[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 10]
[Revised as of January 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.993-1]

[Page 646-654]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1--INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.993-1  Definition of qualified export receipts.

    (a) In general. For a corporation to qualify as a DISC, at least 95 
percent of its gross receipts for a taxable year must consist of 
qualified export receipts. Under section 993(a), the term ``qualified 
export receipts'' means any of the eight amounts described in paragraphs 
(b) through (i) of this section, except to the extent that any of the 
eight amounts is an excluded receipt within the meaning of paragraph (j) 
of this section. For purposes of this section and Secs. 1.993-2 through 
    (1) DISC. All references to a DISC mean a DISC, except when the 
context indicates that such term means a corporation in the process of 
meeting the conditions necessary for that corporation to become a DISC, 
or a corporation being tested as to whether it qualifies as a DISC.
    (2) Sale, lease, and license. The term ``sale'' includes an exchange 
or other disposition and the term ``lease'' includes a rental or a 
sublease. The term ``license'' includes a sublicense. All rules under 
this section and Secs. 1.993-2 through 1.993-6 applicable to leases of 
export property apply in the same manner to licenses of export property. 
See Sec. 1.993-3(f)(3) for a description of intangible property which 
cannot be export property.
    (3) Gross receipts. The term ``gross receipts'' is defined by 
section 993(f) and Sec. 1.993-6.
    (4) Qualified export assets. The term ``qualified export assests'' 
is defined by section 993(b) and Sec. 1.993-2.
    (5) Export property. The term ``export property'' is defined by 
section 993(c) and Sec. 1.993-3.
    (6) Related person. The term ``related person'' means a person who 
is related to another person if either immediately before or after a 

[[Page 647]]

    (i) The relationship between such persons would result in a 
disallowance of losses under section 267 (relating to disallowance of 
losses, etc., between related taxpayers), or section 707(b) (relating to 
losses disallowed, etc., between partners and controlled partnerships), 
and the regulations thereunder, or
    (ii) Such persons are members of the same controlled group of 
corporations, as defined in section 1563(a) (relating to definition of 
controlled group of corporations), except that (a) ``more than 50 
percent'' shall be substituted for ``at least 80 percent'' each place it 
appears in section 1563(a) and the regulations thereunder, and (b) the 
provisions of section 1563(b) shall not apply in determining whether 
such persons are members of the same controlled group.
    (7) Related supplier. The term ``related supplier'' is defined by 
Sec. 1.994-1(a)(3)(ii).
    (8) Controlled group. The term ``controlled group'' is defined by 
paragraph (k) of this section.
    (b) Sales of export property. Qualified export receipts of a DISC 
include gross receipts from the sale of export property by such DISC, or 
by any principal for whom such DISC acts as a commission agent (whether 
or not such principal is a related supplier), pursuant to the terms of a 
contract entered into with a purchaser by such DISC or by such principal 
at any time or by any other person and assigned to such DISC or such 
principal at any time prior to the shipment of such property to the 
purchaser. Any agreement, oral or written, which constitutes a contract 
at law, satisfies the contractual requirement of this paragraph. Gross 
receipts from the sale of export property, whenever received, do not 
constitute qualified export receipts unless the seller (or the 
corporation acting as commission agent for the seller) is a DISC at the 
time of the shipment of such property to the purchaser. For example, if 
a corporation which sells export property under the installment method 
is not a DISC for the taxable year in which the property is shipped to 
the purchaser, gross receipts from such sale do not constitute qualified 
export receipts for any taxable year of the corporation.
    (c) Leases of export property--(1) In general. Qualified export 
receipts of a DISC include gross receipts from the lease of export 
property provided that--
    (i) Such property is held by such DISC (or by a principal for whom 
such DISC acts as commission agent with respect to the lease) either as 
an owner or lessee at the beginning of the term of such lease, and
    (ii) Such DISC qualified (or was treated) as a DISC for its taxable 
year in which the term of such lease began.
    (2) Prepayment of lease receipts. If part or all of the gross 
receipts from a lease of property are prepaid, then--
    (i) All such prepaid gross receipts are qualified export receipts of 
a DISC if it is reasonably expected at the time of such prepayment that 
throughout the term of such lease they would be qualified export 
receipts if received not as a prepayment; or
    (ii) If it is reasonably expected at the time of such prepayment 
that throughout the term of such lease they would not be qualified 
export receipts if received not as a prepayment, then only those prepaid 
receipts, for the taxable years of the DISC for which they would be 
qualified export receipts, are qualified export receipts.

