[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.71-1]

[Page 111-115]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.71-1  Alimony and separate maintenance payments; income to wife or former wife.

    (a) In general. Section 71 provides rules for treatment in certain 
cases of payments in the nature of or in lieu of alimony or an allowance 
for support as between spouses who are divorced or separated. For 
convenience, the payee spouse will hereafter in this section be referred 
to as the ``wife'' and the spouse from whom she is divorced or separated 
as the ``husband.'' See section 7701(a)(17). For rules relative to the 
deduction by the husband of periodic payments not attributable to 
transferred property, see section 215 and the regulations thereunder. 
For rules relative to the taxable status of income of an estate or trust 
in case of divorce, etc., see section 682 and the regulations 
    (b) Alimony or separate maintenance payments received from the 
husband--(1) Decree of divorce or separate maintenance. (i) In the case 
of divorce or legal separation, paragraph (1) of section 71(a) requires 
the inclusion in the gross income of the wife of periodic payments 
(whether or not made at regular intervals) received by her after a 
decree of divorce or of separate maintenance. Such periodic payments 
must be made in discharge of a legal obligation imposed upon or incurred 
by the husband because of the marital or family relationship under a 
court order or decree divorcing or legally separating the husband and 
wife or a written instrument incident to the divorce status or legal 
separation status.
    (ii) For treatment of payments attributable to property transferred 
(in trust or otherwise), see paragraph (c) of this section.
    (2) Written separation agreement. (i) Where the husband and wife are 
separated and living apart and do not file a joint income tax return for 
the taxable year, paragraph (2) of section 71(a) requires the inclusion 
in the gross income of the wife of periodic payments (whether or not 
made at regular intervals) received by her pursuant to a written 
separation agreement executed after August 16, 1954. The periodic 
payments must be made under the terms of the written separation 
agreement after its execution and because of the marital or family 
relationship. Such payments are includable in the wife's gross income 
whether or not the agreement is a legally enforceable instrument. 
Moreover, if the wife is divorced or legally separated subsequent to the 
written separation agreement, payments made under such agreement 
continue to fall within the provisions of section 71(a)(2).
    (ii) For purposes of section 71(a)(2) any written separation 
agreement executed on or before August 16, 1954, which is altered or 
modified in writing by the parties in any material respect after that 
date will be treated as an agreement executed after August 16, 1954, 
with respect to payments made after the date of alteration or 
    (iii) For treatment of payments attributable to property transferred 
(in trust or otherwise), see paragraph (c) of this section.
    (3) Decree for support. (i) Where the husband and wife are separated 
and living apart and do not file a joint income tax return for the 
taxable year, paragraph (3) of section 71(a) requires the inclusion in 
the gross income of the wife of periodic payments (whether or not made 
at regular intervals) received by her after August 16, 1954, from her 
husband under any type of court order or decree (including an 
interlocutory decree of divorce or a decree of alimony pendente lite) 
entered after March 1, 1954, requiring the husband to make the payments 
for her support or maintenance. It is not necessary for the wife to be 
legally separated or divorced from her husband under a court order or 
decree; nor is it necessary for the order or decree for support to be 
for the purpose of enforcing a written separation agreement.
    (ii) For purposes of section 71(a)(3), any decree which is altered 
or modified by a court order entered after March 1, 1954, will be 
treated as a decree entered after such date.
    (4) Scope of section 71(a). Section 71(a) applies only to payments 
made because

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of the family or marital relationship in recognition of the general 
obligation to support which is made specific by the decree, instrument, 
or agreement. Thus, section 71(a) does not apply to that part of any 
periodic payment which is attributable to the repayment by the husband 
of, for example, a bona fide loan previously made to him by the wife, 
the satisfaction of which is specified in the decree, instrument, or 
agreement as a part of the general settlement between the husband and 
    (5) Year of inclusion. Periodic payments are includible in the 
wife's income under section 71(a) only for the taxable year in which 
received by her. As to such amounts, the wife is to be treated as if she 
makes her income tax returns on the cash receipts and disbursements 
method, regardless of whether she normally makes such returns on the 
accrual method. However, if the periodic payments described in section 
71(a) are to be made by an estate or trust, such periodic payments are 
to be included in the wife's taxable year in which they are includible 
according to the rules as to income of estates and trusts provided in 
sections 652, 662, and 682, whether or not such payments are made out of 
the income of such estates or trusts.
    (6) Examples. The foregoing rules are illustrated by the following 
examples in which it is assumed that the husband and wife file separate 
income tax returns on the calendar year basis:

