[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 9]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.871-14]

[Page 346-355]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1--INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.871-14  Rules relating to repeal of tax on interest of nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations received from certain portfolio debt 

    (a) General rule. No tax shall be imposed under section 
871(a)(1)(A), 871(a)(1)(C), 881(a)(1) or 881(a)(3) on any portfolio 
interest as defined in sections 871(h)(2) and 881(c)(2) received by a 
foreign person. But see section 871(b) or 882(a) if such interest is 
effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the 
United States.
    (b) Rules concerning obligations in bearer form--(1) In general. 
Interest (including original issue discount) with respect to an 
obligation in bearer form is portfolio interest within the meaning of 
section 871(h)(2)(A) or 881(c)(2)(A) only if it is paid with respect to 
an obligation issued after July 18, 1984, that is described in section 
163(f)(2)(B) and the regulations under that section and an exception 
under section 871(h) or 881(c) does not apply. Any obligation that is 
not in registered form as defined in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section 
is an obligation in bearer form.
    (2) Coordination with withholding and reporting rules. For an 
exemption from withholding under section 1441 with respect to 
obligations described in this paragraph (b), see Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(4)(i). 
For rules relating to an exemption from Form 1099 reporting and backup 
withholding under section 3406, see section 6049 and Sec. 1.6049-5(b)(8) 
for the payment of interest and Sec. 1.6045-1(g)(1)(ii) for the 
redemption, retirement, or sale of an obligation in bearer form.
    (c) Rules concerning obligations in registered form--(1) In general-
-(i) Obligation in registered form. For purposes of

[[Page 347]]

this section, an obligation is in registered form only as provided in 
this paragraph (c)(1)(i). The conditions for an obligation to be 
considered in registered form are identical to the conditions described 
in Sec. 5f.103-1 of this chapter. Therefore, an obligation that would be 
an obligation in registered form except for the fact that it can be 
converted at any time in the future into an obligation that is not in 
registered form shall not be an obligation in registered form. An 
obligation that is not in registered form by reason of the preceding 
sentence may nevertheless be in registered form, but only after the 
possibility of conversion is terminated. An obligation that is not in 
registered form and can be converted into an obligation that would meet 
the requirements of this paragraph (c)(1)(i) for being in registered 
form shall be considered in registered form only after the conversion is 
effected. For purposes of this section, an obligation is convertible if 
the obligation can be transferred by any means not described in 
Sec. 5f.103-1(c) of this chapter. An obligation is treated as an 
obligation in registered form if--
    (A) The obligation is registered as to both principal and any stated 
interest with the issuer (or its agent) and transfer of the obligation 
may be effected only by surrender of the old instrument, and either the 
reissuance by the issuer of the old instrument to the new holder or the 
issuance by the issuer of a new instrument to the new holder;
    (B) The right to the principal of, and stated interest on, the 
obligation may be transferred only through a book entry system 
maintained by the issuer (or its agent) described in this paragraph 
(c)(1)(i)(B). An obligation shall be considered transferable through a 
book entry system if the ownership of an interest in the obligation, is 
required to be reflected in a book entry, whether or not physical 
securities are issued. A book entry is a record of ownership that 
identifies the owner of an in interest in the obligation; or
    (C) It is registered as to both principal and any stated interest 
with the issuer (or its agent) and may be transferred by way of either 
of the methods described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) (A) or (B) of this 
    (ii) Requirements for portfolio interest qualification in the case 
of an obligation in registered form. Interest (including original issue 
discount) received on an obligation that is in registered form qualifies 
as portfolio interest only if--
    (A) The interest is paid on an obligation issued after July 18, 
    (B) The interest would be subject to tax under section 871(a)(1)(A), 
871(a)(1)(C), 881(a)(1) or 881(a)(3) but for section 871(h) or 881(c);
    (C) A United States (U.S.) person otherwise required to deduct and 
withhold tax under chapter 3 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) 
receives a statement that meets the requirements of section 871(h)(5) 
that the beneficial owner of the obligation is not a U.S. person; and
    (D) An exception under section 871(h) or 881(c) does not apply.
    (2) Required statement. For purposes of paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(C) of 
this section, a U.S. person will be considered to have received a 
statement that meets the requirements of section 871(h)(5) if either it 
complies with one of the procedures described in this paragraph (c)(2) 
and does not have actual knowledge or reason to know that the beneficial 
owner is a U.S. person or it complies with the procedures described in 
paragraph (d) or (e) of this section.
    (i) The U.S. person (or its authorized foreign agent described in 
Sec. 1.1441-7(c)(2)) can reliably associate the payment with 
documentation upon which it can rely to treat the payment as made to a 
foreign beneficial owner in accordance with Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(1)(ii). See 
Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(2)(vii) for rules regarding reliable association with 
    (ii) The U.S. person (or its authorized foreign agent described in 
Sec. 1.1441-7(c)(2)) can reliably associate the payment with a 
withholding certificate described in Sec. 1.1441-5(c)(2)(iv) from a 
person claiming to be withholding foreign partnership and the foreign 
partnership can reliably associate the payment with documentation upon 
which it can rely to treat the payment as made to a foreign beneficial 
owner in accordance with Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(1)(ii).
    (iii) The U.S. person (or its authorized foreign agent described in 
Sec. 1.1441-

