[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.67-3T]

[Page 105-110]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.67-3T  Allocation of expenses by real estate mortgage investment conduits (temporary).

    (a) Allocation of allocable investment expenses--(1) In general. A 
real estate mortgage investment conduit or REMIC (as defined in section 
860D) shall allocate to each of its pass-through interest holders that 
holds an interest at any time during the calendar quarter the holder's 
proportionate share (as determined under paragraph (c) of this section) 
of the aggregate amount of allocable investment expenses of the REMIC 
for the calendar quarter.
    (2) Pass-through interest holder--(i) In general--(A) Meaning of 
term. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, the 
term ``pass-through interest holder'' means any holder of a REMIC 
residual interest (as definition in section 860G(a)(2)) that is--
    (1) An individual (other than a nonresident alien whose income with 
respect to his or her interest in the REMIC is not effectively connected 
with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States),
    (2) A person, including a trust or estate, that computes its taxable 
income in the same manner as in the case of an individual, or
    (3) A pass-through entity (as defined in paragraph (a)(3) of this 
section) if one or more of its partners, shareholders, beneficiaries, 
participants, or other interest holders is (i) a pass-through entity or 
(ii) a person described in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(A) (1) or (2) of this 
    (B) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph (a)(2)(i) may be 
illustrated by the following examples:

    Example (1). Corporation X holds a residual interest in REMIC R in 
its capacity as a nominee or custodian for individual A, the beneficial 
owner of the interest. Because the owner of the interest for Federal 
income tax purposes is an individual, the interest is owned by a pass-
through interest holder.
    Example (2). Individual retirement account I holds a residual 
interest in a REMIC. Because an individual retirement account is not a 
person described in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(A) of this section, the interest 
is not held by a pass-through interest holder.

    (ii) Single-class REMIC--(A) In general. In the case of a single-
class REMIC, the term ``pass-through interest holder'' means any holder 
of either--
    (1) A REMIC regular interest (as defined in section 860G(a)(1)), or
    (2) A REMIC residual interest, that is described in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i)(A) (1), (2), or (3) of this section.
    (B) Single-class REMIC. For purposes of paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(A) of 
this section, a single-class REMIC IS either--
    (1) A REMIC that would be classified as an investment trust under 
Sec. 301.7701-4(c)(1) but for its qualification as a REMIC under section 
860D and Sec. 1.860D-1T, or
    (2) A REMIC that--
    (i) Is substantially similar to an investment trust under 
Sec. 301.7701-4(c)(1), and
    (ii) Is structured with the principal purpose of avoiding the 
requirement of paragraphs (a)(1) and (2)(ii)(A) of this section to 
allocate allocable investment expenses to pass-through interest holders 
that hold regular interests in the REMIC.

For purposes of this paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B), in determining whether a 
REMIC would be classified as an investment trust or is substantially 
similar to an investment trust, all interests in the REMIC shall be 
treated as ownership interests in the REMIC, without regard to whether 
or not they would be classified as debt for Federal income tax purposes 
in the absence of a REMIC election.
    (C) Examples. The provisions of paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section 
must be illustrated by the following examples:

    Example (1). Corporation M transfers mortgages to a bank under a 
trust agreement as described in Example (2) of Sec. 301.7701-4(c)(2). 
There are two classes of certificates. Holders of class C certificates 
are entitled to receive 90 percent of the payment of principal and 
interest on the mortgages; holders of class D certificates are entitled 
to receive the remaining 10 percent. The two classes of certificates are 
identical except that, in the event of a default on the underlying 
mortgages, the payment rights of class D certificates holders are 
subordinated to the rights of class C certificate holders. M sells the 
class C certificates to investors and retains the class D certificates. 
The trust would be classified as an investment trust under 
Sec. 301.7701-4(c)(1) but for its qualification a REMIC under section 
860D the class C certificates represent regular interests in the

[[Page 106]]