Thus, for example, if a lessee makes a prepayment of the first and last 
years' rent, and it is reasonably expected that the leased property will 
be export property for the first half of the lease period but not the 
second half of such period, the amount of the prepayment which 
represents the first year's rent will be considered qualified export 
receipts if it would otherwise qualify, whereas the amount of the 
prepayment which represents the last year's rent will not be considered 
qualified export receipts.
    (d) Related and subsidiary services--(1) In general. Qualified 
export receipts of a DISC include gross receipts from services furnished 
by such DISC which are related and subsidiary to any sale or lease (as 
described in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section) of export property by 
such DISC or with respect to which such DISC acts as a commission agent, 
provided that such DISC derives qualified export receipts from such sale

[[Page 648]]

or lease. Such services may be performed within or without the United 
    (2) Services furnished by DISC. Services are considered to be 
furnished by a DISC for purposes of this paragraph if such services are 
provided by--
    (i) The person who sold or lease the export property to which such 
services are related and subsidiary, provided that the DISC acts as a 
commission agent with respect to the sale or lease of such property and 
with respect to such services,
    (ii) The DISC as principal, or any other person pursuant to a 
contract between such person and such DISC, provided the DISC acted as 
principal or commission agent with respect to the sale or lease of such 
property, or
    (iii) A member of the same controlled group as the DISC where the 
sale or lease of the export property is made by another member of such 
controlled group provided, however, that the DISC act as principal or 
commission agent with respect to such sale or lease and as commission 
agent with respect to such services.
    (3) Related services. A service is related to a sale or lease of 
export property if--
    (i) Such service is of the type customarily and usually furnished 
with the type of transaction in the trade or business in which such sale 
or lease arose and
    (ii) The contract to furnish such service--
    (a) Is expressly provided for in or is provided for by implied 
warranty under the contract of sale or lease,
    (b) Is entered into on or before the date which is 2 years after the 
date on which the contract under which such sale or lease was entered 
into, provided that the person described in subparagraph (2) of this 
paragraph which is to furnish such service delivers to the purchaser or 
lessor a written offer or option to furnish such services on or before 
the date on which the first shipment of goods with respect to which the 
service is to be performed is delivered, or
    (c) Is a renewal of the services contract described in (a) or (b) of 
this subdivision. Services which may be related to a sale or lease of 
export property include but are not limited to warranty service, 
maintenance service, repair service, and installation service. 
Transportation (including insurance related to such transportation) may 
be related to a sale or lease of export property, provided that the cost 
of such transportation is included in the sale price or rental of the 
property or, if such cost is separately stated, is paid by the DISC (or 
its principal) which sold or leased the property to the person 
furnishing the transportation service. Financing or the obtaining of 
financing for a sale or lease is not a related service for purposes of 
this paragraph.
    (4) Subsidiary services--(i) In general. Services related to a sale 
or lease of export property are subsidiary to such sale or lease only if 
it is reasonably expected at the time of such sale or lease that the 
gross receipts from all related services furnished by the DISC (as 
defined in subparagraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph) will not exceed 
50 percent of the sum of (a) the gross receipts from such sale or lease 
and (b) the gross receipts from related services furnished by the DISC 
(as described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph). In the case of a 
sale, reasonable expectations at the time of the sale are based on the 
gross receipts from all related services which may reasonably be 
expected to be performed at any time before the end of the 10-year 
period following the date of such-sale. In the case of a lease, 
reasonable expectations at the time of the lease are based on the gross 
receipts from all related services which may reasonably be expected to 
be performed at any time before the end of the term of such lease 
(determined without regard to renewal options).
    (ii) Allocation of gross receipts from services. In determining 
whether the services related to a sale or lease of export property are 
subsidiary to such sale or lease, the gross receipts to be treated as 
derived from the furnishing of services may not be less than the amount 
of gross receipts reasonably allocated to such services as determined 
under the facts and circumstances of each case without regard to 
    (a) Such services are furnished under a separate contract or under 
the same

