[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 11]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.1291-9]

[Page 585-588]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.1291-9  Deemed dividend election.

    (a) Deemed dividend election--(1) In general. This section provides 
rules for making the election under section 1291(d)(2)(B) (deemed 
dividend election). Under that section, a shareholder (as defined in 
paragraph (j)(3) of this section) of a PFIC that is an unpedigreed QEF 
may elect to include in income as a dividend the shareholder's pro rata 
share of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the PFIC attributable to 
the stock held on the qualification date (as defined in paragraph (e) of 
this section), provided the PFIC is a controlled foreign corporation 
(CFC) within the meaning of section 957(a) for the taxable year for 
which the shareholder elects under section 1295 to treat the PFIC as a 
QEF (section 1295 election). If the shareholder makes the deemed 
dividend election, the PFIC will become a pedigreed QEF with respect to 
the shareholder. The deemed dividend is taxed under section 1291 as an 
excess distribution received on the qualification date. The excess 
distribution determined under this paragraph (a) is allocated under 
section 1291(a)(1)(A) only to those days in the shareholder's holding 
period during which the foreign corporation qualified as a PFIC. For 
purposes of the preceding sentence, the holding period of the PFIC stock 
with respect to which the election is made ends on the day before the 
qualification date. For the definitions of PFIC, QEF, unpedigreed QEF, 
and pedigreed QEF, see paragraph (j) (1) and (2) of this section.
    (2) Post-1986 earnings and profits defined--(i) In general. For 
purposes of this section, the term post-1986 earnings and profits means 
the undistributed earnings and profits, within the meaning of section 
902(c)(1), as of the day before the qualification date, that were 
accumulated and not distributed in taxable years of the PFIC beginning 
after 1986 and during which it was a PFIC, but without regard to whether 
the earnings relate to a period during which the PFIC was a CFC.
    (ii) Pro rata share of post-1986 earnings and profits attributable 
to shareholder's stock--(A) In general. A shareholder's pro rata share 
of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the PFIC attributable to the 
stock held by the shareholder on the qualification date is the amount of 
post-1986 earnings and profits of the PFIC accumulated during any 
portion of the shareholder's holding period ending at the close of the 
day before the qualification date and attributable, under the principles 
of section 1248 and the regulations under that section, to the PFIC 
stock held on the qualification date.
    (B) Reduction for previously taxed amounts. A shareholder's pro rata 
share of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the PFIC does not include 
any amount that the shareholder demonstrates to the satisfaction of the 
Commissioner (in the manner provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this 
section) was, pursuant to another provision of the law, previously 
included in the income of the shareholder, or of another U.S. person if 
the shareholder's holding period of the PFIC stock includes the period 
during which the stock was held by that other U.S. person.
    (b) Who may make the election. A shareholder of an unpedigreed QEF 
that is a CFC for the taxable year of the PFIC for which the shareholder 
makes the section 1295 election may make the deemed dividend election 
provided the shareholder held stock of

[[Page 586]]