    Example (1). W files suit for divorce from H in 1953. In 
consideration of W's promise to relinquish all marital rights and not to 
make public H's financial affairs, H agrees in writing to pay $200 a 
month to W during her lifetime if a final decree of divorce is granted 
without any provision for alimony. Accordingly, W does not request 
alimony and no provision for alimony is made under a final decree of 
divorce entered December 31, 1953. During 1954, H pays W $200 a month, 
pursuant to the promise. The $2,400 thus received by W is includible in 
her gross income under the provisions of section 71(a)(1). Under section 
215, H is entitled to a deduction of $2,400 from his gross income.
    Example (2). During 1945, H and W enter into an antenuptial 
agreement, under which, in consideration of W's relinquishment of all 
marital rights (including dower) in H's property, and, in order to 
provide for W's support and household expenses, H promises to pay W $200 
a month during her lifetime. Ten years after their marriage, W sues H 
for divorce but does not ask for or obtain alimony because of the 
provision already made for her support in the antenuptial agreement. 
Likewise, the divorce decree is silent as to such agreement and H's 
obligation to support W. Section 71(a) does not apply to such a case. 
If, however, the decree were modified so as to refer to the antenuptial 
agreement, or if reference had been made to the antenuptial agreement in 
the court's decree or in a written instrument incident to the divorce 
status, section 71(a)(1) would require the inclusion in W's gross income 
of the payments received by her after the decree. Similarly, if a 
written separation agreement were executed after August 16, 1954, and 
incorporated the payment provisions of the antenuptial agreement, 
section 71(a)(2) would require the inclusion in W's income of payments 
received by W after W begins living apart from H, whether or not the 
divorce decree was subsequently entered and whether or not W was living 
apart from H when the separation agreement was executed, provided that 
such payments were made after such agreement was executed and pursuant 
to its terms. As to including such payments in W's income, if made by a 
trust created under the antenuptial agreement, regardless of whether 
referred to in the decree or a later instrument, or created pursuant to 
the written separation agreement, see section 682 and the regulations 
    Example (3). H and W are separated and living apart during 1954. W 
sues H for support and on February 1, 1954, the court enters a decree 
requiring H to pay $200 a month to W for her support and maintenance. No 
part of the $200 a month support payments is includible in W's income 
under section 71(a)(3) or deductible by H under section 215. If, 
however, the decree had been entered after March 1, 1954, or had been 
altered or modified by a court order entered after March 1, 1954, the 
payments received by W after August 16, 1954, under the decree as 
altered or modified would be includible in her income under section 
71(a)(3) and deductible by H under section 215.
    Example (4). W sues H for divorce in 1954. On January 15, 1954, the 
court awards W temporary alimony of $25 a week pending the final decree. 
On September 1, 1954, the court grants W a divorce and awards her $200 a 
month permanent alimony. No part of the $25 a week temporary alimony 
received prior to the decree is includible in W's income under section 
71(a), but the $200 a month received during the remainder of 1954 by W 
is includible in her income for 1954. Under section 215, H is entitled 
to deduct such $200 payments from his income. If, however, the decree 
awarding W temporary alimony had been entered after March 1, 1954, or 
had been altered or modified by a court order entered

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after March 1, 1954, temporary alimony received by her after August 16, 
1954, would be includible in her income under section 71(a)(3) and 
deductible by H under section 215.

