[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.148-3]

[Page 655-659]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.148-3  General arbitrage rebate rules.

    (a) In general. Section 148(f) requires that certain earnings on 
nonpurpose investments allocable to the gross proceeds of an issue be 
paid to the United States to prevent the bonds in the issue from being 
arbitrage bonds. The arbitrage that must be rebated is based on the 
difference between the amount actually earned on nonpurpose investments 
and the amount that would have been earned if those investments had a 
yield equal to the yield on the issue.
    (b) Definition of rebate amount. As of any date, the rebate amount 
for an issue is the excess of the future value, as of that date, of all 
receipts on nonpurpose investments over the future value, as of that 
date, of all payments on nonpurpose investments.
    (c) Computation of future value of a payment or receipt. The future 
value of a payment or receipt at the end of any period is determined 
using the economic accrual method and equals the value of that payment 
or receipt when it is paid or received (or treated as paid or received), 
plus interest assumed to be earned and compounded over the period at a 
rate equal to the yield on the issue, using the same compounding 
interval and financial conventions used to compute that yield.
    (d) Payments and receipts-- (1) Definition of payments. For purposes 
of this section, payments are--
    (i) Amounts actually or constructively paid to acquire a nonpurpose 
investment (or treated as paid to a commingled fund);
    (ii) For a nonpurpose investment that is first allocated to an issue 
on a date after it is actually acquired (e.g., an investment that 
becomes allocable to transferred proceeds or to replacement proceeds) or 
that becomes subject to the rebate requirement on a date

[[Page 656]]

after it is actually acquired (e.g., an investment allocated to a 
reasonably required reserve or replacement fund for a construction issue 
at the end of the 2-year spending period), the value of that investment 
on that date;
    (iii) For a nonpurpose investment that was allocated to an issue at 
the end of the preceding computation period, the value of that 
investment at the beginning of the computation period;
    (iv) On the last day of each bond year during which there are 
amounts allocated to gross proceeds of an issue that are subject to the 
rebate requirement, and on the final maturity date, a computation credit 
of $1,000; and
    (v) Yield reduction payments on nonpurpose investments made pursuant 
to Sec. 1.148-5(c).
    (2) Definition of receipts. For purposes of this section, receipts 
    (i) Amounts actually or constructively received from a nonpurpose 
investment (including amounts treated as received from a commingled 
fund), such as earnings and return of principal;
    (ii) For a nonpurpose investment that ceases to be allocated to an 
issue before its disposition or redemption date (e.g., an investment 
that becomes allocable to transferred proceeds of another issue or that 
ceases to be allocable to the issue pursuant to the universal cap under 
Sec. 1.148-6) or that ceases to be subject to the rebate requirement on 
a date earlier than its disposition or redemption date (e.g., an 
investment allocated to a fund initially subject to the rebate 
requirement but that subsequently qualifies as a bona fide debt service 
fund), the value of that nonpurpose investment on that date; and
    (iii) For a nonpurpose investment that is held at the end of a 
computation period, the value of that investment at the end of that 
    (3) Special rules for commingled funds. Section 1.148-6(e) provides 
special rules to limit certain of the required determinations of 
payments and receipts for investments of a commingled fund.
    (e) Computation dates--(1) In general. For a fixed yield issue, an 
issuer may treat any date as a computation date. For a variable yield 
issue, an issuer:
    (i) May treat the last day of any bond year ending on or before the 
latest date on which the first rebate amount is required to be paid 
under paragraph (f) of this section (the first required payment date) as 
a computation date but may not change that treatment after the first 
payment date; and
    (ii) After the first required payment date, must consistently treat 
either the end of each bond year or the end of each fifth bond year as 
computation dates and may not change these computation dates after the 
first required payment date.
    (2) Final computation date. The date that an issue is discharged is 
the final computation date. For an issue retired within 3 years of the 
issue date, however, the final computation date need not occur before 
the end of 8 months after the issue date or during the period in which 
the issuer reasonably expects that any of the spending exceptions under 
Sec. 1.148-7 will apply to the issue.
    (f) Amount of required rebate installment payment--(1) Amount of 
interim rebate payments. The first rebate installment payment must be 
made for a computation date that is not later than 5 years after the 
issue date. Subsequent rebate installment payments must be made for a 
computation date that is not later than 5 years after the previous 
computation date for which an installment payment was made. A rebate 
installment payment must be in an amount that, when added to the future 
value, as of the computation date, of previous rebate payments made for 
the issue, equals at least 90 percent of the rebate amount as of that 
    (2) Amount of final rebate payment. For the final computation date, 
a final rebate payment must be paid in an amount that, when added to the 
future value of previous rebate payments made for the issue, equals 100 
percent of the rebate amount as of that date.
    (3) Future value of rebate payments. The future value of a rebate 
payment is determined under paragraph (c) of this section. This value is 
computed by taking into account recoveries of overpayments.
    (g) Time and manner of payment. Each rebate payment must be paid no 
later than 60 days after the computation