[[Page 649]]

contract pursuant to which such sale or lease occurs or
    (b) The cost of such services is specified in the contract of sale 
or lease.
    (iii) Transactions involving more than one item of export property. 
If more than one item of export property is sold or leased in a single 
transaction pursuant to one contract, the total gross receipts from such 
transaction and the total gross receipts from all services related to 
such transaction are each taken into account in determining whether such 
services are subsidiary to such transaction. However, the provisions of 
this subdivision apply only if such items could be included in the same 
product line, as determined under Sec. 1.994-1(c)(7).
    (iv) Renewed service contracts. If under the terms of a contract for 
related services, such contract is renewable within 10 years after a 
sale of export property, or during the term of a lease of export 
property, related services to be performed under the renewed contract 
are subsidiary to such sale or lease if it is reasonably expected at the 
time of such renewal that the gross receipts from all related services 
which have been and which are to be furnished by the DISC (as described 
in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph) will not exceed 50 percent of the 
sum of (a) the gross receipts from such sale or lease and (b) the gross 
receipts from related services furnished by the DISC (as so described). 
Reasonable expectations are determined as provided in subdivision (i) of 
this subparagraph.
    (v) Parts used in services. In a services contract described in 
subparagraph (3) of this paragraph provides for the furnishing of parts 
in connection with the furnishing of related services, gross receipts 
from the furnishing of such parts are not taken into account in 
determining whether under this subparagraph the services are subsidiary. 
See paragraph (b) or (c) of this section to determine whether the gross 
receipts from the furnishing of parts consitute qualified export 
receipts. See Sec. 1.993-3(c)(2)(iv) and (e)(3) for rules regarding the 
treatment of such parts with respect to the manufacture of export 
property and the foreign content of such property, respectively.
    (5) Relation to leases. If the gross receipts for services which are 
related and subsidiary to a lease of property have been prepaid at any 
time for all such services which are to be performed before the end of 
the term of such lease, then as of the time of the prepayment the rules 
in paragraph (c)(2) of this section (relating to prepayment of lease 
receipts) will determine whether prepaid services under this subdivision 
are qualified export receipts. Thus, for example if it is reasonably 
expected that leased property will be export property for the first year 
of the term of the lease but will not be export property for the second 
year of the term, prepaid gross receipts for related and subsidiary 
services to be furnished in the first year may be qualified export 
receipts. However, any prepaid gross receipts for such services to be 
furnished in the second year cannot be qualified export receipts.
    (6) Relation with export property determination. The determination 
as to whether gross receipts from the sale or lease of export property 
constitute qualified export receipts does not depend upon whether 
services connected with such sale or lease are related and subsidiary to 
such sale or lease. Thus, for example, assume that a DISC receives gross 
receipts of $1,000 from the sale of export property and gross, receipts 
of $1,100 from installation and maintenance services which are to be 
furnished by such DISC within 10 years after the sale and which are 
related to such sale. The $1,100 which the DISC receives for such 
services would not be qualified export receipts since the gross receipts 
from the services exceed 50 percent of the sum of the gross receipts 
from the sale and the gross receipts from the related services furnished 
by such DISC. The $1,000 which the DISC receives from the sale of export 
property would, however, be a qualified export receipt if the sale met 
the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.
    (e) Gains from sales of certain qualified export assets. Qualified 
export receipts of a DISC include gross receipts from the sale by such 
DISC of any assets (wherever located) which, as of the date of such 
sale, are qualified export assets as defined in Sec. 1.993-2 even

[[Page 650]]