    (c) Alimony and separate maintenance payments attributable to 
property. (1)(i) In the case of divorce or legal separation, paragraph 
(1) of section 71(a) requires the inclusion in the gross income of the 
wife of periodic payments (whether or not made at regular intervals) 
attributable to property transferred, in trust or otherwise, and 
received by her after a decree of divorce or of separate maintenance. 
Such property must have been transferred in discharge of a legal 
obligation imposed upon or incurred by the husband because of the 
marital or family relationship under a decree of divorce or separate 
maintenance or under a written instrument incident to such divorce 
status or legal separation status.
    (ii) Where the husband and wife are separated and living apart and 
do not file a joint income tax return for the taxable year, paragraph 
(2) of section 71(a) requires the inclusion in the gross income of the 
wife of periodic payments (whether or not made at regular intervals) 
received by her which are attributable to property transferred, in trust 
or otherwise, under a written separation agreement executed after August 
16, 1954. The property must be transferred because of the marital or 
family relationship. The periodic payments attributable to the property 
must be received by the wife after the written separation agreement is 
    (iii) The periodic payments received by the wife attributable to 
property transferred under subdivisions (i) and (ii) of this 
subparagraph and includible in her gross income are not to be included 
in the gross income of the husband.
    (2) The full amount of periodic payments received under the 
circumstances described in section 71(a) (1), (2), and (3) is required 
to be included in the gross income of the wife regardless of the source 
of such payments. Thus, it matters not that such payments are 
attributable to property in trust, to life insurance, endowment, or 
annuity contracts, or to any other interest in property, or are paid 
directly or indirectly by the husband from his income or capital. For 
example, if in order to meet an alimony or separate maintenance 
obligation of $500 a month the husband purchases or assigns for the 
benefit of his wife a commercial annuity contract paying such amount, 
the full $500 a month received by the wife is includible in her income, 
and no part of such amount is includible in the husband's income or 
deductible by him. See section 72(k) and the regulations thereunder. 
Likewise, if property is transferred by the husband, subject to an 
annual charge of $5,000, payable to his wife in discharge of his alimony 
or separate maintenance obligation under the divorce or separation 
decree or written instrument incident to the divorce status or legal 
separation status or if such property is transferred pursuant to a 
written separation agreement and subject to a similar annual charge, the 
$5,000 received annually is, under section 71(a) (1) or (2), includible 
in the wife's income, regardless of whether such amount is paid out of 
income or principal of the property.
    (3) The same rule applies to periodic payments attributable to 
property in trust. The full amount of periodic payments to which section 
71(a) (1) and (2) applies is includible in the wife's income regardless 
of whether such payments are made out of trust income. Such periodic 
payments are to be included in the wife's income under section 71(a) (1) 
or (2) and are to be excluded from the husband's income even though the 
income of the trust would otherwise be includible in his income under 
Subpart E, Part I, Subchapter J, Chapter 1 of the Code, relating to 
trust income attributable to grantors and others as substantial owners. 
As to periodic payments received by a wife attributable to property in 
trust in cases to which section 71(a) (1) or (2) does not apply because 
the husband's obligation is not specified in the decree or an instrument 
incident to the divorce status or legal separation status or the 
property was not transferred under a written separation agreement, see 
section 682 and the regulations thereunder.

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    (4) Section 71(a) (1) or (2) does not apply to that part of any 
periodic payment attributable to that portion of any interest in 
property transferred in discharge of the husband's obligation under the 
decree or instrument incident to the divorce status or legal separation 
status, or transferred pursuant to the written separation agreement, 
which interest originally belonged to the wife. It will apply, however, 
if she received such interest from her husband in contemplation of or as 
an incident to the divorce or separation without adequate and full 
consideration in money or money's worth, other than the release of the 
husband or his property from marital obligations. An example of the 
first rule is a case where the husband and wife transfer securities, 
which were owned by them jointly, in trust to pay an annuity to the 
wife. In this case, the full amount of that part of the annuity received 
by the wife attributable to the husband's interest in the securities 
transferred in discharge of his obligation under the decree, or 
instrument incident to the divorce status or legal separation status, or 
transferred under the written separation agreement, is taxable to her 
under section 71(a) (1) or (2), while that portion of the annuity 
attributable to the wife's interest in the securities so transferred is 
taxable to her only to the extent it is out of trust income as provided 
in Part I (sections 641 and following), Subchapter J, Chapter 1 of the 
Code. If, however, the husband's transfer to his wife is made before 
such property is transferred in discharge of his obligation under the 
decree or written instrument, or pursuant to the separation agreement in 
an attempt to avoid the application of section 71(a) (1) or (2) to part 
of such payments received by his wife, such transfers will be considered 
as a part of the same transfer by the husband of his property in 
discharge of his obligation or pursuant to such agreement. In such a 
case, section 71(a) (1) or (2) will be applied to the full amount 
received by the wife. As to periodic payments received under a joint 
purchase of a commercial annuity contract, see section 72 and the 
regulations thereunder.
    (d) Periodic and installment payments. (1) In general, installment 
payments discharging a part of an obligation the principal sum of which 
is, in terms of money or property, specified in the decree, instrument, 
or agreement are not considered ``periodic payments'' and therefore are 
not to be included under section 71(a) in the wife's income.
    (2) An exception to the general rule stated in subparagraph (1) of 
this paragraph is provided, however, in cases where such principal sum, 
by the terms of the decree, instrument, or agreement, may be or is to be 
paid over a period ending more than 10 years from the date of such 
decree, instrument, or agreement. In such cases, the installment payment 
is considered a periodic payment for the purposes of section 71(a) but 
only to the extent that the installment payment, or sum of the 
installment payments, received during the wife's taxable year does not 
exceed 10 percent of the principal sum. This 10-percent limitation 
applies to installment payments made in advance but does not apply to 
delinquent installment payments for a prior taxable year of the wife 
made during her taxable year.
    (3)(i) Where payments under a decree, instrument, or agreement are 
to be paid over a period ending 10 years or less from the date of such 
decree, instrument, or agreement, such payments are not installment 
payments discharging a part of an obligation the principal sum of which 
is, in terms of money or property, specified in the decree, instrument, 
or agreement (and are considered periodic payments for the purposes of 
section 71(a)) only if such payments meet the following two conditions:
    (a) Such payments are subject to any one or more of the 
contingencies of death of either spouse, remarriage of the wife, or 
change in the economic status of either spouse, and
    (b) Such payments are in the nature of alimony or an allowance for 
    (ii) Payments meeting the requirements of subdivision (i) are 
considered periodic payments for the purposes of section 71(a) 
regardless of whether--
    (a) The contingencies described in subdivision (i)(a) of this 
subparagraph are set forth in the terms of the decree, instrument, or 
agreement, or are imposed by local law, or