[[Page 657]]

date to which the payment relates. Any rebate payment paid within this 
60-day period may be treated as paid on the computation date to which it 
relates. A rebate payment is paid when it is filed with the Internal 
Revenue Service at the place or places designated by the Commissioner. A 
payment must be accompanied by the form provided by the Commissioner for 
this purpose.
    (h) Penalty in lieu of loss of tax exemption--(1) In general. The 
failure to pay the correct rebate amount when required will cause the 
bonds of the issue to be arbitrage bonds, unless the Commissioner 
determines that the failure was not caused by willful neglect and the 
issuer promptly pays a penalty to the United States. If no bond of the 
issue is a private activity bond (other than a qualified 501(c)(3) 
bond), the penalty equals 50 percent of the rebate amount not paid when 
required to be paid, plus interest on that amount. Otherwise, the 
penalty equals 100 percent of the rebate amount not paid when required 
to be paid, plus interest on that amount.
    (2) Interest on underpayments. Interest accrues at the underpayment 
rate under section 6621, beginning on the date the correct rebate amount 
is due and ending on the date 10 days before it is paid.
    (3) Waivers of the penalty. The penalty is automatically waived if 
the rebate amount that the issuer failed to pay plus interest is paid 
within 180 days after discovery of the failure, unless, the Commissioner 
determines that the failure was due to willful neglect, or the issue is 
under examination by the Commissioner at any time during the period 
beginning on the date the failure first occurred and ending on the date 
90 days after the receipt of the rebate amount. Generally, extensions of 
this 180-day period and waivers of the penalty in other cases will be 
granted by the Commissioner only in unusual circumstances. For purposes 
of this paragraph (h)(3), willful neglect does not include a failure 
that is attributable solely to the permissible retroactive selection of 
a short first bond year if the rebate amount that the issuer failed to 
pay is paid within 60 days of the selection of that bond year.
    (4) Application to alternative penalty under Sec. 1.148-7. 
Paragraphs (h) (1), (2), and (3) of this section apply to failures to 
pay penalty payments under Sec. 1.148-7 (alternative penalty amounts) by 
substituting alternative penalty amounts for rebate amount and the last 
day of each spending period for computation date.
    (i) Recovery of overpayment of rebate-- (1) In general. An issuer 
may recover an overpayment for an issue of tax-exempt bonds by 
establishing to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the 
overpayment occurred. An overpayment is the excess of the amount paid to 
the United States for an issue under section 148 over the sum of the 
rebate amount for the issue as of the most recent computation date and 
all amounts that are otherwise required to be paid under section 148 as 
of the date the recovery is requested.
    (2) Limitations on recovery. (i) An overpayment may be recovered 
only to the extent that a recovery on the date that it is first 
requested would not result in an additional rebate amount if that date 
were treated as a computation date.
    (ii) Except for overpayments of penalty in lieu of rebate under 
section 148(f)(4)(C)(vii) and Sec. 1.148-7(k), an overpayment of less 
than $5,000 may not be recovered before the final computation date.
    (j) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by 
the following examples.