[[Page 348]]

7(c)(2)) can reliably associate the payment with a withholding 
certificate described in Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(3)(ii) from a person 
representing to be a qualified intermediary that has assumed primary 
withholding responsibility in accordance with Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(5)(iv) 
and the qualified intermediary can reliably associate the payment with 
documentation upon which it can rely to treat the payment as made to a 
foreign beneficial owner in accordance with its agreement with the 
Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
    (iv) The U.S. person (or its authorized foreign agent described in 
Sec. 1.1441-7(c)(2)) can reliably associate the payment with a 
withholding certificate described in Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(3)(v) from a 
person claiming to be a U.S. branch of a foreign bank or of a foreign 
insurance company that is described in Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(2)(iv)(A) or a 
U.S. branch designated in accordance with Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(2)(iv)(E) and 
the U.S. branch can reliably associate the payment with documentation 
upon which it can rely to treat the payment as made to a foreign 
beneficial owner in accordance with Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(1)(ii).
    (v) The U.S. person receives a statement from a securities clearing 
organization, a bank, or another financial institution that holds 
customers' securities in the ordinary course of its trade or business. 
In such case the statement must be signed under penalties of perjury by 
an authorized representative of the financial institution and must state 
that the institution has received from the beneficial owner a 
withholding certificate described in Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(2)(i) (a Form W-8 
or an acceptable substitute form as defined Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(4)(vi)) or 
that it has received from another financial institution a similar 
statement that it, or another financial institution acting on behalf of 
the beneficial owner, has received the Form W-8 from the beneficial 
owner. In the case of multiple financial institutions between the 
beneficial owner and the U.S. person, this statement must be given by 
each financial institution to the one above it in the chain. No 
particular form is required for the statement provided by the financial 
institutions. However, the statement must provide the name and address 
of the beneficial owner, and a copy of the Form W-8 provided by the 
beneficial owner must be attached. The statement is subject to the same 
rules described in Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(4) that apply to intermediary Forms 
W-8 described in Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(3)(iii). If the information on the 
Form W-8 changes, the beneficial owner must so notify the financial 
institution acting on its behalf within 30 days of such changes, and the 
financial institution must promptly so inform the U.S. person. This 
notice also must be given if the financial institution has actual 
knowledge that the information has changed but has not been so informed 
by the beneficial owner. In the case of multiple financial institutions 
between the beneficial owner and the U.S. person, this notice must be 
given by each financial institution to the institution above it in the 
    (vi) The U.S. person complies with procedures that the U.S. 
competent authority may agree to with the competent authority of a 
country with which the United States has an income tax treaty in effect.
    (3) Time for providing certificate or documentary evidence--(i) 
General rule. Interest on a registered obligation shall qualify as 
portfolio interest if the withholding certificate or documentary 
evidence that must be provided is furnished before expiration of the 
beneficial owner's period of limitation for claiming a refund of tax 
with respect to such interest. See, however, Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(7) for 
consequences to a withholding agent that makes a payment without 
withholding even though it cannot reliably associate the payment with 
the documentation prior to the payment. If a withholding agent withholds 
an amount under chapter 3 of the Code because it cannot reliably 
associate the payment with the documentation for the beneficial owner on 
the date of payment, the beneficial owner may nevertheless claim the 
benefit of an exemption from tax under this section by claiming a refund 
or credit for the amount withheld based upon the procedures described in 
Secs. 1.1464-1 and 301.6402-3(e) of this chapter. For this purpose, the 
taxpayer must attach a withholding certificate described in Sec. 1.1441-
1(e)(2)(i) to the income tax filed

