[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.117-5]

[Page 472-473]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.117-5  Federal grants requiring future service as a Federal employee.

    (a) In general. Under section 117(c), amounts received by an 
individual under a Federal program as a scholarship or grant for 
qualified tuition and expenses at an institution of higher education are 
excluded from the gross income of the recipient even though the 
recipient is required to perform future service as a Federal employee. 
See paragraph (c) of this section for the definitions of the terms 
``qualified tuition and expenses'' and ``institution of higher 
    (b) Exception for uniformed services scholarship programs. The 
requirements of this section do not apply to amounts received before 
1985 by a member of a uniformed service who entered training before 1981 
under the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program, National 
Public Health Service Corps Scholarship Training Program, or other 
substantially similar Federal programs requiring the recipient to work 
for a uniformed Federal service after completion of studies. These 
awards are governed by section 4 of Pub. L. 93-483 as amended by Pub. L. 
95-171, Pub. L. 95-600 and Pub. L. 96-167. See section 101(3) of title 
37, United States Code for the definition of the term ``uniformed 
    (c) Definitions--(1) Qualified tuition and related expenses. For 
purposes of section 117(c) and this section, qualified tuition and 
related expenses are those amounts which under the terms of the Federal 
program are required to be used and in fact are used for payment of:
    (i) Tuition and fees that are required for the recipient's 
enrollment or attendance at an institution of higher education; and
    (ii) Those amounts used for payment of fees, books, supplies and 
equipment required for courses of instruction at such an institution.

Incidental expenses are not considered related expenses and thus are not 
excludable from gross income under section 117(c). Incidental expenses 
include room and board at an institution of higher education, expenses 
for travel (including expenses for meals and lodging incurred during 
travel and allowances for travel of the recipient's family), research, 
clerical help, equipment and other expenses which are not required for 
enrollment at the institution or in a course of instruction at such 
    (2) Institution of higher education. To qualify as an institution of 
higher education under this section, the institution must be a public or 
other nonprofit institution in any state which--
    (i) Admits as regular students only individuals who have a 
certificate of graduation from a high school or the recognized 
equivalent of such a certificate;
    (ii) Is legally authorized within the state to provide a program of 
education beyond high school; and
    (iii) Provides an education program for which it awards a bachelor's 
or higher degree or which is acceptable for full credit towards such a 
degree, or which trains and prepares students for gainful employment in 
a recognized health profession. For purposes of this section, recognized 
health professions are those health professions which are supervised or 
monitored by appropriate state or Federal agencies or governing 
professional associations and which require members to be currently 
licensed or certified in order to practice.
    (3) Service as a Federal employee--(i) In general. Except as 
otherwise provided in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section, service as a 
Federal employee refers to employment of the recipient by the Federal 
government to work directly for the Federal government. Thus, Federal 
grants or scholarships which do not require the recipient to work 
directly for the Federal government are not governed by the rules of 
this section.
    (ii) Service in a health manpower shortage area. For purposes of 
this section an obligation under a grant for the recipient to serve in a 
health related field in a health manpower shortage area as designated by 
the Secretary of Health and Human Services according to the criteria of 
the Public Health Services Act (42 U.S.C. 254(e)) and the

[[Page 473]]

regulations promulgated thereunder (42 CFR 5.1-5.4) will be considered 
an obligation to serve as a Federal employee.
    (d) Records required for exclusion from gross income. To exclude 
amounts received under Federal programs requiring future services as a 
Federal employee, the recipient must maintain records that establish 
that the amounts received under such programs were used for qualified 
tuition and related expenses as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this 
section. Qualifying uses may be established by providing to the Service, 
upon request, copies of relevant bills, receipts, cancelled checks or 
other convenient documentation or records which clearly reflect the use 
of the money received under the grant. The recipient must also submit, 
upon request, documentation establishing receipt of the grant and 
setting out the terms and requirements of the particular grant.
    (e) Applicability of rules of Secs. 117(a) and 117(b). Except where 
a different rule has been expressly provided in this section, amounts 
received under Federal grants requiring future service as a Federal 
employee, and which meet the requirements for exclusion from gross 
income under this section, are subject to the rules, limitations and 
definitions specified in Secs. 117 (a) and (b) of the Code and 
Secs. 1.117-1 through 1.117-4.
    (f) Effective date. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this 
section, this section will apply to amounts received after December 31, 
1980 under Federal programs which meet the requirements of this section.

[T.D. 8032, 50 FR 27232, July 2, 1985]