[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 3]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.243-5]

[Page 394-402]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME (Continued)--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.243-5  Effect of election.

    (a) General--(1) Corporations subject to restrictions and 
limitations. If an election by an affiliated group under section 
243(b)(2) is effective with respect to a taxable year of the common 
parent corporation, then each corporation (including the common parent 
corporation) which is a member of such group on each day of its matching 
taxable year shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations 
prescribed by paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section for such 
taxable year. For purposes of this section, the term matching taxable 
year shall mean the taxable year of each member (including the common 
parent corporation) of an affiliated group which includes the last day 
of a particular taxable year of the common parent corporation for which 
an election by the affiliated group under section 243(b)(2) is 
effective. If a corporation is a member of an affiliated group on each 
day of a short taxable year which does not include the last day of a 
taxable year of the common parent corporation, and if an election under 
section 243(b)(2) is effective for such short year, see paragraph (g) of 
this section. In the case of taxable years beginning in 1963 and ending 
in 1964 for which an election under section 243(b)(2) is effective under 
paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of Sec. 1.243-4, see paragraph (f)(9) of this 
    (2) Members filing consolidated returns. The restrictions and 
limitations prescribed by this section shall apply notwithstanding the 
fact that some of the corporations which are members of the electing 
affiliated group (within the meaning of section 243(b)(5)) join in the 
filing of a consolidated return. Thus, for example, if an electing 
affiliated group includes one or more corporations taxable under section 
11 of the Code and two or more insurance companies taxable under section 
802 of the Code, and if the insurance companies join in the filing of a 
consolidated return, the amount of such companies' exemptions from 
estimated tax (for purposes of sections 6016 and 6655) shall be the 
amounts determined under paragraph (d)(5) of this section and not the 
amounts determined pursuant to the regulations under section 1502.
    (b) Multiple surtax exemption election--(1) General rule. If an 
election by an affiliated group under section 243(b)(2) is effective 
with respect to a taxable year of the common parent corporation, then no 
corporation which is a member of such affiliated group on each day of 
its matching taxable year may consent (or shall be deemed to consent) to 
an election under section 1562(a)(1), relating to election of multiple 
surtax exemptions, which would be effective for such matching taxable 
year. Thus, each corporation which is a component member of the 
controlled group of corporations with respect to its matching taxable 
year (determined by applying section 1563(b) without regard to paragraph 
(2)(D) thereof) shall determine its surtax exemption for such taxable 
year in accordance with section 1561 and the regulations thereunder.
    (2) Special rule for certain insurance companies. Under section 
243(b)(6)(A), if the provisions of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph 
apply with respect to the taxable year of an insurance company subject 
to taxation under section 802 or 821, then the surtax exemption of such 
insurance company for such taxable year shall be determined by applying 
part II (section 1561 and following), subchapter B, chapter 6 of the 
Code, with respect to such insurance company and the other corporations 
which are component members of the controlled group of corporations (as 
determined under section 1563 without regard to subsections (a)(4) and 
(b)(2)(D) thereof) of which such insurance company is a member, without 
regard to section 1563(a)(4) (relating to certain insurance companies 
treated as a separate controlled group) and section

[[Page 395]]

1563(b)(2)(D) (relating to certain insurance companies treated as 
excluded members).
    (3) Example. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by 
the following example:

    Example. Throughout 1965 corporation M owns all the stock of 
corporations L-1, L-2, S-1, and S-2. M is a domestic mutual insurance 
company subject to tax under section 821 of the Code, L-1 and L-2 are 
domestic life insurance companies subject to tax under section 802 of 
the Code, and S-1 and S-2 are domestic corporations subject to tax under 
section 11 of the Code. Each corporation uses the calendar year as its 
taxable year. M makes a valid election under section 243(b)(2) for the 
affiliated group consisting of M, L-1, L-2, S-1, and S-2. If part II, 
subchapter B, chapter 6 of the Code were applied with respect to the 
1965 taxable years of the corporations without regard to section 
243(b)(6)(A), the following would result: S-1 and S-2 would be treated 
as component members of a controlled group of corporations on such date; 
L-1 and L-2 would be treated as component members of a separate 
controlled group on such date; and M would be treated as an excluded 
member. However, since section 243(b)(6)(A) requires that part II of 
subchapter B be applied without regard to section 1563(a)(4) and 
(b)(2)(D), for purposes of determing the surtax exemptions of M, L-1, L-
2, S-1, and S-2 for their 1965 taxable years, such corporations are 
treated for purposes of such part II as component members of a single 
controlled group of corporations on December 31, 1965. Moreover, by 
reason of having made the election under section 243(b)(2), M, L-1, L-2, 
S-1, and S-2 cannot consent to multiple surtax exemption elections under 
section 1562 which would be effective for their 1965 taxable years. 
Thus, such corporations are limited to a single $25,000 surtax exemption 
for such taxable years (to be apportioned among such corporations in 
accordance with section 1561 and the regulations thereunder).

    (c) Foreign tax credit--(1) General. If an election by an affiliated 
group under section 243(b)(2) is effective with respect to a taxable 
year of the common parent corporation, then:
    (i) The credit under section 901 for taxes paid or accrued to any 
foreign country or possession of the United States shall be allowed to a 
corporation which is a member of such affiliated group for each day of 
its matching taxable year only if each other corporation which pays or 
accrues such foreign taxes to any foreign country or possession, and 
which is a member of such group on each day of its matching taxable 
year, does not deduct such taxes in computing its tax liability for its 
matching taxable year, and
    (ii) A corporation which is a member of such affiliated group on 
each day of its matching taxable year may use the overall limitation 
provided in section 904(a)(2) for such matching taxable year only if 
each other corporation which pays or accrues foreign taxes to any 
foreign country or possession, and which is a member of such group on 
each day of its matching taxable year, uses such limitation for its 
matching taxable year.
    (2) Consent of the Commissioner. In the absence of unusual 
circumstances, a request by a corporation for the consent of the 
Commissioner to the revocation of an election of the overall limitation, 
or to a new election of the overall limitation, for the purpose of 
satisfying the requirements of subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph 
will be given favorable consideration, notwithstanding the fact that 
there has been no change in the basic nature of the corporation's 
business or changes in conditions in a foreign country which 
substantially affect the corporation's business. See paragraph (d)(3) of 
Sec. 1.904-1.
    (d) Other restrictions and limitations--(1) General rule. If an 
election by an affilated group under section 243(b)(2) is effective with 
respect to a taxable year of the common parent corporation, then, except 
to the extent that an apportionment plan adopted under paragraph (f) of 
this section for such taxable year provides otherwise with respect to a 
restriction or limitation described in this paragraph, the rules 
provided in subparagraphs (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this paragraph shall 
apply to each corporation which is a member of such affiliated group on 
each day of its matching taxable year for the purpose of computing the 
amount of such restriction or limitation for its matching taxable year. 
For purposes of this paragraph, each corporation which is a member of an 
electing affiliated group (including any member which joins in filing a 
consolidated return) shall be treated as a separate corporation for 
purposes of determining the amount of such restrictions and limitations.

[[Page 396]]