    Example 1. Calculation and payment of rebate for a fixed yield 
issue. (i) Facts. On January 1, 1994, City A issues a fixed yield issue 
and invests all the sale proceeds of the issue ($49 million). There are 
no other gross proceeds. The issue has a yield of 7.0000 percent per 
year compounded semiannually (computed on a 30 day month/360 day year 
basis). City A receives amounts from the investment and immediately 
expends them for the governmental purpose of the issue as follows:

                          Date                                Amount
2/1/94..................................................      $3,000,000
5/1/94..................................................       5,000,000
1/1/95..................................................       5,000,000
9/1/95..................................................      20,000,000
3/1/96..................................................      22,000,000

    (ii) First computation date. (A) City A chooses January 1, 1999, as 
its first computation date. This date is the latest date that may be

[[Page 658]]

used to compute the first required rebate installment payment. The 
rebate amount as of this date is computed by determining the future 
value of the receipts and the payments for the investment. The 
compounding interval is each 6-month (or shorter) period and the 30 day 
month/360 day year basis is used because these conventions were used to 
compute yield on the issue. The future value of these amounts, plus the 
computation credit, as of January 1, 1999, is:

                                            Receipts        FV (7.0000
                 Date                      (payments)        percent)
1/1/94................................    ($49,000,000)    ($69,119,339)
2/1/94................................       3,000,000        4,207,602
5/1/94................................       5,000,000        6,893,079
1/1/95................................       5,000,000        6,584,045
1/1/95................................          (1,000)          (1,317)
9/1/95................................      20,000,000       25,155,464
1/1/96................................          (1,000)           1,229)
3/1/96................................      22,000,000       26,735,275
1/1/97................................          (1,000)          (1,148)
Rebate amount (1/01/99)...............  ...............         452,432

    (B) City A pays 90 percent of the rebate amount ($407,189) to the 
United States within 60 days of January 1, 1999.
    (iii) Second computation date. (A) On the next required computation 
date, January 1, 2004, the future value of the payments and receipts is:

                                                  Receipts    FV (7.0000
                     Date                        (payments)    percent)
1/1/99........................................     $452,432     $638,200
Rebate amount (1/01/04).......................  ...........      638,200

    (B) As of this computation date, the future value of the payment 
treated as made on January 1, 1999, is $574,380, which equals at least 
90 percent of the rebate amount as of this computation date ($638,200 x 
0.9), and thus no additional rebate payment is due as of this date.
    (iv) Final computation date. (A) On January 1, 2009, City A redeems 
all the bonds, and thus this date is the final computation date. The 
future value of the receipts and payments as of this date is:

                                                Receipts     FV (7.0000
                    Date                       (payments)     percent)
1/1/04......................................     $638,200      $900,244
1/1/09......................................       (1,000)       (1,000)
Rebate amount (1/01/09).....................  ............      899,244

    (B) As of this computation date, the future value of the payment 
made on January 1, 1999, is $810,220 and thus an additional rebate 
payment of $89,024 is due. This payment reflects the future value of the 
10 percent unpaid portion, and thus would not be owed had the issuer 
paid the full rebate amount as of any prior computation date.
    Example 2. Calculation and payment of rebate for a variable yield 
issue. (i) Facts. On July 1, 1994, City B issues a variable yield issue 
and invests all of the sale proceeds of the issue ($30 million). There 
are no other gross proceeds. As of July 1, 1999, there are nonpurpose 
investments allocated to the issue. Prior to July 1, 1999, City B 
receives amounts from nonpurpose investments and immediately expends 
them for the governmental purpose of the issue as follows:

                           Date                                Amount
8/1/1994..................................................    $5,000,000
7/1/1995..................................................     8,000,000
12/1/1995.................................................    17,000,000
7/1/1999..................................................       650,000