that PFIC on the qualification date. A shareholder is treated as holding 
stock of the PFIC on the qualification date if its holding period with 
respect to that stock under section 1223 includes the qualification 
date. A shareholder may make the deemed dividend election without regard 
to whether the shareholder is a United States shareholder within the 
meaning of section 951(b). A deemed dividend election may be made by a 
shareholder whose pro rata share of the post-1986 earnings and profits 
of the PFIC attributable to the PFIC stock held on the qualification 
date is zero.
    (c) Time for making the election. The shareholder makes the deemed 
dividend election in the shareholder's return for the taxable year that 
includes the qualification date. If the shareholder and the PFIC have 
the same taxable year, the shareholder makes the deemed dividend 
election in either the original return for the taxable year for which 
the shareholder makes the section 1295 election, or in an amended return 
for that year. If the shareholder and the PFIC have different taxable 
years, the deemed dividend election must be made in an amended return 
for the taxable year that includes the qualification date. If the deemed 
dividend election is made in an amended return, the amended return must 
be filed by a date that is within three years of the due date, as 
extended under section 6081, of the original return for the taxable year 
that includes the qualification date.
    (d) Manner of making the election--(1) In general. A shareholder 
makes the deemed dividend election by filing Form 8621 and the 
attachment to Form 8621 described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section 
with the return for the taxable year of the shareholder that includes 
the qualification date, reporting the deemed dividend as an excess 
distribution pursuant to section 1291(a)(1), and paying the tax and 
interest due on the excess distribution. A shareholder that makes the 
deemed dividend election after the due date of the return (determined 
without regard to extensions) for the taxable year that includes the 
qualification date must pay additional interest, pursuant to section 
6601, on the amount of the underpayment of tax for that year.
    (2) Attachment to Form 8621. The shareholder must attach a schedule 
to Form 8621 that demonstrates the calculation of the shareholder's pro 
rata share of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the PFIC that is 
treated as distributed to the shareholder on the qualification date 
pursuant to this section. If the shareholder is claiming an exclusion 
from its pro rata share of the post-1986 earnings and profits for an 
amount previously included in its income or the income of another U.S. 
person, the shareholder must include the following information:
    (i) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each 
U.S. person that previously included an amount in income, the amount 
previously included in income by each such U.S. person, the provision of 
the law pursuant to which the amount was previously included in income, 
and the taxable year or years of inclusion of each amount; and
    (ii) A description of the transaction pursuant to which the 
shareholder acquired, directly or indirectly, the stock of the PFIC from 
another U.S. person, and the provisions of law pursuant to which the 
shareholder's holding period includes the period the other U.S. person 
held the CFC stock.
    (e) Qualification date--(1) In general. Except as otherwise provided 
in this paragraph (e), the qualification date is the first day of the 
PFIC's first taxable year as a QEF (first QEF year).
    (2) Elections made after March 31, 1995, and before January 27, 
1997--(i) In general. The qualification date for deemed dividend 
elections made after March 31, 1995, and before January 27, 1997, is the 
first day of the shareholder's election year. The shareholder's election 
year is the taxable year of the shareholder for which it made the 
section 1295 election.
    (ii) Exception. A shareholder who made the deemed dividend election 
after May 1, 1992, and before January 27, 1997, may elect to change its 
qualification date to the first day of the first QEF year, provided the 
periods of limitations on assessment for the taxable year that includes 
that date and for the shareholder's election year have not expired. A 
shareholder changes the

[[Page 587]]

qualification date by filing amended returns, with revised Forms 8621 
and the attachments described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, for 
the shareholder's election year and the shareholder's taxable year that 
includes the first day of the first QEF year, and making all appropriate 
adjustments and payments.
    (3) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (e) are illustrated by the 
following examples:

    Example 1. (i) Eligibility to make deemed dividend election. A is a 
U.S. person who files its income tax return on a calendar year basis. On 
January 2, 1994, A purchased one percent of the stock of M, a PFIC with 
a taxable year ending November 30. M was both a CFC and a PFIC, but not 
a QEF, for all of its taxable years. On December 3, 1996, M made a 
distribution to its shareholders. A received $100, all of which A 
reported in its 1996 return as an excess distribution as provided in 
section 1291(a)(1). A decides to make the section 1295 election in A's 
1997 taxable year to treat M as a QEF effective for M's taxable year 
beginning December 1, 1996. Because A did not make the section 1295 
election in 1994, the first year in its holding period of M stock that M 
qualified as a PFIC, M would be an unpedigreed QEF and A would be 
subject to both sections 1291 and 1293. A, however, may elect under 
section 1291(d)(2) to purge the years M was not a QEF from A's holding 
period. If A makes the section 1291(d)(2) election, the December 3 
distribution will not be taxable under section 1291(a). Because M is a 
CFC, even though A is not a U.S. shareholder within the meaning of 
section 951(b), A may make the deemed dividend election under section 
    (ii) Making the election. Under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, 
the qualification date, and therefore the date of the deemed dividend, 
is December 1, 1996. Accordingly, to make the deemed dividend election, 
A must file an amended return for 1996, and include the deemed dividend 
in income in that year. As a result, M will be a pedigreed QEF as of 
December 1, 1996, and the December 3, 1996, distribution will not be 
taxable as an excess distribution. Therefore, in its amended return, A 
may report the December 3, 1996, distribution consistent with section 
1293 and the general rules applicable to corporate distributions.
    Example 2. X, a U.S. person, owned a five percent interest in the 
stock of FC, a PFIC with a taxable year ending June 30. X never made the 
section 1295 election with respect to FC. X transferred her interest in 
FC to her granddaughter, Y, a U.S. person, on February 14, 1996. The 
transfer qualified as a gift for Federal income tax purposes, and no 
gain was recognized on the transfer (see Regulation Project INTL-656-87, 
published in 1992-1 C.B. 1124; see Sec. 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this 
chapter). As provided in section 1223(2), Y's holding period includes 
the period that X held the FC stock. Y decides to make the section 1295 
election in her 1996 return to treat FC as a QEF for its taxable year 
beginning July 1, 1995. However, because Y's holding period includes the 
period that X held the FC stock, and FC was a PFIC but not a QEF during 
that period, FC will be an unpedigreed QEF with respect to Y unless Y 
makes a section 1291(d)(2) election. Although Y did not actually own the 
stock of FC on the qualification date (July 1, 1995), Y's holding period 
includes that date. Therefore, provided FC is a CFC for its taxable year 
beginning July 1, 1995, Y may make a section 1291(d)(2)(B) election to 
treat FC as a pedigreed QEF.