    (2) Accumulated earnings credit--(i) General. Except as provided in 
subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, in determining the minimum 
accumulated earnings credit under section 535(c)(2) (or the accumulated 
earnings credit of a mere holding or investment company under section 
535(c)(3) for each corporation which is a member of the affiliated group 
on each day of its matching taxable year, in lieu of the $150,000 amount 
($100,000 amount in the case of taxable years beginning before January 
1, 1975) mentioned in such sections there shall be substituted an amount 
equal to (a) $150,000 ($100,000 in the case of taxable years beginning 
before January 1, 1975), divided by (b) the number of such members.
    (ii) Allocation of excess. If, with respect to one or more members, 
the amount determined under subdivision (i) of this subparagraph exceeds 
the sum of (a) such member's accumulated earnings and profits as of the 
close of the preceding taxable year, plus (b) such member's earnings and 
profits for the taxable year which are retained (within the meaning of 
section 535(c)(1), then any such excess shall be subtracted from the 
amount determined under subdivision (i) of this subparagraph and shall 
be divided equally among those remaining members of the affiliated group 
that do not have such an excess (until no such excess remains to be 
divided among those remaining members that have not had such an excess). 
The excess so divided among such remaining members shall be added to the 
amount determined under subdivision (i) with respect to such members.
    (iii) Apportionment plan not allowed. An affiliated group may not 
adopt an apportionment plan, as provided in paragraph (f) of this 
section, with respect to the amounts computed under the provisions of 
this subparagraph.
    (iv) Example. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated 
by the following example;

    Example. An affiliated group is composed of four member 
corporations, W, X, Y, and Z. The sum of the accumulated earnings and 
profits (as of the close of the preceding taxable year ending December 
31, 1975) plus the earnings and profits for the taxable year ending 
December 31, 1976 which are retained is $15,000, $75,000, $37,500, and 
$300,000 in the case of W, X, Y, and Z, respectively. The amounts 
determined under this subparagraph for W, X, Y, and Z are $15,000, 
$48,750, $37,500 and $48,750, respectively, computed as follows:

                                                                               Component members
                                                                   W            X            Y            Z
Earnings and profits........................................      $15,000      $75,000      $37,500     $300,000
Amount computed under subpar. (1)...........................       37,500       37,500       37,500       37,500
Excess......................................................       22,500            0            0            0
Allocation of excess........................................  ...........        7,500        7,500        7,500
New excess..................................................  ...........  ...........        7,500  ...........
Reallocation of new excess..................................  ...........        3,750  ...........        3,750
    Amount to be used for purposes of sec. 535(c) (2) and          15,000       48,750       37,500       48,750

    (3) Mine exploration expenditures--(i) Limitation under section 
615(a). If the aggregate of the expenditures to which section 615(a) 
applies, which are paid or incurred by corporations which are members of 
the affiliated group on each day of their matching taxable years (during 
such taxable years) exceeds $100,000, then the deduction (or amount 
deferrable) under section 615 for any such member for its matching 
taxable year shall be limited to an amount equal to the amount which 
bears the same ratio to $100,000 as the amount deductible or deferrable 
by such member under section 615 (computed without regard to this 
subdivision) bears to the aggregate of the amounts deductible or 
deferrable under section 615 (as so computed) by all such members.
    (ii) Limitation under section 615(c). If the aggregate of the 
expenditures to which section 615(a) applies which are paid or incurred 
by the corporations which are members of such affiliated group on each 
day of their matching taxable years (during such taxable

[[Page 397]]

