[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.121-2]

[Page 482]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.121-2  Limitations.

    (a) Dollar limitation--(1) Amount excludable. Under section 121(a), 
an individual may exclude from gross income up to $100,000 of gain from 
the sale of his or her principal residence ($50,000 in the case of a 
separate return by a married individual).
    (2) Example. The provisions of this paragraph are illustrated by the 
following example:

    Example. Assume that A sells his principal residence for $160,800, 
that the amount realized is $160,400 (selling price reduced by selling 
expenses, described in paragraph (b)(4)(i) of Sec. 1.1034-1, of $400); 
and that A's gain realized from the sale is $107,900 (amount realized 
reduced by adjusted basis of $52,500). The portion of the gain which is 
taxable is $7,900 ($107,900)-($100,000). Thus $100,000 is the portion of 
the gain excludable from gross income pursuant to an election under 
section 121(a).

    (b) Application to only one sale or exchange. (1) Except as provided 
in paragraph (c), a taxpayer may not make an election to exclude from 
gross income gain from the sale or exchange or a principal residence if 
there is in effect at the time the taxpayer wishes to make such 
    (i) An election made by the taxpayer, under section 121(a), in 
respect of any other sale or exchange of a residence, or
    (ii) An election made by the taxpayer's spouse (such marital status 
to be determined at the time of the sale or exchange by the taxpayer, 
see paragraph (f) of Sec. 1.121-5) under the provisions of section 
121(a) in respect of any other sale or exchange of a residence (without 
regard to whether at the time of such sale or exchange such spouse was 
married to the taxpayer).

If the taxpayer and his spouse, before their marriage each owned and 
used a separate residence and if (after their marriage) both residences 
are sold, whether or not in a single transaction, an election under 
section 121(a) may be made with respect to a sale of either residence 
(but not with respect to both residences) if, at the time of sale, the 
age, ownership, and use requirements are met.
    (2) The provisions of this paragraph are illustrated by the 
following examples:

    Example (1). While A and B are married, A sells his separately owned 
residence and makes an election under section 121(a) in respect of such 
sale. Pursuant to the requirement of section 121(c), B joins in such 
election. Subsequently, A and B are divorced and B married C. While B 
and C are married, C sells his residence. C is not entitled to make an 
election under section 121(a) since an election by B, his spouse, is in 
effect. It does not matter that B obtained no personal benefit from her 
    Example (2). The facts are the same as in example (1) except that 
after the sale of C's residence, A and B, pursuant to the provisions of 
paragraph (c) of Sec. 1.121-4, revoke their election. B and C, subject 
to the other provisions of this section, may then make an election with 
respect to any gain realized on the sale of C's residence.
    Example (3). The facts are the same as in example (1) except that C 
marries B after C sells his residence but before he makes an election 
under section 121(a) with respect to any gain realized on such sale. C, 
if there is not in effect an election made by him under section 121(a) 
with respect to a prior sale, may make an election with respect to his 
sale since B does not have to join with him in such election. (In the 
case of a sale of property jointly held by husband and wife, see 
paragraph (a) of Sec. 1.121-5.)

    (c) Additional election if prior sale was made on or before July 26, 
1978. In the case of any sale or exchange after July 26, 1978, section 
121 shall be applied by not taking into account any election made with 
respect to a sale or exchange on or before such date.

[T.D. 7614, 44 FR 24840, Apr. 27, 1979]