REMIC and the class D certificates represent residual interest in the 
REMIC. The REMIC is a single-class REMIC within the meaning of paragraph 
(a)(2)(ii)(B)(1) of this section and, accordingly, holders of both the 
class C and class D certificates who are described in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i)(A) (1), (2), or (3) of this section are treated as pass-
through interest holders.
    Example (2). Assume that the facts are the same as in Example (1) 
except that M structures the REMIC to include a second regular interest 
represented by class E certificates. The principal purpose of M in 
structuring the REMIC to include class E certificates is to avoid 
allocating allocable investment expenses to class C certificate holders. 
The class E certificate holders are entitled to receive the payments 
otherwise due the class D certificate holders until they have been paid 
a stated amount of principal plus interest. The fair market value of the 
class E certificate is ten percent of the fair market value of the class 
D certificate and, therefore, less than one percent of the fair market 
value of the REMIC. The REMIC would not be classified as an investment 
trust under Sec. 301.7701-4(c)(1) because the existence of the class E 
certificates is not incidental to the trust's purpose of facilitating 
direct investment in the assets of the trust. Nevertheless, because the 
fair market value of the class E certificates is de minimis, the REMIC 
is substantially similar to an investment trust under Sec. 301.7701-
4(c)(1). In addition, avoidance of the requirement to allocate allocable 
investment expenses to regular interest holders is the principal purpose 
of M in structuring the REMIC to include class E certificates. 
Therefore, the REMIC is a single-class REMIC within the meaning of 
paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B)(2) of this section, and, accordingly, holders of 
both residual and regular interests who are described in paragraph 
(a)(2)(i)(A) (1), (2), or (3) of this section are treated as pass-
through interest holders.

    (3) Pass-through entity--(i) In general. Except as provided in 
paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, for purposes of this section, a 
pass-through entity is--
    (A) A trust (or any portion thereof) to which Subpart E, Part 1, 
Subchapter J, Chapter 1 of the Code applies,
    (B) A partnership,
    (C) An S corporation,
    (D) A common trust fund described in section 584,
    (E) A nonpublicly offered regulated investment company (as defined 
in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section),
    (F) A REMIC, and
    (G) Any other person--
    (1) Which is not subject to income tax imposed by Subtitle A, 
Chapter 1, or which is allowed a deduction in computing such tax for 
distributions to owners or beneficiaries, and
    (2) The character of the income of which may affect the character of 
the income recognized with respect to that person by its owners or 

Entities that do not meet the requirements of paragraphs (a)(3)(i)(G) 
(1) and (2), such as qualified pension plans, individual retirement 
accounts, and insurance companies holding assets in separate asset 
accounts to fund variable contracts defined in section 817(d), are not 
described in this paragraph (a)(3)(i).
    (ii) Exception. For purposes of this section, a pass-through entity 
does not include--
    (A) An estate,
    (B) A trust (or any portion thereof) not described in paragraph 
(a)(3)(i)(A) of this section,
    (C) A cooperative described without regard to subparagraphs (A) and 
(C) thereof, or
    (D) A real estate investment trust.
    (4) Allocable investment expenses. The term ``allocable investment 
expenses'' means the aggregate amount of the expenses paid or accrued in 
the calendar quarter for which a deduction is allowable under section 
212 in determining the taxable income of the REMIC for the calendar 
    (5) Nonpublicly offered regulated investment company--(i) In 
general. For purposes of this section, the term ``nonpublicly offered 
regulated investment company'' means a regulated investment company to 
which Part I of Subchapter M of the Code applies that is not a publicly 
offered regulated investment company.
    (ii) Publicly offered regulated investment company. For purposes of 
this section, the term ``publicly offered regulated investment company'' 
means a regulated investment company to which Part I of subchapter M of 
the Code applies, the shares of which are--
    (A) Continuously offered pursuant to a public offering (within the 
meaning of section 4 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (15 
U.S.C. 77a to 77aa)),
    (B) Regularly traded on an established securities market, or