years) would, when added to the aggregate of the amounts deducted or 
deferred in prior taxable years which are taken into account by such 
corporations in applying the limitation of section 615(c), exceed 
$400,000, then section 615 shall not apply to any such expenditure so 
paid or incurred by any such member to the extent such expenditure would 
exceed the amount which bears the same ratio to (a) the amount, if any, 
by which $400,000 exceeds the amounts so deducted or deferred in prior 
years, as (b) such member's deduction (or amount deferrable) under 
section 615 (computed without regard to this subdivision) for such 
expenditures paid or incurred by such member during its matching taxable 
year, bears to (c) the aggregate of the amounts deductible or deferrable 
under section 615 (as so computed) by all such members during their 
matching taxable years.
    (iii) Treatment of corporations filing consolidated returns. For 
purposes of making the computations under subdivisions (i) and (ii) of 
this subparagraph, a corporation which joins in the filing of a 
consolidated return shall be treated as if it filed a separate return.
    (iv) Estimate of exploration expenditures. If, on the date a 
corporation (which is a member of an affiliated group on each day of its 
matching taxable year) files its income tax return for such taxable 
year, it cannot be determined whether or not the $100,000 limitation 
prescribed by subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, or the $400,000 
limitation prescribed by subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, will 
apply with respect to such taxable year, then such member shall, for 
purposes of such return, apply the provisions of such subdivisions (i) 
and (ii) with respect to such taxable year on the basis of an estimate 
of the aggregate of the exploration expenditures by all such members of 
the affiliated group for their matching taxable years. Such estimate 
shall be made on the basis of the facts and circumstances known at the 
time of such estimate. If an estimate is used by any such member of the 
affiliated group pursuant to this subdivision, and if the actual 
expenditures by all such members differ from the estimate, then each 
such member shall file as soon as possible an original or amended return 
reflecting an amended apportionment (either pursuant to an apportionment 
plan adopted under paragraph (f) of this section or pursuant to the 
application of the rule provided by subdivision (i) or (ii) of this 
subparagraph) based upon such actual expenditures.
    (v) Amount apportioned under apportionment plan. If an electing 
affiliated group adopts an apportionment plan as provided in paragraph 
(f) of this section with respect to the limitation under section 615(a) 
or 615(c), then the amount apportioned under such plan to any 
corporation which is a member of such group may not exceed the amount 
which such member could have deducted (or deferred) under section 615 
had such affiliated group not filed an election under section 243(b)(2).
    (4) Small business deductions of life insurance companies. In the 
case of a life insurance company taxable under section 802 which is a 
member of such affiliated group on each day of its matching taxable 
year, the small business deduction under sections 804(a)(4) and 
809(d)(10) shall not exceed an amount equal to $25,000 divided by the 
number of life insurance companies taxable under section 802 which are 
members of such group on each day of their matching taxable years.
    (5) Estimated tax--(i) Exemption from estimated tax. Except as 
otherwise provided in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, the 
exemption from estimated tax (for purposes of estimated tax filing 
requirements under section 6016 and the addition to tax under section 
6655 for failure to pay estimated tax) of each corporation which is a 
member of such affiliated group on each day of its matching taxable year 
shall be (in lieu of the $100,000 amount specified in section 6016(a) 
and (b)(2)(A) and in section 6655(d)(1) and (e)(2)(A) an amount equal to 
$100,000 divided by the number of such members.
    (ii) Nonapplication to certain taxable years beginning in 1963 and 
ending in 1964. For purposes of this section, if a corporation has a 
taxable year beginning in 1963 and ending in 1964 the last day of the 
eighth month of which falls on or before April 10, 1964, then 
(notwithstanding the fact that an election under section 243(b)(2) is 
effective for

[[Page 398]]

such taxable year) subdivision (i) of this subparagraph shall not apply 
to such corporation for such taxable year. Thus, such corporation shall 
be entitled to a $100,000 exemption from estimated tax for such taxable 
year. Also, with respect to a taxable year described in the first 
sentence of this subdivision, any such corporation shall not be 
considered to be a member of the affiliated group for purposes of 
determining the number of members referred to in subdivision (i) of this 
    (iii) Examples. The provisions of subdivision (i) of this 
subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