[[Page 349]]

for claiming a refund of tax. In the alternative, adjustments to any 
amount of overwithheld tax may be made under the procedures described in 
Sec. 1.1461-2(a) (for example, if the beneficial owner furnishes 
documentation to the withholding agent before the due date for filing 
the return required under Sec. 1.1461-1(b) with respect to that 
    (ii) Example. The following example illustrates the rules of this 
paragraph (c)(3) and their coordination with Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(7):

    Example. A is a withholding agent who, on October 12, 2001, pays 
interest on a registered obligation to B, a foreign corporation. B is a 
calendar year taxpayer, engaged in the conduct of a trade or business in 
the United States, and is, therefore, required to file an annual income 
tax return on Form 1120F. The interest, however, is not effectively 
connected with B's U.S. trade or business. On the date of payment, B has 
not furnished, and A cannot associate the payment with documentation for 
B. However, A does not withhold under section 1442, even though, under 
Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(3)(iii)(A), A should presume that B is a foreign 
person, because A's communications with B are mailed to an address in a 
foreign country. Assuming that B files a return for its taxable year 
ending December 31, 2001, and that its statute of limitations period 
with regard to that year expires on June 15, 2005, the interest paid on 
October 12, 2001, may qualify as portfolio interest only if B provides 
appropriate documentation to A on or before June 15, 2005. If B does not 
provide the documentation on or before June 15, 2005, and does not pay 
the tax, A is liable for the tax under section 1463, even if B provides 
the documentation to A after June 15, 2005. Therefore, the provisions in 
Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(7), regarding late-received documentation would not 
help A avoid liability for tax under section 1463 even if the 
documentation is furnished within the statute of limitations period of 
A. This is because, in a case involving interest, the documentation 
received within the limitations period of the beneficial owner serves as 
a condition for the interest to qualify as portfolio interest. When 
documentation is received after the expiration of the beneficial owner's 
limitations period, the interest can no longer qualify as portfolio 
interest. On the other hand, A could rely on documentation that it 
receives after the expiration of B's limitations period to establish B's 
right to a reduced rate of withholding under an applicable income tax 
treaty (since, in such a case, a claim of treaty benefits is not 
conditioned upon providing documentation prior to the expiration of the 
beneficial owner's limitations period).

    (4) Coordination with withholding and reporting rules. For an 
exemption from withholding under section 1441 with respect to 
obligations described in this paragraph (c), see Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(4)(i). 
For rules applicable to withholding certificates, see Sec. 1.1441-
1(e)(4). For rules regarding documentary evidence, see Sec. 1.6049-
5(c)(1). For application of presumptions when the U.S. person cannot 
reliably associate the payment with documentation, see Sec. 1.1441-
1(b)(3). For standards of knowledge applicable to withholding agents, 
see Sec. 1.1441-7(b). For rules relating to an exemption from Form 1099 
reporting and backup withholding under section 3406, see section 6049 
and Sec. 1.6049-5(b)(8) for the payment of interest and Sec. 1.6045-
1(g)(1)(i) for the redemption, retirement, or sale of an obligation in 
registered form. For rules relating to reporting on Forms 1042 and 1042-
S, see Sec. 1.1461-1 (b) and (c).
    (d) Application of repeal of 30-percent withholding to pass-through 
certificates--(1) In general. Interest received on a pass-through 
certificate qualifies as portfolio interest under section 871(h)(2) or 
881(c)(2) if the interest satisfies the conditions described in 
paragraph (b)(1), (c)(1), or (e) of this section without regard to 
whether any obligation held by the fund or trust to which the pass-
through certificate relates is described in paragraph (b)(1), 
(c)(1)(ii), or (e) of this section. This paragraph (d)(1) applies only 
to payments made to the holder of the pass-through certificate from the 
trustee of the pass-through trust and does not apply to payments made to 
the trustee of the pass-through trust. For example, a mortgage pass-
through certificate in bearer form must meet the requirements set forth 
in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, but the obligations held by the 
fund or trust to which the mortgage pass-through certificate relates 
need not meet the requirements set forth in paragraph (b)(1), 
(c)(1)(ii), or (e) of this section. However, for purposes of paragraphs 
(b)(1), (c)(1)(ii), and (e) of this section and section 127 of the Tax 
Reform Act of 1984, a pass-through certificate will be considered as 
issued after July 18, 1984, only to the extent that the obligations held 
by the fund or

