[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 9]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.904-5]

[Page 674-691]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1--INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.904-5  Look-through rules as applied to controlled foreign corporations and other entities.

    (a) Definitions. For purposes of section 904(d)(3) and the 
regulations under section 904, the following definitions apply:
    (1) The term separate category means, as the context requires, any 
category of income described in section 904(d)(1) (A), (B), (C), (D), 
(E), (F), (G), (H), or (I) and in Sec. 1.904-4 (b), (d), (e), (f), and 
(g), or any category of earnings and profits to which income described 
in such provisions is attributable.
    (2) The term controlled foreign corporation has the meaning given 
such term by section 957 (taking into account the special rule for 
certain captive insurance companies contained in section 953(c)).
    (3) The term United States shareholder has the meaning given such 
term by section 951(b) (taking into account the special rule for certain 
captive insurance companies contained in section 953(c)), except that 
for purposes of this section, a United States shareholder shall include 
any member of the controlled group of the United States shareholder. For 
this purpose the controlled group is any member of the affiliated group 
within the meaning of section 1504(a)(1) except that ``more than 50 
percent'' shall be substituted for ``at least 80 percent'' wherever it 
appears in section 1504(a)(2). For taxable years beginning before 
January 1, 2001, the preceding sentence shall be applied by substituting 
``50 percent'' for ``more than 50 percent''.
    (b) In general. Except as otherwise provided in section 904(d) 
(2)(E) and (3) and this section, dividends, interest, rents, and 
royalties received or accrued by a taxpayer from a controlled foreign 
corporation in which the taxpayer is a United States shareholder shall 
be treated as general limitation income.
    (c) Rules for specific types of inclusions and payments--(1) Subpart 
F inclusions--(i) Rule. Any amount included in gross income under 
section 951(a)(1)(A) shall be treated as income in a separate category 
to the extent the amount so included is attributable to income received 
or accrued by the controlled foreign corporation that is described as 
income in such category. For purposes of this Sec. 1.904-5, income shall 
be characterized under the rules of Sec. 1.904-4 prior to the 
application of the rules of paragraph (c) of this section. For rules 
concerning inclusions under section 951(a)(1)(B), see paragraph 
(c)(4)(i) of this section.
    (ii) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
this paragraph (c)(1):

    Example 1. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. S earns $200 of net income, $85 
of which is foreign base company shipping income, $15 of which is 
foreign personal holding company income, and $100 of which is non-
subpart F general limitation income. No foreign tax is imposed on the 
income. One hundred dollars ($100) of S's income is subpart F income 
taxed currently to P under section 951(a)(1)(A). Because $85 of the 
subpart F inclusion is attributable to shipping income of S, $85 of the 
subpart F inclusion is shipping income to P. Because $15 of the subpart 
F inclusion is attributable to passive income of S, $15 of the subpart F 
inclusion is passive income to P.
    Example 2. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of domestic corporation P. S is a financial services entity. 
P manufactures cars and is not a financial services entity. In 1987, S 
earns $200 of interest income unrelated to its banking business and $900 
of interest income related to its banking business. Assume that S pays 
no foreign taxes and has no expenses. All of S's income is included in 
P's gross income as foreign personal holding company income. Because S 
is a financial services entity, income that would otherwise be passive 
income is considered to be financial services income. P, therefore, 
treats the entire subpart F inclusion as financial services income.
    Example 3. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of domestic corporation P. P is a financial services entity. 
S manufactures cars and is not a financial services entity. In 1987, S 
earns $200 of passive income that is subpart F income and $900 of 
general limitation non-subpart F income. Assume that S pays no foreign 
taxes on its passive earnings and has no expenses. P includes the $200 
of subpart F income in

[[Page 675]]

gross income. Because P is a financial services entity, the inclusion 
will be financial services income to P.
    Example 4. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of domestic corporation P. Neither P nor S is a financial 
services entity. Controlled foreign corporation T is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of controlled foreign corporation S. T is a financial 
services entity. In 1991, T pays a dividend to S. For purposes of 
determining whether S is a financial services entity under Sec. 1.904-
4(e)(3)(i), the dividend from T is ignored. For purposes of 
characterizing the dividend in S's hands under the look-through rules of 
paragraph (c)(4) of this section, however, the dividend retains its 
character as financial services income. Similarly, any subpart F 
inclusion or dividend to P out of the earnings and profits attributable 
to the dividend from S is excluded in determining whether P is a 
financial services entity under Sec. 1.904-4(e)(3)(i), but retains its 
character in P's hands as financial services income under paragraph 
(c)(4) of this section.
    Example 5. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of domestic corporation P. S owns 40 percent of foreign 
corporation A, 45 percent of foreign corporation B, 30 percent of 
foreign corporation C and 20 percent of foreign corporation D. A, B, C, 
and D are noncontrolled section 902 corporations. In 1987, S's only 
income is a $100 dividend from each foreign corporation. Assume that S 
pays no foreign taxes and has no expenses. All $400 of the income is 
foreign personal holding company income and is included in P's gross 
income. P must include $100 in its separate limitation for dividends 
from A, $100 in its separate limitation for dividends from B, $100 in 
its separate limitation for dividends from C, and $100 in its separate 
limitation for dividends from D.

    (2) Interest--(i) In general. For purposes of this paragraph, 
related person interest is any interest paid or accrued by a controlled 
foreign corporation to any United States shareholder in that corporation 
(or to any other related person) to which the look-through rules of 
section 904(d)(3) and this section apply. Unrelated person interest is 
all interest other than related person interest. Related person interest 
shall be treated as income in a separate category to the extent it is 
allocable to income of the controlled foreign corporation in that 
category. If related person interest is received or accrued from a 
controlled foreign corporation by two or more persons, the amount of 
interest received or accrued by each person that is allocable to any 
separate category of income shall be determined by multiplying the 
amount of related person interest allocable to that separate category of 
income by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the amount of 
related person interest received or accrued by that person and the 
denominator is the total amount of related person interest paid or 
accrued by the controlled foreign corporation.
    (ii) Allocating and apportioning expenses including interest paid to 
a related person. Related person interest and other expenses of a 
controlled foreign corporation shall be allocated and apportioned in the 
following manner:
    (A) Gross income in each separate category shall be determined;
    (B) Any expenses that are definitely related to less than all of 
gross income as a class, including unrelated person interest that is 
directly allocated to income from a specific property, shall be 
allocated and apportioned under the principles of Secs. 1.861-8 or 
1.861-10T, as applicable, to income in each separate category;
    (C) Related person interest shall be allocated to and shall reduce 
(but not below zero) the amount of passive foreign personal holding 
company income as determined after the application of paragraph 
(c)(2)(ii)(B) of this section;
    (D) To the extent that related person interest exceeds passive 
foreign personal holding company income as determined after the 
application of paragraphs (c)(2)(ii) (B) and (C) of this section, the 
related person interest shall be apportioned under the rules of this 
paragraph to separate categories other than passive income.
    (1) If under Sec. 1.861-9T, the modified gross income method of 
apportioning interest expense is elected, related person interest shall 
be apportioned as follows:

[[Page 676]]


    (2) If under Sec. 1.861-9T, the asset method of apportioning 
interest expense is elected, related person interest shall be 
apportioned according to the following formula:

    (E) Any other expenses (including unrelated person interest that is 
not directly allocated to income from a specific property) that are not 
definitely related expenses or that are definitely related to all of 
gross income as a class shall be apportioned under the rules of this 
paragraph to reduce income in each separate category.
    (1) If under Sec. 1.861-9T, the modified gross income method of 
apportioning interest expense is elected, the interest expense shall be 
apportioned as follows:

    (2) If under Sec. 1.861-9T, the asset method of apportioning 
interest expense is elected, then the expense shall be apportioned as 

    (3) Expenses other than interest shall be apportioned in a similar 
manner depending on the apportionment method used. See Sec. 1.861-
8T(c)(1) (i)-(vi).