    Example 1. Corporation P owns all the stock of corporation S-1 on 
each day of 1965. On March 1, 1965, P acquires all the stock of 
corporation S-2. Corporations P, S-1, and S-2 file separate returns on a 
calendar year basis. On March 31, 1965, the affiliated group consisting 
of P, S-1, and S-2 anticipates making an election under section 
243(b)(2) for P's 1965 taxable year. If the affiliated group does make a 
valid election under section 243(b)(2) for P's 1965 year, under 
subdivision (i) of this subparagraph the exemption from estimated tax of 
P for 1965, and the exemption from estimated tax of S-1 for 1965, will 
be (assuming an apportionment plan is not filed pursuant to paragraph 
(f) of this section) an amount equal to $50,000 ($100,000/2). (Since S-2 
is not a member of the affiliated group on each day of 1965, S-2's 
exemption from estimated tax will be determined for the year 1965 
without regard to subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, whether or not 
the affiliated group makes the election under section 243(b)(2).) P and 
S-1 file declarations of estimated tax on April 15, 1965, on such basis 
and make payments with respect to such declarations on such basis. Thus, 
if the affiliated group does make a valid election under section 
243(b)(2) for P's 1965 year, P and S-1 will not incur (as a result of 
the application of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph to their 1965 
years) additions to tax under section 6655 for failure to pay estimated 
    Example 2. Assume the same facts as in Example (1), except that, on 
March 31, 1965, S-1 anticipates that it will incur a loss for its 1965 
year. Accordingly, in anticipation of making an election under section 
243(b)(2) for P's 1965 year and adopting an apportionment plan under 
paragraph (f) of this section, P computes its estimated tax liability 
for 1965 on the basis of a $100,000 exemption, and S-1 computes its 
estimated tax liability for 1965 on the basis of a zero exemption. 
Assume S-1 incurs a loss for 1965 as anticipated. Thus, if P does make 
the election for 1965, and an apportionment plan is adopted apportioning 
$100,000 to P and zero to S-1 (for their 1965 years), P and S-1 will not 
incur (as a result of the application of subdivision (i) of this 
subparagraph to their 1965 years) additions to tax under section 6655 
for failure to pay estimated tax.
    Example 3. Assume the same facts as in Example (1), except that P 
and S-1 file declarations of estimated tax on April 15, 1965, on the 
basis of separate $100,000 exemptions from estimated tax for their 1965 
years, and make payments with respect to such declarations on such 
basis. Assume that the affiliated group makes an election under section 
243(b)(2) for P's 1965 year. Under subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, 
P and S-1 are limited in the aggregate to a single $100,000 exemption 
from estimated tax for their 1965 years. The provisions of section 6655 
will be applied to the 1965 year of P and the 1965 year of S-1 on the 
basis of a $50,000 exemption from estimated tax for each corporation, 
unless a different apportionment of the $100,000 amount is adopted under 
paragraph (f) of this section. Since the election was made under section 
243(b)(2), regardless of whether or not the affiliated group anticipated 
making the election, P or S-1 (or both) may incur additions to tax under 
section 6655 for failure to pay estimated tax.

    (e) Effect of election for certain taxable years beginning in 1963 
and ending in 1964. If an election under section 243(b)(2) by an 
affiliated group is effective for a taxable year of a corporation under 
paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of Sec. 1.243-4 (relating to election for certain 
taxable years beginning in 1963 and ending in 1964), and if such 
corporation is a member of such group on each day of such taxable year, 
then the restrictions and limitations prescribed by paragraphs (b), (c), 
and (d) of this section shall apply to all such members having such 
taxable years (for such taxable years). For purposes of this paragraph, 
such paragraphs shall be applied with respect to such taxable years as 
if such taxable years included the last day of a taxable year of the 
common parent corporation for which an election was effective under 
section 243(b)(2), i.e., as if such taxable years were matching taxable 
years. For apportionment plans with respect to such taxable years, see 
paragraph (f) (9) of this section.
    (f) Apportionment plans--(1) In general. In the case of corporations 
which are members of an affiliated group of corporations on each day of 
their matching taxable years:

[[Page 399]]