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    (C) Held by or for no fewer than 500 persons at all times during the 
taxable year.
    (b) Treatment of allocable investment expenses--(1) By pass-through 
interest holders--(i) Taxable year ending with calendar quarter. A pass-
through interest holder whose taxable year is the calendar year or ends 
with a calendar quarter shall be treated as having--
    (A) Received or accrued income, and
    (B) Paid or incurred an expense described in section 212 (or section 
162 in the case of a pass-through interest holder that is a regulated 
investment company), in an amount equal to the pass-through interest 
holder's proportionate share of the allocable investment expenses of the 
REMIC for those calendar quarters that fall within the holder's taxable 
    (ii) Taxable year not ending with calendar quarter. A pass-through 
interest holder whose taxable year does not end with a calendar quarter 
shall be treated as having--
    (A) Received or accrued income, and
    (B) Paid or incurred an expense described in section 212 (or section 
162 in the case of a pass-through interest holder that is a regulated 
investment company), in an amount equal to the sum of--
    (C) The pass-through interest holder's proportionate share of the 
allocable investment expenses of the REMIC for those calendar quarters 
that fall within the holder's taxable year, and
    (D) For each calendar quarter that overlaps the beginning or end of 
the taxable year, the sum of the daily amounts of the allocable 
investment expenses allocated to the holder pursuant to paragraph 
(c)(1)(ii) of this section for the days in the quarter that fall within 
the holder's taxable year.
    (2) Proportionate share of allocable investment expenses. For 
purposes of paragraph (b) of this section, a pass-through interest 
holder's proportionate share of the allocable investment expenses is the 
amount allocated to the pass-through interest holder pursuant to 
paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
    (3) Cross-reference. See Sec. 1.67-1T with respect to limitations on 
deductions for expenses described in section 212 (including amounts 
treated as such expenses under this section).
    (4) Interest income to holders of regular interests in certain 
REMICs. Any amount allocated under this section to the holder of a 
regular interest in a single-class REMIC (as described in paragraph 
(a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section) shall be treated as interest income.
    (5) No adjustment to basis. The basis of any holder's interest in a 
REMIC shall not be increased or decreased by the amount of the holder's 
proportionate share of allocable investment expenses.
    (6) Interest holders other than pass-through interest holders. An 
interest holder of a REMIC that is not a pass-through interest holder 
shall not take into account in computing its taxable income any amount 
of income or expense with respect to its proportionate share of 
allocable investment expenses.
    (c) Computation of proportionate share--(1) In general. For purposes 
of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a REMIC shall compute a pass-
through interest holder's proportionate share of the REMIC's allocable 
investment expenses by--
    (i) Determining the daily amount of the allocable investment 
expenses for the calendar quarter by dividing the total amount of such 
expenses by the number of days in that calendar quarter.
    (ii) Allocating the daily amount of the allocable investment 
expenses to the pass-through interest holder in proportion to its 
respective holdings on that day, and
    (iii) Totaling the interest holder's daily amounts of allocable 
investment expenses for the calendar quarter.
    (2) Other holders taken into account. For purposes of paragraph 
(c)(1)(ii) of this section, a pass-through interest holder's 
proportionate share of the daily amount of the allocable investment 
expenses is determined by taking into account all holders of residual 
interests in the REMIC, whether or not pass-through interest holders.
    (3) Single-class REMIC--(i) Daily allocation. In lieu of the 
allocation specified in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, a single-
class REMIC (as described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section) 
shall allocate the daily

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amount of the allocable investment expenses to each pass-through 
interest holder in proportion to the amount of income accruing to the 
holder with respect to its interest in the REMIC on that day.
    (ii) Other holders taken into account. For purposes of paragraph 
(c)(3)(i) of this section, the amount of the allocable investment 
expenses that is allocated on any day to each pass-through interest 
holder shall be determined by multiplying the daily amount of allocable 
investment expenses (determined pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this 
section) by a fraction, the numerator of which is equal to the amount of 
income that accrues (but not less than zero) to the pass-through 
interest holder on that day and the denominator of which is the total 
amount of income (as determined under paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this 
section) that accrues to all regular and residual interest holders, 
whether or not pass-through interest holders, on that day.
    (iii) Total income accruing. The total amount of income that accrues 
to all regular and residual interest holders is the sum of--
    (A) The amount includible under section 860B in the gross income 
(but not less than zero) of the regular interest holders, and
    (B) The amount of REMIC taxable income (but not less than zero) 
taken into account under section 860C by the residual interest holders.
    (4) Dates of purchase and disposition. For purposes of this section, 
a pass-through interest holder holds an interest on the date of its 
purchase but not on the date of its disposition.
    (d) Example. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by 
the following example:

    Example (i) During the calendar quarter ending March 31, 1989, REMIC 
X, which is not a single-class REMIC, incurs $900 of allocable 
investment expenses. At the beginning of the calendar quarter, X has 4 
residual interest holders, who hold equal proportionate shares, and 10 
regular interest holders. The residual interest holders, all of whom 
have calendar-year taxable years, are as follows:
    A, an individual,
    C, a C corporation that is a nominee for individual I.
    S, an S corporation, and
    M, a C corporation that is not a nominee.
    (ii) Except for A, all of the residual interest holders hold their 
interests in X for the entire calendar quarter. On January 31, 1989, A 
sells his interest to S. Thus, for the first month of the calendar 
quarter, each residual interest holder holds a 25 percent interest 
(100%/4 interest holders) in X. For the last two months, S's holding is 
increased to 50 percent and A's holding is decreased to zero. The daily 
amount of allocable investment expenses for the calendar quarter is $10 
($900/90 days).
    (iii) The amount of allocable investment expenses apportioned to the 
residual interest holders is as follows:
    (A) $75 ($10 x 25% x 30 days) is allocated to A for the 30 days that 
A holds an interest in X during the calendar quarter. A includes $75 in 
gross income in calendar year 1989. The amount of A's expenses described 
in section 212 is increased by $75 in calendar year 1989. A's deduction 
under section 212 (including the $75 amount of the allocation) is 
subject to the limitations contained in section 67.
    (B) $225 ($10 x 25% x 90 days) is allocated to C. Because C is a 
nominee for I, C does not include $225 in gross income or increase its 
deductible expenses by $225. Instead, I includes $225 in gross income in 
calendar year 1989, her taxable year. The amount of I's expenses 
described in section 212 is increased by $225. I's deduction under 
section 212 (including the $225 amount of the allocation) is subject to 
the limitations contained in section 67.
    (C) $375 (($10 x 25% x 30 days) + ($10 x 50% x 60 days)) is 
allocated to S. S includes in gross income $375 of allocable investment 
expenses in calendar year 1989. The amount of S's expenses described in 
section 212 for that taxable year is increased by $375. S allocates the 
$375 to its shareholders in accordance with the rules described in 
sections 1366 and 1377 in calendar year 1989. Thus, each shareholder of 
S includes its pro rata share of the $375 in gross income in its taxable 
year in which or with which calendar year 1989 ends. The amount of each 
shareholder's expenses described in section 212 is increased by the 
amount of the shareholder's allocation for the shareholder's taxable 
year in which or with which calendar year 1989 ends. The shareholder's 
deduction under section 212 (including the allocation under this 
section) is subject to the limitations contained in section 67.
    (D) No amount is allocated to M. However, M's interest is taken into 
account for purposes of determining the proportionate share of those 
residual interest holders to whom an allocation is required to be made.
    (iv) No allocation is made to the 10 regular interest holders 
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section. In addition, the interests 
held by these interest holders are not taken into account for purposes 
of determining the proportionate share of the residual interest

[[Page 109]]

holders to whom an allocation is required to be made.

    (e) Allocable investment expenses not subject to backup withholding. 
The amount of allocable investment expenses required to be allocated to 
a pass-through interest holder pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this 
section is not subject to backup withholding under section 3406.
    (f) Notice to pass-through interest holders--(1) Information 
required. A REMIC must provide to each pass-through interest holder to 
which an allocation of allocable investment expense is required to be 
made under paragraph (a)(1) of this section notice of the following--
    (i) If, pursuant to paragraph (f)(2) (i) or (ii) of this section, 
notice is provided for a calendar quarter, the aggregate amount of 
expenses paid or accrued during the calendar quarter for which the REMIC 
is allowed a deduction under section 212;
    (ii) If, pursuant to paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section, notice is 
provided to a regular interest holder for a calendar year, the aggregate 
amount of expenses paid or accrued during each calendar quarter that the 
regular interest holder held the regular interest in the calendar year 
and for which the REMIC is allowed a deduction under section 212; and
    (iii) The proportionate share of these expenses allocated to that 
pass-through interest holder, as determined under paragraph (c) of this 
    (2) Statement to be furnished--(i) To residual interest holder. For 
each calendar quarter, a REMIC shall provide to each pass-through 
interest holder who holds a residual interest during the calendar 
quarter the notice required under paragraph (f)(1) of this section on 
Schedule Q (Form 1066), as required in Sec. 1.860F-4(e).
    (ii) To regular interest holder--(A) In general. For each calendar 
year, a single-class REMIC (as described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of 
this section) must provide to each pass-through interest holder who held 
a regular interest during the calendar year the notice required under 
paragraph (f)(1) of this section. Quarterly reporting is not required. 
The information required to be included in the notice may be separately 
stated on the statement described in Sec. 1.6049-7(f) instead of on a 
separate statement provided in a separate mailing. See Sec. 1.6049-
7(f)(4). The separate statement provided in a separate mailing must be 
furnished to each pass-through interest holder no later than the last 
day of the month following the close of the calendar year.
    (B) Special rule for 1987. The information required under paragraph 
(f)(2)(ii)(A) of this section for any calendar quarter of 1987 shall be 
mailed (or otherwise delivered) to each pass-through interest holder who 
holds a regular interest during that calendar quarter no later than 
March 28, 1988.
    (3) Returns to the Internal Revenue Service--(i) With respect to 
residual interest holders. Any REMIC required under paragraphs (f)(1) 
and (2)(i) of this section to furnish information to any pass-through 
interest holder who holds a residual interest shall also furnish such 
information to the Internal Revenue Service as required in Sec. 1.860F-
    (ii) With respect to regular interest holders. A single-class REMIC 
(as described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section) shall make an 
information return on Form 1099 for each calendar year beginning after 
December 31, 1987, with respect to each pass-through interest holder who 
holds a regular interest to which an allocation of allocable investment 
expenses is required to be made pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1) and 
(2)(ii) of this section. The preceding sentence applies with respect to 
a holder for a calendar year only if the REMIC is required to make an 
information return to the Internal Revenue Service with respect to that 
holder for that year pursuant to section 6049 and Sec. 1.6049-7(b)(2)(i) 
(or would be required to make an information return but for the $10 
threshold described in section 6049(a)(1) and Sec. 1.6049-7(b)(2)(i)). 
The REMIC shall state on the information return--
    (A) The sum of--
    (1) The aggregate amounts includible in gross income as interest (as 
defined in Sec. 1.6049-7(a)(1) (i) and (ii)), for the calendar year, and
    (2) The sum of the amount of allocable investment expenses required 