[[Page 350]]

trust to which the pass-through certificate relates are issued after 
July 18, 1984.
    (2) Interest in REMICs. Interest received on a regular or residual 
interest in a REMIC qualifies as portfolio interest under section 
871(h)(2) or 881(c)(2) if the interest satisfies the conditions 
described in paragraph (b)(1), (c)(1)(ii), or (e) of this section. For 
purposes of paragraph (b)(1), (c)(1)(ii), or (e) of this section, 
interest on a regular interest in a REMIC is not considered interest on 
any mortgage obligations held by the REMIC. The foregoing rule, however, 
applies only to payments made to the holder of the regular interest from 
the REMIC and does not apply to payments made to the REMIC. For purposes 
of paragraph (b)(1), (c)(1)(ii), or (e) of this section, interest on a 
residual interest in a REMIC is considered to be interest on or with 
respect to the obligations held by the REMIC, and not on or with respect 
to the residual interest. For purposes of paragraphs (b)(1), (c)(1)(ii), 
and (e) of this section and section 127 of the Tax Reform Act of 1984, a 
residual interest in a REMIC will be considered as issued after July 18, 
1984, only to the extent that the obligations held by the REMIC are 
issued after July 18, 1984, but a regular interest in a REMIC will be 
considered as issued after July 18, 1984, if the regular interest was 
issued after July 18, 1984, without regard to the date on which the 
mortgage obligations held by the REMIC were issued.
    (3) Date of issuance. In general, a mortgage pass-through 
certificate will be considered to have been issued after July 18, 1984, 
if all of the mortgages held by the fund or trust were issued after July 
18, 1984. If some of the mortgages held by the fund or trust were issued 
before July 19, 1984, then the portion of any interest payment which 
represents interest on those mortgages shall not be considered to be 
portfolio interest. The preceding sentence shall not apply, however, if 
all of the following conditions are satisfied:
    (i) The mortgage pass-through certificate is issued after December 
31, 1986;
    (ii) Payment of the mortgage pass-through certificate is guaranteed 
by, and a guarantee commitment has been issued by, an entity that is 
independent from the issuer of the underlying obligation;
    (iii) The guarantee commitment with respect to the mortgage pass-
through certificate cannot have been issued more than 14 months prior to 
the date on which the mortgage pass-through certificate is issued; and
    (iv) The fund or trust to which the mortgage pass-through 
certificate relates cannot contain mortgage obligations on which the 
first scheduled monthly payment of principal and interest was made more 
than twelve months before the date on which the guarantee commitment was 
    (e) Foreign-targeted registered obligations--(1) General rule. The 
statement described in paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(C) of this section is not 
required with respect to interest paid on a registered obligation that 
is targeted to foreign markets in accordance with the provisions of 
paragraph (e)(2) of this section if the interest is paid by a U.S. 
person, a withholding foreign partnership, or a U.S. branch described in 
Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(2)(iv) (A) or (E) to a registered owner at an address 
outside the United States, provided that the registered owner is a 
financial institution described in section 871(h)(5)(B). In that case, 
the U.S. person otherwise required to deduct and withhold tax may treat 
the interest as portfolio interest if it does not have actual knowledge 
that the beneficial owner is a United States person and if it receives 
the certificate described in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section from a 
financial institution or member of a clearing organization, which member 
is the beneficial owner of the obligation, or the documentary evidence 
or statement described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section from the 
beneficial owner, in accordance with the procedures described in 
paragraph (e)(4) of this section.
    (2) Definition of a foreign-targeted registered obligation. An 
obligation is considered to be targeted to foreign markets for purposes 
of paragraph (e)(1) of this section if it is sold (or resold in 
connection with its original issuance) only to foreign persons (or to 
foreign branches of United States financial institutions described in 

[[Page 351]]