though such assets are not export property (as defined in Sec. 1.993-3). 
Gross receipts are derived from the sale of such assets only where such 
sale results in recognized gain (see Sec. 1.993-6(a)). For purposes of 
this paragraph, losses from the sale of such qualified export assets 
shall not be taken into account for purposes of determining the DISC's 
qualified export receipts.
    (f) Dividends. Qualified export receipts of a DISC for a taxable 
year include all dividends includible in the gross income of such DISC 
for such taxable year with respect to the stock of related foreign 
export corporations (as defined in Sec. 1.993-5) and all amounts 
includible in the gross income of such DISC with respect to such 
corporations pursuant to section 951 (relating to amounts included in 
the gross income of U.S. shareholders of controlled foreign 
    (g) Interest on obligations which are qualified export assets. 
Qualified export receipts of a DISC include interest on any obligation 
which is a qualified export asset of such DISC, including any amount 
includible in gross income as interest (such as, for example, an amount 
treated as original issue discount pursuant to section 1232) or as 
imputed interest under section 483. Gain from the sale of obligations 
described in this paragraph is treated (to the extent such gain is not 
treated as interest on such obligations) as qualified export receipts 
pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section.
    (h) Engineering and architectural services--(1) In general. 
Qualified export receipts of a DISC include gross receipts from 
engineering services (as described in subparagraph (5) of this 
paragraph) or architectural services (as described in subparagraph (5) 
of this paragraph) or architectural services (as described in 
subparagraph (6) of this paragraph) furnished by such DISC (as described 
in subparagraph (7) of this paragraph) for a construction project (as 
defined in subparagraph (8) of this paragraph) located, or proposed for 
location, outside the United States. Such services may be performed 
within or without the United States.
    (2) Services included. Engineering and architectural services 
include feasibility studies for a proposed construction project whether 
or not such project is ultimately initiated.
    (3) Excluded services. Engineering and architectural services do not 
    (i) Services connected with the exploration for minerals or
    (ii) Technical assistance or knowhow.

For purposes of this paragraph, the term ``technical assistance or 
knowhow'' includes activities or programs designed to enable business, 
commerce, industrial establishments, and governmental organizations to 
acquire or use scientific, architectural, or engineering information.
    (4) Other services. Receipts from the performance of construction 
activities other than engineering and architectural services constitute 
qualified export receipts to the extent that such activities are related 
and subsidiary services (within the meaning of paragraph (d) of this 
section) with respect to a sale or lease of export property.
    (5) Engineering services. For purposes of this paragraph, 
engineering services in connection with any construction project (within 
the meaning of subparagraph (8) of this paragraph) include any 
professional services requiring engineering education, training, and 
experience and the application of special knowledge of the mathematical, 
physical, or engineering sciences to such professional services as 
consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, design, or 
responsible supervision of construction for the purpose of assuring 
compliance with plans, specifications, and design.
    (6) Architectural services. For purposes of this paragraph, 
architectural services include the offering or furnishing of any 
professional services such as consultation, planning, aesthetic, and 
structural design, drawings and specifications, or responsible 
supervision of construction (for the purpose of assuring compliance with 
plans, specifications, and design) or erection, in connection with any 
construction project (within the meaning of subparagraph (8) of this 
    (7) Definition of ``furnished by such DISC''. For purposes of this 
paragraph, architectural and engineering services are considered 
furnished by a DISC if such services are provided--
    (i) By the DISC,

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    (ii) By another person (whether or not a United States person) 
pursuant to a contract entered into by such person with the DISC at any 
time prior to the furnishing of such services, provided that the DISC 
acts as principal with respect to the furnishing of such services, or
    (iii) By another person (whether or not a United States person) 
pursuant to a contract for the furnishing of such services entered into 
at any time prior to the furnishing of such services provided that the 
DISC acts as commission agent with respect to such services.
    (8) Definition of ``construction project''. For purposes of this 
paragraph, the term ``construction project'' includes the erection, 
expansion, or repair (but not including minor remodeling or minor 
repairs) of new or existing buildings or other physical facilities 
including, for example, roads, dams, canals, bridges, tunnels, railroad, 
tracks, and pipelines. The term also includes site grading and 
improvement and installation of equipment necessary for the 
construction. Gross receipts from the sale or lease of construction 
equipment are not qualified export receipts unless such equipment is 
export property (as defined in Sec. 1.993-3).
    (i) Managerial services--(1) In general. Qualified export receipts 
of a first DISC for its taxable year include gross receipts from the 
furnishing of managerial services provided for another DISC, which is 
not a related person, to aid such unrelated DISC in deriving qualified 
export receipts, provided that at least 50 percent of the gross receipts 
of the first DISC for such year consists of qualified export receipts 
derived from the sale or lease of export property and the furnishing of 
related and subsidiary services, as described in paragraph (b), (c), and 
(d) of this section, respectively.

