[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 2]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.103-2]

[Page 349-350]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Sec. 1.103-2  Dividends from shares and stock of Federal agencies or instrumentalities.

    (a) Issued before March 28, 1942. (1) Section 26 of the Federal Farm 
Loan Act of July 17, 1916 (12 U.S.C. 931), provides that Federal land 
banks and Federal land bank associations, including the capital and 
reserve or surplus therein and the income derived therefrom, shall be 
exempt from taxation, except taxes upon real estate. Section 7 of the 
Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 (12 U.S.C. 531), provides that 
Federal reserve banks, including the capital stock and surplus therein 
and the income derived therefrom, shall be exempt from taxation, except 
taxes upon real estate. Section 13 of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act (12 
U.S.C. 1433) provides that the Federal Home Loan Bank including its 
franchise, its capital, reserves, and surplus, its advances, and its 
income shall be exempt from all taxation, except taxes upon real estate. 
Section 5(h) of the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933 (12 U.S.C. 1464(h)) 
provides that shares of Federal savings and loan associations shall, 
both as to their value and the income therefrom, be exempt from all 
taxation (except surtaxes, estate, inheritance, and gift taxes) imposed 
by the United States. Under the above-mentioned provisions, income 
consisting of dividends on stock of Federal land banks, Federal land 
bank associations, Federal home loan banks, and Federal reserve banks is 
not, in the case of stock issued before March 28, 1942, includable in 
gross income. Income consisting of dividends on share accounts of 
Federal savings and loan associations is includable in gross income but, 
in the case of shares issued before March 28, 1942, is not subject to 
the normal tax on income. For taxability of such income in the case of 
such stock or shares issued on or after March 28, 1942, see section 6 of 
the Public Debt Act of 1942 (31 U.S.C. 742a) and paragraph (b) of this 
section. For the time at which a stock or share is issued within the 
meaning of this section, see paragraph (b) of this section.
    (2) Regardless of the exemption from income tax of dividends paid on 
the stock of Federal reserve banks, dividends paid by member banks are 
treated like dividends of ordinary corporations.
    (3) Dividends on the stock of the central bank for cooperatives, the 
production credit corporations, production credit associations, and 
banks for cooperatives, organized under the provisions of the Farm 
Credit Act of 1933 (12 U.S.C. 1138), constitute income to the 
recipients, subject to both the normal

[[Page 350]]

tax and surtax (see section 63 of the Farm Credit Act of 1933 (12 U.S.C. 
    (b) Issued on or after March 28, 1942. (1) By virtue of the 
provisions of section 6 of the Public Debt Act of 1942 (31 U.S.C. 742a), 
the tax exemption provisions set forth in paragraph (a) of this section 
with respect to income consisting of dividends on stock of the Federal 
land banks, Federal land bank associations, and Federal reserve banks, 
or on share accounts of Federal savings and loan associations, are not 
applicable in the case of dividends on such stock or shares issued on or 
after March 28, 1942.
    (2) For the purposes of this section, a stock or share is deemed to 
be issued at the time and to the extent that payment therefor is made to 
the agency or instrumentality. The date of issuance of the certificate 
or other evidence of ownership of such stock or share is not 
determinative if payment is made at an earlier or later date. Where old 
stock is retired in exchange for new stock of a different character or 
preference, the new stock shall be deemed to have been issued at the 
time of the exchange rather than when the old stock was paid for. These 
rules may be illustrated by the following examples:

    Example (1). A, the owner of an investment share account, consisting 
of 10 shares, in a Federal savings and loan association, has a single 
certificate issued before March 28, 1942, evidencing such ownership. In 
order that A may dispose of half of such shares, the association at his 
request issues, after March 27, 1942, two 5-share certificates in 
substitution for the 10-share certificate. The shares evidenced by the 
two new certificates are deemed to have been issued before March 28, 
1942, the shares having been paid for before such date.
    Example (2). The X Bank, a member of a Federal reserve bank, owns 50 
shares of Federal reserve bank stock, evidenced by a single stock 
certificate issued before March 28, 1942. On December 31, 1942, the X 
Bank reduces the amount of its capital stock, as a result of which it is 
required to reduce the amount of its Federal reserve bank stock to 40 
shares. It surrenders the 50-share certificate to the Federal reserve 
bank and receives a new 40-share certificate. The 40 shares evidenced by 
such certificate are deemed to have been issued before March 28, 1942. 
On December 31, 1943, the X Bank increases the amount of its capital 
stock, as a result of which it is required to purchase 10 additional 
shares of the Federal reserve bank stock. The Federal reserve bank 
issues a 10-share certificate evidencing ownership of the new shares. Of 
the 50 shares then owned by the X Bank, 40 were issued prior to March 
28, 1942, and 10 were issued after March 27, 1942.
    Example (3). A, the owner of a savings share account in the amount 
of $100 in a Federal savings and loan association, has a passbook 
containing a certificate issued prior to March 28, 1942, evidencing such 
ownership. Subsequent to March 27, 1942, A deposits $10,000 in the 
account. With respect to the $10,000 deposit, the share is deemed to 
have been issued after March 27, 1942.