[[Page 677]]

    (iii) Definitions--(A) Value of assets and reduction in value of 
assets and gross income. For purposes of paragraph (c)(2)(ii) (D) and 
(E) of this section, the value of total assets is the value of assets in 
all categories (determined under the principles of Sec. 1.861-9T(g)). 
See Sec. 1.861-10T(d)(2) to determine the reduction in value of assets 
and gross income for purposes of apportioning additional third person 
interest expense that is not directly allocated when some interest 
expense has been directly allocated. For purposes of this paragraph and 
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, any reduction in the value of 
assets for indebtedness that relates to interest allocated under 
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section is made before determining the 
average of asset values. For rules relating to the averaging of reduced 
asset values see Sec. 1.861-9T(g)(2).
    (B) Related person debt allocated to passive assets. For purposes of 
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, related person debt allocated 
to passive assets is determined as follows:

For this purpose, the term total related person debt means the sum of 
the principal amounts of obligations of a controlled foreign corporation 
owed to any United States shareholder of such corporation or to any 
related entity (within the meaning of paragraph (g) of this section) 
determined at the end of the taxable year.
    (iv) Examples. The following examples illustrate the operation of 
this paragraph (c)(2).

    Example 1. (i) Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 1987, S earns $200 of 
foreign personal holding company income that is passive income. S also 
earns $100 of foreign base company sales income that is general 
limitation income. S has $2000 of passive assets and $2000 of general 
limitation assets. In 1987, S makes a $150 interest payment to P with 
respect to a $1500 loan from P. S also pays $100 of interest to an 
unrelated person on a $1000 loan from that person. S has no other 
expenses. S uses the asset method to apportion interest expense.
    (ii) Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, the $150 related 
person interest payment is allocable to S's passive foreign personal 
holding company income. Therefore, the $150 interest payment is passive 
income to P. Because the entire related person interest payment is 
allocated to passive income under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this 
section, none of the related person interest payment is apportioned to 
general limitation income under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(D) of this section. 
Under paragraph (c)(2)(iii)(B) of this section, the entire amount of the 
related person debt is allocable to passive assets ($1500=$1500x$150/
$150). Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, $20 of interest 
expense paid to an unrelated person is apportioned to passive income 
($20=$100x($2000-$1500)/($4000-$1500)). Eighty dollars ($80) of the 
interest expense paid to an unrelated person is apportioned to general 
limitation income ($80=$100x$2000/($4000-$1500)).
    Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that S 
uses the gross income method to apportion interest expense. Under 
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, the unrelated person interest 
expense would be apportioned on a gross income method. Therefore, $33 of 
interest expense paid to unrelated persons would be apportioned to 
passive income ($33=$100x($200-$150)/($300-$150) and $67 of interest 
expense paid to unrelated persons would be apportioned to general 
limitation income ($67=$100x$100/($300-$150).
    Example 3. (i) The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that S 
has an additional $50 of third person interest expense that is directly 
allocated to income from a specific property that produces only passive 
income. The principal amount of indebtedness to which the interest 
relates is $500. S also has $50 of additional non-interest expenses that 
are not definitely related expenses and that are apportioned on an asset 
    (ii) Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(B) of this section, the $50 of 
directly allocated third person interest is first allocated to reduce 
the passive income of S. Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, 
the $150 of related

[[Page 678]]

person interest is allocated to the remaining $150 of passive income. 
Under paragraph (c)(2)(iii)(B) of this section, all of the related 
person debt is allocated to passive assets. ($1500=$1500x$150/$150).
    (iii) Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, the non-
interest expenses that are not definitely related are apportioned on the 
basis of the asset values reduced by the allocated related person debt. 
Therefore, $10 of these expenses are apportioned to the passive category 
($50x($2000-$1500)/($4000-$1500)) and $40 are apportioned to the general 
limitation category ($50x$2000/($4000-$1500)).
    (iv) In order to apportion third person interest between the 
categories of assets, the value of assets in a separate category must 
also be reduced under the principles of Sec. 1.861-8 by the indebtedness 
relating to the specifically allocated interest. Therefore, under 
paragraph (c)(2)(iii)(B) of this section, the value of assets in the 
passive category for purposes of apportioning the additional third 
person interest=0 ($2000 minus $500 (the principal amount of the debt, 
the interest payment on which is directly allocated to specific interest 
producing properties) minus $1500 (the related person debt allocated to 
passive assets)). Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, all 
$100 of the non-definitely related third person interest is apportioned 
to the general limitation category ($100=$100x$2000/($4000-$500-$1500)).
    Example 4. (i) Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 1987, S earns $100 of 
foreign personal holding company income that is passive income. S also 
earns $100 of foreign base company sales income that is general 
limitation income. S has $1000 of general limitation assets and $1000 of 
passive assets. In 1987, S makes a $150 interest payment to P on a $1500 
loan from P and has $20 of general and administrative expenses (G & A) 
that under the principles of Secs. 1.861-8 through 1.861-14T is treated 
as directly allocable to all of P's gross income. S also makes a $25 
interest payment to an unrelated person on a $250 loan from the 
unrelated person. S has no other expenses. S uses the asset method to 
apportion interest expense. S uses the gross income method to apportion 
G & A.
    (ii) Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, $100 of the 
interest payment to P is allocable to S's passive foreign personal 
holding company income. Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(D) of this section, 
the additional $50 of related person interest expense is apportioned to 
general limitation income ($50=$50x$1000/$1000). Under paragraph 
(c)(2)(iii)(B) of this section, related person debt allocated to passive 
assets equals $1000 ($1000=$1500x$100/$150).
    (iii) Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, none of the $25 
of interest expense paid to an unrelated person is apportioned to 
passive income ($0=$25x($1000-$1000)/($2000-$1000). Twenty-five dollars 
($25) of the interest expense paid to an unrelated person is apportioned 
to general limitation income ($25=$25x$1000/($2000-$1000). Under 
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, none of the G & A is allocable 
to S's passive foreign personal holding company income ($0=$20x($100-
$100)/($200-$100). All $20 of the G & A is apportioned to S's general 
limitation income ($20=$20x$100/($200-$100).
    Example 5. The facts are the same as in Example 4, except that S 
uses the gross income method to apportion interest expense. As in 
Example 4, $100 of the interest payment to P is allocate to passive 
income under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section. Under paragraph 
(c)(2)(ii)(D) of this section, the additional $50 of related person 
interest expense is apportioned to general limitation income ($150-
100x$100/$100). Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, none of 
the unrelated person interest expense and none of the G & A is 
apportioned to passive income, because after the application of 
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, no passive income remains in 
the passive income category.
    Example 6. Controlled foreign corporation T is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of S, a controlled foreign corporation. S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. S is not a financial services 
entity. S and T are incorporated in the same country. In 1987, P sells 
tractors to T, which T sells to X, a foreign corporation that is related 
to both S and T and is organized in the same country as S and T. S makes 
a loan to X to finance the tractor sales. Assume that the interest 
earned by S from financing the sales is export financing interest that 
is neither related person factoring income nor foreign personal holding 
company income. The export financing interest earned by S is, therefore, 
general limitation income. S earns no other income. S makes a $100 
interest payment to P. The $100 of interest paid is allocable under the 
look-through rules of paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section to the 
general limitation income earned by S and is therefore general 
limitation income to P.

    (3) Rents and Royalties. Any rents or royalties received or accrued 
from a controlled foreign corporation in which the taxpayer is a United 
States shareholder shall be treated as income in a separate category to 
the extent they are allocable to income of the controlled foreign 
corporation in that category under the principles of Secs. 1.861-8 
through 1.861-14T.
    (4) Dividends--(i) Look-through rule. Any dividend paid or accrued 
out of the earnings and profits of any controlled foreign corporation, 
shall be treated as

[[Page 679]]

income in a separate category in proportion to the ratio of the portion 
of earnings and profits attributable to income in such category to the 
total amount of earnings and profits of the controlled foreign 
corporation. For purposes of this paragraph, the term ``dividend'' 
includes any amount included in gross income under section 951(a)(1)(B) 
as a pro rata share of a controlled foreign corporation's increase in 
earnings invested in United States property.
    (ii) Special rule for dividends attributable to certain loans. If a 
dividend is distributed to a taxpayer by a controlled foreign 
corporation, that controlled foreign corporation is the recipient of 
loan proceeds from a related look-through entity (within the meaning of 
Sec. 1.904-5(i)), and the purpose of such loan is to alter the 
characterization of the dividend for purposes of this section, then, to 
the extent of the principal amount of the loan, the dividend shall be 
characterized with respect to the earnings and profits of the related 
person lender rather than with respect to the earnings and profits of 
the dividend payor. A loan will not be considered made for the purpose 
of altering the characterization of a dividend if the loan would have 
been made or maintained on substantially the same terms irrespective of 
the dividend. The determination of whether a loan would have been made 
or maintained on substantially the same terms irrespective of the 
dividend will be made taking into account all the facts and 
circumstances of the relationship between the lender and the borrower. 
Thus, for example, a loan by a related party lender to a controlled 
foreign corporation that arises from the sale of inventory in the 
ordinary course of business will not be considered a loan made for the 
purpose of altering the character of any dividend paid by the borrower.
    (iii) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
this paragraph (c)(4).