For purposes of this paragraph, managerial services are considered 
furnished by a DISC if such services are provided--
    (i) By the first DISC,
    (ii) By another person (whether or not a United States person) 
pursuant to a contract entered into by such person with the first DISC 
at any time prior to the furnishing of such services, provided that the 
first DISC acts as principal with respect to the furnishing of such 
services, or
    (iii) By another person (whether or not a United States person) 
pursuant to a contract for the furnishing of such services entered into 
at any time prior to the furnishing of such services provided that the 
DISC acts as commission agent with respect to such services.
    (2) Definition of ``managerial services.'' The term ``managerial 
services'' as used in this paragraph means activities relating to the 
operation of another unrelated DISC which derives qualified export 
receipts from the sale or lease of export property and from the 
furnishing of services related and subsidiary to such sales or leases. 
Such term includes staffing and operational services necessary to 
operate such other DISC, but does not include legal, accounting, 
scientific, or technical services. Examples of managerial services are: 
(i) Export market studies, (ii) making shipping arrangements, and (iii) 
contracting potential foreign purchasers.
    (3) Status of recipient of managerial services--(i) In general. 
Qualified export receipts of a first DISC include receipts from the 
furnishing of managerial services during any taxable year of a recipient 
if such recipient qualifies as a DISC (within the meaning of Sec. 1.992-
1(a) for such taxable year.
    (ii) Recipient deemed to qualify as a DISC. For purposes of 
subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, a recipient is deemed to qualify 
as a DISC for its taxable year if the first DISC obtains from such 
recipient a copy of such recipient's election to be treated as a DISC as 
described in Sec. 1.992-2(a) together with such recipient's sworn 
statement that such election has been filed with the Internal Revenue 
Service Center. The recipient may mark out the names of its shareholders 
on a copy of its election to be treated as a DISC before submitting it 
to the first DISC. The copy of the election and the sworn statement of 
such recipient must be received by the first DISC within 6 months after 
the beginning of the first taxable year of the recipient during which 
such first DISC furnishes managerial services for such recipient. The

[[Page 652]]

copy of the election and the sworn statement of the recipient need not 
be obtained by the first DISC for subsequent taxable years of the 
    (iii) Recipient not treated as a DISC. For purposes of subdivision 
(i) of this subparagraph, a recipient of managerial services is not 
treated as a DISC with respect to such services performed during a 
taxable year for which such recipient does not qualify as a DISC if the 
DISC performing such services does not believe or if a reasonable person 
would not believe (taking into account the furnishing DISC's managerial 
relationship with such recipient DISC) at the beginning of such taxable 
year that the recipient will qualify as a DISC for such taxable year.
    (j) Excluded receipts--(1) In general. Notwithstanding the 
provisions of paragraphs (b) through (i) of this section, qualified 
export receipts of a DISC do not include any of the five amounts 
described in subparagraphs (2) through (6) of this paragraph.
    (2) Sales and leases of property for ultimate use in the United 
States. Property which is sold or leased for ultimate use in the United 
States does not constitute export property. See Sec. 1.993-3(d)(4) 
(relating to determination of where the ultimate use of the property 
occurs). Thus, qualified export receipts of a DISC described in 
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section do not include gross receipts of 
the DISC from the sale or lease of such property.
    (3) Sales of export property accomplished by subsidy. Qualified 
export receipts of a DISC do not include gross receipts described in 
paragraph (b) of this section if the sale of export property (whether or 
not such property consists of agricultural products) is pursuant to any 
of the following:
    (i) The development loan program, or grants under the technical 
cooperation and development grants program of the Agency for 
International Development, or grants under the military assistance 
program administered by the Department of Defense, pursuant to the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2151), unless the 
DISC shows to the satisfaction of the district director that, under the 
conditions existing at the time of the sale, the purchaser had a 
reasonable opportunity to purchase, on competitive terms and from a 
seller who was not a U.S. person, goods which were substantially 
identical to such property and which were not manufactured, produced, 
grown, or extracted (as described in Sec. 1.993-3(c)) in the United 
    (ii) The Pub. L. 480 program authorized under title I of the 
Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 
U.S.C. 1691, 1701-1710),
    (iii) For taxable years ending before January 1, 1974, the Barter 
program of the Commodity Credit Corporation authorized by section 4(h) 
of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 
714b(h)), and section 303 of the Agricultural Trade Development and 
Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1692) but only if the 
taxpayer treats such sales as sales giving rise to excluded receipts,
    (iv) The Export Payment program of the Commodity Credit Corporation 
authorized by sections 5(d) and (f) of the Commodity Credit Corporation 
Charter Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 714c (d) and (f)),
    (v) The section 32 export payment programs authorized by section 32 
of the Act of August 24, 1935, as amended (7 U.S.C. 612c), and
    (vi) For taxable years beginning after November 3, 1972, the Export 
Sales program of the Commodity Credit Corporation authorized by sections 
5 (d) and (f) of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, as 
amended (15 U.S.C. 714c (d) and (f)), other than the GSM-4 program 
provided under 7 CFR part 1488, and section 407 of the Agricultural Act 
of 1949, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1427), for the purpose of disposing of 
surplus agricultural commodities and exporting or causing to be exported 
agricultural commodities, except that for taxable years beginning on or 
before November 3, 1972, the taxpayer may treat such sales as sales 
giving rise to excluded receipts.
    (4) Sales or lease of export property and furnishing of engineering 
or architectural services for use by the United States--(i) In general. 
Qualified export receipts of a DISC do not include gross receipts 
described in paragraph (b), (c), or (h) of this section if a sale or 
lease of export

