[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 10]
[Revised as of January 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.995-2]

[Page 699-703]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1--INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.995-2  Deemed distributions in qualified years.

    (a) General rule. Under section 995 (b)(1), each shareholder of a 
DISC shall be treated as having received a distribution taxable as a 
dividend with respect to his stock on the last day of each taxable year 
of the DISC, in an amount which is equal to his pro rata share of the 
sum (as limited by paragraph (b) of this section), of the following 
seven items:
    (1) An amount equal to the gross interest derived by the DISC during 
such year from producer's loans (as defined in Sec. 1.993-4).
    (2) An amount equal to the lower of--
    (i) Any gain recognized by the DISC during such year on the sale or 
exchange of property (other than property which in the hands of the DISC 
is a qualified export asset) which was previously transferred to it in a 
transaction in which the transferor realized gain which was not 
recognized in whole or in part, or
    (ii) The amount of the transferor's gain which was not recognized on 
the previous transfer of the property to the DISC.

For purposes of this subparagraph, each item of property shall be 
considered separately. See paragraph (d) of this section for special 
rules with respect to certain tax-free acquisitions of property by the 
    (3) An amount equal to the lower of--
    (i) Any gain recognized by the DISC during such year on the sale or 
exchange of property which in the hands of the DISC is a qualified 
export asset (other than stock in trade or property described in section 
1221(1)) and which was previously transferred to the DISC in a 
transaction in which the transferor realized gain which was not 
recognized in whole or in part, or
    (ii) The amount of the transferor's gain which was not recognized on 
the previous transfer of the property to the DISC and which would have 
been includible in the transferor's gross income as ordinary income if 
its entire realized gain had been recognized upon the transfer.

For purposes of this subparagraph, each item of property shall be 
considered separately. See paragraph (d) of this section for special 
rules with respect to certain tax-free acquisitions of property by the 
    (4) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1975, an amount 
equal to 50 percent of the taxable income of the DISC for the taxable 
years attributable to military property (as defined in Sec. 1.995-6).
    (5) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1975, the taxable 
income for the taxable year attributable to base period export gross 
receipts (as defined in Sec. 1.995-7).
    (6) The sum of--
    (i)(A) In the case of a corporate share holder, an amount equal to 
57.5 percent of the excess (if any) (one-half for DISCs' taxable years 
beginning before January 1, 1983) of the taxable income of the DISC for 
such year (computed as provided in Sec. 1.991-1(b)(1)) over the sum of 
the amounts deemed distributed for the taxable year in accordance with 
subparagraphs (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) of this paragraph, or
    (B) In the case of a non-corporate share holder, an amount equal to 
one-half of the excess (if any) of the taxable income of the DISC for 
such year (computed as provided in Sec. 1.991-1(b)(1)) over the sum of 
the amounts deemed distributed for the taxable year in accordance with 
subparagraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this paragraph.
    (ii)(A) An amount equal to the amount under subdivision (i) of 
paragraph (a)(6) of this section multiplied by the international boycott 
factor as determined under section 999 (c)(1) , or
    (B) In lieu of the amount determined under subdivision (ii)(A) of 
paragraph (a)(6) of this section, the amount described under section 999 
(c)(2) of such international boycott income, and

[[Page 700]]

    (iii) An amount equal to the sum of any illegal bribes, kickbacks, 
or other payments paid by or on behalf of the DISC directly or 
indirectly to an official, employee, or agent in fact of a government. 
An amount is paid by a DISC where it is paid by any officer, director, 
employee, shareholder, or agent of the DISC for the benefit of such 
DISC. For purposes of this section, the principles of section 162 (c) 
and the regulations thereunder shall apply. The fair market value of an 
illegal payment made in the form of property or services shall be 
considered the amount of such illegal payment.
    (7) The amount of foreign investment attributable to producer's 
loans of the DISC, as of the close of the ``group taxable year'' ending 
with such taxable year of the DISC, determined in accordance with 
Sec. 1.995-5. The amount of such foreign investment attributable to 
producer's loans so determined for any taxable year of a former DISC 
shall be deemed distributed as a dividend to the shareholders of such 
former DISC on the last day of such taxable year. See Sec. 1.995-3(e) 
for the effect that such deemed distribution has on scheduled 
installments of deemed distributions of accumulated DISC income under 
Sec. 1.995-3(a) upon disqualification.
    (b) Limitation on amount of deemed distributions under section 
995(b)(1). (1) The sum of the amounts described in paragraph (a)(1) 
through (a)(6) of this section which is deemed distributed pro rata to 
the DISC's shareholders a dividend for any taxable year of the 
corporation shall not exceed the DISC's earnings and profits for such 
    (2) The amount of foreign investment attributable to producer's 
loans of the DISC (as described in paragraph (a)(7) of this section) 
which is deemed to be distributed pro rata to the DISC's shareholders as 
dividends for any taxable year of the corporation shall not exceed the 
lower of the corporation's accumulated DISC income at the beginning of 
such year or the corporation's accumulated earnings and profits at the 
beginning of such year (but not less than zero)--
    (i) Increased by any DISC income of the corporation for such year as 
defined in Sec. 1.996-3(b)(2) (i.e., any excess of the DISC's earnings 
and profits for such year over the sum of the amounts described in 
paragraph (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section), or
    (ii) Decreased by any deficit in the corporation's earnings and 
profits for such year.