    (i) The $100,000 amount referred to in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this 
section (relating to limitation under section 615(a)),
    (ii) The amount determined under paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(a) of this 
section (relating to limitation under section 615(c)),
    (iii) The $25,000 amount referred to in paragraph (d)(4) of this 
section (relating to small business deduction of life insurance 
companies), and
    (iv) The $100,000 amount referred to in paragraph (d)(5)(i) of this 
section (relating to exemption from estimated tax), may be apportioned 
among such members (for such taxable years) if the common parent 
corporation files an apportionment plan with respect to such taxable 
years in the manner provided in subparagraph (4) of this paragraph, and 
if all other members consent to the plan, in the manner provided in 
subparagraph (5) or (6) of this paragraph (whichever is applicable). The 
plan may provide for the apportionment to one or more of such members, 
in fixed dollar amounts, of one or more of the amounts referred to in 
subdivisions (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) of this subparagraph, but in no 
event shall the sum of the amounts so apportioned in respect to any such 
subdivision exceed the amount referred to in such subdivision. See also 
paragraph (d)(3)(v) of this section, relating to the maximum amount that 
may be apportioned to a corporation under this subparagraph with respect 
to exploration expenditures to which section 615 applies.
    (2) Time for adopting plan. An affiliated group may adopt an 
apportionment plan with respect to the matching taxable years of its 
members only if, at the time such plan is sought to be adopted, there is 
at least 1 year remaining in the statutory period (including any 
extensions thereof) for the assessment of a deficiency against any 
corporation the tax liability of which for any taxable year would be 
increased by the adoption of such plan. (If there is less than 1 year 
remaining with respect to any taxable year, the district director for 
the internal revenue district in which is located the principal place of 
business or principal office or agency of the corporation will 
ordinarily, upon request, enter into an agreement to extend such 
statutory period for assessment and collection of deficiencies.)
    (3) Years for which effective. A valid apportionment plan with 
respect to matching taxable years of members of an affiliated group 
shall be effective for such matching taxable years, and for all 
succeeding matching taxable years of such members, unless the plan is 
amended in accordance with subparagraph (8) of this paragraph or is 
terminated. Thus, the apportionment plan (including any amendments 
thereof) has a continuing effect and need not be renewed annually. An 
apportionment plan with respect to a particular taxable year of the 
common parent shall terminate with respect to the taxable years of the 
members of the affiliated group which include the last day of a 
succeeding taxable year of the common parent if:
    (i) Any corporation which was a member of the affiliated group on 
each day of its matching taxable year which included the last day of the 
particular taxable year of the common parent is not a member of such 
group on each day of its taxable year which includes the last day of 
such succeeding taxable year of the common parent, or
    (ii) Any corporation which was not a member of such group on each 
day of its taxable year which included the last day of the particular 
taxable year of the common parent is a member of such group on each day 
of its taxable year which includes the last day of such succeeding 
taxable year of the common parent.

An apportionment plan, once terminated, is no longer effective. 
Accordingly, unless a new apportionment plan is filed and consented to 
(or the section 243(b)(2) election is terminated) the amounts referred 
to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph will be apportioned among the 
corporations which are members of the affiliated group on each day of 
their matching taxable years in accordance with the rules provided in 
paragraphs (d)(3)(i), (d)(3)(ii), (d)(4), and (d)(5)(i) of this section.
    (4) Filing of plan. The apportionment plan shall be in the form of a 
statement filed by the common parent corporation with the district 
director for the internal revenue district in which

[[Page 400]]

