[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.50A-1]

[Page 383-386]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1--INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.50A-1  Determination of amount.

    (a) In general. Except as otherwise provided in this section and in 
Sec. 1.50A-2, the amount of the work incentive program (WIN) credit 
allowed by section 40 for the taxable year is equal to 20 percent of the 
taxpayer's WIN expenses (as determined under paragraph (a) of 
Sec. 1.50B-1). The amount equal to 20 percent of the WIN expenses shall 
be referred to in this section and Secs. 1.50A-2 through 1.50B-5 as the 
``credit earned.''
    (b) Limitation based on amount of tax. Notwithstanding the amount of 
the credit earned for the taxable year, under section 50A(a)(2) the 
credit allowed by section 40 for the taxable year is limited to--
    (1) If the liability for tax (as defined in paragraph (c) of this 
section) is $25,000 or less, the liability for tax; or
    (2) If the liability for tax is more than $25,000, then, the first 
$25,000 of the liability for tax plus 50 percent of the liability for 
tax in excess of $25,000. However, such $25,000 amount may be reduced in 
the case of certain married individuals filing separate returns (see 
paragraph (e) of this section); corporations which are members of a 
controlled group (see paragraph (f) of this section); estates and trusts 
(see paragraph (c) of Sec. 1.50B-3); and organizations to which section 
593 applies, regulated investment companies or real estate investment 
trusts subject to taxation under subchapter M, chapter 1 of the Code, 
and cooperative organizations described in section 1381(a) (see 
Sec. 1.50B-5). The excess of the credit earned for the taxable year over 
the limitations described in this paragraph for such taxable year is an 
unused credit which may be carried back or forward to other taxable 
years in accordance with Sec. 1.50A-2.
    (c) Liability for tax. For the purpose of computing the limitation 
based on amount of tax, section 50A(a)(3) defines the liability for tax 
as the income tax imposed for the taxable year by chapter 1 of the Code, 
reduced by the sum of the credits allowable under--
    (1) Section 33 (relating to taxes of foreign countries and 
possessions of the United States,
    (2) Section 37 (relating to credit for the elderly),
    (3) Section 38 (relating to investment in certain depreciable 
property), and
    (4) Section 41 (relating to contributions to candidates for public 

For purposes of this paragraph, the tax imposed for the taxable year by 
section 56 (relating to imposition of minimum tax for tax preferences), 
section 72(m)(5)(B) (relating to 10 percent tax on premature 
distributions to owner-employees), section 402(e) (relating to tax on 
lump sum distributions), section 408(f) (relating to additional tax on 
income from certain retirement accounts), section 531 (relating to 
imposition of accumulated earnings tax), section 541 (relating to 
imposition of personal holding company tax), or section 1378 (relating 
to tax on certain capital gains of subchapter S corporations), and any 
additional tax imposed for the taxable year by section 1351(d)(1) 
(relating to recoveries of foreign expropriation losses), shall not be 
considered tax imposed by chapter 1 of the Code for such year. Thus, the 
liability for tax for purposes of computing the limitation based on 
amount of tax for the taxable year is determined without regard to any 
tax imposed by sections 56, 72(m)(5)(B), 402(e), 408(f), 531, 541, 
1351(d)(1) or 1378 of the Code. In addition, any increase in tax 
resulting from the application of section 50A (c) and (d) and 
Sec. 1.50A-3 (relating to recomputation of credit allowed due to early 
termination of employment by employer, or failure to pay comparable 
wages) shall not be treated as tax imposed by chapter 1 of the Code for 
purposes of computing the liability for tax. See section 50A (c)(3) and 
    (d) Example. The application of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this 
section may be illustrated by the following example:

    Example. X Corporation's WIN expenses for its taxable year ending 
December 31, 1973, are $500,000. X's credit earned for its taxable year 
is $100,000 (20 percent of $500,000). X's income tax for such year, 
computed without regard to credits against tax and without regard to any 
tax imposed by section 56, 531, 541, 1351(d)(1) or 1378, is $190,000. 
That amount

[[Page 384]]

includes $5,000 resulting from the application of section 50A(c)(3) and 
Sec. 1.50 A-3. X is allowed under section 33 a foreign tax credit of 
$50,000. X's liability for tax is computed as follows:

Income tax (including increase in tax under section             $190,000
 50A(c)(3), but before any credits and without regard to any
 tax imposed by section 56, 531, 541, 1351(d)(1) or 1378)...
  Increase in tax resulting from application of       $5,000
   section 50A(c)(3)............................
  Foreign tax credit............................      50,000
                                                  ..........      55,000
    Liability for tax.......................................     135,000

Under section 50A(a)(2) and paragraph (b) of this section, X's 
limitation based on amount of tax for the taxable year is $80,000 
($25,000 plus 50 percent of $110,000). X Corporation's credit allowed by 
section 40 for the taxable year therefore is $80,000. X has an unused 
credit for the year of $20,000 ($100,000 less $80,000) which it may 
carry back or forward to other taxable years in accordance with 
Sec. 1.50A-2.

    (e) Married individuals. If a separate return is filed by a husband 
or wife, the limitation based on amount of tax under paragraph (b) of 
this section shall be computed by substituting a $12,500 amount for the 
$25,000 amount in applying such paragraph (b). However, this reduction 
of the $25,000 amount to $12,500 applies only if the taxpayer's spouse 
is entitled to a credit under section 40 for the taxable year of such 
spouse which ends with, or within, the taxpayer's taxable year. The 
taxpayer's spouse is entitled to a credit under section 40 either 
because of incurring WIN expenses for such taxable year of the spouse 
(whether directly incurred by such spouse or whether apportioned to such 
spouse, for example, from an electing small business corporation, as 
defined in section 1371(b)), or because of a credit carryback or 
carryover to such taxable year under Sec. 1.50A-2. The determination of 
whether an individual is married shall be made under the principles of 
section 143 and the regulations thereunder.
    (f) Apportionment of $25,000 amount among component members of a 
controlled group--(1) In general. In determining the limitation based on 
amount of tax under section 50A(a)(2) in the case of corporations which 
are component members of a controlled group of corporations on a 
December 31, only one $25,000 amount is available to such component 
members for their taxable years that include such December 31. See 
subparagraph (2) of this paragraph for apportionment of such amount 
among such component members. See subparagraph (3) of this paragraph for 
the definition of ``component member.''
    (2) Manner of apportionment. (i) In the case of corporations which 
are component members of a controlled group on a particular December 31, 
the $25,000 amount may be apportioned among such members for their 
taxable years that include such December 31 in any manner the component 
members may select, provided that each such member less than 100 percent 
of whose stock is owned, in the aggregate, by the other component 
members of the group on such December 31 consents to an apportionment 
plan. The consent of a component member to an apportionment plan with 
respect to a particular December 31 shall be made by means of a 
statement signed by a person duly authorized to act on behalf of the 
consenting member, stating that such member consents to the 
apportionment plan with respect to such December 31. The statement shall 
set forth the name, address, employer identification number, and taxable 
year of each component member of the group on such December 31, the 
amount apportioned to each such member under the plan, and the location 
of the Internal Revenue Service center where the statement is to be 
filed. The consent of more than one component member may be incorporated 
in a single statement. The statement shall be timely filed with the 
Internal Revenue Service center where the component member having the 
taxable year first ending on or after such December 31 files its return 
for such taxable year and shall be irrevocable after such filing. If two 
or more component members have the same such taxable year, a statement 
of consent may be filed by any one of such members. Such statement shall 
be considered as timely filed if filed on or before the due date 
(including any extensions of time) of such member's income tax return 
which includes such

[[Page 385]]

