[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 9]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.860F-4]

[Page 104-106]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1--INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.860F-4  REMIC reporting requirements and other administrative rules.

    (a) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, 
for purposes of subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code, a REMIC is 
treated as a partnership and any holder of a residual interest in the 
REMIC is treated as a partner. A REMIC is not subject, however, to the 
rules of subchapter C of chapter 63 of the Internal Revenue Code, 
relating to the treatment of partnership items, for a taxable year if 
there is at no time during the taxable year more than one holder of a 
residual interest in the REMIC.
    (b) REMIC tax return--(1) In general. To satisfy the requirement 
under section 6031 to make a return of income for each taxable year, a 
REMIC must file the return required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section. 
The due date and any extensions for filing the REMIC's annual return are 
determined as if the REMIC were a partnership.
    (2) Income tax return. The REMIC must make a return, as required by 
section 6011(a), for each taxable year on Form 1066, U.S. Real Estate 
Mortgage Investment Conduit Income Tax Return. The return must include--
    (i) The amount of principal outstanding on each class of regular 
interests as of the close of the taxable year,
    (ii) The amount of the daily accruals determined under section 
860E(c), and
    (iii) The information specified in Sec. 1.860D-1(d)(2) (i), (iv), 
and (v).
    (c) Signing of REMIC return--(1) In general. Although a REMIC is 
generally treated as a partnership for purposes of subtitle F, for 
purposes of determining who is authorized to sign a REMIC's income tax 
return for any taxable year, the REMIC is not treated as a partnership 
and the holders of residual interests in the REMIC are not treated as 
partners. Rather, the REMIC return must be signed by a person who could 
sign the return of the entity absent the REMIC election. Thus, the 
return of a REMIC that is a corporation or trust under applicable State 
law must be signed by a corporate officer or a trustee, respectively. 
The return of a REMIC that consists of a segregated pool of assets must 
be signed by a person who could sign the return of the entity that owns 
the assets of the REMIC under applicable State law.
    (2) REMIC whose startup day is before November 10, 1988--(i) In 
general. The income tax return of a REMIC whose startup day is before 
November 10, 1988, may be signed by any person who held a residual 
interest during the taxable year to which the return relates, or, as 
provided in section 6903, by a fiduciary, as defined in section 
7701(a)(6), who is acting for the REMIC and who has furnished adequate 
notice in the manner prescribed in Sec. 301.6903-1(b) of this chapter.
    (ii) Startup day. For purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, 
startup day means any day selected by a REMIC that is on or before the 
first day on

[[Page 105]]

which interests in such REMIC are issued.
    (iii) Exception. A REMIC whose startup day is before November 10, 
1988, may elect to have paragraph (c)(1) of this section apply, instead 
of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, in determining who is authorized to 
sign the REMIC return. See section 1006(t)(18)(B) of the Technical and 
Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 (102 Stat. 3426) and Sec. 5h.6(a)(1) 
of this chapter for the time and manner for making this election.
    (d) Designation of tax matters person. A REMIC may designate a tax 
matters person in the same manner in which a partnership may designate a 
tax matters partner under Sec. 301.6231(a)(7)-1T of this chapter. For 
purposes of applying that section, all holders of residual interests in 
the REMIC are treated as general partners.
    (e) Notice to holders of residual interests--(1) Information 
required. As of the close of each calendar quarter, a REMIC must provide 
to each person who held a residual interest in the REMIC during that 
quarter notice on Schedule Q (Form 1066) of information specified in 
paragraphs (e)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section.
    (i) In general. Each REMIC must provide to each of its residual 
interest holders the following information--
    (A) That person's share of the taxable income or net loss of the 
REMIC for the calendar quarter;
    (B) The amount of the excess inclusion (as defined in section 860E 
and the regulations thereunder), if any, with respect to that person's 
residual interest for the calendar quarter;
    (C) If the holder of a residual interest is also a pass-through 
interest holder (as defined in Sec. 1.67-3T(a)(2)), the allocable 
investment expenses (as defined in Sec. 1.67-3T(a)(4)) for the calendar 
quarter, and
    (D) Any other information required by Schedule Q (Form 1066).
    (ii) Information with respect to REMIC assets--(A) 95 percent asset 
test. For calendar quarters after 1988, each REMIC must provide to each 
of its residual interest holders the following information--
    (1) The percentage of REMIC assets that are qualifying real property 
loans under section 593,
    (2) The percentage of REMIC assets that are assets described in 
section 7701(a)(19), and
    (3) The percentage of REMIC assets that are real estate assets 
defined in section 856(c)(6)(B), computed by reference to the average 
adjusted basis (as defined in section 1011) of the REMIC assets during 
the calendar quarter (as described in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this 
section). If the percentage of REMIC assets represented by a category is 
at least 95 percent, then the REMIC need only specify that the 
percentage for that category was at least 95 percent.
    (B) Additional information required if the 95 percent test not met. 
If, for any calendar quarter after 1988, less than 95 percent of the 
assets of the REMIC are real estate assets defined in section 
856(c)(6)(B), then, for that calendar quarter, the REMIC must also 
provide to any real estate investment trust (REIT) that holds a residual 
interest the following information--
    (1) The percentage of REMIC assets described in section 
856(c)(5)(A), computed by reference to the average adjusted basis of the 
REMIC assets during the calendar quarter (as described in paragraph 
(e)(1)(iii) of this section),
    (2) The percentage of REMIC gross income (other than gross income 
from prohibited transactions defined in section 860F(a)(2)) described in 
section 856(c)(3)(A) through (E), computed as of the close of the 
calendar quarter, and
    (3) The percentage of REMIC gross income (other than gross income 
from prohibited transactions defined in section 860F(a)(2)) described in 
section 856(c)(3)(F), computed as of the close of the calendar quarter. 
For purposes of this paragraph (e)(1)(ii)(B)(3), the term ``foreclosure 
property'' contained in section 856(c)(3)(F) has the meaning specified 
in section 860G(a)(8).