    Example 1. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 1987, S has earnings and 
profits of $1,000, $600 of which is attributable to general limitation 
income and $400 of which is attributable to dividends received by S from 
its wholly-owned subsidiary, T. T is a controlled foreign corporation 
and is incorporated and operates in the same country as S. All of T's 
income is financial services income. Neither S's general limitation 
income nor the dividend from T is subpart F income. In December 1987, S 
pays a dividend to P of $200, all of which is attributable to earnings 
and profits earned in 1987. Six-tenths of the dividend ($120) is treated 
as general limitation income because six-tenths of S's earnings and 
profits are attributable to general limitation income. Four-tenths of 
the dividend ($80) is treated as financial services income because four-
tenths of S's earnings and profits are attributable to dividends from T, 
and all of T's earnings are financial services income.
    Example 2. A, a United States person, has been the sole shareholder 
in controlled foreign corporation X since its organization on January 1, 
1963. Both X and A are calendar year taxpayers. X's earnings and profits 
for 1963 through the end of 1987 totaled $3,000. A sells his stock in X 
at the end of 1987 and realizes a gain of $4,000. Of the total $4,000 
gain, $3,000 (A's share of the post-1962 earnings and profits) is 
includible in A's gross income as a dividend and is subject to the look-
through rules including the transition rule of Sec. 1.904-7(a) with 
respect to the portion of the distribution out of pre-87 earnings and 
profits. The remaining $1,000 of the gain is includible as gain from the 
sale or exchange of the X stock and is passive income to A.

    (d) Effect of exclusions from subpart F income--(1) De minimis 
amount of subpart F income. If the sum of a controlled foreign 
corporation's gross foreign base company income (determined under 
section 954(a) without regard to section 954(b)(5)) and gross insurance 
income (determined under section 953(a)) for the taxable year is less 
than the lesser of 5 percent of gross income or $1,000,000, then all of 
that income (other than income that would be financial services income 
without regard to this paragraph (d)(1)) shall be treated as general 
limitation income. In addition, if the test in the preceding sentence is 
satisfied, for purposes of paragraphs (c)(2)(ii) (D) and (E) of this 
section (apportionment of interest expense to passive income using the 
asset method), any passive limitation assets shall be treated as general 
limitation assets. The determination in the first sentence shall be made 
prior to the application of the exception for certain income subject to 
a high rate of foreign tax described in paragraph (d)(2) of this 

[[Page 680]]

    (2) Exception for certain income subject to high foreign tax. Except 
as provided in Sec. 1.904-4(c)(7)(iii) (relating to reductions in tax 
upon distribution), for purposes of the dividend look-through rule of 
paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, an item of net income that would 
otherwise be passive income (after application of the priority rules of 
Sec. 1.904-4(l)) and that is received or accrued by a controlled foreign 
corporation shall be treated as general limitation income, and the 
earnings and profits attributable to such income shall be treated as 
general limitation earnings and profits, if the taxpayer establishes to 
the satisfaction of the Secretary that such income was subject to an 
effective rate of income tax imposed by a foreign country greater than 
90 percent of the maximum rate of tax specified in section 11 (with 
reference to section 15, if applicable). The preceding sentence has no 
effect on amounts (other than dividends) paid or accrued by a controlled 
foreign corporation to a United States shareholder of such controlled 
foreign corporation to the extent those amounts are allocable to passive 
income of the controlled foreign corporation.
    (3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
this paragraph.

    Example 1. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 1987, S earns $100 of gross 
income, $4 of which is interest that is subpart F foreign personal 
holding company income and $96 of which is gross manufacturing income 
that is not subpart F income. S has no other earnings for 1987. S has no 
expenses and pays no foreign taxes. S pays P a $100 dividend. Under the 
de minimis rule of section 954(b)(3), none of S's income is treated as 
foreign base company income. All of S's income, therefore, is treated as 
general limitation income. The entire $100 dividend is general 
limitation income to P.
    Example 2. (i) Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 1987, S earns $50 of 
shipping income of a type that is foreign base company shipping income. 
S also earns $50 of dividends from T, a foreign corporation in which S 
owns 45 percent of the voting stock, and receives $50 of dividends from 
U, a foreign corporation in which S owns 5% of the voting stock. Foreign 
persons hold the remaining voting stock of both T and U. S, T, and U are 
all incorporated in different foreign countries. The dividends S 
receives from T and U are of a type that normally would be subpart F 
foreign personal holding company income that is passive income. Under 
Sec. 1.904-4(l)(1)(iv), however, the dividends from T are dividends from 
a noncontrolled section 902 corporation rather than passive income. S 
has no expenses. The earnings and profits of S are equal to the net 
income after taxes of S. The dividends and the shipping income are taxed 
abroad by S's country of incorporation at an effective rate of 40 
percent. P establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the 
effective rate of tax on both the dividends and the shipping income 
exceeds 90 percent of the maximum United States tax rate. Thus, under 
section 954(b)(4), neither the shipping income nor the dividends are 
taxed currently to P under subpart F. S's earnings attributable to 
shipping income and dividends from a noncontrolled section 902 
corporation retain their character as such. Under paragraph (d)(2) of 
this section, S's earnings attributable to the dividends from U are 
treated as earnings attributable to general limitation income. See 
Secs. 1.905-3T and 1.905-4T, however, for rules concerning adjustments 
to the pools of earnings and profits and foreign taxes and 
redeterminations of United States tax liability when foreign taxes are 
refunded in a later year.
    (ii) In 1988, S has no earnings and pays a $150 dividend (including 
gross-up) to P. The dividend is paid out of S's post-1986 pool of 
earnings and profits. One-third of the dividend ($50) is attributable to 
S's shipping earnings, one-third ($50) is attributable to the dividend 
from T, and one-third ($50) is attributable to the dividend from U. 
Pursuant to section 904(d)(3)(E) and paragraph (c)(4) of this section, 
one-third of the dividend is shipping income, one-third is a dividend 
from a noncontrolled section 902 corporation, T, and one-third is 
general limitation income to P.

    (e) Treatment of subpart F income in excess of 70 percent of gross 
income--(1) Rule. If the sum of a controlled foreign corporation's gross 
foreign base company income (determined without regard to section 
954(b)(5)) and gross insurance income for the taxable year exceeds 70 
percent of the gross income, then all of the controlled foreign 
corporation's gross income shall be treated as foreign base company 
income (whichever is appropriate) and, thus, included in a United States 
shareholder's gross income. However, the inclusion in gross income of an 
amount that would not otherwise be subpart F income does not affect its 
character for purposes of determining whether the income is within a 
separate category.

[[Page 681]]

The determination of whether the controlled foreign corporation's gross 
foreign base company income and gross insurance income exceeds 70 
percent of gross income is made before the exception for certain income 
subject to a high rate of foreign tax.
    (2) Example. The following example illustrates the application of 
this paragraph.

    Example. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. S earns $100, $75 of which is 
foreign personal holding company income and $25 of which is non-subpart 
F services income. S is not a financial services entity. S's gross and 
net income are equal. Under the 70 percent full inclusion rule of 
section 954(b)(3)(B), the entire $100 is foreign base company income 
currently taxable to P under section 951. Because $75 of the $100 
section 951 inclusion is attributable to S's passive income, $75 of the 
inclusion is passive income to P. The remaining $25 of the inclusion is 
treated as general limitation income to P because $25 is attributable to 
S's general limitation income.