871(h)(5)(B)) in accordance with procedures similar to those prescribed 
in Sec. 1.163-5(c)(2)(i) (A), (B), or (D). However, the provisions of 
that section that require an obligation to be offered for sale or resale 
in connection with its original issuance only outside the United States 
do not apply with respect to registered obligations offered for sale 
through a public auction. Similarly, the provisions of that section that 
require delivery to be made outside the United States do not apply to 
registered obligations offered for sale through a public auction if the 
obligations are considered to be in registered form by virtue of the 
fact that they may be transferred only through a book entry system. The 
obligation, if evidenced by a physical document other than a 
confirmation receipt, must contain on its face a legend indicating that 
it has been sold (or resold in connection with its original issuance) in 
accordance with those procedures.
    (3) Documentation. A certificate described in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of 
this section is required if the United States person otherwise required 
to deduct and withhold tax (the withholding agent) pays interest to a 
financial institution described in section 871(h)(5)(B) or to a member 
of a clearing organization, which member is the beneficial owner of the 
obligation. The documentation described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this 
section is required if a withholding agent pays interest to a beneficial 
owner that is neither a financial institution described in section 
871(h)(5)(B) nor a member of a clearing organization.
    (i) Interest paid to a financial institution or a member of a 
clearing organization--(A) Requirement of a certificate--(1) If the 
withholding agent pays interest to a financial institution described in 
section 871(h)(5)(B) or to a member of a clearing organization, which 
member is the beneficial owner of the obligation, the withholding agent 
must receive a certificate which states that, beginning at the time the 
last preceding certificate under this paragraph (e)(3)(i) was provided 
and while the financial institution or clearing organization member has 
held the obligation, with respect to each foreign-targeted registered 
obligation which has been held by the person providing the certificate 
at any time since the provision of such last preceding certificate, 
    (i) The beneficial owner of the obligation has not been a United 
States person on each interest payment date; or
    (ii) If the person providing the certificate is a financial 
institution which is holding or has held an obligation on behalf of the 
beneficial owner, the beneficial owner of the obligation has been a 
United States person on one or more interest payment dates (identifying 
such date or dates), and the person making the certification has 
forwarded or will forward the appropriate United States beneficial 
ownership notification to the withholding agent in accordance with the 
provisions of paragraph (e)(4) of this section.
    (2) The person providing the certificate need not state the 
foregoing where no previous certificate has been required to be provided 
by the payee to the withholding agent under this paragraph (e)(3)(i).
    (B) Additional representations. Whether or not a previous 
certificate has been required to be provided with respect to the 
obligation, each certificate furnished pursuant to the provisions in 
this paragraph (e)(3)(i) must further state that, for each foreign-
targeted registered obligation held and every other such obligation to 
be acquired and held by the person providing the certificate during the 
period beginning on the date of the certificate and ending on the date 
the next certificate is required to be provided, the beneficial owner of 
the obligation will not be a United States person on each interest 
payment date while the financial institution or clearing organization 
member holds the obligation and that, if the person providing the 
certificate is a financial institution which is holding or will be 
holding the obligation on behalf of a beneficial owner, such person will 
provide a United States beneficial ownership notification to the 
withholding agent (and a clearing organization that is not a withholding 
agent where a member organization is required by this paragraph (e)(3) 
to furnish the clearing organization with a statement) in accordance 
with paragraph

[[Page 352]]

