[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 3]
[Revised as of April 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.214A-2]

[Page 340-342]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME (Continued)--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.214A-2  Limitations on deductible amounts.

    (a) Overall monthly limitation of $400. The deduction under section 
214(a) and Sec. 1.214A-1(a) for employment-related expenses is not 
allowed in respect of any such expenses in excess of $400 incurred 
during any one calendar month. For purposes of the limitation of $400, a 
period of less than a calendar month will be treated as a calendar 
month. Any amount by which employment-related expenses incurred during 
any calendar month exceed $400 may not be carried to another calendar 
month and used in determining the employment-related expenses incurred 
in such other calendar month. Thus, for example, if a taxpayer incurs 
employment-related expenses of $500 during each of the first 6 months of 
the taxable year and only $200 of such expenses during each of the last 
6 months, the amount of his deduction for the payment during such 
taxable year of such expenses shall be limited by this paragraph to 
$3,600, consisting of $2,400 ($400x6) incurred during the first 6 months 
of the taxable year and $1,200 ($200x6) incurred during the last 6 
months of the taxable year. The limitation provided by this paragraph 
must be applied after making the reduction in the amount of employment-
related expenses provided by paragraph (a) of Sec. 1.214A-3 (relating to 
disability payments) and after the application of the limitation upon 
the amount deductible provided by paragraph (b) of this section.
    (b) Restriction to expenses incurred for services in the household--
(1) In general. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this 
section, deduction shall be allowed under Sec. 1.214 A-1(a) only for 
employment-related expenses incurred for services performed in the 
household of the taxpayer. Thus, for example, if a taxpayer places his 
invalid father in a nursing home, he is not entitled to deduct his 
employment-related expenses incurred for his father's care provided by 
the nursing home. If, however, the taxpayer's father remains in the home 
used as the

[[Page 341]]

household, the taxpayer is allowed to deduct his employment-related 
expenses attributable to the employment in the household of a nurse to 
care for his father.
    (2) Exception for certain expenses incurred outside the household. A 
deduction shall be allowed under Sec. 1.214A-1(a) for employment-related 
expenses incurred for services performed outside the household of the 
taxpayer only if such expenses are incurred for the care of one or more 
dependents of the taxpayer who are under the age of 15 and who are 
persons for whom the taxpayer is entitled to a deduction for a personal 
exemption under section 151(e). The amount of such expenses incurred 
during a calendar month for services performed outside the household of 
the taxpayer which may be deducted is limited to:
    (i) $200, in the case of one such dependent,
    (ii) $300, in the case of two such dependents, or
    (iii) $400, in the case of three or more such dependents.

For purposes of the limitation under this subparagraph, a period of less 
than a calendar month will be treated as a calendar month. Any amount 
which is taken into account after the application of such limitation is 
also subject to the monthly limitation of $400 provided by paragraph (a) 
of this section.
    (3) Illustrations. The application of this paragraph may be 
illustrated by the following examples:

    Example 1. If during a calendar month a taxpayer incurs employment-
related expenses of $150 for services performed within his household and 
$300 for services performed outside the household for the care of his 
child, age 5, the taxpayer is entitled to deduct only $350 of such 
expenses. In such case the $300 for services performed outside the 
household is limited to $200 by subparagraph (2) of this paragraph.
    Example 2. If the facts are the same as in example (1) except that 
during the month the taxpayer incurs employment-related expenses of $250 
for services performed within his household, the taxpayer is entitled to 
deduct only $400 of the total expenses incurred. In such case the total 
expenses incurred during the month which may be taken into account 
($450) are limited to $400 by paragraph (a) of this section.