    (f) Modification of look-through rules for certain income--(1) High 
withholding tax interest. If a taxpayer receives or accrues interest 
from a controlled foreign corporation that is a financial services 
entity, and the interest would be described as high withholding tax 
interest if section 904(d)(3) and paragraph (c)(2) of this section (the 
look-through rules for interest) did not apply, then the interest shall 
be treated as high withholding tax interest to the extent that the 
interest is allocable under section 904(d)(3) and paragraph (c)(2)(i) of 
this section to financial services income of the controlled foreign 
corporation. See section 904(d)(3)(H). The amount treated as high-
withholding tax interest under this paragraph (f)(1) shall not exceed 
the interest, or equivalent income, of the payor that would be taken 
into account in determining the financial services income of the payor 
if the look-through rules applied.
    (2) Dividends from a noncontrolled section 902 corporation. (i) 
Rule. If a United States shareholder that is a corporation receives or 
accrues income from a controlled foreign corporation that is 
attributable to dividends from a noncontrolled section 902 corporation, 
such income shall be subject to a separate limitation for such dividends 
except as provided in Sec. 1.904-4(g)(2)(ii) (relating to dividends from 
a foreign corporation with respect to which the United States 
shareholder does not meet the stock ownership requirements of section 
    (ii) Example. The following example illustrates the provisions of 
this paragraph (f)(2).

    Example. P, a domestic corporation, owns 40 percent of S, a 
controlled foreign corporation. U, an unrelated domestic corporation, 
owns the remaining 60 percent of S. S owns 10 percent of T, a 
noncontrolled section 902 corporation. In 1990, T pays S a dividend, 
which S includes in its gross income as a dividend from a noncontrolled 
section 902 corporation. S has no other income during 1990. P and U must 
include S's dividend income from T in their gross income under subpart 
F. Pursuant to Sec. 1.904-4(g)(2)(ii)(C), the subpart F inclusion to U 
is characterized as a dividend from a noncontrolled section 902 
corporation because U meets the 5 percent ownership requirement of 
section 902(b) (60%x10%=6%). The subpart F inclusion to P is 
characterized as passive income because P does not meet the 5 percent 
ownership requirement of section 902(b) (40%x10%=4%).

    (3) Distributions from a FSC. Income received or accrued by a 
taxpayer that, under the rules of paragraph (c)(4) of this section 
(look-through rules for dividends), would be treated as foreign trade 
income or as passive income that is interest and carrying charges (as 
defined in section 927(d)(1)), and that is also a distribution from a 
FSC (or a former FSC), shall be treated as a distribution from a FSC (or 
a former FSC).
    (4) Example. The following example illustrates the operation of 
paragraph (f)(1) of this section.

    Example. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. S is a financial services 
entity. In 1988, S earns $80 of interest that meets the definition of 
financial services income and $20 of high withholding tax interest. S 
makes a $100 interest payment to P. The interest payment to P is subject 
to a withholding tax of 15 percent. Twenty dollars ($20) of the interest 
payment to P is considered to be high withholding tax interest because, 
under section 904(d)(3), it is allocable to the high withholding tax 
interest earned by S. The remaining eighty dollars ($80) of the interest 
payment is also treated as high withholding tax interest to P because, 
under paragraph (f)(1) of this section, interest that is subject to a 
high withholding tax but

[[Page 682]]

would not be considered to be high withholding tax interest under the 
look-through rules of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, shall be treated 
as high withholding tax interest to the extent that the interest would 
have been treated as financial services interest income under the look-
through rules of paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section.

    (g) Application of look-through rules to certain domestic 
corporations. The principles of section 904(d)(3) and this section shall 
apply to any foreign source interest, rents and royalties paid by a 
United States corporation to a related corporation. For this purpose, a 
United States corporation and another corporation are considered to be 
related if one owns, directly or indirectly, stock possessing more than 
50 percent of the total voting power of all classes of stock of the 
other corporation or more than 50 percent of the total value of the 
other corporation. In addition, a United States corporation and another 
corporation shall be considered to be related if the same United States 
shareholders own, directly or indirectly, stock possessing more than 50 
percent of the total voting power of all classes of stock or more than 
50 percent of the total value of each corporation. For purposes of this 
paragraph, the constructive stock ownership rules of section 318 and the 
regulations under that section apply. For taxable years beginning before 
January 1, 2001, this paragraph (g) shall be applied by substituting 
``50 percent or more'' for ``more than 50 percent'' each place it 
    (h) Application of look-through rules to partnerships and other 
pass-through entities--(1) General rule. Except as provided in paragraph 
(h)(2) of this section, a partner's distributive share of partnership 
income shall be characterized as income in a separate category to the 
extent that the distributive share is a share of income earned or 
accrued by the partnership in such category. Payments to a partner 
described in section 707 (e.g., payments to a partner not acting in 
capacity as a partner) shall be characterized as income in a separate 
category to the extent that the payment is attributable under the 
principles of Sec. 1.861-8 and this section to income earned or accrued 
by the partnership in such category, if the payments are interest, 
rents, or royalties that would be characterized under the look-through 
rules of this section if the partnership were a foreign corporation, and 
the partner who receives the payment owns 10 percent or more of the 
value of the partnership. A payment by a partnership to a member of the 
controlled group (as defined in paragraph (a)(3) of this section) of the 
partner shall be characterized under the look-through rules of this 
section if the payment would be a section 707 payment entitled to look-
through treatment if it were made to the partner.
    (2) Exception for certain partnership interests--(i) Rule. Except as 
otherwise provided, if any limited partner or corporate general partner 
owns less than 10 percent of the value in a partnership, the partner's 
distributive share of partnership income from the partnership shall be 
passive income to the partner, and the partner's distributive share of 
partnership deductions from the partnership shall be allocated and 
apportioned under the principles of Sec. 1.861-8 only to the partner's 
passive income from that partnership.
    (ii) Exceptions. To the extent a partner's distributive share of 
income from a partnership is a share of high withholding tax interest 
received or accrued by the partnership, that partner's distributive 
share of partnership income will be high withholding tax interest 
regardless of the partner's level of ownership in the partnership. If a 
partnership interest described in paragraph (h)(2)(i) of this section is 
held in the ordinary course of a partner's active trade or business, the 
rules of paragraph (h)(1) of this section shall apply for purposes of 
characterizing the partner's distributive share of the partnership 
income. A partnership interest will be considered to be held in the 
ordinary course of a partner's active trade or business if the partner 
(or a member of the partner's affiliated group of corporations (within 
the meaning of section 1504(a) and without regard to section 
1504(b)(3))) engages (other than through a less than 10 percent interest 
in a partnership) in the same or related trade or business as the 
    (3) Income from the sale of a partnership interest. To the extent a 

[[Page 683]]