December 31. However, if the due date (including any extensions of time) 
of the return of such member is on or before December 15, 1972, the 
required statement shall be considered as timely filed if filed on or 
before March 15, 1973. Each component member of the group on such 
December 31 shall keep as a part of its records a copy of the statement 
containing all the required consents.
    (ii) An apportionment plan adopted by a controlled group with 
respect to a particular December 31 shall be valid only for the taxable 
year of each member of the group which includes such December 31. Thus, 
a controlled group must file a separate consent to an apportionment plan 
with respect to each taxable year which includes a December 31 as to 
which an apportionment plan is desired.
    (iii) If an apportionment plan is not timely filed, the $25,000 
amount specified in section 50A(a)(2) shall be reduced for each 
component member of the controlled group, for its taxable year which 
includes a December 31, to an amount equal to $25,000 divided by the 
number of component members of each group on such December 31.
    (iv) If a component member of the controlled group makes its income 
tax return on the basis of a 52-53 week taxable year, the principles of 
section 441(f)(2)(A)(ii) and paragraph (b)(1) of Sec. 1.441-2 apply in 
determining the last day of such taxable year.
    (3) Definitions of controlled group of corporations and component 
member of controlled group. For the purpose of this paragraph, the terms 
``controlled group of corporations'' and ``component member'' of a 
controlled group of corporations shall have the same meaning assigned to 
those terms in section 1563 (a) and (b) and the regulations thereunder. 
For purposes of applying Sec. 1.1563-1(b)(2)(ii)(c), an electing small 
business corporation shall be treated as an excluded member whether or 
not it is subject to the tax imposed by section 1378.
    (4) Members of a controlled group filing a consolidated return. If 
some component members of a controlled group join in filing a 
consolidated return pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-3(a)(3), and other component 
members do not join, then, unless a consent is timely filed apportioning 
the $25,000 amount among the group filing the consolidated return and 
the other component members of the controlled group, each component 
member of the controlled group (including each component member which 
joins in filing the consolidated return) shall be treated as a separate 
corporation for purposes of equally apportioning the $25,000 amount 
under subparagraph (2)(iii) of this paragraph. In such case, the 
limitation based on the amount of tax for the group filing the 
consolidated return shall be computed by substituting for the $25,000 
amount the total of the amount apportioned to each component member 
which joins in filing the consolidated return. If the affiliated group, 
filing the consolidated return and the other component members of the 
controlled group adopt an apportionment plan, the affiliated group shall 
be treated as a single member for the purpose of applying subparagraph 
(2)(i) of this paragraph. Thus, for example, only one consent executed 
by the common parent to the apportionment plan is required for the group 
filing the consolidated return. If any component member of the 
controlled group which joins in the filing of the consolidated return is 
an organization to which section 593 applies or a cooperative 
organization described in section 1381(a), rules similar to the rules 
contained in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of Sec. 1.1502-3 are applicable.
    (5) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by 
the following examples:

    Example 1. At all times during 1972 Smith, an individual, owns all 
the stock of corporations X, Y, and Z. Corporation X files an income tax 
return on a calendar year basis. Corporation Y files an income tax 
return on the basis of a fiscal year ending June 30. Corporation Z files 
an income tax return on the basis of a fiscal year ending September 30. 
On December 31, 1972, X, Y, and Z are component members of the same 
controlled group. X, Y, and Z all consent to an apportionment plan in 
which the $25,000 amount is apportioned entirely to Y for its taxable 
year ending June 30, 1973 (Y's taxable year which includes December 31, 
1972). Such consent is timely filed. For purposes of computing the 
credit under section 40, Y's limitation based on amount of tax for its 
taxable year ending June 30, 1973, is so much of Y's liability for tax 
as does not exceed $25,000, plus 50 percent

[[Page 386]]

of Y's liability for tax in excess of $25,000. X's and Z's limitations 
for their taxable years ending December 31, 1972, and September 30, 
1973, respectively, are equal to 50 percent of X's liability for tax and 
50 percent of Z's liability for tax. On the other hand, if an 
apportionment plan is not timely filed, X's limitation would be so much 
of X's liability for tax as does not exceed $8,333.33, plus 50 percent 
of X's liability in excess of $8,333.33, and Y's and Z's limitations 
would be computed similarly.
    Example 2. At all times during 1972, Jones, an individual, owns all 
the outstanding stock of corporations P, Q, and R. Corporations Q and R 
both file returns for taxable year ending December 31, 1972. P files a 
consolidated return as a common parent for its fiscal year ending June 
30, 1973, with its wholly owned subsidiaries N and O. On December 31, 
1972, N, O, P, Q, and R are component members of the same controlled 
group. No consent to an apportionment plan is filed. Therefore, each 
member is apportioned $5,000 of the $25,000 amount ($25,000 divided 
equally among the five members). The limitation based on the amount of 
tax for the group filing the consolidated return (P, N, and O) for the 
year ending June 30, 1973 (the consolidated taxable year within which 
December 31, 1972, falls), is computed by using $15,000 instead of the 
$25,000 amount. The $15,000 is arrived at by adding together the $5,000 
amounts apportioned to P, N, and O.

[38 FR 6152, Mar. 7, 1973, as amended by T.D. 7636, 44 FR 47049, Aug. 
10, 1979]