is located the principal place of business or principal office or agency 
of such common parent. The statement shall be signed by any person who 
is duly authorized to act on behalf of the common parent corporation and 
shall set forth the name, address, internal revenue district, taxpayer 
account number, and taxable year of each member to whom the common 
parent could apportion an amount under subparagraph (1) of this 
paragraph (or, in the case of an apportionment plan referred to in 
subparagraph (9) of this paragraph, each member to whom the common 
parent could apportion an amount under such subparagraph) and the amount 
(or amounts) apportioned to each such member under the plan.
    (5) Consent of wholly owned subsidiaries. If all the stock of a 
corporation which is a member of the affiliated group on each day of its 
matching taxable year is owned on each such day by another corporation 
(or corporations) which is a member of such group on each day of its 
matching taxable year, such corporation (hereinafter in this paragraph 
referred to as a ``wholly owned subsidiary'') shall be deemed to consent 
to the apportionment plan. Each wholly owned subsidiary should attach a 
copy of the plan filed by the common parent corporation to an income tax 
return, amended return, or claim for refund for its matching taxable 
    (6) Consent of other members. The consent of each member (other than 
the common parent corporation and wholly owned subsidiaries) to an 
apportionment plan shall be in the form of a statement, signed by any 
person who is duly authorized to act on behalf of the member consenting 
to the plan, stating that such member consents to the plan. The consent 
of more than one such member may be incorporated in a single statement. 
The statement (or statements) shall be attached to the apportionment 
plan filed by the common parent corporation. The consent of any such 
member which, after the date the apportionment plan was filed and during 
its matching taxable year referred to in subparagraph (1) of this 
paragraph, ceases to be a wholly owned subsidiary but continues to be a 
member, shall be filled with the district director with whom the 
apportionment plan is filed (as soon as possible after it ceases to be a 
wholly owned subsidiary). Each consenting member should attach a copy of 
the apportionment plan filed by the common parent to an income tax 
return, amended return, or claim for refund for its matching taxable 
year which includes the last day of the taxable year of the common 
parent corporation for which the apportionment plan was filed.
    (7) Members of group filing consolidated return--(i) General rule. 
Except as provided in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, if the 
members of an affiliated group of corporations include one or more 
corporations taxable under section 11 of the Code and one or more 
insurance companies taxable under section 802 or 821 of the Code and if 
the affiliated group includes corporations which join in the filing of a 
consolidated return, then, for purposes of determining the amount to be 
apportioned to a corporation under an apportionment plan adopted under 
this paragraph, the corporations filing the consolidated return shall be 
treated as a single member.
    (ii) Consenting to an apportionment plan. For purposes of consenting 
to an apportionment plan under subparagraphs (5) and (6) of this 
paragraph, if the members of an affiliated group of corporations include 
corporations which join in the filing of a consolidated return, each 
corporation which joins in filing the consolidated return shall be 
treated as a separate member.
    (8) Amendment of plan. An apportionment plan, which is effective for 
the matching taxable years of members of an affiliated group, may be 
amended if an amended plan is filed (and consented to) within the time 
and in accordance with the rules prescribed in this paragraph for the 
adoption of an original plan with respect to such taxable years.
    (9) Certain taxable years beginning in 1963 and ending in 1964. In 
the case of corporations which are members of an affiliated group of 
corporations on each day of their taxable years referred to in paragraph 
(e) of this section:

[[Page 401]]

