Accredited Women Correspondents During World War II
Oriana T. Atkinson, New York Times
Marjorie Avery, Detroit Free Press
Nellie B. Beeby, American Journal of Nursing
Sylvia de Bettencourt, Correio de Manha
Mrs. Victor Blakeslee, Collier's
Therese Bonney, Duell, Sloan, & Pearce
Margaret Bourke-White, Time
Virginia L. Bracker, New York Times
Julie Bridgman, Liberty
Barbara Browne, Christian Science Monitor
Helen Camp, Associated Press
Georgette M. Chapelle, Look
Minafox Chapelle, American Home
Katherine L. Clark, WCAU radio
Jacqueline Cochrane, Liberty
Ruth B. Cowan, Associated Press
Virginia Cowles, North American Newspaper Alliance
Catherine Coyne, Boston Herald
Elisabeth May Craig, Gannett Publishing Company
Kathryn Cravens, Mutual Broadcasting System
Elsie Danenberg, North American Newspaper Alliance
Tatiana Daniel, New York Times
Gladys Davis, Life
Maxine Davis, Macmillan
Anne McCormick Decormis, Fortune
Peggy Hull Deuell, Cleveland Plain Dealer
Mary M. Diggins, International News Service
Dorothy Disney, Saturday Evening Post
Catherine Drake, Readers Digest
Margaret L. Durdin, Time
Charlotte Ebener, International News Service
Drucilla Evans, New York Post
Edna Ferber, North American Newspaper Alliance
Elizabeth S. Finan, Harper's Bazaar
Barbara M. Finch, Reuters
Janet Flanner, The New Yorker
Doris Fleeson, Woman's Home Companion
June M. Frank, This Month
Beatrice Freeman, Magazine Digest
Toni Frissell, Freelance
Betty Gaskill, Liberty
Martha Gellhorn, Collier's
Helen Gingrich, Esquire-Coronet
Anita Glosker, North American Newspaper Alliance
Beatrice B. Gould, Ladies Home Journal
Janet Green, Trans-Radio Press
Alice R. Hager, Skyways
Edith I. Hamburger, Cleveland Press
Harriet C. Hardesty, United Press
Hazel Hartzog, United Press
Marguerite Higgins, New York Herald Tribune
Carol Hill, Collier's-Redbook
Clare Hollingworth, Time
Mary Hornaday, Christian Science Monitor
Rosemary Howard, Newsweek
Rita Hume, International News Service
Ann L. Jacobs, Young America
Annalee Jacoby, Time
Elizabeth B. John, Cleveland News
Carol L. Johnson, Newspaper Enterprise Association
Mary Jane Kempner, Conde-Nast
Helen Kirkpatrick, Chicago Daily News
Dorothy Thompson Kopf, Bell Syndicate
Irene Kuhn, National Broadcasting Corporation
Sara M. Lamport, New York Post
Ida B. Landau, Overseas News Agency
Elise Lavelle, National Catholic News Service
Martha Lecoutre, Tri-Color
Flora Lewis, Associated Press
Rhona Lloyd, Philadelphia Evening News
Mary P. Lochridge, Women's Home Companion
Cynthia Lowry, Associated Press
Lenore V. Lucas, Overseas News Agency
Erika Mann, Liberty
Cecelia (Jackie) Martin, Ladies Home Journal
Francis McCall, National Broadcasting Corporation
Anne O'Hare McCormick, New York Times
Mary V.P. McGee, Toronto Globe & Mail
Eleanor McIlhenny, Pan-American
Kathleen McLaughlin, New York Times
Dorothy Melendez, Star Herald
Jane Meyer, Chicago Herald American
Mrs. Lee Miller, Conde-Nast
Lois Mattox Miller, Readers Digest
Alice L.B. Moats, Collier's
Mary T. Muller, Readers Digest
Barbara Murdock, Philadelphia Bulletin
Mary H. O'Brien, Fawcett Publications
Eleanor C. Packard, United Press
Gretta Clark Palmer, Liberty
Mary B. Palmer, Newsweek
Alice K. Perkins, Fairchild Publications
Martha E. Phillips, Afro-American Newspapers
Catherine Polk, Los Angeles News
Peggy Poor, New York Post
Virginia Prewett, Chicago Sun
Helena Pringle, Women's Home Companion
Eva B. Putnam, Trans-Radio Press
Sarah J. Reston, New York Times
Martha S. Reusswig, Collier's
Ruth A. Robertson, Press Syndicate
Iona Robinson, Saturday Review of Literature
Ethel P. Rocho, Collier's
Nancy W. Ross, Freelance
Marjorie Severyns, Time
Sigrid Shultz, Chicago Tribune
Irina Skariatina, New York Times
Beverly Smith, Collier's
Monica Stirling, Atlantic Monthly
Elizabeth Stringer, United Press
Mary V. Thayer, International News Service
Sonia Tomara, New York Herald Tribune
Margrethe Vandivert, Time
Betsey C. Whitney, Washington Times-Herald
Bonnie Wiley, Associated Press
Mary Day Winn, This Week
Margaret K. Zaimes, American Red Cross
Adapted from Colonel Barney Oldfield, Never a Shot in Anger,
Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1990. Used by permission.