[[Page 110]]

be allocated to the pass-through interest holder for each calendar 
quarter during the calendar year pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
section, and
    (B) Any other information specified by the form or its instructions.
    (4) Interest held by nominees and other specified persons--(i) Pass-
through interest holder's interest held by a nominee. If a pass-through 
interest holder's interest in a REMIC is held in the name of a nominee, 
the REMIC may make the information return described in paragraphs (f)(3) 
(i) and (ii) of this section with respect to the nominee in lieu of the 
pass-through interest holder and may provide the written statement 
described in paragraphs (f)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section to that 
nominee in lieu of the pass-through interest holder.
    (ii) Regular interests in a single-class REMIC held by certain 
persons. For calendar quarters and calendar years after December 31, 
1991, if a person specified in Sec. 1.6049-7(e)(4) holds a regular 
interest in a single-class REMIC (as described in paragraph 
(a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section), then the single-class REMIC must provide 
the information described in paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(3)(ii) (A) and 
(B) of this section to that person with the information specified in 
Sec. 1.6049-7(e)(2) as required in Sec. 1.6049-7(e).
    (5) Nominee reporting--(i) In general. In any case in which a REMIC 
provides information pursuant to paragraph (f)(4) of this section to a 
nominee of a pass-through interest holder for a calendar quarter or, as 
provided in paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section, for a calendar year--
    (A) The nominee shall furnish each pass-through interest holder with 
a written statement described in paragraph (f)(2) (i) or (ii) of this 
section, whichever is applicable, showing the information described in 
paragraph (f)(1) of this section, and
    (B) If--
    (1) The nominee is a nominee for a pass-through interest holder who 
holds a regular interest in a single-class REMIC (as described in 
paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section), and
    (2) The nominee is required to make an information return pursuant 
to section 6049 and Sec. 1.6049-7(b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii)(B) (or would 
be required to make an information return but for the $10 threshold 
described in section 6049(a)(2) and Sec. 1.6049-7(b)(2)(i)) with respect 
to the pass-through interest holder,

the nominee shall make an information return on Form 1099 for each 
calendar year beginning after December 31, 1987, with respect to the 
pass-through interest holder and state on this information return the 
information described in paragraph (f)(3)(ii) (A) and (B) of this 
    (ii) Time for furnishing statement. The statement required by 
paragraph (f)(5)(i)(A) of this section to be furnished by a nominee to a 
pass-through interest holder for a calendar quarter or calendar year 
shall be furnished to this holder no later than 30 days after receiving 
the written statement described in paragraph (f)(2) (i) or (ii) of this 
section from the REMIC. If, however, pursuant to paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of 
this section, the information is separately stated on the statement 
described in Sec. 1.6049-7(f), then the information must be furnished to 
the pass-through interest holder in the time specified in Sec. 1.6049-
    (6) Special rules--(i) Time and place for furnishing returns. The 
returns required by paragraphs (f)(3)(ii) and (f)(5)(i)(B) of this 
section for any calendar year shall be filed at the time and place that 
a return required under section 6049 and Sec. 1.6049-7(b)(2) is required 
to be filed. See Sec. 1.6049-4(g) and Sec. 1.6049-7(b)(2)(iv).
    (ii) Duplicative returns not required. The requirements of 
paragraphs (f)(3)(ii) and (f)(5)(i)(B) of this section for the making of 
an information return shall be met by the timely filing of an 
information return pursuant to section 6049 and Sec. 1.6049-7(b)(2) that 
contains the information required by paragraph (f)(3)(ii) of this 

[T.D. 8186, 53 FR 7507, Mar 9, 1988, as amended by T.D. 8366, 56 FR 
49515, Sept. 30, 1991]

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