    (ii) First computation date. (A) City B treats the last day of the 
fifth bond year (July 1, 1999) as a computation date. The yield on the 
variable yield issue during the first computation period (the period 
beginning on the issue date and ending on the first computation date) is 
6.0000 percent per year compounded semiannually. The value of the 
nonpurpose investments allocated to the issue as of July 1, 1999, is $3 
million. The rebate amount as of July 1, 1999, is computed by 
determining the future value of the receipts and the payments for the 
nonpurpose investments. The compounding interval is each 6-month (or 
shorter) period and the 30 day month/360 day year basis is used because 
these conventions were used to compute yield on the issue. The future 
value of these amounts and of the computation date credits as of July 1, 
1999, is:

                                          Receipts         FV (6.0000
                 Date                    (payments)         percent)
7/1/1994.............................   ($30,000,000)      ($40,317,491)
8/1/1994.............................       5,000,000          6,686,560
7/1/1995.............................         (1,000)            (1,267)
7/1/1995.............................       8,000,000         10,134,161
12/1/1995............................      17,000,000         21,011,112
7/1/1996.............................         (1,000)            (1,194)
7/1/1997.............................         (1,000)            (1,126)
7/1/1998.............................         (1,000)            (1,061)
7/1/1999.............................       3,000,000          3,000,000
7/1/1999.............................         650,000            650,000
7/1/1999.............................         (1,000)            (1,000)
Rebate amount (7/01/1999)............  ..............          1,158,694

    (B) City B pays 90 percent of the rebate amount ($1,042,824.60) to 
the United States within 60 days of July 1, 1999.
    (iii) Next computation date. (A) On July 1, 2004, City B redeems all 
of the bonds. Thus, the next computation date is July 1, 2004. On July 
30, 1999, City B chose to compute rebate for periods following the first 
computation period by treating the end of each fifth bond year as a 
computation date. The yield during the second computation period is 
5.0000 percent per year compounded semiannually. The

[[Page 659]]

computation of the rebate amount as of this date reflects the value of 
the nonpurpose investments allocated to the issue at the end of the 
prior computation period. On July 1, 2004, City B sells those nonpurpose 
investments for $3,925,000 and expends that amount for the governmental 
purpose of the issue.
    (B) As of July 1, 2004, the future value of the rebate amount 
computed as of July 1, 1999, and of all other payments and receipts is:

                                                 Receipts    FV (5.0000
                     Date                       (payments)    percent)
7/1/1999.....................................   $1,158,694    $1,483,226
7/1/1999.....................................  (3,000,000)   (3,840,254)
7/1/2000.....................................      (1,000)       (1,218)
7/1/2001.....................................      (1,000)       (1,160)
7/1/2002.....................................      (1,000)       (1,104)
7/1/2003.....................................      (1,000)       (1,051)
7/1/2004.....................................      (2,000)       (2,000)
7/1/2004.....................................    3,925,000     3,925,000
                                               ...........     1,561,439

    (C) As of this computation date, the future value of the payment 
made on July 1, 1999, is $1,334,904 and thus an additional rebate 
payment of $226,535 is due.
    (D) If the yield during the second computation period were, instead, 
7.0000 percent, the rebate amount computed as of July 1, 1999, would be 
$1,320,891. The future value of the payment made on July 1, 1999, would 
be $1,471,007, and, therefore, City B would have overpaid the rebate 
amount by $150,116.

    (k) Bona fide debt service fund exception. Under section 
148(f)(4)(A), the rebate requirement does not apply to amounts in 
certain bona fide debt service funds. An issue with an average annual 
debt service that is not in excess of $2,500,000 may be treated as 
satisfying the $100,000 limitation in section 148(f)(4)(A)(ii).

[T.D. 8476, 58 FR 33522, June 18, 1993; 58 FR 44452, Aug. 23, 1993, as 
amended by T.D. 8538, 59 FR 24042, May 10, 1994; T.D. 8476, 59 FR 24350, 
May 11, 1994; T.D. 8718, 62 FR 25507, May 9, 1997]