[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 11]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.1031(a)-2]

[Page 80-82]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.1031(a)-2  Additional rules for exchanges of personal property.

    (a) Introduction. Section 1.1031(a)-1(b) provides that the 
nonrecognition rules of section 1031 do not apply to an exchange of one 
kind or class of property for property of a different kind or class. 
This section contains additional rules for determining whether personal 
property has been exchanged for property of a like kind or like class. 
Personal properties of a like class are considered to be of a ``like 
kind'' for purposes of section 1031. In addition, an exchange of 
properties of a like kind may qualify under section 1031 regardless of 
whether the properties are also of a like class. In determining whether 
exchanged properties are of a like kind, no inference is to be drawn 
from the fact that the properties are not of a like class. Under 
paragraph (b) of this section, depreciable tangible personal properties 
are of a like class if they are either within the same General Asset 
Class (as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section) or within the 
same Product Class (as defined in paragraph (b)(3) of this section). 
Paragraph (c) of this section provides rules for exchanges of intangible 
personal property and nondepreciable personal property.
    (b) Depreciable tangible personal property--(1) General rule. 
Depreciable tangible personal property is exchanged for property of a 
``like kind'' under section 1031 if the property is exchanged for 
property of a like kind or like class. Depreciable tangible personal 
property is of a like class to other depreciable tangible personal 
property if the exchanged properties are either within the same General 
Asset Class or within the same Product Class. A single property may not 
be classified within more than one General Asset Class or within more 
than one Product Class. In addition, property classified within any 
General Asset Class may not be classified within a Product Class. A 
property's General Asset Class or Product Class is determined as of the 
date of the exchange.
    (2) General Asset Classes. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(4) 
and (b)(5) of this section, property within a General Asset Class 
consists of depreciable tangible personal property described in one of 
asset classes 00.11 through 00.28 and 00.4 of Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 
C.B. 674. These General Asset Classes describe types of depreciable 
tangible personal property that frequently are used in many businesses. 
The General Asset Classes are as follows:

[[Page 81]]

    (i) Office furniture, fixtures, and equipment (asset class 00.11),
    (ii) Information systems (computers and peripheral equipment) (asset 
class 00.12),
    (iii) Data handling equipment, except computers (asset class 00.13),
    (iv) Airplanes (airframes and engines), except those used in 
commercial or contract carrying of passengers or freight, and all 
helicopters (airframes and engines) (asset class 00.21),
    (v) Automobiles, taxis (asset class 00.22),
    (vi) Buses (asset class 00.23),
    (vii) Light general purpose trucks (asset class 00.241),
    (viii) Heavy general purpose trucks (asset class 00.242),
    (ix) Railroad cars and locomotives, except those owned by railroad 
transportation companies (asset class 00.25),
    (x) Tractor units for use over-the-road (asset class 00.26),
    (xi) Trailers and trailer-mounted containers (asset class 00.27),
    (xii) Vessels, barges, tugs, and similar water-transportation 
equipment, except those used in marine construction (asset class 00.28), 
    (xiii) Industrial steam and electric generation and/or distribution 
systems (asset class 00.4).
    (3) Product Classes. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(4) and 
(b)(5) of this section, property within a Product Class consists of 
depreciable tangible personal property that is listed in a 4-digit 
product class within Division D of the Standard Industrial 
Classification codes, set forth in Executive Office of the President, 
Office of Management and Budget, Standard Industrial Classification 
Manual (1987) (SIC Manual). Copies of the SIC Manual may be obtained 
from the National Technical Information Service, an agency of the U.S. 
Department of Commerce. Division D of the SIC Manual contains a listing 
of manufactured products and equipment. For this purpose, any 4-digit 
product class ending in a ``9'' (i.e., a miscellaneous category) will 
not be considered a Product Class. If a property is listed in more than 
one product class, the property is treated as listed in any one of those 
product classes. A property's 4-digit product classification is referred 
to as the property's ``SIC Code.''
    (4) Modifications of Rev. Proc. 87-56 and SIC Manual. The asset 
classes of Rev. Proc. 87-56 and the product classes of the SIC Manual 
may be updated or otherwise modified from time to time. In the event 
Rev. Proc. 87-56 is modified, the General Asset Classes will follow the 
modification, and the modification will be effective for exchanges 
occurring on or after the date the modification is published in the 
Internal Revenue Bulletin, unless otherwise provided. Similarly, in the 
event the SIC Manual is modified, the Product Classes will follow the 
modification, and the modification will be effective for exchanges 
occurring on or after the effective date of the modification. However, 
taxpayers may rely on the unmodified SIC Manual for exchanges occurring 
during the one-year period following the effective date of the 
modification. The SIC Manual generally is modified every five years, in 
years ending in a 2 or 7 (e.g., 1987 and 1992). The effective date of 
the modified SIC Manual is announced in the Federal Register and 
generally is January 1 of the year the SIC Manual is modified.
    (5) Modified classification through published guidance. The 
Commissioner may, by guidance published in the Internal Revenue 
Bulletin, supplement the guidance provided in this section relating to 
classification of properties. For example, the Commissioner may 
determine not to follow, in whole or in part, any modification of Rev. 
Proc. 87-56 or the SIC Manual. The Commissioner may also determine that 
two types of property that are listed in separate product classes each 
ending in a ``9'' are of a like class, or that a type of property that 
has a SIC Code is of a like class to a type of property that does not 
have a SIC Code.
    (6) No inference outside of section 1031. The rules provided in this 
section concerning the use of Rev. Proc. 87-56 and the SIC Manual are 
limited to exchanges under section 1031. No inference is intended with 
respect to the classification of property for other purposes, such as 

