Exhibition Panel: FAMILY

Blondie. Dance Mad.
Dance mad, June 13, 1934
India ink and blue pencil over graphite underdrawing with
paste-on on layered paper board (7)

Blondie, Unanimous Unanimous, September 25, 1934
India ink, blue pencil, and opaque white over graphite underdrawing with
paste-on on layered paper board (6)

Blondie, Left at the post
Left at the post, February 23, 1935

India ink, blue pencil, and opaque white over graphite underdrawing with
paste-on on layered paper board (5)

Blondie, Happy Landing Dagwood!
Happy landing Dagwood! February 20, 1946

India ink and blue pencil over graphite underdrawing with
paste-on on layered paper board (8)

Comic strips are a "Gift to the Nation" from Jeanne Young O'Neil.
Reproduced with special permission from King Features Syndicate,
Jeanne Young O'Neil and Dean Young.

Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk (September 21, 2000)