[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 11]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.1368-2]

[Page 741-743]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.1368-2  Accumulated adjustments account (AAA).

    (a) Accumulated adjustments account--(1) In general. The accumulated 
adjustments account is an account of the S corporation and is not 
apportioned among shareholders. The AAA is relevant for all taxable 
years beginning on or after January 1, 1983, for which the corporation 
is an S corporation. On the first day of the first year for which the 
corporation is an S corporation, the balance of the AAA is zero. The AAA 
is increased in the manner provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section 
and is decreased in the manner provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this 
section. For the adjustments to the AAA in the case of redemptions, 
liquidations, reorganizations, and corporate separations, see paragraph 
(d) of this section.
    (2) Increases to the AAA. The AAA is increased for the taxable year 
of the corporation by the sum of the following items with respect to the 
corporation for the taxable year:
    (i) The items of income described in section 1366(a)(1)(A) other 
than income that is exempt from tax;
    (ii) Any nonseparately computed income determined under section 
1366(a)(1)(B); and
    (iii) The excess of the deductions for depletion over the basis of 
property subject to depletion unless the property is an oil or gas 
property the basis of which has been allocated to shareholders under 
section 613A(c)(11).
    (3) Decreases to the AAA--(i) In general. The AAA is decreased for 
the taxable year of the corporation by the sum of the following items 
with respect to the corporation for the taxable year--
    (A) The items of loss or deduction described in section 
    (B) Any nonseparately computed loss determined under section 
    (C) Any expense of the corporation not deductible in computing its 
taxable income and not properly chargeable to a capital account, other 
    (1) Federal taxes attributable to any taxable year in which the 
corporation was a C corporation; and
    (2) Expenses related to income that is exempt from tax; and
    (D) The sum of the shareholders' deductions for depletion for any 
oil or gas

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property held by the corporation described in section 1367(a)(2)(E).
    (ii) Extent of allowable reduction. The AAA may be decreased under 
paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section below zero. The AAA is decreased by 
noncapital, nondeductible expenses under paragraph (a)(3)(i)(C) of this 
section even though a portion of the noncapital, nondeductible expenses 
is not taken into account by a shareholder under Sec. 1.1367-1(g) 
(relating to the elective ordering rule). The AAA is also decreased by 
the entire amount of any loss or deduction even though a portion of the 
loss or deduction is not taken into account by a shareholder under 
section 1366(d)(1) or is otherwise not currently deductible under the 
Internal Revenue Code. However, in any subsequent taxable year in which 
the loss, deduction, or noncapital, nondeductible expense is treated as 
incurred by the corporation with respect to the shareholder under 
section 1366(d)(2) or Sec. 1.1367-1(g) (or in which the loss or 
deduction is otherwise allowed to the shareholder), no further 
adjustment is made to the AAA.
    (iii) Decrease to the AAA for distributions. The AAA is decreased 
(but not below zero) by any portion of a distribution to which section 
1368 (b) or (c)(1) applies.
    (4) Ordering rules for the AAA for taxable years beginning before 
January 1, 1997. For any taxable year beginning before January 1, 1997, 
the adjustments to the AAA are made in the following order--
    (i) The AAA is increased under paragraph (a)(2) of this section 
before it is decreased under paragraph (a)(3) of this section for the 
taxable year;
    (ii) The AAA is decreased under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section 
before it is decreased under paragraph (a)(3) (iii) of this section;
    (iii) The AAA is decreased (but not below zero) by any portion of an 
ordinary distribution to which section 1368 (b) or (c)(1) applies; and
    (iv) The AAA is adjusted (whether negative or positive) for 
redemption distributions under paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
    (5) Ordering rules for the AAA for taxable years beginning on or 
after August 18, 1998. For any taxable year of the S corporation 
beginning on or after August 18, 1998, the adjustments to the AAA are 
made in the following order--
    (i) The AAA is increased under paragraph (a)(2) of this section 
before it is decreased under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section for the 
taxable year;
    (ii) The AAA is decreased under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section 
(without taking into account any net negative adjustment (as defined in 
section 1368(e)(1)(C)(ii)) before it is decreased under paragraph 
(a)(3)(iii) of this section;
    (iii) The AAA is decreased (but not below zero) by any portion of an 
ordinary distribution to which section 1368(b) or (c)(1) applies;
    (iv) The AAA is decreased by any net negative adjustment (as defined 
in section 1368(e)(1)(C)(ii)); and
    (v) The AAA is adjusted (whether negative or positive) for 
redemption distributions under paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
    (b) Distributions in excess of the AAA--(1) In general. A portion of 
the AAA (determined under paragraph (b)(2) of this section) is allocated 
to each of the distributions made for the taxable year if--
    (i) An S corporation makes more than one distribution of property 
with respect to its stock during the taxable year of the corporation 
(including an S short year as defined under section 1362(e)(1)(A));
    (ii) The AAA has a positive balance at the close of the year; and
    (iii) The sum of the distributions made during the corporation's 
taxable year exceeds the balance of the AAA at the close of the year.
    (2) Amount of the AAA allocated to each distribution. The amount of 
the AAA allocated to each distribution is determined by multiplying the 
balance of the AAA at the close of the current taxable year by a 
fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of the distribution and 
the denominator of which is the amount of all distributions made during 
the taxable year. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(2), the term all 
distributions made during the taxable year does not include any 
distribution treated as from earnings and profits or previously taxed 
income pursuant to an election made under

