[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 28, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 28CFR33.31]

[Page 517-518]
                 Subpart A_Criminal Justice Block Grants
Sec. 33.31  Eligible purposes and programs.

    (a) Eligible purposes. Block grant funds may be used for the 
following purposes listed in section 403(a) of the Justice Assistance 
    (1) Providing community and neighborhood programs that enable 
citizens and police to undertake initiatives to prevent and control 
neighborhood crime;
    (2) Disrupting illicit commerce in stolen goods and property;
    (3) Combating arson;
    (4) Effectively investing and bringing to trial white-collar crime, 
organized crime, public corruption crimes, and fraud against the 
    (5) Identifying criminal cases involving persons (including juvenile 
offenders) with a history of serious criminal conduct in order to 
expedite the processing of such cases and to improve court system 
management and sentencing practices and procedures in such cases;
    (6) Developing and implementing programs which provide assistance to 
jurors and witnesses, and assistance (other than compensation) to 
victims of crimes;
    (7) Providing alternatives to pretrial detention, jail, and prison 
for persons who pose no danger to the community;
    (8) Providing programs which identify and meet the needs of drug-
dependent offenders;
    (9) Providing programs which alleviate prison and jail overcrowding 
and programs which identify existing state and Federal buildings 
suitable for prison use;
    (10) Providing, management, and technical assistance to criminal 
justice personnel and determining appropriate prosecutorial and judicial 
personnel needs;
    (11) Providing prison industry projects designed to place inmates in 
a realistic working and training environment in which they will be 
enabled to acquire marketable skills and to make financial payments for 
restitution to their victims, for support of their own families, and for 
support of themselves in the institution;
    (12) Providing for operational information systems and workload 
management systems which improve the effectiveness of criminal justice 
    (13) Not more than 10 percent of the state's block grant funds for 
providing programs of the same types as described in section 501(a)(4) 
of the Act which:
    (i) The Bureau establishes under section 503(a) of the Act as 
discretionary programs for financial assistance; or
    (ii) Are innovative and have been deemed by the Bureau as likely to 
prove successful;
    (14) Implementing programs which address critical problems of crime, 
such as drug trafficking, which have been certified by the Director of 
the Bureau of Justice Assistance as having proved successful, after a 
process of consultation coordinated by the Assistant Attorney General of 
the Office of Justice Programs with the Director of the National 
Institute of Justice, Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and 
Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency 
    (15) Providing programs which address the problem of serious 
offenses committed by juveniles;
    (16) Addressing the problem of crime committed against the elderly;
    (17) Providing training, technical assistance, and programs to 
assist state and local law enforcement authorities in rural areas in 
combating crime, with particular emphasis on violent crime, juvenile 
delinquency, and crime prevention; and
    (18) Improving the operational effectiveness of law enforcement by 
integrating and maximizing the effectiveness of police field operations 
and the use of crime analysis techniques.
    (b) Programs. The Bureau of Justice Assistance has certified that 

[[Page 518]]

programs meet these purposes, conform with the program criteria, and are 
eligible for block grant support. (See Sec. 33.32 of the regulations, 
Certified Programs). These programs are described in Program Briefs that 
are available from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The list of 
certified programs will be expanded in the future based on the statutory 
criteria to permit a more complete coverage of each of the purposes. 
This certification will be done in consultation with state and local 
governments and published in the Federal Register. States and localities 
may use block funds to implement one or more of these certified 
programs, if they agree to comply with the critical elements set forth 
in Sec. 33.32 of these regulations, and to provide data on the 
performance indicators listed. States and localities selecting these 
programs may identify the certified program in their application by name 
only, without further description. Programs other than those certified 
by the Bureau of Justice Assistance may be proposed by the state and/or 
units of local government and approved for funding by the Bureau. To 
obtain approval to fund a proposed program, the applicant must provide 
in its application a description of the program and evidence that it 
meets the statutory program criteria. The application requirements for 
program approval are contained in Subpart E--Application Requirements.