recognizes gain on the sale of a partnership interest, that income shall 
be treated as passive income to the partner, unless the income is 
considered to be high-taxed under section 904(d)(2)(A)(iii)(III) and 
Sec. 1.904-4(c).
    (4) Value of a partnership interest. For purposes of paragraphs (i), 
(h)(1), and (h)(2) of this section, a partner will be considered as 
owning 10 percent of the value of a partnership for a particular year if 
the partner has 10 percent of the capital and profits interest of the 
partnership. Similarly, a partnership (first partnership) is considered 
as owning 50 percent of the value of another partnership (second 
partnership) if the first partnership owns 50 percent of the capital and 
profits interests of another partnership. For this purpose, value will 
be determined at the end of the partnership's taxable year. Similarly, a 
partnership (first partnership) is considered as owning more than 50 
percent of the value of another partnership (second partnership) if the 
first partnership owns more than 50 percent of the capital and profits 
interests of the second partnership. For this purpose, value will be 
determined at the end of the partnership's taxable year. For taxable 
years beginning before January 1, 2001, the second preceding sentence 
shall be applied by substituting ``50 percent'' for ``more than 50 
    (i) Application of look-through rules to related entities--(1) In 
General. Except as provided in paragraphs (i) (2) and (3) of this 
section, the principles of this section shall apply to distributions and 
payments that are subject to the look-through rules of section 904(d)(3) 
and this section from a controlled foreign corporation or other entity 
otherwise entitled to look-through treatment (a ``look-through entity'') 
under this section to a related 1ookthrough entity. Two look-through 
entities shall be considered to be related to each other if one owns, 
directly or indirectly, stock possessing more than 50 percent of the 
total voting power of all classes of voting stock of the other entity or 
more than 50 percent of the total value of such entity. In addition, two 
look-through entities are related if the same United States shareholders 
own, directly or indirectly, stock possessing more than 50 percent of 
the total voting power of all voting classes of stock (in the case of a 
corporation) or more than 50 percent of the total value of each look-
through entity. In the case of a corporation, value shall be determined 
by taking into account all classes of stock. In the case of a 
partnership, value shall be determined under the rules in paragraph 
(h)(4) of this section. For purposes of this section, indirect ownership 
shall be determined under section 31B and the regulations thereunder. 
For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2001, the third sentence 
of this paragraph (i)(1) shall be applied by substituting ``50 percent 
or more'' for ``more than 50 percent'' each place it appears.
    (2) Exception for distributive shares of partnership income. In the 
case of tiered partnership arrangements, a distributive share of 
partnership income will be characterized under the look-through rules of 
section 904(d)(3) and this section if the partner meets the requirements 
of paragraph (h)(1) of this section with respect to the partnership 
(first partnership), whether or not the income is received through 
another partnership or partnerships (second partnership) and whether or 
not the first partnership and the second partnership are considered to 
be related under the rules of paragraph (i)(1) of this section.
    (3) Special rule for dividends. Solely for purposes of dividend 
payments between controlled foreign corporations in taxable years 
beginning after December 31, 2000, two controlled foreign corporations 
shall be considered related look-through entities if the same United 
States shareholder owns, directly or indirectly, at least 10 percent of 
the total voting power of all classes of stock of each foreign 
corporation. Taxpayers may choose to apply this paragraph (i)(3) in 
taxable years beginning after December 31, 1991, provided that 
appropriate adjustments are made to eliminate any double benefit arising 
from the application of this paragraph (i)(3) to taxable years that are 
not open for assessment.
    (4) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
this paragraph (i):

[[Page 684]]

    Example 1. P, a domestic corporation, owns all of the stock of S, a 
controlled foreign corporation. S owns 40 percent of the stock of T, a 
Country X corporation that is a controlled foreign corporation. The 
remaining 60 percent of the stock of T is owned by V, a domestic 
corporation. The percentages of value and voting power of T owned by S 
and V correspond to their percentages of stock ownership. T owns 40 
percent (by vote and value) of the stock of U, a Country Z corporation 
that is a controlled foreign corporation. The remaining 60 percent of U 
is owned by unrelated U.S. persons. U earns exclusively general 
limitation non-subpart F income. In 2001, U makes an interest payment of 
$100 to T. Look-through principles do not apply because T and U are not 
related look-through entities under paragraph (i)(1) of this section 
(because T does not own more than 50 percent of the voting power or 
value of U). The interest is passive income to T, and is subpart F 
income to P and V. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, look-through 
principles determine P and V's characterization of the subpart F 
inclusion from T. P and V therefore must characterize the inclusion as 
passive income.

    Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that 
instead of a $100 interest payment, U pays a $50 dividend to T in 2001. 
P and V each own, directly or indirectly, more than 10 percent of the 
voting power of all classes of stock of both T and U. Pursuant to 
paragraph (i)(3) of this section, for purposes of applying this section 
to the dividend from U to T, U and T are treated as related look-through 
entities. Therefore, look-through principles apply to characterize the 
dividend income as general limitation income to T. The dividend is 
subpart F income of T that is taxable to P and V. The subpart F 
inclusions of P and V are also subject to look-through principles, under 
paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and are characterized as general 
limitation income to P and V because the income is general limitation 
income of T.

    Example 3. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that U 
pays both a $100 interest payment and a $50 dividend to T, and T owns 80 
percent (by vote and value) of U. Under paragraph (i)(1) of this 
section, T and U are related look-through entities, because T owns more 
than 50 percent (by vote and value) of U. Therefore, look-through 
principles apply to both the interest and dividend income paid or 
accrued by U to T, and T treats both types of income as general 
limitation income. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, P and V apply 
look-through principles to the resulting subpart F inclusions, which 
therefore are also general limitation income to P and V.

    (j) Look-through rules applied to passive foreign investment company 
inclusions. If a passive foreign investment company is a controlled 
foreign corporation and the taxpayer is a United States shareholder in 
that passive foreign investment company, any amount included in gross 
income under section 1293 shall be treated as income in a separate 
category to the extent the amount so included is attributable to income 
received or accrued by that controlled foreign corporation that is 
described as income in the separate category. For purposes of this 
paragraph (j), the priority rules of Sec. 1.904-4(l) shall apply prior 
to the application of the rules of this paragraph.
    (k) Ordering rules--(1) In general. Income received or accrued by a 
related person to which the look-through rules apply is characterized 
before amounts included from, or paid or distributed by that person and 
received or accrued by a related person. For purposes of determining the 
character of income received or accrued by a person from a related 
person if the payor or another related person also receives or accrues 
income from the recipient and the look-through rules apply to the income 
in all cases, the rules of paragraph (k)(2) of this section apply.
    (2) Specific rules. For purposes of characterizing income under this 
paragraph, the following types of income are characterized in the order 
    (i) Rents and royalties;
    (ii) Interest;
    (iii) Subpart F inclusions and distributive shares of partnership 
    (iv) Dividend distributions.

If an entity is both a recipient and a payor of income described in any 
one of the categories described in (k)(2) (i) through (iv) of this 
section, the income received will be characterized before the income 
that is paid. In addition, the amount of interest paid or accrued, 
directly or indirectly, by a person to a related person shall be offset 
against and eliminate any interest received or accrued, directly or 
indirectly, by a person from that related person before application of 
the ordering rules of this paragraph. In a case in which a person pays 
or accrues interest to a related

[[Page 685]]

person, and also receives or accrues interest indirectly from the 
related person, the smallest interest payment is eliminated and the 
amount of all other interest payments are reduced by the amount of the 
smallest interest payment.
    (l) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
paragraphs (g), (h), (i), and (k) of this section.

    Example 1. S and T, controlled foreign corporations, are wholly-
owned subsidiaries of P, a domestic corporation. S and T are 
incorporated in two different foreign countries and T is a financial 
services entity. In 1987, S earns $100 of income that is general 
limitation foreign base company sales income. After expenses, including 
a $50 interest payment to T, S's income is subject to foreign tax at an 
effective rate of 40 percent. P elects to exclude S's $50 of net income 
from subpart F under section 954(b)(4). T earns $350 of income that 
consists of $300 of subpart F financial services income and $50 of 
interest received from S. The $50 of interest is foreign personal 
holding company income in T's hands because section 954(c)(3)(A)(i) 
(same country exception for interest payments) does not apply. The $50 
of interest is also general limitation income to T because S and T are 
related look-through entities within the meaning of paragraph (i)(1) of 
this section and, therefore the look-through rules of paragraph 
(c)(2)(i) of this section apply to characterize the interest payment. 
Thus, with respect to T, P includes in its gross income $50 of general 
limitation foreign personal holding company income and $300 of financial 
services income.
    Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example (1) except that 
instead of earning $100 of general limitation foreign base company sales 
income, S earns $100 of foreign personal holding company income that is 
passive income. Although the interest payment to T would otherwise be 
passive income, T is a financial services entity and, under Sec. 1.904-
4(e)(1), the income is treated as financial services income in T's 
hands. Thus, P's entire $350 section 951 inclusion consists of financial 
services income.
    Example 3. P, a domestic corporation, wholly-owns S, a domestic 
corporation that is a 80/20 corporation. In 1987, S's earnings consist 
of $100 of foreign source shipping income and $100 of foreign source 
high withholding tax interest. S makes a $100 foreign source interest 
payment to P. The interest payment to P is subject to the look-through 
rules of paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, and is characterized as 
shipping income and high withholding tax interest to the extent that it 
is allocable to such income in S's hands.
    Example 4. PS is a domestic partnership that is the sole shareholder 
of controlled foreign corporation S. PS has two general partners, A and 
B. A and B each have a greater than 10 percent interest in PS. PS also 
has two limited partners, C and D. C has a 50 percent interest in the 
partnership and D has a 9 percent interest. A, B, C and D are all United 
States persons. In 1987, S has $100 of general limitation non-subpart F 
income on which it pays no foreign tax. S pays a $100 dividend to PS. 
The dividend is the only income of PS. Under the look-through rule of 
paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the dividend to PS is general 
limitation income. Under paragraph (h)(1) of this section, A's, B's, and 
C's distributive shares of PS's income are general limitation income. 
Under paragraph (h)(2) of this section, because D is a limited partner 
with a less than 10 percent interest in PS, D's distributive share of 
PS's income is passive income.
    Example 5. P has a 25 percent interest in partnership PS that he 
sells to X for $110. P's basis in his partnership interest is $35. P 
recognizes $75 of gain on the sale of its partnership interest and is 
subject to no foreign tax. Under paragraph (h)(3) of this section, the 
gain is treated as passive income.
    Example 6. P, a domestic corporation, owns 100 percent of the stock 
of S, a controlled foreign corporation, and S owns 100 percent of the 
stock of T, a controlled foreign corporation. S has $100 of passive 
foreign personal holding company income from unrelated persons and $100 
of general limitation income. S also has $50 of interest income from T. 
S pays T $100 of interest. Under paragraph (k)(2) of this section, the 
$100 interest payment from S to T is reduced for limitation purposes to 
the extent of the $50 interest payment from T to S before application of 
the rules in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section. Therefore, the 
interest payment from T to S is disregarded. S is treated as if it paid 
$50 of interest to T, all of which is allocable to S's passive foreign 
personal holding company income. Therefore the $50 interest payment from 
S to T is passive income.
    Example 7. P, a domestic corporation, owns 100 percent of the stock 
of S, a controlled foreign corporation. S owns 100 percent of the stock 
of T, a controlled foreign corporation and 100 percent of the stock of 
U, a controlled foreign corporation. In 1988, T pays S $5 of interest, S 
pays U $10 of interest and U pays T $20 of interest. Under paragraph 
(k)(2) of this section, the interest payments from S to U must be offset 
by the amount of interest that S is considered as receiving indirectly 
from U and the interest payment from U to T is offset by the amount of 
the interest payment that U is considered as receiving indirectly from 
T. The $l0 payment by S to U is reduced by $5, the amount of the 
interest payment from T to S that is treated as being paid indirectly by 
U to S. Similarly, the $20 interest payment from U to T is reduced by 
$5, the amount of the interest payment from

