[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 28, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 28CFR40.7]

[Page 784-785]
       Subpart A_Minimum Standards for Inmate Grievance Procedures
Sec. 40.7  Operation and decision.

    (a) Initiation. The institution may require an inmate to attempt 
informal resolution before the inmate files a grievance under this 
procedure. The procedure for initiating a grievance shall be simple and 
include the use of a standard form. Necessary materials shall be freely 
available to all inmates and assistance shall be readily available for 
inmates who cannot complete the forms themselves. Forms shall not demand 
unnecessary technical compliance with formal structure or detail, but 
shall encourage a simple and straightforward statement of the inmate's 
    (b) Inmate and employee participation. The institution shall provide 
for an advisory role for employees and inmates in the operation of the 
grievance system. In-person hearings and committees consisting of either 
inmates or employees or both are not required by this paragraph, but 
they are permitted so long as no inmate participates in the resolution 
of any other inmate's grievance over the objection of the grievant.
    (c) Investigation and consideration. No inmate or employee who 
appears to be involved in the matter shall participate in any capacity 
in the resolution of the grievance.
    (d) Reasoned, written responses. Each grievance shall be answered in 
writing at each level of decision and review. The response shall state 
the reasons for the decision reached and shall include a statement that 
the inmate is entitled to further review, if such is available, and 
shall contain simple directions for obtaining such review.
    (e) Fixed time limits. Responses shall be made within fixed time 
limits at each level of decision. Time limits may vary between 
institutions, but expeditious processing of grievances at each level of 
decision is essential to prevent grievance from becoming moot. Unless 
the grievant has been notified of an extension of time for a response, 
expiration of a time limit at any stage of the process shall entitle the 
grievant to move to the next stage of the process. In all instances 
grievances must be processed from initiation to final disposition within 
180 days, inclusive of any extensions.
    (f) Review. The grievant shall be entitled to review by a person or 
other entity, not under the institution's supervision or control, of the 
disposition of all grievances, including alleged reprisals by an 
employee against an inmate. A request for review shall be allowed 
automatically without interference by

[[Page 785]]

administrators or employees of the institution and such review shall be 
conducted without influence or interference by administrators or 
employees of the institution.

[Order No. 957-81, 46 FR 48186, Oct. 1, 1981, as amended by Order No. 
1618-92, 57 FR 38773, Aug. 27, 1992; Order No. 1955-95, 60 FR 13902, 
Mar. 15, 1995]