[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 3]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.263A-11]

[Page 520-523]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME (Continued)--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.263A-11  Accumulated production expenditures.

    (a) General rule. Accumulated production expenditures generally 
means the cumulative amount of direct and indirect costs described in 
section 263A(a) that are required to be capitalized with respect to the 
unit of property (as defined in Sec. 1.263A-10), including interest 
capitalized in prior computation periods, plus the adjusted bases of any 
assets described in paragraph (d) of this section that are used to 
produce the unit of property during the period of their use. Accumulated 
production expenditures may also include the basis of any property 
received by the taxpayer in a nontaxable transaction.
    (b) When costs are first taken into account--(1) In general. Except 
as provided in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, costs are taken into 
account in the computation of accumulated production expenditures at the 
time and to the extent they would otherwise be taken into account under 
the taxpayer's method of accounting (e.g., after applying the 
requirements of section 461, including the economic performance 
requirement of section 461(h)). Costs that have been incurred and 
capitalized with respect to a unit of property prior to the beginning of 
the production period are taken into account as accumulated production 
expenditures beginning on the date on which the production period of the 
property begins (as defined in Sec. 1.263A-12(c)). Thus, for example, 
the cost of raw land acquired for development, the cost of a leasehold 
in mineral properties acquired for development, and the capitalized cost 
of planning and design activities are taken into account as accumulated 
production expenditures beginning on the first day of the production 
period. For purposes of determining accumulated production expenditures 
on any measurement date during a computation period, the interest 
required to be capitalized for the computation period is deemed to be 
capitalized on the day immediately following the end of the computation 
period. For any subsequent measurement dates and computation periods, 
that interest is included in accumulated production expenditures. If the 
cost of land or common features is allocated among planned units of 
property that are completed in phases, any portion of the cost properly 
allocated to completed units is not reallocated to any incomplete units 
of property.
    (2) Dedication rule for materials and supplies. The costs of raw 
materials, supplies, or similar items are taken into account as 
accumulated production expenditures when they are incurred and dedicated 
to production of a unit of property. Dedicated means the first date on 
which the raw materials, supplies, or similar items are specifically 
associated with the production of any unit of property, including by 
record, assignment to the specific job site, or physical incorporation. 
In contrast, in the case of a component or

[[Page 521]]

subassembly that is reasonably expected to be become a part of (e.g., be 
incorporated into) any unit of property, costs incurred (including 
dedicated raw materials) for the component or subassembly are taken into 
account as accumulated production expenditures during the production of 
any portion of the component or subassembly and prior to its connection 
with (e.g., incorporation into) any specific unit of property. For 
purposes of the preceding sentence, components and subassemblies must be 
aggregated at each measurement date in a reasonable manner that is 
consistent with the purposes of section 263A(f).
    (c) Property produced under a contract--(1) Customer. If a unit of 
property produced under a contract is designated property under 
Sec. 1.263A-8(d)(2)(i) with respect to the customer, the customer's 
accumulated production expenditures include any payments under the 
contract that represent part of the purchase price of the unit of 
designated property or, to the extent costs are incurred earlier than 
payments are made (determined on a cumulative basis for each unit of 
designated property), any part of such price for which the requirements 
of section 461 have been satisfied. The customer has made a payment 
under this section if the transaction would be considered a payment by a 
taxpayer using the cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting. 
The customer's accumulated production expenditures also include any 
other costs incurred by the customer, such as interest, or any other 
direct or indirect costs that are required to be capitalized under 
section 263A(a) and the regulations thereunder with respect to the 
production of the unit of designated property.
    (2) Contractor. If a unit of property produced under a contract is 
designated property under Sec. 1.263A-8(d)(2)(ii) with respect to the 
contractor, the contractor must treat the cumulative amount of payments 
made by the customer under the contract attributable to the unit of 
property as a reduction in the contractor's accumulated production 
expenditures. The customer has made a payment under this section if the 
transaction would be considered a payment by a taxpayer using the cash 
receipts and disbursements method of accounting.
    (d) Property used to produce designated property--(1) In general. 
Accumulated production expenditures include the adjusted bases (or 
portion thereof) of any equipment, facilities, or other similar assets, 
used in a reasonably proximate manner for the production of a unit of 
designated property during any measurement period in which the asset is 
so used. Examples of assets used in a reasonably proximate manner 
include machinery and equipment used directly or indirectly in the 
production process, such as assembly-line structures, cranes, 
bulldozers, and buildings. A taxpayer apportions the adjusted basis of 
an asset used in the production of more than one unit of designated 
property in a measurement period among such units of designated property 
using reasonable criteria corresponding to the use of the asset, such as 
machine hours, mileage, or units of production. If an asset used in a 
reasonably proximate manner for the production of a unit of designated 
property is temporarily idle (within the meaning of Sec. 1.263A-
1(e)(3)(iii)(E)) for an entire measurement period, the adjusted basis of 
the asset is excluded from the accumulated production expenditures for 
the unit during that measurement period. Notwithstanding this paragraph 
(d)(1), the portion of the depreciation allowance for equipment, 
facilities, or any other asset that is capitalized with respect to a 
unit of designated property in accordance with Sec. 1.263A-
1(e)(3)(ii)(I) is included in accumulated production expenditures 
without regard to the extent of use under this paragraph (d)(1) (i.e., 
without regard to whether the asset is used in a reasonably proximate 
manner for the production of the unit of designated property).
    (2) Example. The following example illustrates how the basis of an 
asset is allocated on the basis of time:

    Example. In 1995, X uses a bulldozer exclusively to clear the land 
on several adjacent real estate development projects, A, B, and C. A, B, 
and C are treated as separate units of property under the principles of 
Sec. 1.263A-10. X decides to allocate the basis of the bulldozer among 
the three projects on the basis of time. At the end of the first quarter 
of 1995, the production period has commenced

[[Page 522]]

for all three projects. The bulldozer was operated for 30 hours on 
project A, 80 hours on project B, and 10 hours on project C, for a total 
of 120 hours for the entire period. For purposes of determining 
accumulated production expenditures as of the end of the first quarter, 
\1/4\ of the adjusted basis of the bulldozer is allocated to project A, 
\2/3\ to project B, and \1/12\ to project C. Nonworking hours, regularly 
scheduled nonworking days, or other periods in which the bulldozer is 
temporarily idle (within the meaning of Sec. 1.263A-1(e)(3)(iii)(E)) 
during the measurement period are not taken into account in allocating 
the basis of the bulldozer.

    (3) Excluded equipment and facilities. The adjusted bases of 
equipment, facilities, or other assets that are not used in a reasonably 
proximate manner to produce a unit of property are not included in the 
computation of accumulated production expenditures. For example, the 
adjusted bases of equipment and facilities, including buildings and 
other structures, used in service departments performing administrative, 
purchasing, personnel, legal, accounting, or similar functions, are 
excluded from the computation of accumulated production expenditures 
under this paragraph (d)(3).
    (e) Improvements--(1) General rule. If an improvement constitutes 
the production of designated property under $1.263A-8(d)(3), accumulated 
production expenditures with respect to the improvement consist of--
    (i) All direct and indirect costs required to be capitalized with 
respect to the improvement,
    (ii) In the case of an improvement to a unit of real property--
    (A) An allocable portion of the cost of land, and
    (B) For any measurement period, the adjusted basis of any existing 
structure, common feature, or other property that is not placed in 
service or must be temporarily withdrawn from service to complete the 
improvement (associated property) during any part of the measurement 
period if the associated property directly benefits the property being 
improved, the associated property directly benefits from the 
improvement, or the improvement was incurred by reason of the associated 
property. See, however, the de minimis rule under paragraph (e)(2) of 
this section that applies in the case of associated property.
    (iii) In the case of an improvement to a unit of tangible personal 
property, the adjusted basis of the asset being improved if that asset 
either is not placed in service or must be temporarily withdrawn from 
service to complete the improvement.
    (2) De minimis rule. For purposes of paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this 
section, the total costs of all associated property for an improvement 
unit (associated property costs) are excluded from the accumulated 
production expenditures for the improvement unit during its production 
period if, on the date the production period of the unit begins, the 
taxpayer reasonably expects that at no time during the production period 
of the unit will the accumulated production expenditures for the unit, 
determined without regard to the associated property costs, exceed 5 
percent of the associated property costs.
    (f) Mid-production purchases. If a taxpayer purchases a unit of 
property for further production, the taxpayer's accumulated production 
expenditures include the full purchase price of the property plus, in 
accordance with the principles of paragraph (e) of this section, 
additional direct and indirect costs incurred by the taxpayer.
    (g) Related person costs. The activities of a related person are 
taken into account in applying the classification thresholds under 
Sec. 1.263A-8(b)(1)(ii)(B) and (C), and in determining the production 
period of a unit of designated property under Sec. 1.263A-12. However, 
only those costs incurred by the taxpayer are taken into account in the 
taxpayer's accumulated production expenditures under this section 
because the related person includes its own capitalized costs in the 
related person's accumulated production expenditures with respect to any 
unit of designated property upon which the parties engage in mutual 
production activities. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the 
accumulated production expenditures of any property transferred to a 
taxpayer in a nontaxable transaction are treated as accumulated 
production expenditures incurred by the taxpayer.
    (h) Installation. If the taxpayer installs property that is 
purchased by the

[[Page 523]]

taxpayer, accumulated production expenditures include the cost of the 
property that is installed in addition to the direct and indirect costs 
of installation.

[T.D. 8584, 59 FR 67210, Dec. 29, 1994; 60 FR 16575, Mar. 31, 1995]