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The American Colony in Jerusalem
     HOME    Exhibition Overview    Checklist of Objects
     Exhibition Sections:  Family Tragedy  |  On to Jerusalem  |  In the Holy Land  |  The American Colony at Work
                                        The Locust Plague  |  World War I  |   Wartime Aid  |  Continuing Relief Work

Women working at the American Colony School of Handicrafts and Dressmaking, with the Dome of the Rock in the background
Women working at the American Colony School of Handicrafts and Dressmaking, with the Dome of the Rock in the background (25b)


The outbreak of World War I in 1914 brought great suffering to the country. All young men were conscripted into the army, while the older men were drafted into work brigades. Food supplies dwindled as the Allies sustained a blockade of the Palestinian coast, and the Turkish army confiscated provisions. Weakened by malnutrition, people died of typhus and other epidemics. As famine, disease, and death ravaged the people of Jerusalem, the Colony, struggling for their own survival, engaged in relief work. With money from friends in the United States, the American Colony ran a soup kitchen that fed thousands during these desperate times. When the British Allied commander, General Allenby, entered Jerusalem on December 11, 1917, the Colony offered their philanthropic services to the new rulers of Palestine and continued to serve their fellow Jerusalemites.

Relief work

During the war the Colony opened an embroidery industry that sustained about 300 women whose husbands, fathers, and brothers were in the army or forced labor corps. When the food scarcities during the war became insurmountable, the Colony closed this workshop because the women became too hungry and emaciated to work. After the British conquered Jerusalem in December 1917, the Colony became the conduit of funds for organizations such as the Syrian and Palestine Relief Fund and the Christian Herald Relief Fund, which allowed them to open a new embroidery and dressmaking school. This account book and balance sheet records the Colony's expenses, remittances, and other charitable allocations to the destitute living in Jerusalem during 1918.

American Colony School of Handicrafts and Dressmaking
American Colony School of Handicrafts and Dressmaking
Pamphlet, ca. 1922
Manuscript Division (25a)

Lace sample book
Lace sample book, ca. 1917
Manuscript Division (24)

Balance sheet for distribution of charitable funds
Balance sheet for distribution of charitable funds,
February-April 1918.
Manuscript Division (35)

Account book of Money Received by Mr. Trowbridge, February-December 1918
"Account book of Money Received by Mr. Trowbridge, February-December 1918"
Manuscript Division (34)

Report of the Syrian and Palestine Relief Fund Sewing Rooms and Christian Herald Relief Fund
"Report of the Syrian and Palestine Relief Fund Sewing Rooms and Christian Herald Relief Fund,"
ca. 1918.
Page 2 - Page 3
Manuscript Division (31)


The Loud Soup Kitchen

In December 1915, Edward Loud of Oscoda, Michigan, offered to organize funds to send to the Colony for relief work. Loud had visited the Colony before the war, and, like many visitors and guests, he maintained close contact with members of the Colony when he returned home. With the funds marshaled by Loud, the Colony created a soup kitchen that fed more than 1,100 people a day. Bertha Vester wrote to Loud that, "We make no distinction in nationality or creed, the only requirement being if they absolutely need the help. We have Syrians and Arabs . . . Latins and Greeks, and Armenians, Russians, Jews, and Protestants."

Account of Distribution of Loud Fund
Account of Distribution of Loud Fund.
Carbon typescript, 1915
Manuscript Division (36b)

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loud at their island home in Michigan
"Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loud at their island home in Michigan."
Gelatin silver print
Manuscript Division (36c)

John Whiting to Edward Loud
John Whiting to Edward Loud,
Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4
May 30, 1918.
Manuscript letter.
Manuscript Division (36a)

     HOME    Exhibition Overview    Checklist of Objects
     Sections:  Family Tragedy  |  On to Jerusalem  |  In the Holy Land  |  The American Colony at Work
                       The Locust Plague  |  World War I  |   Wartime Aid  |  Continuing Relief Work

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  March 9, 2005

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