    (c) Taxpayer's income limitation--(1) In general. This paragraph 
applies only if the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for the 
taxable year exceeds the amount of $35,000, in the case of a taxable 
year beginning after March 29, 1975, and before January 1, 1976 (or the 
amount of $18,000 in the case of a taxable year beginning after December 
31, 1971, and before March 30, 1975). In either case, in determining the 
deduction allowable under Sec. 1.214A-1(a) for employment-related 
expenses, the amount of such expenses incurred during any calendar month 
of the taxable year must be reduced by an amount equal to the excess of 
the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for the taxable year over the 
applicable income limitation ($35,000 or $18,000 as the case may be) 
divided by twice the number of calendar months in the taxable year. For 
purposes of applying the taxpayer's income limitation a period of less 
than a calendar month will be treated as a calendar month. The 
limitation provided by this paragraph must be applied after making the 
reduction in the amount of employment-related expenses provided by 
paragraph (a) of Sec. 1.214A-3 and after the application of the 
limitations upon the amount deductible provided by paragraph (a) of 
Sec. 1.214A-3 and after the application of the limitations upon the 
amount deductible provided by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. 
The application of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following 

    Example 1. A, a single individual who uses the fiscal year ending 
March 31 as the taxable year, incurs (and pays) during May 1975 
employment-related expenses of $600. He has adjusted gross income of 
$41,000 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1976. Under these 
circumstances the amount of employment-related expenses for the month of 
May 1975 which may be taken into account under paragraph (a) of 
Sec. 1.214A-1 is $150, determined as follows:

Employment-related expenses incurred during May ($600, but          $400
 not to exceed $400 under par. (a) of this section)..........
Less: Reduction under this subparagraph:
    Adjusted gross income for taxable year...................     41,000
    Less: Taxpayer's income limitation applicable to taxable      35,000
     year beginning after March 29, 1975.....................
    Excess adjusted gross income over income limitation......      6,000
    Excess divided by twice the number of calendar months in         250
     taxable year ($6,000+[2x12])............................

[[Page 342]]

Employment-related expenses to be taken into account.........        150

    Example 2. Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that A 
incurs employment-related expenses of only $200 during May 1975. Under 
these circumstances no amount of employment-related expenses may be 
taken into account for the month of May under paragraph (a) of 
Sec. 1.214A-1 because the expenses of $200 for the month are fully 
offset by the reduction of $250 required under this subparagraph.
    Example 3. B, a single individual who uses the calendar year as the 
taxable year, incurs and pays during June, 1975, employment-related 
expenses of $500. On August 31, 1975, B dies. His adjusted gross income 
for the taxable year ending August 31 is $22,800. Under such 
circumstances the amount of employment-related expenses for the month of 
June which may be taken into account under paragraph (a) of Sec. 1.214A-
1 is $100, determined as follows:

Employment-related expenses incurred during June ($500, but         $400
 not to exceed $400 under par. (a) of this sec.).............
Less: Reduction under this subparagraph:
    Adjusted gross income for taxable year...................     22,800
    Less: Taxpayer's income limitation applicable to taxable      18,000
     year beginning before March 30, 1975....................
    Excess adjusted gross income over income limitation......      4,800
    Excess divided by twice the number of calendar months in         300
     taxable year ($4,800+[2x8]).............................
Employment-related expenses to be taken into account.........        100

    (2) Marital status. For purposes of paragraph (c)(1) of this 
section, the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for his taxable year 
shall include the adjusted gross income of his spouse for such year if 
he is married for the entire taxable year. If the taxpayer is married 
during only a part of his taxable year, his adjusted gross income for 
the taxable year shall include the adjusted gross income of his spouse 
for only such period within the taxable year during which he is married. 
Thus, if the taxpayer and his wife use the calendar year as the taxable 
year and the taxpayer's wife dies on May 15 and he does not remarry 
before the close of his taxable year, the adjusted gross income of the 
wife for the period from January 1 to May 15 must be included in 
applying the income limitation for the taxable year under section 214(d) 
and paragraph (c)(1) of this section. If, however, in such case the 
taxpayer were to remarry on October 15 of his taxable year and file a 
single return jointly with the second wife, the adjusted gross income of 
the first wife for the period from January 1 to May 15 and the adjusted 
gross income of the second wife for the period from October 15 to 
December 31 must be included in applying the income limitation for the 
taxable year under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

[T.D. 7411, 41 FR 15407, Apr. 13, 1976, as amended by T.D. 7643, 44 FR 
50337, Aug. 28, 1979]