Thus, for example, if a DISC has a deficit in accumulated earnings and 
profits at the beginning of a taxable year of $10,000, current earnings 
and profits of $12,000, no amounts described in paragraphs (a)(1) 
through (a)(6) of this section for the year, and foreign investment 
attributable to producer's loans for the taxable year of $5,000, the 
DISC would have a deemed distribution described in paragraph (a)(7) of 
this section of $5,000 for the taxable year. On the other hand, suppose 
the DISC had accumulated earnings and profits of $13,000 at the 
beginning of the taxable year, accumulated DISC income of $10,000 at the 
beginning of the taxable year, a deficit in earnings and profits for the 
taxable year of $12,000, no amounts described in paragraphs (a)(1) 
through (a)(6) of this section for the taxable year, and foreign 
investment attributable to producer's loans for the taxable year of 
$5,000. Under these facts the DISC would have no deemed distribution 
described in paragraph (a)(7) of this section because the corporation 
had no DISC income for the taxable year and the current year's deficit 
in earnings and profits subtracted from the DISC's accumulated DISC 
income at the beginning of the year produces a negative amount. For 
rules relating to the carryover to a subsequent year of the $5,000 of 
foreign investment attributable to producer's loans, see Sec. 1.995-
    (3) If, by reason of the limitation in subparagraph (1) of this 
paragraph, less than the sum of the amounts described in paragraphs 
(a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section is deemed distributed, then the 
portion of such sum which is deemed distributed shall be attributed 
first to the amount described in subparagraph (1) of such paragraph, to 
the extent thereof; second to the amount described in subparagraph (2) 
of such paragraph, to the extent thereof; third to the amount described 
in subparagraph (3) of such paragraph, to the extent thereof; and so 
forth, and finally

[[Page 701]]

to the amount described in paragraph (b)(6) of this paragraph.
    (c) Examples. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section may be 
illustrated by the following examples:

    Example 1. Y is a corporation which uses the calendar year as its 
taxable year and which elects to be treated as a DISC beginning with 
1972. X is its sole shareholder. In 1972, X transfers certain property 
to Y in exchange for Y's stock in a transaction in which X does not 
recognize gain or loss by reason of the application of section 351(a). 
Included in the property transferred to Y is depreciable property 
described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section on which X realizes, but 
does not recognize by reason of the application of section 1245(b)(3), a 
gain of $20,000. If X had sold such property for cash, the $20,000 gain 
would have been recognized as ordinary income under section 1245. Also 
included in the transfer to Y is 100 shares of stock in a third 
corporation (which is not a related foreign export corporation) on which 
X realizes, but does not recognize, a gain of $5,000. In 1973, Y sells 
such property and recognizes a gain of $25,000 on the depreciable 
property and $8,000 on the 100 shares of stock. Y has accumulated 
earnings and profits at the beginning of 1973 of $5,000, earnings and 
profits for 1973 of $72,000, and taxable income for 1973 of $100,000. At 
the beginning of 1973, Y has $6,000 of accumulated DISC income, no 
previously taxed income, and a deficit of $1,000 of other earnings and 
profits. Under these facts and the additional facts assumed in the table 
below, X is treated as having received a deemed distribution taxable as 
a dividend of $76,000 on December 31, 1973, determined as follows:

(1) Gross interest derived by Y in 1973 from producer's loans..   $7,000
(2) Amount of gain on depreciable property (lower of Y's          20,000
 recognized gain ($25,000) or X's gain not recognized on
 section 1245 property ($20,000))..............................
(3) Amount of gain on stock (lower of X's gain not recognized      5,000
 or Y's recognized gain ($8,000) ($5,000)).....................
(4) One-half excess of taxable income for 1973 over the sum of    34,000
 lines (1), (2), and (3) (1/2 of ($100,000 minus $32,000)).....
(5) Limitation on lines (1) through (4):
  (a) Sum of lines (1) through (4).............................   66,000
  (b) Earnings and profits for 1973............................   72,000
  (c) Lower of lines (a) and (b)...............................   66,000
(6) Amount under paragraph (a)(5) of this section:
    (a) Foreign investment attributable to producer's loans       10,000
     under Sec.  1.995-5.......................................
    (b) Sum of the lower of accumulated earnings and profits at   11,000
     beginning of 1973 ($5,000) or accumulated DISC income at
     beginning of 1973 ($6,000) and excess of earnings and
     profits for 1973 over line (5)(c) ($72,000 minus $66,000).
    (c) Lower of lines (a) and (b).............................   10,000
(7) Total deemed distribution (sum of lines (5)(c) and (6)(c)).   76,000

    Example 2. Assume the facts are the same as in example 1, except 
that earnings and profits for 1973 amount to only $60,000. Under these 
facts, X is treated as receiving a deemed distribution taxable as a 
dividend of $65,000 on December 31, 1973, determined as follows:

(5) Limitation on lines (1) through (4):
    (a) Line (5)(a) of example 1..............................   $66,000
    (b) Earnings and profits for 1973.........................    60,000
    (c) Lower of lines (a) and (b)............................    60,000
(6) Amount under paragraph (a)(5) of this section:
    (a) Line (6)(a) of example 1..............................    10,000
    (b) Sum of the lower of accumulated earnings and profits       5,000
     at beginning of 1973 ($5,000) or accumulated DISC income
     at beginning of 1973 ($6,000) plus excess of earnings and
     profits for 1973 over line (5)(c) ($60,000 minus $60,000)
    (c) Lower of lines (a) and (b)............................     5,000
(7) Total deemed distribution (sum of lines (5)(c) and (6)(c))    65,000

    Example 3. Assume the facts are the same as in example 1, except 
that Y has a deficit in accumulated earnings and profits at the 
beginning of 1973 of $4,000. Such deficit is comprised of accumulated 
DISC income of $1,000, no previously taxed income, and a deficit in 
other earnings and profits of $5,000. Under these facts, X is treated as 
receiving a deemed distribution taxable as a dividend in the amount of 
$72,000 on December 31, 1973, determined as follows:

(5) Limitation on lines (1) through (4):
  (a) Line (5)(a) of example 1................................   $66,000
  (b) Earnings and profits for 1973...........................    72,000
  (c) Lower of lines (a) and (b)..............................    66,000
(6) Amount under paragraph (a)(5) of this section:
  (a) Line (6)(a) of example 1................................    10,000
  (b) Sum of accumulated earnings and profits at beginning of      6,000
   1973 (not less than $0), and excess of earnings and profits
   for 1973 over amount in line (5)(c) ($72,000 minus $66,000)
  (c) Lower of lines (a) and (b)..............................     6,000
(7) Total deemed distribution sum of lines (5)(c) and (6)(c)..    72,000

    (d) Special rules for certain tax-free acquisitions of property by 
the DISC. (1) For purposes of paragraph (a)(2)(i) and (3)(i) of this 
section, if--

[[Page 702]]

    (i) A DISC acquires property in a first transaction and in a second 
transaction it disposes of such property in exchange for other property, 
    (ii) By reason of the application of section 1031 (relating to like-
kind exchanges) or section 1033 (relating to involuntary conversions), 
the basis in the DISC's hands of the other property acquired in such 
second transaction is determined in whole or in part with reference to 
the basis of the property acquired in the first transaction,