[[Page 686]]

S to U that is treated as being paid indirectly by T to U. Therefore, 
under paragraph (k)(2) of this section, T is treated as having made no 
interest payment to S, S is treated as having paid $5 of interest to U, 
and U is treated as having paid $15 to T.
    Example 8. (i) P, a domestic corporation, owns 100 percent of the 
stock of S, a controlled foreign corporation, and S owns 100 percent of 
the stock of T, a controlled foreign corporation. In 1987, S earns $100 
of passive foreign personal holding company income and $100 of general 
limitation non-subpart F sales income from unrelated persons and $100 of 
general limitation non-subpart F interest income from a related person, 
W. S pays $150 of interest to T. T earns $200 of general limitation 
sales income from unrelated persons and the $150 interest payment from 
S. T pays S $100 of interest.
    (ii) Under paragraph (k)(2) of this section, the $100 interest 
payment from T to S reduces the $150 interest payment from S to T. S is 
treated as though it paid $50 of interest to T. T is treated as though 
it made no interest payment to S.
    (iii) Under paragraph (k)(2)(ii) of this section, the remaining $50 
interest payment from S to T is then characterized. The interest payment 
is first allocable under the rules of paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this 
section to S's passive income. Therefore, the $50 interest payment to T 
is passive income. The interest income is foreign personal holding 
company income in T's hands. T, therefore, has $50 of subpart F passive 
income and $200 of non-subpart F general limitation income.
    (iv) Under paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this section, subpart F 
inclusions are characterized next. P has a subpart F inclusion with 
respect to S of $50 that is attributable to passive income of S and is 
treated as passive income to P. P has a subpart F inclusion with respect 
to T of $50 that is attributable to passive income of T and is treated 
as passive income to P.
    Example 9. (i) P, a domestic corporation, owns 100 percent of the 
stock of S, a controlled foreign corporation, and S owns 100 percent of 
the stock of T, a controlled foreign corporation. P also owns 100 
percent of the stock of U, a controlled foreign corporation. In 1987, S 
earns $100 of passive foreign personal holding company income and $200 
of non-subpart F general limitation income from unrelated persons. S 
also receives $150 of dividend income from T. S pays $100 of interest to 
T and $100 of interest to U. U earns $300 of non-subpart F general 
limitation income and the $100 of interest received from S. U pays a 
$100 royalty to T. T earns the $100 interest payment received from S and 
the $100 royalty received from U.
    (ii) Under paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this section, the royalty paid by 
U to T is characterized first. Assume that the royalty is directly 
allocable to U's general limitation income. Also assume that the royalty 
is not subpart F income to T. With respect to T, the royalty is general 
limitation income.
    (iii) Under paragraph (k)(2)(ii) of this section, the interest 
payments from S to T and U are characterized next. This characterization 
is done without regard to any dividend income received by S because, 
under paragraph (k)(2) of this section, dividends are characterized 
after interest payments from a related person. The interest payments are 
first allocable to S's passive income under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of 
this section. Therefore, $50 of the interest payment to T is passive and 
$50 of the interest payment to U is passive. The remaining $50 paid to T 
is general limitation income and the remaining $50 paid to U is general 
limitation income. All of the interest payments to T and U are subpart F 
foreign personal holding company income to both recipients.
    (iv) Under paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this section, P has a $100 
subpart F inclusion with respect to T that is characterized next. Fifty 
dollars ($50) of the subpart F inclusion is passive income to P because 
it is attributable to the passive income portion of the interest income 
received by T from S, and $50 of the inclusion is treated as general 
limitation income to P because it is attributable to the general 
limitation portion of the interest income received by T from S. Under 
paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this section, P also has a $100 subpart F 
inclusion with respect to U. Fifty dollars ($50) of the subpart F 
inclusion is passive income to P because it is attributable to the 
passive portion of the interest income received by U from S, and $50 of 
the inclusion is general limitation income to P because it is 
attributable to the general limitation portion of the interest income 
received by U from S.
    (v) Under paragraph (k)(2)(iv) of this section, the $150 
distribution from T to S is characterized next. One-hundred dollars 
($100) of the distribution is out of earnings and profits attributable 
to previously taxed income. Therefore, only $50 is a dividend that is 
subject to the look-through rules of paragraph (d) of this section. The 
$50 dividend is attributable to T's general limitation income and is 
general limitation income to S in its entirety.
    Example 10. (i) P, a domestic corporation, owns 100 percent of the 
stock of S, a controlled foreign corporation, and S owns 100 percent of 
the stock of T, a controlled foreign corporation. P also owns 100 
percent of the stock of U, a controlled foreign corporation. S, T and U 
are all incorporated in the same foreign country. In 1987, S earns $100 
of passive foreign personal holding income and $200 of general 
limitation non-subpart F income from unrelated persons. S pays $100 of 
interest to T and $100 of interest to U. U earns $300 of general 
limitation non-subpart F income and the $100 of interest received