    (i) The $100,000 amount referred to in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this 
section (relating to limitation under section 615(a)),
    (ii) The amount determined under paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(a) of this 
section (relating to limitation under section 615(c)),
    (iii) The $25,000 amount referred to in paragraph (d)(4) of this 
section (relating to small business deduction of life insurance 
companies), and
    (iv) The $100,000 amount referred to in paragraph (d)(5)(i) of this 
section (relating to exemption from estimated tax), may be apportioned 
among such members (for such taxable years) if an apportionment plan is 
filed (and consented to) with respect to such taxable years in 
accordance with the rules provided in subparagraphs (2), (4), (5), (6), 
(7), and (8) of this paragraph. For purposes of this subparagraph, such 
subparagraphs shall be applied as if such taxable years included the 
last day of a taxable year of the common parent corporation, i.e., as if 
such taxable years were matching taxable years. An apportionment plan 
adopted under this subparagraph shall be effective only with respect to 
taxable years referred to in paragraph (e) of this section. The plan may 
provide for the apportionment to one or more of such members, in fixed 
dollar amounts, of one or more of the amounts referred to in 
subdivisions (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) of this subparagraph, but in no 
event shall the sum of the amounts so apportioned in respect of any such 
subdivision exceed the amount referred to in such subdivision. See also 
paragraph (d)(3)(v) of this section, relating to the maximum amount that 
may be apportioned to a corporation under an apportionment plan 
described in this subparagraph with respect to exploration expenditures 
to which section 615 applies.
    (g) Short taxable years--(1) General. If:
    (i) The return of a corporation is for a short period (ending after 
December 31, 1963) on each day of which such corporation is a member of 
an affiliated group,
    (ii) The last day of the common parent's taxable year does not end 
with or within such short period, and
    (iii) An election under section 243(b)(2) by such group is effective 
under paragraph (c) (4) (i) of Sec. 1.243-4 for the taxable year of the 
common parent within which falls such short period, then the 
restrictions and limitations prescribed by section 243(b)(3) shall be 
applied in the manner provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph.
    (2) Manner of applying restrictions. In the case of a corporation 
described in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph having a short period 
described in such subparagraph:
    (i) Such corporation may not consent to an election under section 
1562, relating to election of multiple surtax exemptions, which would be 
effective for such short period;
    (ii) The credit under section 901 shall be allowed to such 
corporation for such short period if, and only if, each corporation, 
which pays or accrues foreign taxes and which is a member of the 
affiliated group on each day of its taxable year which includes the last 
day of the common parent's taxable year within which falls such short 
period, does not deduct such taxes in computing its tax liability for 
its taxable year which includes such last day;
    (iii) The overall limitation provided in section 904(a)(2) shall be 
allowed to such corporation for such short period if, and only if, each 
corporation, which pays or accrues foreign taxes and which is a member 
of the affiliated group on each day of its taxable year which includes 
the last day of the common parent's taxable year within which falls such 
short period, uses such limitation for its taxable year which includes 
such last day;
    (iv) The minimum accumulated earnings credit provided by section 
535(c)(2) (or in the case of a mere holding or investment company, the 
accumulated earnings credit provided by section 535(c)(3)) allowable for 
such short period shall be the amount computed by dividing (a) the 
amount (if any) by which $100,000 exceeds the aggregate of the 
accumulated earnings and profits of the corporations, which are members 
of the affiliated group on the last day of such short period, as of the 
close of their taxable years preceding the taxable year which includes 
the last day of such short period, by (b) the number of such members on 
the last day of such short period;

[[Page 402]]

    (v) The deduction allowable under section 615(a) for such short 
period shall be limited to an amount equal to $100,000 divided by the 
number of corporations which are members of the affiliated group on the 
last day of such short period;
    (vi) If the expenditures to which section 615(a) applies which are 
paid or incurred by such corporation during such short period would, 
when added to the aggregate of the amounts deducted or deferred (in 
taxable years ending before the last day of such short period) which are 
taken into account in applying the limitation of section 615(c) by 
corporations which are members of the affiliated group on the last day 
of such short period exceed $400,000, then section 615 shall not apply 
to any such expenditure so paid or incurred by such corporation to the 
extent such expenditure would exceed an amount equal to (a) the amount 
(if any) by which $400,000 exceeds the aggregate of the amounts so 
deducted or deferred in such taxable years (computed as if each member 
filed a separate return), divided by (b) the number of corporations in 
the group which have taxable years ending on such last day;
    (vii) If such corporation is a life insurance company taxable under 
section 802, the small business deduction under sections 804(a)(4) and 
809(d)(10) shall not exceed an amount equal to (a) $25,000, divided by 
(b) the number of life insurance companies taxable under section 802 
which are members of the affiliated group on the last day of such short 
period; and
    (viii) The exemption from estimated tax (for purposes of estimated 
tax filing requirements under section 6016 and the addition to tax under 
section 6655 for failure to pay estimated tax) for such short period 
shall be an amount equal to $100,000 divided by the number of 
corporations which are members of the affiliated group on the last day 
of such short period.

[T.D. 6992, 34 FR 821, Jan. 18, 1969, as amended by T.D. 7376, 40 FR 
42745, Sept. 16, 1975]