[[Page 653]]

property, or the furnishing of engineering or architectural services, is 
for use by the United States or an instrumentality thereof in any case 
in which any law or regulation requires in any manner the purchase or 
lease of property manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted in the 
United States or requires the use of engineering or architectural 
services performed by a U.S. person. For example, a sale by a DISC of 
export property to the Department of Defense for use outside the United 
States would not produce qualified export receipts for such DISC if the 
Department of Defense purchased such property from appropriated funds 
subject to any provisions of the Armed Services Procurement Regulations 
(32 CFR subchapter A, part 6, subpart A) or any appropriations act for 
the Department of Defense for the applicable year which restricts the 
availability of such appropriated funds to the procurement of items 
which are grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States.
    (ii) Direct or indirect sales or leases. Any sale or lease of export 
property is for use by the United States or an instrumentality thereof 
is such property is sold or leased by a DISC (or by a principal for whom 
such DISC acts as commission agent) to--
    (a) A person who is a related person with respect to such DISC or 
such principal and who sells or leases such property for use by the 
United States or an instrumentality thereof or
    (b) A person who is not a related person with respect to such DISC 
or such principal if, at the time of such sale or lease, there is an 
agreement or understanding that such property will be sold or leased for 
use by the United States or an instrumentality thereof (or if a 
reasonable person would have known at the time of such sale or lease 
that such property would be sold or leased for use by the United States 
or an instrumentality thereof) within 3 years after such sale or lease.
    (iii) Excluded programs. The provisions of subdivisions (i) and (ii) 
of this subparagraph do not apply in the case of a purchase by the 
United States or an instrumentality thereof if such purchase is pursuant 
    (a) The Foreign Military Sales Act, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2751 et 
seq.), or a program under which the U.S. Government purchases property 
for resale, on commercial terms, to a foreign government or agency or 
instrumentality thereof, or
    (b) A program (whether bilateral or multilateral) under which sales 
to the U.S. Government are open to international competitive bidding.
    (5) Services. Qualified export receipts of a DISC do not include 
gross receipts described in paragraph (d) of this section (concerning 
related and subsidiary services) if the services from which such gross 
receipts are derived are related and subsidiary to the sale or lease of 
property which results in excluded receipts pursuant to this paragraph.
    (6) Receipts within controlled group--(i) In general. Gross receipts 
of a corporation do not constitute qualified export receipts for any 
taxable year of such corporation if--
    (a) At the time of the sale, lease, or other transaction resulting 
in such gross receipts, such corporation and the person from whom such 
receipts are directly or indirectly derived (whether or not such 
corporation and such person are the same person) are members of the same 
controlled group (as defined in paragraph (k) of this section) and
    (b) Such corporation and such person each qualifies (or is treated 
under section 992(a)(2)) as a DISC for its taxable year in which its 
receipts arise.