[[Page 687]]

from S. T's only income is the $100 interest payment received from S.
    (ii) Under paragraph (k)(2)(ii) of this section, the interest 
payments from S to T and U are characterized first. The interest 
payments are first allocated under the rule of paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) 
of this section to S's passive income. Therefore, under that provision 
and paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, $50 of the interest payment to 
T is passive income to T and $50 of the interest payment to U is passive 
income to U. The remaining $50 paid to T is general limitation income 
and the remaining $50 paid to U is general limitation income.
    (iii) Under paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this section, any subpart F 
inclusion of P is determined and characterized next. Under paragraph 
(c)(1)(i) of this section, paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(2)(ii) apply not 
only for purposes of determining the separate category of income of S to 
which the interest payments from S to T and U are allocable but also for 
purposes of determining the subpart F income of T and U. Although the 
interest payments from S to T and U are ``same country'' interest 
payments that would otherwise be excludible from T's and U's subpart F 
income under section 954(c)(3)(A)(i), section 954(c)(3)(B) provides that 
the exception for same country payments between related persons shall 
not apply to the extent such payments have reduced the subpart F income 
of the payor. In this case, $50 of the $100 interest payment from S to T 
reduced S's subpart F income and $50 of the $100 interest payment from S 
to U reduced the remaining $50 of S's subpart F income. Therefore, T has 
$50 of subpart F income that is passive income and U has $50 of subpart 
F income that is passive income. P includes $100 of subpart F income in 
gross income that is passive income to P.
    (iv) The remaining $50 of interest paid by S to T and the remaining 
$50 of interest paid by S to U is not subpart F income to T or U because 
it did not reduce S's subpart F income and is therefore eligible for the 
same country exception.
    Example 11. P, a domestic corporation, owns 100 percent of the stock 
of S, a controlled foreign corporation, and S owns 100 percent of the 
stock of T, a controlled foreign corporation. P also owns 100 percent of 
the stock of U, a controlled foreign corporation. In 1991, T earns $100 
of general limitation income that is not subpart F income and 
distributes the entire amount to S as a dividend. S earns $100 of 
passive foreign personal holding company income and the $100 dividend 
from T. S pays $100 of interest to U. U earns $200 of general limitation 
income that is foreign base company income and $100 of interest income 
from S. This transaction does not involve circular payments and, 
therefore, the ordering rules of paragraph (k)(2) of this section do not 
apply. Instead, pursuant to paragraph (k)(1) of this section, income 
received is characterized first. T's earnings and, thus, the dividend 
from T to S are characterized first. S includes the $100 dividend from T 
in gross income as general limitation income because all of T's earnings 
are general limitation income. S thus has $100 of passive foreign 
personal holding company income and $100 of general limitation income. 
The interest payment to U is then characterized as $100 passive income 
under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section (allocation of related 
person interest to passive foreign personal holding company income). For 
1991, U thus has $200 of general limitation income that is subpart F 
income, and $100 of passive foreign personal holding company income. For 
1991, P includes in its gross income $200 of general limitation subpart 
F income from U, $100 of passive subpart F income from U (relating to 
the interest payment from S to U), and $100 of general limitation 
subpart F income from S (relating to the dividend from T to S).

    (m) Application of section 904(g)--(1) In general. For purposes of 
determining the portion of an interest payment that is allocable to 
income earned or accrued by a controlled foreign corporation from 
sources within the United States under section 904(g)(3), the rules in 
paragraph (m)(2) of this section apply. For purposes of determining the 
portion of a dividend paid or accrued (or amount treated as a dividend, 
including amounts described in section 951(a)(1)(B)) by a controlled 
foreign corporation that is treated as from sources within the United 
States under section 904(g)(4), the rules in paragraph (m)(4) of this 
section apply. For purposes of determining the portion of an amount 
included in gross income under section 951(a)(1)(A) that is attributable 
to income of the controlled foreign corporation from sources within the 
United States under section 904(g)(2), the rules in paragraph (m)(5) of 
this section apply. In order to determine whether section 904(g) 
applies, section 904(g)(5) (exception if controlled foreign corporation 
has a de minimis amount of United States source income) shall be applied 
to the total amount of earnings and profits of a controlled foreign 
corporation for a taxable year without regard to the characterization of 
those earnings under section 904(d).
    (2) Treatment of interest payments. If interest is received or 
accrued by a

[[Page 688]]

United States shareholder or a person related to a United States 
shareholder (within the meaning of paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section) 
from a controlled foreign corporation, the interest shall be considered 
to be allocable to income of the controlled foreign corporation from 
sources within the United States for purposes of section 904(d) to the 
extent that the interest is allocable under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of 
this section to passive income that is from sources within the United 
States. If related person interest is less than or equal to passive 
income, the related person interest will be allocable to United States 
source passive income based on the ratio of United States source passive 
income to total passive income. To the extent that related person 
interest exceeds passive income, and, therefore, is allocated under 
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(D) of this section to income in a separate category 
other than passive, the following formulas apply in determining the 
portion of the interest payment that is from sources within the United 
States. If the taxpayer uses the gross income method to allocate 
interest, the portion of the interest payment from sources within the 
United States is determined as follows:

If the taxpayer uses the asset method to allocate interest, then the 
portion of the interest payment from sources within the United States is 
determined as follows:

For purposes of this paragraph, the value of assets in a separate 
category is the value of assets as determined under the principles of 
Sec. 1.861-9T(g). See Sec. 1.861-10T(d)(2) for purposes of determining 
the value of assets and gross income in a separate category as reduced 
for indebtedness the interest on which is directly allocated.
    (3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of 
this paragraph.

    Example 1. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 1988, S pays P $300 of 
interest. S has no other expenses. In 1988, S has $3000 of assets that 
generate $650 of foreign source general limitation sales income and a 
$1000 loan to an unrelated foreign person that generates $20 of foreign 
source passive interest income. S also has a $4000 loan to an unrelated 
United States person that generates $70 of United States source passive 
income and $4000 of inventory that generates $100 of United States 
source general limitation income. S uses the asset method to allocate 
interest expense. The following chart summarizes S's assets and income:

                                          Foreign      U.S.      Totals
  Passive..............................       1000       4000       5000
  General..............................       3000       4000       7000

      TotaI............................       4000       8000      12000
  Passive..............................         20         70         90
  General..............................        650        100        750

      Total............................        670        170        840

Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, $90 of the related person 
interest payment is allocable to S's passive income. Under paragraph 
(m)(2) of this section, $70 is from sources within the United States and 
$20 is from foreign sources. Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(D) of this 
section, the remaining $210 of the related person interest payment is 
allocated to general limitation income. Under paragraph (m)(2) of this 
section, $120 of the remaining $210 is treated as income from sources 
within the United States

[[Page 689]]

($120=$210x$4000/$7000) and $90 is treated as income from foreign 
sources. ($90=$210x$3000/$7000).
    Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that S uses 
the gross income method to allocate interest expense. The first $90 of 
related person interest expense is allocated to passive income in the 
same manner as in Example 1. Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(D) of this 
section, the remaining $210 of the related person interest expense is 
allocated to general limitation income. Under paragraph (m)(2) of this 
section, $28 of the remaining $210 is treated as income from United 
States sources ($28=$210x$100/$750) and $182 is treated as income from 
foreign sources ($182=$210x$650/$750).
    Example 3. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 1988, S pays $300 of 
interest to P. S has no other expenses. S uses the asset method to 
allocate interest expense. In 1988, S has $4000 of assets that generate 
$650 of foreign source general limitation manufacturing income and a 
$1000 loan to an unrelated foreign person that generates $100 of foreign 
source passive interest income. S has $500 of shipping assets that 
generate $200 of foreign source shipping income and $500 of shipping 
assets that generate $200 of United States source shipping income. S 
also has a $1000 loan to an unrelated United States person that 
generates $100 of United States source passive income. S's passive 
income is not also described as shipping income. The following chart 
summarizes S's assets and income:

                                          Foreign      U.S.      Totals
  Passive..............................       1000       1000       2000
  Shipping.............................        500        500       1000
  General..............................       4000          0       4000

      Total............................       5500       1500       7000
  Passive..............................        100        100        200
  Shipping.............................        200        200        400
  General..............................        650          0        650

      Total............................        950        300       1250

Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, $200 of the related 
person interest payment is allocable to S's passive income. Under 
paragraph (m)(2) of this section, $100 of this amount is from foreign 
sources and $100 is from sources within the United States.
    Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(D) of this section, $80 of the remaining 
$100 of the related person interest payment is allocated to general 
limitation income ($80=$100x$4000/$5000) and $20 is allocated to 
shipping income ($20=$100x$1000/$5000).
    Under paragraph (m)(2) of this section, none of $80 of the interest 
payment allocated to general limitation income is treated as income from 
United States sources ($0=$80x$0/$4000). Therefore, the entire $80 is 
treated as income from foreign sources.
    Under paragraph (m)(2) of this section, $10 of the $20 of the 
interest payment allocated to the shipping income is treated as income 
from United States sources ($10=$20x$500/$1000) and $10 of the $20 is 
treated as income from foreign sources ($10=$20x$500/$1000).
    Example 4. The facts are the same as in Example 3 except that S uses 
the gross income method to allocate interest expense. The interest 
allocated to passive income under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(C) of this 
section is the same, $200, $100 from United States sources and $100 from 
foreign sources.
    Under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(D) of this section, the remaining $100 of 
related person interest is allocated between the shipping and general 
limitation categories based on the gross income in those categories. 
Therefore, $38 of the remaining $100 interest payment is allocated to 
shipping income ($38=$100x$400/($1250-$200)) and $62 is treated as 
allocated to general limitation income ($62=$100x$650/($1250-$200)).
    Under paragraph (m)(2) of this section, $19 of the $38 allocable to 
shipping income is treated as income from United States sources 
($19=$38x$200/$400) and $19 is treated as income from foreign sources 
    Under paragraph (m)(2) of this section, all of the $62 allocated to 
general limitation income is treated as income from foreign sources 