(e)(4) of this section in the event such certificate (or statement in 
the case of a statement provided by a member organization to a clearing 
organization that is not a withholding agent) is or becomes untrue with 
respect to any obligation. A clearing organization is an entity which is 
in the business of holding obligations for member organizations and 
transferring obligations among such members by credit or debit to the 
account of a member without the necessity of physical delivery of the 
    (C) Obligation must be identified. The certificate described in 
paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(A) of this section must identify the obligation or 
obligations with respect to which it is given, except where the 
certification is given with respect to an obligation that has not been 
acquired at the time the certification is made. An obligation is 
identified if it or the larger issuance of which it is a part is 
described on a list (e.g., $5 million principal amount of 12% debentures 
of ABC Savings and Loan Association due February 25, 1995, $3 million 
principal amount of 10% U.S. Treasury notes due May 28, 1990) of all 
registered obligations targeted to foreign markets held by or on behalf 
of the person providing the certificate and the list is attached to, and 
incorporated by reference into, the certificate. The certificate must 
identify and provide the address of the person furnishing the 
    (D) Payment to a depository of a clearing organization. If the 
withholding agent pays interest to a depository of a clearing 
organization, then the clearing organization must provide the 
certificate described in this paragraph (e)(3)(i) to the withholding 
agent. Any certificate that is provided by a clearing organization must 
state that the clearing organization has received a statement from each 
member which complies with the provisions of this paragraph (e)(3)(i) 
and of paragraph (e)(4) of this section (as if the clearing organization 
were the withholding agent and regardless of whether the member is a 
financial institution described in section 871(h)(5)(B)).
    (E) Statement in lieu of Form W-8. Subject to the requirements set 
out in paragraph (e)(4) of this section, a certificate or statement in 
the form described in this paragraph (e)(3)(i), in conjunction with the 
next annual certificate or statement, will serve as the certificate that 
may be provided in lieu of a Form W-8 with respect to interest on all 
foreign-targeted registered obligations held by the person making the 
certification or statement and which is paid to such person within the 
period beginning on the date of the certificate and ending on the date 
the next certificate is required to be provided.
    (F) Electronic transmission. The certificate described in this 
paragraph (e)(3)(i) may be provided electronically under the terms and 
conditions of Sec. 1.163-5(c)(2)(i)(D)(3)(ii).
    (ii) Payment to a person other than a financial institution or 
member of a clearing organization. If the withholding agent pays 
interest to the beneficial owner of an obligation that is neither a 
financial institution described in section 871(h)(5)(B) nor a member of 
a clearing organization, then such owner must provide the withholding 
agent a statement described in paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(C) of this section.
    (4) Applicable procedures regarding documentation--(i) Procedures 
applicable to certificates required under paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this 
section--(A) Time for providing certificate. Where no previous 
certificate for foreign-targeted registered obligations has been 
provided to the withholding agent by the person providing the 
certificate under paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section, such certificate 
must be provided within the period beginning 90 days prior to the first 
interest payment date on which the person holds a foreign-targeted 
registered obligation. The withholding agent may, in its discretion, 
withhold under section 1441(a), 1442(a), or 1443 if the certificate is 
not received by the date 30 days prior to the interest payment. 
Thereafter the certificate must be filed within the period beginning on 
January 15 and ending January 31 of each year. If a certificate provided 
pursuant to the first sentence of this paragraph (e)(4)(i)(A) is 
provided during the period beginning on January 15 and ending on January 
31 of any year, then no other certificate need be provided during such 
period in such year.

[[Page 353]]

    (B) Change of status notification on Form W-9. If, on any interest 
payment date after the obligation was acquired by the person making the 
certification, the beneficial owner of the obligation is a U.S. person, 
then the person to whom the withholding agent pays interest must furnish 
the withholding agent with a U.S. beneficial ownership notification 
within 30 days after such interest payment date. A U.S. beneficial 
ownership notification must include a statement that the beneficial 
owner of the obligation has been a U.S. person on an interest payment 
date (identifying such date), that such owner has provided to the person 
providing the notification a Form W-9 (or a substitute form that is 
substantially similar to Form W-9 and completed under penalties of 
perjury), and that the person providing the notification has been and 
will be complying with the information reporting requirements of section 
6049, if applicable.
    (C) Alternative notification statement. Where the person providing 
the notification described in paragraph (e)(4)(i)(B) of this section is 
neither a controlled foreign corporation within the meaning of section 
957(a), nor a foreign corporation 50-percent or more of the gross income 
of which from all sources for the three-year period ending with the 
close of the taxable year preceding the date of the statement was 
effectively connected with the conduct of trade or business in the 
United States, such person must attach to the notification a copy of the 
Form W-9 (or substitute form that is substantially similar to Form W-9 
and completed under penalties of perjury) provided by the beneficial 
owner. When a person that provides the U.S. beneficial ownership 
notification does not attach to it a copy of such Form W-9 (or 
substitute form that is substantially similar to Form W-9 and completed 
under penalties of perjury), such person must state that it is either a 
controlled foreign corporation within the meaning of section 957(a), or 
a foreign corporation 50-percent or more of the gross income of which 
from all sources for the three-year period ending with the close of its 
taxable year preceding the date of the statement was effectively 
connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States. 
A withholding agent that receives a Form W-9 (or a substitute form that 
is substantially similar to Form W-9 and completed under penalties of 
perjury) must send a copy of such form to the IRS, at such address as 
the IRS shall indicate, within 30 days after receiving it and must 
attach a statement that the Form W-9 or substitute form was provided 
pursuant to this paragraph (e)(4) with respect to a U.S. person that has 
owned a foreign-targeted registered obligation on one or more interest 
payment dates.
    (D) Failure to provide notification. If either a Form W-9 (or a 
substitute form that is substantially similar to a Form W-9 and 
completed under penalties of perjury) or the statement described in 
paragraph (e)(4)(i)(C) of this section is not attached to the U.S. 
beneficial ownership notification provided pursuant to paragraph 
(e)(4)(i)(B) of this section, the withholding agent is required to 
withhold under section 1441, 1442, or 1443 on a payment of interest made 
after the withholding agent has received the notification unless such 
form or statement (or a statement that the beneficial owner of the 
obligation is no longer a U.S. person) is received before the interest 
payment date from the person who provided the notification (or 
transferee). If, during the period beginning on the next January 15 and 
ending on the next January 31, such person certifies as set out in 
paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section (subject to paragraph 
(e)(3)(i)(A)(2) of this section) then the withholding agent is not 
required to withhold during the year following such certification 
(unless such person again provides a U.S. beneficial ownership 
notification without attaching a Form W-9 or substitute form that is 
substantially similar to Form W-9 and completed under penalties of 
perjury or the statement described in paragraph (e)(4)(i)(C) of this 
    (E) Procedures for clearing organizations. Within the period 
beginning 10 days before the end of the calendar quarter and ending on 
the last day of each calendar quarter, any clearing organization 
(including a clearing organization that is a withholding agent) relying 
on annual certificates or statements from its member organizations,