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section 1368(e)(3) and Sec. 1.1368-1(f)(2). See paragraph (d)(1) of this 
section for rules relating to the adjustments to the AAA for redemptions 
and distributions in the year of a redemption.
    (c) Distribution of money and loss property--(1) In general. The 
amount of the AAA allocated to a distribution under this section must be 
further allocated (under paragraph (c)(2) of this section) if the 
    (i) Consists of property the adjusted basis of which exceeds its 
fair market value on the date of the distribution and money;
    (ii) Is a distribution to which Sec. 1.1368-1(d)(1) applies; and
    (iii) Exceeds the amount of the corporation's AAA properly allocable 
to that distribution.
    (2) Allocating the AAA to loss property. The amount of the AAA 
allocated to the property other than money is equal to the amount of the 
AAA allocated to the distribution multiplied by a fraction, the 
numerator of which is the fair market value of the property other than 
money on the date of distribution and the denominator of which is the 
amount of the distribution. The amount of the AAA allocated to the money 
is equal to the amount of the AAA allocated to the distribution reduced 
by the amount of the AAA allocated to the property other than money.
    (d) Adjustment in the case of redemptions, liquidations, 
reorganizations, and divisions--(1) Redemptions--(i) General rule. In 
the case of a redemption distribution by an S corporation that is 
treated as an exchange under section 302(a) or section 303(a) (a 
redemption distribution), the AAA of the corporation is adjusted in an 
amount equal to the ratable share of the corporation's AAA (whether 
negative or positive) attributable to the redeemed stock as of the date 
of the redemption.
    (ii) Special rule for years in which a corporation makes both 
ordinary and redemption distributions. In any year in which a 
corporation makes one or more distributions to which section 1368(a) 
applies (ordinary distributions) and makes one or more redemption 
distributions, the AAA of the corporation is adjusted first for any 
ordinary distributions and then for any redemption distributions.
    (iii) Adjustments to earnings and profits. Earnings and profits are 
adjusted under section 312 independently of any adjustments made to the 
    (2) Liquidations and reorganizations. An S corporation acquiring the 
assets of another S corporation in a transaction to which section 381(a) 
applies will succeed to and merge its AAA (whether positive or negative) 
with the AAA (whether positive or negative) of the distributor or 
transferor S corporation as of the close of the date of distribution or 
transfer. Thus, the AAA of the acquiring corporation after the 
transaction is the sum of the AAAs of the corporations prior to the 
    (3) Corporate separations to which section 368(a)(l)(D) applies. If 
an S corporation with accumulated earnings and profits transfers a part 
of its assets constituting an active trade or business to another 
corporation in a transaction to which section 368(a)(l)(D) applies, and 
immediately thereafter the stock and securities of the controlled 
corporation are distributed in a distribution or exchange to which 
section 355 (or so much of section 356 as relates to section 355) 
applies, the AAA of the distributing corporation immediately before the 
transaction is allocated between the distributing corporation and the 
controlled corporation in a manner similar to the manner in which the 
earnings and profits of the distributing corporation are allocated under 
section 312 (h). See Sec. 1.312-10(a).
    (e) Election to terminate year under section 1377(a)(2) or 
Sec. 1.1368-1(g)(2). If an election is made under section 1377(a)(2) (to 
terminate the year in the case of termination of a shareholder's 
interest) or Sec. 1.1368-1(g)(2) (to terminate the year in the case of a 
qualifying disposition), this section applies as if the taxable year 
consisted of separate taxable years, the first of which ends at the 
close of the day on which the shareholder terminated his or her interest 
in the corporation or makes a substantial disposition of stock, 
whichever the case may be.

[T.D. 8508, 59 FR 20, Jan. 3, 1994, as amended by T.D. 8852, 64 FR 
71650, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. 8869, 65 FR 3855, Jan. 25, 2000]

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