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A Heavenly Craft: The Woodcut in Early Printed Books
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Checklist of Objects


C.W. Dyson Perrins, ca. 1930.
Courtesy of Sotheby's, New York (76)

Lessing J. Rosenwald, ca. 1932,
by Shelburne of New York (77)

Fifteenth Century

Flores astrologiae.
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt,
November 18, 1488.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (1)

Albumasar de magnis coniunctionibus
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt,
March 31, 1489.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (2)

Passio domini Jesu Christi.
Augsburg: [Johann Schönsperger],
February 22, 1490.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (3)

Dye Siben Cursz.
Ulm: Conrad Dinckmut, 1491.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (4)

Horologium devotionis.

Cologne: Johann Landen, [ca. 1498].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (5)

Saint Birgitta.
Nuremberg: Anton Koberger,
September 21, 1500.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (6)

[image not yet available]
Saint Birgitta. Revelationes. Lubeck:1492.
Catalogue of a Collection of Early German Books in the Library of C. Fairfax Murray,
vol. 1. Comp. Hugh William Davies. London: 1913.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (6A)

Ars moriendi.
Leipzig: Melchior Lotter, after 1500.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (7)

Ars moriendi.
[Germany: ca. 1465].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (7A)

Jordan van Quedlinburg.
Meditationes de vita et passione Jesu Christi.

[Magdeburg: Moritz Brandis, 1500].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (8)

Juan de Torquemada.
Rome: Stephan Plannck,
March 13, 1484.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (9)

Dante Alighieri.
La Commedia.
Venice: Bernardinus Benalius and Matteo Capcasa,
March 3, 1491.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (10)

Filippo Calandri.
Florence: Lorenzo Morgiani and Johannes Petri,
January 1, 1491-92.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (11)

Christoforo Landino.
Formulario di lettere et di orationi volgari.
Florence: Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini, 1492.
Page 2
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (12)

Bonet de Latis.
Annulus astronomicus.
[Rome: Andreas Freitag, ca. 1492-93].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (13)

[Saint Augustine].
Sermones ad heremitas.
Florence: Antonio di Bartolemmeo Miscomini,
June 28, 1493.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (14)

Aesopus moralisatus
[Brescia, Boninus de Boninus, ca. 1487].
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (15)

Aesopus moralisatus
Venice: Manfred de Bonellis,
August 17, 1493.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (16)

Biblia italica.
Translated from the Latin
by Niccolò Malermi.
Venice: Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis for LucAntonio Giunta,
June 1494.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (17)

Epistolae et Evangelii et lectioni vulgari in lingua toscana.
Florence: Lorenzo Morgiani and Johannes Petri, for Piero Pacini,
July 27, 1495.
Page 2
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (18)

Francesco Berlinghieri.
Protesto alla signora di Firenze.
[Florence: Bartolommeo Libri, ca. 1495].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (19)

Raynaldus Monsaureus.
Sermo de visione Dei

[Rome: Johann Besicken et Sigismundus Mayer, after December 26, 1495].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (20)

Battista Fregoso.
Anteros, sive Tractatus contra amorem
Milan: Leonardus Pachel, 1496.
Page 2
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (21)

[Simon de Cassia].
Esposizione sopra evangeli.
Ed. Giovanni da Salerno. Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri,
September 24, 1496.
Page 2
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (22)

[St. Bonaventura?].
Meditatione de la passione de Christo. Venice: Lazarus de Soardis,
March 16, 1497.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (23)

Girolamo Savonarola.
Predica dell'arte del bene morire.
[Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri,
after June 1497].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (24)

Juan de Torquemada.
Meditationes deu Contemplationes devotissimae.
Rome: Stephan Plannck,
August 21 1498.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (25)

La rappresentatione divota di
Joseph figluolo di Jacob
[Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri,
ca. 1500].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (26)