[[Page 354]]

as set forth in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section, must send each 
member organization having submitted such certificate or statement a 
reminder that the member organization must give the clearing 
organization a U.S. beneficial ownership notification in the 
circumstances described in paragraph (e)(4)(i)(B) of this section.
    (F) Retention of certificates. The certificate described in 
paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section must be retained in the records of 
the withholding agent for four years from the end of the calendar year 
in which it was received. The statement described in paragraph (e)(3)(i) 
of this section that is received by a clearing organization from a 
member organization must be retained in the records of the clearing 
organization for four years from the end of the calendar year in which 
it was received.
    (G) No reporting requirement. The withholding agent who receives the 
certificate described in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section is not 
required to file Form 1042S to report payments under Sec. 1.1461-1 (b) 
or (c) of interest that are made with respect to foreign-targeted 
registered obligations held by the person providing the certificate and 
are made within the period beginning with the certificate date and 
ending on the last date for filing the next certificate.
    (ii) Procedures regarding certificates required under paragraph 
(e)(3)(ii) of this section--(A) Time for providing certificate. The 
statement described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section must be 
provided to the withholding agent within the period beginning 90 days 
prior to and ending on the first interest payment date on which the 
withholding agent pays interest to the beneficial owner. The withholding 
agent may, in its discretion, withhold under section 1441(a), 1442(a), 
or 1443 if the statement is not received by the date 30 days prior to 
the interest payment. The beneficial owner must confirm to the 
withholding agent the continuing validity of the documentary evidence 
within the period beginning 90 days prior to the first day of the third 
calendar year following the provision of such evidence and during the 
same period every three years thereafter while the owner still owns the 
obligation. The withholding agent who receives the statement described 
in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section is not required to report 
payments of interest under Sec. 1.1461-1(b) or (c) if the payments are 
made with respect to foreign-targeted registered obligations held by the 
person who provides the statement and are made within the period 
beginning with the date on which the statement is provided and ending on 
the last date for confirming the validity of the statement. The 
statement received for purposes of paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section 
is subject to the applicable procedures set forth in Sec. 1.1441-
    (B) Change of status notification on Form W-9. If on any interest 
payment date after the obligation was acquired by the person providing 
the statement described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section, the 
beneficial owner of the obligation is a U.S. person, then the beneficial 
owner must so inform the withholding agent within 30 days after such 
interest payment date and must provide a Form W-9 (or substitute form 
that is substantially similar completed under penalties of perjury) to 
the withholding agent. However, the beneficial owner is not required to 
provide another Form W-9 (or substitute form that is substantially 
similar and completed under penalties of perjury) if such person has 
already provided it to the withholding agent within the same calendar 
    (iii) Disqualification of documentation. In accordance with the 
provisions of section 871(h)(4), the Secretary may make a determination 
in appropriate cases that a certificate or statement by any person, or 
class of persons, does not satisfy the requirements of that section. 
Should that determination be made, all payments of interest that 
otherwise qualify as portfolio interest to that person would become 
subject to 30-percent withholding under section 1441(a), 1442(a), or 
    (iv) Special effective date. Notwithstanding the foregoing 
requirements of this section--
    (A) Any certificate that is required to be filed with the 
withholding agent during the period beginning on January 15 and ending 
on January 31, 1986, is not required to state that the beneficial owner 
of an obligation, prior to

