[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.117-2]

[Page 467-470]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.117-2  Limitations.

    (a) Individuals who are candidates for degrees--(1) In general. 
Under the limitations provided by section 117(b)(1) in the case of an 
individual who is a candidate for a degree at an educational

[[Page 468]]

institution, the exclusion from gross income shall not apply (except as 
otherwise provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph) to that 
portion of any amount received as payment for teaching, research, or 
other services in the nature of parttime employment required as a 
condition to receiving the scholarship or fellowship grant. Payments for 
such part-time employment shall be included in the gross income of the 
recipient in an amount determined by reference to the rate of 
compensation ordinarily paid for similar services performed by an 
individual who is not the recipient of a scholarship or a fellowship 
grant. A typical example of employment under this subparagraph is the 
case of an individual who is required, as a condition to receiving the 
scholarship or the fellowship grant, to perform part-time teaching 
services. A requirement that the individual shall furnish periodic 
reports to the grantor of the scholarship or the fellowship grant for 
the purpose of keeping the grantor informed as to the general progress 
of the individual shall not be deemed to constitute the performance of 
services in the nature of part-time employment.
    (2) Exception. If teaching, research, or other services are required 
of all candidates (whether or not recipients of scholarships or 
fellowship grants) for a particular degree as a condition to receiving 
the degree, such teaching, research, or other services on the part of 
the recipient of a scholarship or fellowship grant who is a candidate 
for such degree shall not be regarded as part-time employment within the 
meaning of this paragraph. Thus, if all candidates for a particular 
education degree are required, as part of their regular course of study 
or curriculum, to perform part-time practice teaching services, such 
services are not to be regarded as part-time employment within the 
meaning of this paragraph.
    (b) Individuals who are not candidates for degrees--(1) Conditions 
for exclusion. In the case of an individual who is not a candidate for a 
degree at an educational institution, the exclusion from gross income of 
an amount received as a scholarship or a fellowship grant shall apply 
(to the extent provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph) only if 
the grantor of the scholarship or fellowship grant is--
    (i) An organization described in section 501(c)(3) which is exempt 
from tax under section 501(a),
    (ii) The United States or an instrumentality or agency thereof, or a 
State, a territory, or a possession of the United States, or any 
political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or
    (iii) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1961, a foreign 
government, an international organization, or a binational or 
multinational educational and cultural foundation or commission created 
or continued pursuant to section 103 of the Mutual Educational and 
Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2453).
    (2) Extent of exclusion. (i) In the case of an individual who is not 
a candidate for a degree, the amount received as a scholarship or a 
fellowship grant which is excludable from gross income under section 
117(a)(1) shall not exceed an amount equal to $300 times the number of 
months for which the recipient received amounts under the scholarship or 
fellowship grant during the taxable year. In determining the number of 
months during the period for which the recipient received amounts under 
a scholarship or fellowship grant, computation shall be made on the 
basis of whole calendar months. A whole calendar month means a period of 
time terminating with the day of the succeeding month numerically 
corresponding to the day of the month of its beginning, less one, except 
that if there be no corresponding day of the succeeding month the period 
terminates with the last day of the succeeding month. For purposes of 
this computation a fractional part of a calendar month consisting of a 
period of time including 15 days or more shall be considered to be a 
whole calendar month and a fractional part of a calendar month 
consisting of a period of time including 14 days or less shall be 
disregarded. For example, if an individual receives a fellowship grant 
on September 13 which is to expire on June 12 of the following year, the 
grant shall be considered to have extended for a period of 9 months. If 
in the preceding example the grant expired on

[[Page 469]]

June 27, instead of June 12, the grant shall be considered to have 
extended for a period of 10 months.
    (ii) No exclusion shall be allowed under section 117(a)(1) to an 
individual who is not a candidate for a degree after the recipient has, 
as an individual who is not a candidate for a degree, been entitled to 
an exclusion under that section for a period of 36 months. This 
limitation applies if the individual has received any amount which was 
either excluded or excludable from his gross income under section 
117(a)(1) for any prior 36 months, whether or not consecutive. For 
example, if the individual received a fellowship grant of $7,200 for 3 
years (which he elected to receive in 36 monthly installments of $200), 
his exclusion period would be exhausted even though he did not in any of 
the 36 months make use of the maximum exclusion. Accordingly, such 
individual would be entitled to no further exclusion from gross income 
with respect to any additional grants which he may receive as an 
individual who is not a candidate for a degree.
    (iii) If an individual who is not a candidate for a degree receives 
amounts from more than one scholarship or fellowship grant during the 
taxable year, the total amounts received in the taxable year shall be 
aggregated for the purpose of computing the amount which may be 
excludable from gross income for such taxable year. If amounts are 
received from more than one scholarship or fellowship grant during the 
same month or months within the taxable year, such month or months shall 
be counted only once for the purpose of determining the number of months 
for which the individual received such amounts under the scholarships or 
fellowship grants during the taxable year. For example, if an individual 
receives a fellowship grant from one source for the months of January to 
June of the taxable year and also receives a fellowship grant from 
another source for the months of March through December of the same 
taxable year, he shall be considered to have received amounts for 12 
months of the taxable year. See example (4) in subparagraph (3) of this 
paragraph for further illustration.
    (3) Examples. The application of this paragraph may be further 
illustrated by the following examples, it being assumed that in each 
example the grantor is a grantor who is described in section 
117(b)(2)(A) and subparagraph (1) of this paragraph:

    Example (1). B, an individual who files his return on the calendar 
year basis, is awarded a post-doctorate fellowship grant in March 1955. 
The grant is to commence on September 1, 1955, and is to end on May 31, 
1956, so that it will extend over a period of 9 months. The amount of 
the fellowship grant is $4,500 and B receives this amount in monthly 
installments of $500 on the first day of each month commencing September 
1, 1955. During the taxable year 1955, B receives a total of $2,000 with 
respect to the 4-month period September through December, inclusive. He 
may exclude $1,200 from gross income in the taxable year 1955 ($300x4) 
and must include the remaining $800 in gross income for that year. For 
the year 1956, he will exclude $1,500 ($300x5) from gross income with 
respect to the $2,500 which he receives in that year and must include in 
gross income $1,000.
    Example (2). Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that B 
receives the full amount of the grant ($4,500) on September 1, 1955. 
Since the amount received in the taxable year 1955 is for the full term 
of the fellowship grant (9 months), B may exclude $2,700 ($300x9) from 
gross income for the taxable year 1955. The remaining $1,800 must be 
included in gross income for that year.
    Example (3). C, an individual who files his return on the calendar 
year basis, is awarded a post-doctorate fellowship grant in March 1955. 
The amount of the grant is $4,500 for a period commencing on September 
1, 1955, and ending 24 months thereafter. C receives the full amount of 
the grant on September 1, 1955. C may exclude from gross income for the 
taxable year 1955, the full amount of the grant ($4,500) since this 
amount does not exceed an amount equal to $300 times the number of 
months (24) for which he received the amount of the grant during that 
taxable year.
    Example (4). (i) F, an individual who files his return on the 
calendar year basis, is awarded a post-doctorate fellowship grant (Grant 
A) for two years commencing June 1, 1955, in the amount of $4,800. He 
elects to receive his grant in monthly installments of $200 commencing 
June 1, 1955. On March 1, 1956, F is awarded another post-doctorate 
fellowship grant (Grant B) for two years commencing September 1, 1956, 
in the amount of $7,200. He elects to receive this grant in monthly 
installments of $300 commencing September 1, 1956.
    (ii) For the calendar year 1955, F receives $1,400 from Grant A 
which he is entitled to exclude from gross income since it does not 
exceed an amount equal to $300 times the

[[Page 470]]

number of months (7) for which he received amounts under the grant in 
the taxable year.
    (iii) For the calendar year 1956, F receives $3,600 as the aggregate 
of amounts received under fellowship grants ($2,400 from Grant A and 
$1,200 from Grant B). F will be entitled to exclude the entire amount of 
$3,600 from gross income for the calendar year 1956 since such amount 
does not exceed an amount equal to $300 times the number of months (12) 
for which he received amounts under the grants in the taxable year.
    (iv) For the calendar year 1957, F receives $4,600 as the aggregate 
of amounts received under fellowship grants ($1,000 from Grant A and 
$3,600 from Grant B). F will be entitled to exclude $3,600 ($300x12) 
from gross income for the calendar year 1957 and he will have to include 
$1,000 in gross income.
    (v) For the calendar year 1958, F receives $2,400 from Grant B. F is 
entitled to exclude $1,500 ($300x5) from gross income for the calendar 
year 1958 and he will have to include $900 in gross income. While F 
receives amounts under fellowship Grant B for 8 months during the 
calendar year 1958, he is limited to an amount equal to $300 times 5 
(months) because of the fact that he has already been entitled to 
exclude (and has in fact excluded) amounts received as a fellowship 
grant for a period of 31 months. Accordingly, he can only exclude 
amounts received under the fellowship grant for 5 months during the 
calendar year 1958, because of the 36-month limitation period. The fact 
that he was entitled to exclude only $1,400 ($200 a month for 7 months) 
instead of the maximum amount of $2,100 ($300x7) in 1955, is immaterial 
and the limitation period of 36 months is applicable.
    (vi) The following chart illustrates the computation of the number 
of months for which F received amounts under the fellowship grants 
during the respective taxable years and the computation of the total 
amounts received under the fellowship grants during each taxable year:

        Period for which received and source             of      Amounts
                                                       months   received
  June 1 to December 31.............................         7  ........
    Grant A.........................................  ........    $1,400
    Grant B.........................................  ........      None
      Aggregate.....................................         7     1,400
  January 1 to August 31............................         8  ........
    Grant A.........................................  ........     1,600
    Grant B.........................................  ........      None
  September 1 to December 31........................         4  ........
    Grant A.........................................  ........       800
    Grant B.........................................  ........     1,200
      Aggregate.....................................        12     3,600
  January 1 to May 31...............................         5  ........
    Grant A.........................................  ........     1,000
    Grant B.........................................  ........     1,500
  June 1 to December 31.............................         7  ........
    Grant A.........................................  ........      None
    Grant B.........................................  ........     2,100
      Aggregate.....................................        12     4,600
  January 1 to August 31............................         8  ........
    Grant A.........................................  ........      None
    Grant B.........................................  ........     2,400
      Aggregate.....................................  ........     2,400

[T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11402, Nov. 26, 1960, as amended by T.D. 6782, 29 FR 
18355, Dec. 24, 1964]