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    (b) The aggregate amount of the payments to be made in the absence 
of the occurrence of the contingencies described in subdivision (i)(a) 
of this subparagraph is explicitly stated in the decree, instrument, or 
agreement or may be calculated from the face of the decree, instrument, 
or agreement, or
    (c) The total amount which will be paid may be calculated 
    (4) Where payments under a decree, instrument, or agreement are to 
be paid over a period ending more than ten years from the date of such 
decree, instrument, or agreement, but where such payments meet the 
conditions set forth in subparagraph (3)(i) of this paragraph, such 
payments are considered to be periodic payments for the purpose of 
section 71 without regard to the rule set forth in subparagraph (2) of 
this paragraph. Accordingly, the rules set forth in subparagraph (2) of 
this paragraph are not applicable to such payments.
    (5) The rules as to periodic and installment payments are 
illustrated by the following examples:

    Example (1). Under the terms of a written instrument, H is required 
to make payments to W which are in the nature of alimony, in the amount 
of $100 a month for nine years. The instrument provides that if H or W 
dies the payments are to cease. The payments are periodic.
    Example (2). The facts are the same as in example (1) except that 
the written instrument explicitly provides that H is to pay W the sum of 
$10,800 in monthly payments of $100 over a period of nine years. The 
payments are periodic.
    Example (3). Under the terms of a written instrument, H is to pay W 
$100 a month over a period of nine years. The monthly payments are not 
subject to any of the contingencies of death of H or W, remarriage of W, 
or change in the economic status of H or W under the terms of the 
written instrument or by reason of local law. The payments are not 
    Example (4). A divorce decree in 1954 provides that H is to pay W 
$20,000 each year for the next five years, beginning with the date of 
the decree, and then $5,000 each year for the next ten years. Assuming 
the wife makes her returns on the calendar year basis, each payment 
received in the years 1954 to 1958, inclusive, is treated as a periodic 
payment under section 71(a)(1), but only to the extent of 10 percent of 
the principal sum of $150,000. Thus, for such taxable years, only 
$15,000 of the $20,000 received is includible under section 71(a)(1) in 
the wife's income and is deductible by the husband under section 215. 
For the years 1959 to 1968, inclusive, the full $5,000 received each 
year by the wife is includible in her income and is deductible from the 
husband's income.

    (e) Payments for support of minor children. Section 71(a) does not 
apply to that part of any periodic payment which, by the terms of the 
decree, instrument, or agreement under section 71(a), is specifically 
designated as a sum payable for the support of minor children of the 
husband. The statute prescribes the treatment in cases where an amount 
or portion is so fixed but the amount of any periodic payment is less 
than the amount of the periodic payment specified to be made. In such 
cases, to the extent of the amount which would be payable for the 
support of such children out of the originally specified periodic 
payment, such periodic payment is considered a payment for such support. 
For example, if the husband is by terms of the decree, instrument, or 
agreement required to pay $200 a month to his divorced wife, $100 of 
which is designated by the decree, instrument, or agreement to be for 
the support of their minor children, and the husband pays only $150 to 
his wife, $100 is nevertheless considered to be a payment by the husband 
for the support of the children. If, however, the periodic payments are 
received by the wife for the support and maintenance of herself and of 
minor children of the husband without such specific designation of the 
portion for the support of such children, then the whole of such amounts 
is includible in the income of the wife as provided in section 71(a). 
Except in cases of a designated amount or portion for the support of the 
husband's minor children, periodic payments described in section 71(a) 
received by the wife for herself and any other person or persons are 
includible in whole in the wife's income, whether or not the amount or 
portion for such other person or persons is designated.