then upon a disposition of such other property in a third transaction by 
the DISC such other property shall be treated as though it had been 
transferred to the DISC in the first transaction. Thus, if the first 
transaction is a purchase of the property for cash, then paragraphs 
(a)(2) and (3) of this section will not apply to a sale by the DISC of 
the other property acquired in the second transaction.
    (2) For purposes of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) and (3)(i) of this section, 
if a DISC acquires property in a first transaction and it transfers such 
property to a transferee DISC in a second transaction in which the 
transferor DISC's gain is not recognized in whole or in part, then such 
property shall be treated as though it had been transferred to the 
transferee DISC in the same manner in which it was acquired in the first 
transaction by the transferor DISC. For example, if X and Y both qualify 
as DISC's and X transfers property to Y in a second transaction in which 
gain or loss is not recognized, paragraph (a)(2) or (3) of this section 
does not apply to a sale of such property by Y in a third transaction if 
X had acquired the property in a first transaction by a purchase for 
cash. If, however, X acquired the property from a transferor other than 
a DISC in the first transaction in which the transferor's realized gain 
was not recognized, then paragraph (a)(2) or (3) of this section may 
apply to the sale by Y if the other conditions of such paragraph (a)(2) 
or (3) are met.
    (3) If a DISC acquires property in a second transaction described in 
subparagraph (1) or (2) of this paragraph in which it (or, in the case 
of a second transaction described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, 
the transferor DISC) recognizes a portion (but not all) of the realized 
gain, then the amount described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) or (a)(3)(ii) of 
this section with respect to a disposition by the DISC of such acquired 
property in a third transaction shall not exceed the transferor's gain 
which was not recognized on the first transaction minus the amount of 
gain recognized by the DISC (or transferor DISC) on the second 
    (4) The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the 
following examples:

    Example 1. X and Y are corporations each of which qualifies as a 
DISC and uses the calendar year as its taxable year. In 1972, X acquires 
section 1245 property in a first transaction in which the transferor's 
entire realized gain of $17 is not recognized. In 1973, X transfers such 
property to Y in a second transaction in which X realizes a gain of $20 
of which only $4 is recognized. (On December 31, 1973, X's shareholders 
are treated as having received a deemed distribution of a dividend which 
includes such $4 under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, provided the 
limitation in paragraph (b) of this section is met.) In a third 
transaction in 1974, Y sells such property and recognizes a gain of $25. 
With respect to Y's shareholders on December 31, 1974, the amount 
described in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section would be limited to 
$13, which is the amount of the transferor's gain which was not 
recognized on the first transaction ($17) minus the amount of gain 
recognized by X on the second transaction ($4).
    Example 2. Z is a DISC using the calendar year as its taxable year. 
In a first transaction in 1972, in exchange for its stock, Z acquires 
section 1245 property from A, an individual who is its sole shareholder, 
in a transaction in which A's realized gain of $30 is not recognized by 
reason of the application of section 351(a). In a second transaction in 
1973, Z exchanges such property for other property in a like-kind 
exchange to which section 1031(b) applies and recognizes $10 of a 
realized gain of $35. (On December 31, 1973, A is treated as having 
received a deemed distribution of a dividend which includes such $10 
under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, provided the limitation in 
paragraph (b) of this section is met.) In a third transaction in 1974, Z 
sells the property acquired in the like-kind exchange and recognizes a 
gain of $25. With respect to A on December 31, 1974, the amount 
described in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section is limited to $20, 
which is the amount of A's gain which was not recognized on the first 
transaction ($30) minus the amount of gain recognized by Z on the second 
transaction ($10).

[[Page 703]]

    (e) Carry back of net operating loss and capital loss to prior DISC 
taxable year. For purposes of sections 991, 995, and 996, the amount of 
the deduction for the taxable year under section 172 for a net operating 
loss carryback or carryover or under section 1212 for a capital loss 
carryback or carryover shall be determined in the same manner as if the 
DISC were a domestic corporation which had not elected to be treated as 
a DISC. Thus, the amount of the deduction will be the same whether or 
not the corporation was a DISC in the year of the loss or in the year to 
which the loss is carried. For provisions setting forth adjustments to 
the DISC's, or former DISC's, deemed distributions, adjustments to its 
divisions of earnings and profits, and other tax consequences arising 
from such carrybacks, see Sec. 1.996-8.

(Secs. 995(e)(7), (8) and (10), 995(g) and 7805 of the Internal Revenue 
Code of 1954 (90 Stat. 1655, 26 U.S.C. 995 (e)(7), (8) and (10); 90 
Stat. 1659, 26 U.S.C. 995(g); and 68A Stat 917, 26 U.S.C. 7805))

[T.D. 7324, 39 FR 35110, Sept. 30, 1974, as amended by T.D. 7862, 47 FR 
56492, Dec. 17, 1982; T.D. 7984, 49 FR 40018, Oct. 12, 1984]