[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 9]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.851-7]

[Page 15-17]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1--INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.851-7  Certain unit investment trusts.

    (a) In general. For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, a unit 
investment trust (as defined in paragraph (d) of this section) shall not 
be treated as a person (as defined in section 7701(a)(1)) except for 
years ending before January 1, 1969. A holder of an interest in such a 
trust will be treated as directly owning the assets of such trust for 
taxable years of such holder which end with or within any year of the 
trust to which section 851(f) and this section apply.
    (b) Treatment of unit investment trust. A unit investment trust 
shall not be treated as an individual, a trust estate, partnership, 
association, company, or corporation for purposes of the Internal 
Revenue Code. Accordingly, a unit investment trust is not a taxpayer 
subject to taxation under the Internal Revenue Code. No gain or loss 
will be recognized by the unit investment trust if such trust 
distributes a holder's proportionate share of the trust assets in 
exchange for his interest in the trust. Also, no gain or loss will be 
recognized by the unit investment trust if such trust sells the holder's 
proportionate share of the trust assets and distributes the proceeds 
from such share to the holder in exchange for his interest in the trust.
    (c) Treatment of holder of interest in unit investment trust. (1) 
Each holder of an interest in a unit investment trust shall be treated 
(to the extent of such interest) as owning a proportionate share of the 
assets of the trust. Accordingly, if the trust distributes to the holder 
of an interest in such trust his proportionate share of the trust assets 
in exchange for his interest in the trust, no gain or loss shall be 
recognized by such holder (or by any other holder of an interest in such 
trust). For purposes of this paragraph, each purchase of an interest in 
the trust by the holder will be considered a separate interest in the 
trust. Items of income, gain, loss, deduction, or credit received by the 
trust or a custodian thereof shall be taxed to the holders of interests 
in the trust (and not to the trust) as though they had received their 
proportionate share of the items directly on the date such items were 
received by the trust or custodian.
    (2) The basis of the assets of such trust which are treated under 
subparagraph (1) of this paragraph as being owned by the holder of an 
interest in such trust shall be the same as the basis of his interest in 
such trust. Accordingly, the amount of the gain or loss recognized by 
the holder upon the sale by the unit investment trust of the holder's 
pro rata share of the trust

[[Page 16]]

assets shall be determined with reference the basis, of his interest in 
the trust. Also, the basis of the assets received by the holder, if the 
trust distributes a holder's pro rata share of the trust assets in 
exchange for his interest in the trust, will be the same as the basis of 
his interest in the trust. If the unit investment trust sells less than 
all of the holder's pro rata share of the trust assets and the holder 
retains an interest in the trust, the amount of the gain or loss 
recognized by the holder upon the sale shall be determined with 
reference to the basis of his interest in the assets sold by the trust, 
and the basis of his interest in the trust shall be reduced accordingly. 
If the trust distributes a portion of the holder's pro rata share of the 
trust assets in exchange for a portion of his interest in the trust, the 
basis of the assets received by the holder shall be determined with 
reference to the basis of his interest in the assets distributed by the 
trust, and the basis of his interest in the trust shall be reduced 
accordingly. For purposes of this subparagraph the basis of the holder's 
interest in assets sold by the trust or distributed to him shall be an 
amount which bears the same relationship to the basis of his total 
interest in the trust that the fair market value of the assets so sold 
or distributed bears to the fair market value of such total interest in 
the trust, such fair market value to be determined on the date of such 
sale or distribution.
    (3) The period for which the holder of an interest in such trust has 
held the assets of the trust which are treated under subparagraph (1) of 
this paragraph as being owned by him is the same as the period for which 
such holder has held his interest in such trust. Accordingly, the 
character of the gain, loss, deduction, or credit recognized by the 
holder upon the sale by the unit investment trust of the holder's 
proportionate share of the trust assets shall be determined with 
reference to the period for which he has held his interest in the trust. 
Also, the holding period of the assets received by the holder if the 
trust distributes the holder's proportionate share of the trust assets 
in exchange for his interest in the trust will include the period for 
which the holder has held his interest in the trust.
    (4) The application of the provisions of this paragraph may be 
illustrated by the following example:

    Example. B entered a periodic payment plan of a unit investment 
trust (as defined in paragraph (d) of this section) with X Bank as 
custodian and Z as plan sponsor. Under this plan, upon B's demand, X 
must either redeem B's interest at a price substantially equal to the 
fair market value of the number of shares in Y, a management company, 
which are credited to B's account by X in connection with the unit 
investment trust, or at B's option distribute such shares of Y to B. B's 
plan provides for quarterly payments of $1,000. On October 1, 1969, B 
made his initial quarterly payment of $1,000 and X credited B's account 
with 110 shares of Y. On December 1, 1969, Y declared and paid a 
dividend of 25 cents per share, 5 cents of which was designated as a 
capital gain dividend pursuant to section 852(b)(3) and Sec. 1.852-4. X 
credited B's account with $27.50 but did not distribute the money to B 
in 1969. On December 31, 1969, X charged B's account with $1 for 
custodial fees for calendar year 1969. On January 1, 1970, B paid X 
$1,000 and X credited B's account with 105 shares of Y. On April 1, 
1970, B paid X $1,000 and X credited B's account with 100 shares of Y. B 
must include in his tax return for 1969 a dividend of $22 and a long-
term capital gain of $5.50. In addition, B is entitled to deduct the 
annual custodial fee of $1 under section 212 of the Code.
    (a) On April 4, 1970, at B's request, X sells the shares of Y 
credited to B's account (315 shares) for $10 per share and distributes 
the proceeds ($3,150) to B together with the remaining balance of $26.50 
in B's account. The receipt of the $26.50 does not result in any tax 
consequences to B. B recognizes a long-term capital gain of $100 and a 
short- term capital gain of $50, computed as follows:
    (1) B is treated as owning 110 shares of Y as of October 1, 1969. 
The basis of these shares is $1,000, and they were sold for $1,100 (110 
shares at $10 per share). Therefore, B recognizes a gain from the sale 
or exchange of a capital asset held for more than 6 months in the amount 
of $100.
    (2) B is treated as owning 105 shares of Y as of January 1, 1970, 
and 100 shares as of April 1, 1970. With respect to the shares acquired 
on April 1, 1970, there is no gain recognized as the shares were sold 
for $1,000, which is B's basis of the shares. The shares acquired on 
January 1, 1970, were sold for $1,050 (105 shares at $10 per share), and 
B's basis of these shares is $1,000. Therefore, B recognizes a gain of 
$50 from the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for not more than 
6 months.
    (b) On April 4, 1970, at B's request, X distributes to B the shares 
of Y credited to his

[[Page 17]]

account and $26.50 in cash. The receipt of the $26.50 does not result in 
any tax consequences to B. B does not recognize gain or loss on the 
distribution of the shares of Y to him. The bases and holding periods of 
B's interests in Y are as follows:

                  Number of shares                    acquired    Basis
110................................................     10-1-69    $9.09
105................................................      1-1-70     9.52
100................................................      4-1-70    10.00

    (d) Definition. A unit investment trust to which this section refers 
is a business arrangement (other than a segregated asset account, 
whether or not it holds assets pursuant to a variable annuity contract, 
under the insurance laws or regulations of a State) which (except for 
taxable years ending before Jan. 1, 1969)--
    (1) Is a unit investment trust (as defined in the Investment Company 
Act of 1940);
    (2) Is registered under such Act;
    (3) Issues periodic payment plan certificates (as defined in such 
Act) in one or more series;
    (4) Possesses, as substantially all of its assets, as to all such 
series, securities issued by--
    (i) A single management company (as defined in such Act), and 
securities acquired pursuant to subparagraph (5) of this paragraph, or
    (ii) A single other corporation; and
    (5) Has no power to invest in any other securities except securities 
issued by a single other management company, when permitted by such Act 
or the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
    (e) Investment in two single management companies. (1) A unit 
investment trust may possess securities issued by two or more separate 
single management companies (as defined in such Act) if--
    (i) The trust issues a separate series of periodic payment plan 
certificates (as defined in such Act) with respect to the securities of 
each separate single management company which it possesses; and
    (ii) None of the periodic payment plan certificates issued by the 
trust permits joint acquisition of an interest in each series nor the 
application of payments in whole or in part first to a series issued by 
one of the single management companies and then to any other series 
issued by any other single management company.
    (2) If a unit investment trust possesses securities of two or more 
separate single management companies as described in subparagraph (1) of 
this paragraph and issues a separate series of periodic payment plan 
certificates with respect to the securities of each such management 
company, then the holder of an interest in a series shall be treated as 
the owner of the securities in the single management company represented 
by such interest.
    (i) A holder of an interest in a series of periodic payment plan 
certificates of a trust who transfers or sells his interest in the 
series in exchange for an interest in another series of periodic payment 
plan certificates of the trust shall recognize the gain or loss realized 
from the transfer or sale as if the trust had sold the shares credited 
to his interests in the series at fair market value and distributed the 
proceeds of the sale to him.
    (ii) The basis of the interests in the series so acquired by the 
holder shall be the fair market value of his interests in the series 
transferred or sold.
    (iii) The period for which the holder has held his interest in the 
series so acquired shall be measured from the date of his acquisition of 
his interest in that series.
    (f) Cross references. (1) For reporting requirements imposed on 
custodians of unit investment trusts described in this section, see 
Secs. 1.852-4, 1.852-9, 1.853-3, 1.854-2, and 1.6042-2.
    (2) For rules relating to redemptions of certain unit investment 
trusts not described in this section, see Sec. 1.852-10.

[T.D. 7187, 37 FR 13254, July 6, 1972, as amended by T.D. 7187, 37 FR 
20688, Oct. 3, 1972]