    (4) Treatment of dividend payments--(i) Rule. Any dividend or 
distribution treated as a dividend under this section (including an 
amount included in gross income under section 951(a)(1)(B)) that is 
received or accrued by a United States shareholder from a controlled 
foreign corporation shall be treated as income in a separate category 
derived from sources within the United States in proportion to the ratio 
of the portion of the earnings and profits of the controlled foreign 
corporation in the corresponding separate category from United States 
sources to the total amount of earnings and profits of the controlled 
foreign corporation in that separate category.
    (ii) Determination of earnings and profits from United States 
sources. In order to determine the portions of earnings and profits from 
United States sources and from foreign sources within each separate 
category, related person interest shall be allocated to the United 
States source portion of income in a separate

[[Page 690]]

category by applying the rules of paragraph (m)(2) of this section. 
Other expenses shall be allocated by applying the rules of paragraph 
(c)(2)(ii) of this section separately to the United States source income 
and the foreign source income in each category. For example, unrelated 
person interest expense that is allocated among categories of income 
based upon the relative amounts of assets in a category must be 
allocated between United States and foreign source income within each 
category by applying the rules of paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this 
section separately to United States source and foreign source assets in 
the separate category.
    (iii) Example. The following example illustrates the application of 
this paragraph.

    Example. Controlled foreign corporation, S, is a wholly owned 
subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. S is a financial services 
entity. In 1987, S has $100 of non-subpart F general limitation earnings 
and profits and $100 of non-subpart F financial services income. None of 
the general limitation earnings and profits are from sources within the 
United States, and $50 of the financial services earnings and profits 
are from United States sources. In 1988, S earns $300 of non-subpart F 
general limitation earnings and profits and $500 of non-subpart F 
financial services earnings and profits. One hundred dollars ($100) of 
the general limitation earnings and profits are from sources within the 
United States. None of the financial services earnings and profits are 
from United States sources. In 1988, S pays P a $500 dividend. Under 
paragraph (c)(4) of this section, $200 of the dividend is attributable 
to general limitation earnings and profits ($200=$500x$400/$1000). Under 
this paragraph (m)(3), the portion of the dividend that is attributable 
to general limitation earnings and profits from sources within the 
United States is $50 ($200x$100/$400). Under paragraph (c)(4) of this 
section, $300 of the dividend is attributable to financial services 
earnings and profits ($300=$500x$600/$1000). Under this paragraph 
(m)(3), the portion of the dividend that is attributable to financial 
services earnings and profits from sources within the United States is 
$25 ($300x$50/$600).

    (5) Treatment of subpart F inclusions--(i) Rule. Any amount included 
in the gross income of a United States shareholder of a controlled 
foreign corporation under section 951(a)(1)(A) shall be treated as 
income subject to a separate limitation that is derived from sources 
within the United States to the extent such amount is attributable to 
income of the controlled foreign corporation in the corresponding 
category of income from sources within the United States. In order to 
determine a controlled foreign corporation's taxable income and earnings 
and profits from sources within the United States in each separate 
category, the principles of paragraph (m)(4)(ii) of this section shall 
    (ii) Example. The following example illustrates the application of 
this paragraph (m)(5).

    Example. Controlled foreign corporation S is a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of domestic corporation, P. In 1987, S earns $100 of subpart 
F foreign personal holding company income that is passive income. Of 
this amount, $40 is derived from sources within the United States. S 
also earns $50 of subpart F general limitation income. None of this 
income is from sources within the United States. Assume that S pays no 
foreign taxes and has no expenses. P is required to include $150 in 
gross income under section 951(a). Of this amount, $60 will be foreign 
source passive income to P and $40 will be United States source passive 
income to P. Fifty dollars ($50) will be foreign source general 
limitation income to P.

    (6) Treatment of section 78 amount. For purposes of treating taxes 
deemed paid by a taxpayer under section 902(a) and section 960(a)(1) as 
a dividend under section 78, taxes that are paid or accrued with respect 
to United States source income in a separate category shall be treated 
as United States source income in that separate category.
    (7) Coordination with treaties--(i) Rule. If any amount of income 
derived from a United States-owned foreign corporation, as defined in 
section 904(g)(6), would be treated as derived from sources within the 
United States under section 904(g) and this paragraph (m) and, pursuant 
to an income tax convention with the United States, the taxpayer chooses 
to avail itself of benefits of the convention that treat that amount as 
arising from sources outside the United States under a rule explicitly 
treating the income as foreign source, then that amount will be treated 
as foreign source income. However, sections 904 (a), (b), (c), (d) and 
(f), 902, 907, and 960 shall be applied separately to amounts described 
in the preceding

[[Page 691]]

sentence with respect to each treaty under which the taxpayer has 
claimed benefits and, within each treaty, to each separate category of 
    (ii) Example. The following example illustrates the application of 
this paragraph (m)(7).

    Example. Controlled foreign corporation S is incorporated in Country 
A and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of P, a domestic corporation. In 
1990, S earns $80 of foreign base company sales income in Country A 
which is general limitation income and $40 of U.S. source interest 
income. S incurs $20 of expenses attributable to its sales business. S 
pays P $40 of interest that is allocated to U.S. source passive income 
under paragraphs (c)(2)(ii)(C) and (m)(2) of this section. Assume that 
earnings and profits equal net income. All of S's net income of $60 is 
includible in P's gross income under subpart F (section 951(a)(1)). For 
1990, P also has $100 of passive income derived from investments in 
Country B. Pursuant to section 904(g)(3) and paragraph (m)(2) of this 
section, the $40 interest payment from S is United States source income 
to P because it is attributable to United States source interest income 
of S. The United States-Country A income tax treaty, however, treats all 
interest payments by residents of Country A as Country A sourced and P 
elects to apply the treaty. Pursuant to section 904(g)(10) and this 
paragraph (m)(7), the entire interest payment will be treated as foreign 
source income to P. P thus has $60 of foreign source general limitation 
income, $40 of foreign source passive income from S, and $100 of other 
foreign source passive income. In determining P's foreign tax credit 
limitation on passive income, the passive income from Country A shall be 
treated separately from any other passive income.

    (n) Order of application of sections 904 (d) and (g). In order to 
apply the rules of this section, section 904(d)(1) shall first be 
applied to the controlled foreign corporation to determine the amount of 
income and earnings and profits derived by the controlled foreign 
corporation in each separate category. The income and earnings and 
profits in each separate category that is from United States sources 
shall then be determined. Sections 904(d)(3), 904(g), and this section 
shall then be applied for purposes of characterizing and sourcing income 
received, accrued, or included by a United States shareholder in the 
controlled foreign corporation that is attributable or allocable to 
income or earnings and profits of the controlled foreign corporation.
    (o) Effective date. Section 904(d)(3) and this section apply to 
distributions and section 951 inclusions of earnings and profits of a 
controlled foreign corporation (or other entity to which this section 
applies) derived during the first taxable year of the controlled foreign 
corporation (or other entity) beginning after December 31, 1986, and 
thereafter, and to payments made by a controlled foreign corporation (or 
other entity) during such taxable years, without regard to whether the 
corresponding taxable year of the recipient of the distribution or 
payment or of one or more of the United States shareholders of the 
controlled foreign corporation begins after December 31, 1986.

[T.D. 8214, 53 FR 27020, July 18, 1988, as amended by T.D. 8412, 57 FR 
20648, May 14, 1992; T.D.8767, 63 FR 14615, Mar. 26, 1998; T.D. 8827, 64 
FR 37677, July 13, 1999; T.D. 8827, 64 FR 58782, Nov. 1, 1999; T.D. 
8916, 66 FR 277, Jan. 3, 2001]