Guillermus Parisiensis.
Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia.
Basel: Nicolaus Kesler,
not before 1497.
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Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (27)

Revelationes divinae a
sanctis angelis factae

Basel: Michael Furter, 1498.
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Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (28)

L'Art de bien vivre et de bien mourir.
Paris: Antoine Vérard for André Bocard, February 12, 1453 [i.e., 1493-94].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (29)

[Henricus de Vrimaria].
Praeceptorium divinae legis.
Paris: Pierre le Dru for Antoine Baquelier,
August 11, 1495
Page 2
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (30)

Thomas Bradwardine.
Arithmetica speculativa.
Paris: Guy Marchant,
February 1495-96.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (31)

Cordiale quattuor novissimorum.
Deventer: Jacobus de Breda,
[between August 9, 1490 and
October 31, 1492].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (32)

Jordan van Quedlinburg.
Meditationes de Vita et
Passione Jesu Christi

Antwerp: Gerard Leeu,
November 20, 1488.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (33)

[Joannes of Hildesheim].
Liber de gestis et translatione trium regum.
Westminster [London]: Wynkyn de Worde, [after July 1499].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (34)

Rodrigo Fernández de Santaella. Sacerdotalis instructio circa missam.
Seville: Johann Pegnitzer, Magnus Herbst, and Thomas Glockner,
for Johannes Laurenti, June 14, 1499.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (35)

Petrus de Castrovol.
Tractatus super symbolum Athanasii: Quicumque vult.
Pamplona: [Arnoldo Guillen
de Brocar, ca. 1499].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (36)
Ricoldo da Montecroce.
Improbatio Alcoran
Seville: Stanislaus Polonus, 1500.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (37)

Sixteenth Century

Passionis Christi unum ex quattuor Euagelistis textum.
[Strasbourg: J. Knobloch, 1506?].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (38)

Missale Romanum.
Venice: L.A. Giunta,
November 20, 1501.
Page 2
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (39)

[Saint Hieronymus].
Vita di sancti padri vulga[m] historiada.

Venice: Otinus de la Luna, July 28, 1501.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (40)

Missale secundu[m] ordinem carthusiensium.
Ferrara: Carthusian Monastery,
April 10, 1503.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (41)

Jacobus Gualla.
Papie sanctuarium
Pavia: Jacobus de Burgofrancho,
November 10, 1505.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (42)

Guilelmus Parisiensis.
Postilla super Epistolas et Euangelia
Venice: Jacobus Pentius de Leuco for LucAntonio Giunta,
November 6, 1505.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (43)

Breviarium Romanum.
Venice: LucAntonio Giunta,
March 26, 1507.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (44)

Lorenzo Spirito.
Libro de la ventura
Milan: Zanoto di Castellione for Fratelli Legnano, August 23, 1508.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (45)

Sigismondo Fanti.
Theorica et practica de modo scribendi fabricandique omnes litterarum species
Venice: Giovanni Rosso,
December 1, 1514.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (46)

Apocalypsis Jesu Christi.
Venice: Alexandro de Paganini,
April 7, 1515-16.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (47)

Albrecht Dürer.
St. Michael Fighting the Dragon
Prints and Photograph Division (47A)
[Digital ID# LC-DIG-ppmsca-06618]

Legenda ouero passione de li sancti martyri Faustino e Jouita cavalieri de Christo.
Brescia: Damiano and
Jacobus Philippum fratres,
April 4, 1534.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (48)

Tito Giovanni Scandianese.
Libri della Caccia. Con la traduttione della Sfera di Proclo
Venice: Gabriele Giolito et fratelli, 1556.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (49)

Ludovico Ariosto.
Orlando Furioso.
Venice: Vicenzo Valgrisi, 1562.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (50)

Evangelium sanctum domini
nostri Jesu Christi
Rome: Typographia Medicea, 1591.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (51)