[[Page 355]]

the date of the certificate, either was not a United States person or 
was a United States person if the obligation was acquired by the person 
providing the certificate on or before September 19, 1985; and
    (B) All of the requirements of this paragraph (e), as in effect 
prior to the effective date of these amendments, shall remain effective 
with respect to each interest payment prior to the filing of the 
certificate described in paragraph (e)(4)(iv)(A) of this section, except 
that the provisions of paragraph (e)(3) of this section relating to 
which persons are required to receive certificates or statements and 
paragraph (e)(3)(ii) or (4)(ii) of this section shall become effective 
with respect to each interest payment after September 20, 1985.
    (5) Information reporting. See Sec. 1.6049-5(b)(7) for special 
information reporting rules applicable to interest on foreign-targeted 
registered obligations. See Sec. 1.6045-1(g)(1)(ii) for information 
reporting rules applicable to the redemption, retirement, or sale of 
foreign-targeted registered obligations.
    (f) Securities lending transactions. For applicable rules regarding 
substitute interest payments received pursuant to a securities lending 
transaction or a sale-repurchase transaction, see Secs. 1.871-7(b)(2) 
and 1.881-2(b)(2).
    (g) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the terms U.S. person 
and foreign person have the meaning set forth in Sec. 1.1441-1(c)(2), 
the term beneficial owner has the meaning set forth in Sec. 1.1441-
1(c)(6), the term withholding agent has the meaning set forth in 
Sec. 1.1441-7(a); the term payee has the meaning set forth in 
Sec. 1.1441-1(b)(2); and the term payment has the meaning set forth in 
Sec. 1.1441-2(e).
    (h) Effective date--(1) In general. This section shall apply to 
payments of interest made after December 31, 2000.
    (2) Transition rule. For purposes of this section, the validity of a 
Form W-8 that was valid on January 1, 1998, under the regulations in 
effect prior to January 1, 2001 (see 26 CFR parts 1 and 35a, revised 
April 1, 1999) and expired, or will expire, at any time during 1998, is 
extended until December 31, 1998. The validity of a Form W-8 that is 
valid on or after January 1, 1999 remains valid until its validity 
expires under the regualtions in effect prior to January 1, 2001 (see 26 
CFR parts 1 and 35a, revised April 1, 1999) but in no event will such a 
form remain valid after December 31, 2000. The rule in this paragraph 
(h)(2), however, does not apply to extend the validity period of a Form 
W-8 that expired solely by reason of changes in the circumstances of the 
person whose name is on the certificate. Notwithstanding the first three 
sentences of this paragraph (h)(2), a withholding agent or payor may 
choose to not take advantage of the transition rule in this paragraph 
(h)(2) with respect to one or more withholding certificates valid under 
the regulations in effect prior to January 1, 2001 (see 26 CFR parts 1 
and 35a, revised April 1, 1999) and, therefore, may choose to obtain 
withholding certificates conforming to the requirements described in 
this section (new withholding certificates). For purposes of this 
section, a new withholding certificate is deemed to satisfy the 
documentation requirement under the regulations in effect prior to 
January 1, 2001 (see 26 CFR parts 1 and 35a, revised April 1, 1999). 
Further, a new withholding certificate remains valid for the period 
specified in Sec. 1.1441-1(e)(4)(ii), regardless of when the certificate 
is obtained.

[T.D. 8734, 62 FR 53416, Oct. 14, 1997, as amended by T.D. 8804, 63 FR 
72184, 72187, Dec. 31, 1998; T.D. 8856, 64 FR 73409, 73412, Dec. 30, 