[[Page 82]]

    (7) Examples. The application of this paragraph (b) may be 
illustrated by the following examples:

    Example 1. Taxpayer A transfers a personal computer (asset class 
00.12) to B in exchange for a printer (asset class 00.12). With respect 
to A, the properties exchanged are within the same General Asset Class 
and therefore are of a like class.
    Example 2. Taxpayer C transfers an airplane (asset class 00.21) to D 
in exchange for a heavy general purpose truck (asset class 00.242). The 
properties exchanged are not of a like class because they are within 
different General Asset Classes. Because each of the properties is 
within a General Asset Class, the properties may not be classified 
within a Product Class. The airplane and heavy general purpose truck are 
also not of a like kind. Therefore, the exchange does not qualify for 
nonrecognition of gain or loss under section 1031.
    Example 3. Taxpayer E transfers a grader to F in exchange for a 
scraper. Neither property is within any of the General Asset Classes, 
and both properties are within the same Product Class (SIC Code 3533). 
With respect to E, therefore, the properties exchanged are of a like 
    Example 4. Taxpayer G transfers a personal computer (asset class 
00.12), an airplane (asset class 00.21) and a sanding machine (SIC Code 
3553), to H in exchange for a printer (asset class 00.12), a heavy 
general purpose truck (asset class 00.242) and a lathe (SIC Code 3553). 
The personal computer and the printer are of a like class because they 
are within the same General Asset Class; the sanding machine and the 
lathe are of a like class because neither property is within any of the 
General Asset Classes and they are within the same Product Class. The 
airplane and the heavy general purpose truck are neither within the same 
General Asset Class nor within the same Product Class, and are not of a 
like kind.

    (c) Intangible personal property and nondepreciable personal 
property--(1) General rule. An exchange of intangible personal property 
of nondepreciable personal property qualifies for nonrecognition of gain 
or loss under section 1031 only if the exchanged properties are of a 
like kind. No like classes are provided for these properties. Whether 
intangible personal property is of a like kind to other intangible 
personal property generally depends on the nature or character of the 
rights involved (e.g., a patent or a copyright) and also on the nature 
or character of the underlying property to which the intangible personal 
property relates.
    (2) Goodwill and going concern value. The goodwill or going concern 
value of a business is not of a like kind to the goodwill or going 
concern value of another business.
    (3) Examples. The application of this paragraph (c) may be 
illustrated by the following examples:

    Example 1. Taxpayer K exchanges a copyright on a novel for a 
copyright on a different novel. The properties exchanged are of a like 
    Example 2. Taxpayer J exchanges a copyright on a novel for a 
copyright on a song. The properties exchanged are not of a like kind.

    (d) Effective date. Section 1.1031(a)-2 is effective for exchanges 
occurring on or after April 11, 1991.

[T.D. 8343, 56 FR 14854, Apr. 12, 1991]