Esopi Appologi siue mythologi cum quibusdam carminum et fabularum additionibus Sebastiani Brant.
Basel: Jacobus Wolff de Pforzheim, 1501.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (52)

Pierre Gringore.
Le chasteau de labour
Paris: Jean Tréperel, 1510.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (53)

[Simon Bougouyn].
L'espinette du jeune prince, conquerant le royaulme de bonne renommee.
Paris: Michel Le Noir, 1514.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (54)

Le cuer de philozophie, translated de Latin en Francoys a la requeste de Philippe le bel roy de France.
Paris: Jean de la Garde, [1515].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (55)

La premier [-second] volume
de la bible en francoiz
Paris: Antoine Vérard,
October 19, 1517.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (56)

Saint Augustine.
La Cité de Dieu.
Paris: Nicolas Savetier for Jean Petit,
April 22, 1530, June 7, 1531.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (57)

Flavius Renatus Vegetius.
De re militari libri quatour.
Paris: Christian Wechel,
August 23, 1532.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (58)

Publius Terentius Afer.
[Comoedia.] Le grant therēce en francoys tāt En Rime que en Prose
Paris: Guillaume de Bossozel for Guillaume le Bret, 1539.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (59)

Horæ in laudem beatissimę virginis Mariæ ad usum Romanum.
Paris: Olivier Mallard, 1542.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (60)

Charles Estienne.
De dissectione partium corporis
humani libri tres
Paris: Simon de Colines, 1545.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (61)

La metamorphose figurée
Lyon: Jan de Tournes, 1557.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (62)

Quaestiones naturales
Antwerp: Govaert Bac, ca. 1505.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (63)

Henricus van Santen.
Die collacē vander eewaerdigē
Antwerp: Henrick Eckert
van Homberch, ca. 1510.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (64)

Joannes Houden.
Carmē rithmicū de passiōe Dňo
Ghent: Peter de Keysere, [1516]: Bound with: Calendarium fratrum minorum.
Toulouse: J. Colomies, ca 1550.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (65)

Guilielmus de Branteghem.
Jesu Christi vita, iuxta quatuor Evangelistarum narrationes.
Antwerp: Matthaeus Cromme for Adriaen Kempe de Bouchout,
December 24, 1537.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (66)

Benedictus Arias Montanus.
Humanae salutis monumenta
Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, [1572].
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (67)

Nicholas de Nicolay.
Discours et histoire véritable des navigations, pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie.
Antwerp: Arnould Coninx, 1586.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (68)

Antonio del Rincon, Antonio de Medina, and Francisco de Ledesma.
Monumenta ordinis minorum.

Salamanca: Juan de Porras, July 1506.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (70)

Guillermus Parisiensis.
Postilla sive expositio epistolarum et evangeliorum.
Saragossa: Georg Coci, 1506.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (71)

Cronica del serenissimo Rey Don Juan II.
Logroño: Arnao Guillen de Brocar, October 10, 1517.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (72)

Libro del sabio y clarissimo fabulador Ysopo historiado y annotado.
Seville: Jacob Cromberger, 1521.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (73)

Miguel Pérez.
La Vida y excellencias y milagros dela sacratissima Virgen Maria
Toledo: Miguel de Equia,
November 29, 1526.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (74)

Alfonso dela Torre.
Visión delectable dela philosophia et artes liberales
Seville: Jacob and Juan
Cromberger, 1526.
Rosenwald Collection
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (75)

Margaret Adams Parker. Impressions from woodcut block, no. 82, 2005. Ink and gouache on paper. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (83-84)

Margaret Adams Parker. Woodcut block, 2005. Copy of image in Passio Domini Jesu Christi. Augsburg: Johann Schonsperger, 1490. Poplar. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (82)

Woodblock cutting tools, late twentieth century. Courtesy of Margaret Adams Parker (84a-c)

Inking tools, late twentieth century. Courtesy of Margaret Adams Parker (86a-c)

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  November 15, 2005

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