[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.149(e)-1]

[Page 707-710]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.149(e)-1  Information reporting requirements for tax-exempt bonds.

    (a) General rule. Interest on a bond is included in gross income 
unless certain information with respect to the issue of which the bond 
is a part is reported to the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with 
the requirements of this section. This section applies to any bond if 
the issue of which the bond is a part is issued after December 31, 1986 
(including any bond issued to refund a bond issued on or before December 
31, 1986).
    (b) Requirements for private activity bonds--(1) In general. If the 
issue of which the bond is a part is an issue of private activity bonds, 
the issuer must comply with the following requirements--
    (i) Not later than the 15th day of the second calendar month after 
the close of the calendar quarter in which the issue is issued, the 
issuer must file with the Internal Revenue Service a completed 
information reporting form prescribed for this purpose;
    (ii) If any bond that is part of the issue is taken into account 
under section 146 (relating to volume cap on private activity bonds), 
the state certification requirement of paragraph (b)(2) of this section 
must be satisfied; and

[[Page 708]]

    (iii) If any bond that is part of the issue is a qualified mortgage 
bond or qualified veterans' mortgage bond (within the meaning of section 
143 (a) or (b) or section 103A(c) (1) or (3) as in effect on the day 
before enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986), the issuer must submit 
the annual report containing information on the borrowers of the 
original proceeds of the issue as required under Sec. 1.103A-2 
(k)(2)(ii) and (k)(3) through (k)(6).
    (2) State certification with respect to volume cap--(i) In general. 
If an issue is subject to the volume cap under section 146, a state 
official designated by state law (if there is no such official, then the 
governor or the governor's delegate) must certify that the issue meets 
the requirements of section 146, and a copy of this certification must 
be attached to the information reporting form filed with respect to the 
issue. In the case of any constitutional home rule city (as defined in 
section 146(d)(3)(C)), the preceding sentence is applied by substituting 
``city'' for ``state'' and ``chief executive officer'' for ``governor.''
    (ii) Certification. The certifying official need not perform an 
independent investigation in order to certify that the issue meets the 
requirements of section 146. For example, if the certifying official 
receives an affidavit that was executed by an officer of the issuer who 
is responsible for issuing the bonds and that sets forth, in brief and 
summary terms, the facts necessary to determine that the issue meets the 
requirements of section 146 and if the certifying official has compared 
the information in that affidavit to other readily available information 
with respect to that issuer (e.g., previous affidavits and 
certifications for other private activity bonds issued by that issuer), 
the certifying official may rely on the affidavit.
    (c) Requirements for governmental bonds--(1) Issue price of $100,000 
or more. If the issue of which the bond is a part has an issue price of 
$100,000 or more and is not an issue of private activity bonds, then, 
not later than the 15th day of the second calendar month after the close 
of the calendar quarter in which the issue is issued, the issuer must 
file with the Internal Revenue Service a completed information reporting 
form prescribed for this purpose.
    (2) Issue price of less than $100,000--(i) In general. If the issue 
of which the bond is a part has an issue price of less than $100,000 and 
is not an issue of private activity bonds, the issuer must file with the 
Internal Revenue Service one of the following information reporting 
forms within the prescribed period--
    (A) Separate return. Not later than the 15th day of the second 
calendar month after the close of the calendar quarter in which the 
issue is issued, a completed information reporting form prescribed for 
this purpose with respect to that issue; or
    (B) Consolidated return. Not later than February 15 of the calendar 
year following the calendar year in which the issue is issued, a 
completed information form prescribed for this purpose with respect to 
all issues to which this paragraph (c)(2) applies that were issued by 
the issuer during the calendar year and for which information was not 
reported on a separate information return pursuant to paragraph 
(c)(2)(i)(A) of this section.
    (ii) Bond issues issued before January 1, 1992. Paragraph 
(c)(2)(i)(A) of this section does not apply if the issue of which the 
bond is a part is issued before January 1, 1992.
    (iii) Extended filing date for first and second calendar quarters of 
1992. If the issue of which the bond is a part is issued during the 
first or second calendar quarter of 1992, the prescribed period for 
filing an information reporting form with respect to that issue pursuant 
to paragraph (c)(2)(i)(A) of this section is extended until November 16, 
    (d) Filing of forms and special rules--(1) Completed form. For 
purposes of this section--
    (i) Good faith effort. An information reporting form is treated as 
completed if the issuer (or a person acting on behalf of the issuer) has 
made a good faith effort to complete the form (taking into account the 
instructions to the form).
    (ii) Information. In general, information reporting forms filed 
pursuant to this section must be completed on the

