[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 5]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.410(a)-2]

[Page 471-472]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.410(a)-2  Effective dates.

    (a) Plans not in existence on January 1, 1974. Under section 1017(a) 
of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, in the case of a 
plan which was not in existence on January 1, 1974, section 410 and the 
regulations thereunder apply for plan years beginning after September 2, 
1974. See paragraph (c) of this section for time plan is considered in 
    (b) Plans in existence on January 1, 1974. Under section 1017(b) of 
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, in the case of a 
plan which was in existence on January 1, 1974, section 410 and the 
regulations thereunder apply for plan years beginning after December 31, 
1975. See paragraph (c) of this section for time plan is considered to 
be in existence.
    (c) Time of plan existence--(1) General rule. For purposes of this 
section, a plan is considered to be in existence on a particular day if-
    (i) The plan on or before that day was reduced to writing and 
adopted by the employer (including, in the case of a corporate employer, 
formal approval by the employer's board of directors and, if required, 
shareholder), even though no amounts had been contributed under the plan 
as of such day, and
    (ii) The plan was not terminated on or before that day.
    (2) Collectively bargained plan. Notwithstanding subparagraph (1) of 
this paragraph, a plan described in section 413(a), relating to a plan 
maintained pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement, is considered 
to be in existance on a particular day if--
    (i) On or before that day there is a legally enforceable agreement 
to establish such a plan signed by the employer, and
    (ii) The employer contributions to be made to the plan are set forth 
in the agreement.
    (3) Special rule. If a plan is considered to be in existence on 
January 1, 1974, under subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, any other 
plan with which such existing plan is merged or consolidated shall also 
be considered to be in existence on such date.
    (d) Certain existing plans may elect new provisions--(1) In general. 
The plan administrator (as defined in section 414(g)) of a plan that was 
in existence on January 1, 1974, may elect to have the provisions of the 
Code relating to participation, vesting, funding, and form of benefit 
(as in effect from time to time) apply to a plan year selected by the 
plan year selected by the plan administrator which begins after 
September 2, 1974, but before the otherwise applicable effective dates 
determined under section 1017 (b) or (c), 1021, or 1024 of the Employee 
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and to all subsequent plan 
years. The provisions referred to are the amendments to the Code made by 
sections 1011, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016(a) (1) through (11) and (13) 
through (27), 1021, and 1022(b) of the Employee Retirement Income 
Security Act of 1974.
    (2) Election is irrevocable. Any election made under this paragraph, 
once made shall be irrevocable.
    (3) Procedure and time for making election. An election under this 
paragraph shall be made by attaching a statement to either the annual 
return required under section 6058(a) (or an amended return) with 
respect to the plan which is filed for the first plan year for which the 
election is effective or to a written request for a determination letter 
relating to the qualification of the plan under section 401(a), 403(a), 
or 405(a) of the Code and, if trusteed, the exempt status under section 
501(a) of the Code of a trust consituting a part of the plan. If the 
election is made with a written request for a determination letter, the 
election may be conditioned upon issuance of a favorable determination 
letter and will become irrevocable upon issuance of such letter. The 
statement shall indicate that the election is made under section 1017(d) 
of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the first 
plan year for which the election is effective.

[[Page 472]]

    (e) Examples. The rules of this section are illustrated by the 
following examples:

    Example (1). A plan is adopted on January 2, 1974, effective as of 
Janurary 1, 1974. The plan is not considered to have been in existence 
on Janurary 1, 1974.
    Example (2). A plan was in existence on January 1, 1974, and was 
amended on November 1, 1974, to increase benefits. The fact that the 
plan was amended is not relevant and the amended plan is considered to 
be in existence on January 1, 1974.
    Example (3). (i) A subsidiary business corporation is a member of a 
controlled group of corporations within the meaning of IRC section 
1563(a). On November 1, 1974, the plan of the parent corporation is 
amended to provide coverage for employees of the subsidiary corporation. 
This amendment of the parent corporation's plan does not affect the 
effective date of section 410 with respect to the parent corporation's 
plan. No distinction is made for this purpose between employees of the 
parent corporation and employees of the subsidiary corporation.
    (ii) If the subsidiary adopted a separate plan on November 1, 1974, 
under paragraph (a) of this section, section 410 would apply to that 
plan for its first plan year beginning after September 2, 1974. However, 
the adoption of a different plan by the subsidiary would not affect the 
time section 410 applies to the plan of the parent corporation. If, 
instead of adopting its own separate plan, the subsidiary merely 
executed an adoption agreement under the terms of the parent plan 
providing that a subsidiary, upon the execution of an adoption 
agreement, will become part of the parent plan, the effective date of 
section 410 with respect to such plan will not be affected by the 
adoption of the plan by the subsidiary.

(Sec. 410 (88 Stat. 898; 26 U.S.C. 410))

[T.D. 7508, 42 FR 47194, Sept. 20, 1977]