    (f) Adjustment to basis. A shareholder that makes the deemed 
dividend election increases its adjusted basis of the stock of the PFIC 
owned directly by the shareholder by the amount of the deemed dividend. 
If the shareholder makes the deemed dividend election with respect to a 
PFIC of which it is an indirect shareholder, the shareholder's adjusted 
basis of the stock or other property owned directly by the shareholder, 
through which ownership of the PFIC is attributed to the shareholder, is 
increased by the amount of the deemed dividend. In addition, solely for 
purposes of determining the subsequent treatment under the Code and 
regulations of a shareholder of the stock of the PFIC, the adjusted 
basis of the direct owner of the stock of the PFIC is increased by the 
amount of the deemed dividend.
    (g) Treatment of holding period. For purposes of applying sections 
1291 through 1297 to the shareholder after the deemed dividend, the 
shareholder's holding period of the stock of the PFIC begins on the 
qualification date. For other purposes of the Code and regulations, this 
holding period rule does not apply.
    (h) Coordination with section 959(e). For purposes of section 
959(e), the entire deemed dividend is treated as included in gross 
income under section 1248(a).
    (i)(1) [Reserved]
    (2) Former PFIC. A shareholder may not make the section 1295 and 
deemed dividend elections if the foreign corporation is a former PFIC 
(as defined in paragraph (j)(2)(iv) of this section)

[[Page 588]]

with respect to the shareholder. For the rules regarding the election by 
a shareholder of a former PFIC, see Sec. 1.1297-3T.
    (j) Definitions--(1) Passive foreign investment company (PFIC). A 
passive foreign investment company (PFIC) is a foreign corporation that 
satisfies either the income test of section 1296(a)(1) or the asset test 
of section 1296(a)(2). A corporation will not be treated as a PFIC with 
respect to a shareholder for those days included in the shareholder's 
holding period when the shareholder, or a person whose holding period of 
the stock is included in the shareholder's holding period, was not a 
United States person within the meaning of section 7701(a)(30).
    (2) Types of PFICs--(i) Qualified electing fund (QEF). A PFIC is a 
qualified electing fund (QEF) with respect to a shareholder that has 
elected, under section 1295, to be taxed currently on its share of the 
PFIC's earnings and profits pursuant to section 1293.
    (ii) Pedigreed QEF. A PFIC is a pedigreed QEF with respect to a 
shareholder if the PFIC has been a QEF with respect to the shareholder 
for all taxable years during which the corporation was a PFIC that are 
included wholly or partly in the shareholder's holding period of the 
PFIC stock.
    (iii) Unpedigreed QEF. A PFIC is an unpedigreed QEF for a taxable 
year if--
    (A) An election under section 1295 is in effect for that year;
    (B) The PFIC has been a QEF with respect to the shareholder for at 
least one, but not all, of the taxable years during which the 
corporation was a PFIC that are included wholly or partly in the 
shareholder's holding period of the PFIC stock; and
    (C) The shareholder has not made an election under section 
1291(d)(2) and this section or Sec. 1.1291-10 with respect to the PFIC 
to purge the nonQEF years from the shareholder's holding period.
    (iv) Former PFIC. A foreign corporation is a former PFIC with 
respect to a shareholder if the corporation satisfies neither the income 
test of section 1296(a)(1) nor the asset test of section 1296(a)(2), but 
whose stock, held by that shareholder, is treated as stock of a PFIC, 
pursuant to section 1297(b)(1), because at any time during the 
shareholder's holding period of the stock the corporation was a PFIC 
that was not a QEF.
    (3) Shareholder. A shareholder is a U.S. person that is a direct or 
indirect shareholder as defined in Regulation Project INTL-656-87 
published in 1992-1 C.B. 1124; see Sec. 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this 
    (k) Effective date. The rules of this section are applicable as of 
April 1, 1995.

[T.D. 8701, 61 FR 68151, Dec. 27, 1996; 62 FR 7155, Feb. 18, 1997, as 
amended by T.D. 8750, 63 FR 13, Jan. 2, 1998]