[[Page 709]]

basis of available information and reasonable expectations as of the 
date the issue is issued. Forms that are filed on a consolidated basis 
pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(i)(B) of this section, however, may be 
completed on the basis of information readily available to the issuer at 
the close of the calendar year to which the form relates, supplemented 
by estimates made in good faith.
    (iii) Certain information not required. An issuer need not report to 
the Internal Revenue Service any information specified in the first 
sentence of section 149(e)(2) that is not required to be reported to the 
Internal Revenue Service pursuant to the information reporting forms 
prescribed under that section and the instructions to those forms.
    (2) Manner of filing--(i) Place for filing. The information 
reporting form must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service at the 
address specified on the form or in the instructions to the form.
    (ii) Extension of time. The Commissioner may grant an extension of 
time to file any form or attachment required under this section if the 
Commissioner determines that the failure to file in a timely manner was 
not due to willful neglect. The Commissioner may make this determination 
with respect to an issue or to a class of issues.
    (e) Definitions. For purposes of this section only--(1) Private 
activity bond. The term ``private activity bond'' has the meaning given 
that term in section 141(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, except that 
the term does not include any bond described in section 1312(c) of the 
Tax Reform Act of 1986 to which section 1312 or 1313 of the Tax Reform 
Act of 1986 applies.
    (2) Issue--(i) In general. Except as otherwise provided in this 
paragraph (e)(2), bonds are treated as part of the same issue only if 
the bonds are issued--
    (A) By the same issuer;
    (B) On the same date; and
    (C) Pursuant to a single transaction or to a series of related 
    (ii) Draw-down loans, commercial paper, etc. (A) Bonds issued during 
the same calendar year may be treated as part of the same tissue if the 
bonds are issued--
    (1) Pursuant to a loan agreement under which amounts are to be 
advanced periodically (``draw-down loan''); or
    (2) With a term not exceeding 270 days.
    (B) In addition, the bonds must be equally and ratably secured under 
a single indenture or loan agreement and issued pursuant to a common 
financing arrangement (e.g., pursuant to the same official statement 
that is periodically updated to reflect changing factual circumstances). 
In the case of bonds issued pursuant to a draw-down loan that meets the 
requirements of the preceding sentence, bonds issued during different 
calendar years may be treated as part of the same issue if all the 
amounts to be advanced pursuant to the draw-down loan are reasonably 
expected to be advanced within three years of the date of issue of the 
first bond.
    (iii) Leases and installment sales. Bonds other than private 
activity bonds may be treated as part of the same issue if--
    (A) The bonds are issued pursuant to a single agreement that is in 
the form of a lease or installment sales agreement; and
    (B) All of the property covered by that agreement is reasonably 
expected to be delivered within three years of the date of issue of the 
first bond.
    (iv) Qualified 501(c)(3) bonds. If an issuer elects under section 
141(b)(9) to treat a portion of an issue as a qualified 501(c)(3) bond, 
that portion is treated as a separate issue.
    (3) Date of issue--(i) Bond. The date of issue of a bond is 
determined under Sec. 1.150-1.
    (ii) Issue. The date of issue of an issue of bonds is the date of 
issue of the first bond that is part of the issue. See paragraphs (e)(2) 
(ii) and (iii) of this section for rules relating to draw-down loans, 
commercial paper, etc., and leases and installment sales.
    (iii) Bonds to which prior law applied. Notwithstanding the 
provisions of this paragraph (e)(3), an issue for which an information 
report was required to be filed under section 103(l) or section 
103A(j)(3) is treated as issued prior to January 1, 1987.

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    (4) Issue price. The term ``issue price'' has the same meaning given 
the term under Sec. 1.148-1(b).

[T.D. 8425, 57 FR 36002, Aug. 12, 1992, as amended by T.D. 8425, 59 FR 
24351, May 11, 1994]