In determining whether a REIT satisfies the limitations of section 
856(c)(2), all REMIC gross income is deemed to be derived from a source 
specified in section 856(c)(2).

    (C) For calendar quarters in 1987. For calendar quarters in 1987, 
the percentages of assets required in paragraphs (e)(1)(ii) (A) and (B) 
of this section may be computed by reference to the fair market value of 
the assets of the REMIC as of the close of the calendar

[[Page 106]]

quarter (as described in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section), instead 
of by reference to the average adjusted basis during the calendar 
    (D) For calendar quarters in 1988 and 1989. For calendar quarters in 
1988 and 1989, the percentages of assets required in paragraphs 
(e)(1)(ii) (A) and (B) of this section may be computed by reference to 
the average fair market value of the assets of the REMIC during the 
calendar quarter (as described in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this 
section), instead of by reference to the average adjusted basis of the 
assets of the REMIC during the calendar quarter.
    (iii) Special provisions. For purposes of paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of 
this section, the percentage of REMIC assets represented by a specified 
category computed by reference to average adjusted basis (or fair market 
value) of the assets during a calendar quarter is determined by dividing 
the average adjusted bases (or for calendar quarters before 1990, fair 
market value) of the assets in the specified category by the average 
adjusted basis (or, for calendar quarters before 1990, fair market 
value) of all the assets of the REMIC as of the close of each month, 
week, or day during that calendar quarter. The monthly, weekly, or daily 
computation period must be applied uniformly during the calendar quarter 
to all categories of assets and may not be changed in succeeding 
calendar quarters without the consent of the Commissioner.
    (2) Quarterly notice required--(i) In general. Schedule Q must be 
mailed (or otherwise delivered) to each holder of a residual interest 
during a calendar quarter no later than the last day of the month 
following the close of the calendar quarter.
    (ii) Special rule for 1987. Notice to any holder of a REMIC residual 
interest of the information required in paragraph (e)(1) of this section 
for any of the four calendar quarters of 1987 must be mailed (or 
otherwise delivered) to each holder no later than March 28, 1988.
    (3) Nominee reporting--(i) In general. If a REMIC is required under 
paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this section to provide notice to an 
interest holder who is a nominee of another person with respect to an 
interest in the REMIC, the nominee must furnish that notice to the 
person for whom it is a nominee.
    (ii) Time for furnishing statement. The nominee must furnish the 
notice required under paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section to the person 
for whom it is a nominee no later than 30 days after receiving this 
    (4) Reports to the Internal Revenue Service. For each person who was 
a residual interest holder at any time during a REMIC's taxable year, 
the REMIC must attach a copy of Schedule Q to its income tax return for 
that year for each quarter in which that person was a residual interest 
holder. Quarterly notice to the Internal Revenue Service is not 
    (f) Information returns for persons engaged in a trade or business. 
See Sec. 1.6041-1(b)(2) for the treatment of a REMIC under sections 6041 
and 6041A.

[T.D. 8366, 56 FR 49516, Sept. 30, 1991, as amended by T.D. 8458, 57 FR 
61306, Dec. 24, 1992; 58 FR 8098, Feb. 11, 1993]