Thus, for example, assume that R, S, X, and Y are members of the same 
controlled group and that X and Y are DISC's. If R sells property to S 
and pays X a commission relating to that sale and if S sells the same 
property to an unrelated foreign party and pays Y a commission relating 
to that sale, the receipts received by X from the sale of such property 
by R to S will be considered to be derived from Y, a DISC which is a 
member of the same controlled group as X, and thus will not result in 
qualified export receipts to X. The receipts received by Y from the sale 
to an unrelated foreign party may, however, result in qualified export 
receipts to Y. For another example, if R and S both assign the 
commissions to

[[Page 654]]

X, receipts derived from the sale from R to S will be considered to be 
derived from X acting as commission agent for S and will not result in 
qualified export receipts to X. Receipts derived by X from the sale of 
property by S to an unrelated foreign party, may, however, constitute 
qualified export receipts.
    (ii) Leased property. See Sec. 1.993-3(f)(2) regarding property not 
constituting export property in certain cases where such property is 
leased to any corporation which is a member of the same controlled group 
as the lessor.
    (k) Definition of ``controlled group''. For purposes of sections 991 
through 996 and the regulations thereunder, the term ``controlled 
group'' has the same meaning as is assigned to the term ``controlled 
group of corporations'' by section 1563(a), except that (1) the phrase 
``more than 50 percent'' is substituted for the phrase ``at least 80 
percent'' each place the latter phrase appears in section 1563(a), and 
(2) section 1563(b) shall not apply. Thus, for example, a foreign 
corporation subject to tax under section 881 may be a member of a 
controlled group. Furthermore, two or more corporations (including a 
foreign corporation) are members of a controlled group at any time such 
corporations meet the requirements of section 1563(a) (as modified by 
this paragraph).
    (l) DISC's entitlement to income--(1) Application of section 994. A 
corporation which meets the requirements of Sec. 1.992-1(a) to be 
treated as a DISC for a taxable year is entitled to income, and the 
intercompany pricing rules of section 994(a)(1) or (2) apply, in the 
case of any transactions described in Sec. 1.994-1(b) between such DISC 
and its related supplier (as defined in Sec. 1.994-1(a)(3)). For 
purposes of this subparagraph, such DISC need not have employees or 
perform any specific function.
    (2) Other transactions. In the case of a transaction to which the 
provisions of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph do not apply but from 
which a DISC derives gross receipts, the income to which the DISC is 
entitled as a result of the transaction is determined pursuant to the 
terms of the contract for such transaction and, if applicable, section 
482 and the regulations thereunder.
    (3) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by 
the following examples:

    Example 1. P Corporation forms S Corporation as a wholly-owned 
subsidiary. S qualifies as a DISC for its taxable year. S has no 
employees on its payroll. S is granted a franchise with respect to 
specified exports of P. P will sell such exports to S for resale by S. 
Such exports are of a type which produce qualified export receipts as 
defined in paragraph (b) of this section. P's sales force will solicit 
orders in the name of S using S's order forms. S places orders with P 
only when S itself has received orders. No inventory is maintained by S. 
P makes shipments directly to customers of S. Employees of P will act 
for S and billings and collections will be handled by P in the name of 
S. Under these facts, the income derived by S for such taxable year from 
the purchase and resale of the specified export is treated for Federal 
income tax purposes as the income of S, and the amount of income 
allocable to S will be determined under section 994 of the Code.
    Example 2. P Corporation forms S Corporation as a wholly-owned 
subsidiary. S qualifies as a DISC for its taxable year. S has no 
employees on its payroll. S is granted a sales franchise with respect to 
specified exports of P and will receive commissions with respect to such 
exports. Such exports are of a type which will produce gross receipts 
for S which are qualified export receipts as defined in paragraph (b) of 
this section. P's sales force will solicit orders in the name of P. 
Billings and collections are handled directly by P. Under these facts, 
the commissions paid to S for such taxable year with respect to the 
specified exports shall be treated for Federal income tax purposes as 
the income of S, and the amount of income allocable to S is determined 
under section 994 of the Code.

[T.D. 7514, 42 FR 55454, Oct. 17, 1977; 42 FR 60910, Nov. 30, 1977, as 
amended by T.D. 7854, 47 FR 51739, Nov. 17, 1982]