maintains a 
private practice as a shareholder owning more than 50 percent of a 
professional corporation, any qualified defined benefit plan of the 
professional corporation must be aggregated with the section 403(b) 
annuity contract for purposes of applying the limitations of section 
415(e) and this section.
    (3) Special rule with respect to salary reduction agreements. The 
rules provided in this paragraph are applicable whether or not the 
section 403(b) annuity contract is purchased in connection with a salary 
reduction agreement between the employer and participant.
    (4) Special rules relating to the aggregation of the annuity 
contract with a qualified plan. (i) Where a section 403(b) annuity 
contract is aggregated with a qualified defined benefit plan in a 
limitation year because of the application of the rules of paragraph 
(h)(2) of this section, all contributions made to the annuity contract 
for a participant in prior limitation years shall be taken into account 
in computing the participant's defined contribution plan fraction. 
However, the rule described in the preceding sentence is not applicable 
if the aggregation is solely attributable to the participant's election 
to have the provisions of section 415(c)(4)(C) apply. Accordingly, in 
any case in which aggregation is required as a result of the application 
of paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section, all contributions made to the 
annuity contract for a participant in prior limitation years in which 
paragraph (h)(1) of this section was applicable do not have to be taken 
into account in computing the defined contribution plan fraction 
applicable to the participant.
    (ii) Any contributions made to a section 403(b) annuity contract for 
a participant in any limitation year in which the rules of paragraph 
(h)(2)(ii) of this section are applicable shall be taken into account in 
subsequent limitation years even though the rules of such paragraph are 
no longer applicable.
    (iii) See paragraph (c)(2) of this section for special rules 
relating to the defined contribution plan fraction for a participant on 
whose behalf a section 403(b) annuity contract has been purchased.
    (5) Examples. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated 
by the following examples:

    Example (1). A is employed by a hospital which is described in 
section 501(c)(3) and exempt from tax under section 501(a). The hospital 
purchases an annuity contract described in section 403(b) on A's behalf 
for the current limitation year. The hospital also maintains a qualified 
defined benefit plan during the current limitation year in which A is a 
participant, but it does not maintain a qualified defined contribution 
plan during that limitation year. With respect to the annuity contract. 
A does not elect to have the provisions of section 415(c)(4)(C) apply 
for the current limitation year. Also, A is not in control of any 
employer within the meaning of section 414 (b) or (c), as modified by 
section 415(h). For purposes of section 415, under subparagraph (1) of 
this paragraph, A is considered to have exclusive control of the annuity 
contract. Therefore, because A (and not the hospital) is treated as 
maintaining the annuity contract and because the hospital does not 
maintain any defined contribution plan, the limitations of section 
415(e) and this section are not applicable to A for either the annuity 
contract or the hospital's defined benefit plan for the current 
limitation year.
    Example (2). Assume the same facts as in example (1), except that 
the hospital also maintains a qualified defined contribution plan during 
the limitation year in which A is a participant. Because the hospital is 
not considered to be maintaining the section 403(b) annuity contract, 
contributions made to the annuity contract on behalf of A during the 
current limitation year by the hospital are not taken into account in 
computing the defined contribution plan fraction

[[Page 749]]

applicable to A for the plans maintained by the hospital for that 
limitation year.
    Example (3). Assume the same facts as in example (1), except that A 
has elected to have the provisions of section 415(c)(4)(C) apply to the 
annuity contract for the current limitation year. Under the special 
rules contained in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, the annuity 
contract is treated as a defined contribution plan maintained by the 
hospital as well as a defined contribution plan maintained by A. 
Accordingly, because the hospital is also maintaining a qualified 
defined benefit plan, the limitations of section 415(e) and this section 
are applicable to A for the annuity contract and the defined benefit 
plan maintained by the hospital in the current limitation year.
    Example (4). J is employed by a hospital which is described in 
section 501(c)(3) and exempt from tax under section 501(a). The hospital 
purchases an annuity contract described in section 403(b) on J's behalf 
for the current limitation year. The hospital does not maintain any 
qualified plans during that limitation year. However, for the limitation 
year, J is in control (within the meaning of section 414 (b) or (c), as 
modified by section 415(h)) of employer M. M maintains a qualified 
defined benefit plan during that limitation year. Under the special 
rules contained in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, the annuity 
contract is treated as a defined contribution plan maintained by M (the 
controlled employer) as well as a defined contribution plan maintained 
by J. Therefore, because M is also maintaining a qualified defined 
benefit plan, the limitations of section 415(e) and this section are 
applicable to J for the annuity contract and the defined benefit plan 
maintained by M in the current limitation year.

    (i) Special rules for individual retirement plans. For purposes of 
section 415, an individual on whose behalf an individual retirement plan 
(as described in section 7701(a)(37)) is maintained is considered to 
have exclusive control of such plan. Therefore, the individual is 
treated as maintaining such plan. However, if that individual is in 
control of any employer within the meaning of section 414 (b) or (c), as 
modified by section 415(h), the individual retirement plan for the 
benefit of such individual is treated as a defined contribution plan 
maintained by both the controlled employer and such individual.

[T.D. 7748, 46 FR 1711, Jan. 7, 1981]