Benjamin Franklin: In His Own Words...
Home - Overview - Transcripts - Checklist of Objects - Learn More - Public Programs - Acknowledgments
Sections: Introduction - A Cause For Revolution - Break With Britain - Continental Congress
Treaty of Paris - The New Republic - Scientist and Inventor - Printer and Writer - Epitaph

Teacher Institutes on Benjamin Franklin

A cooperative endeavor between the Interpretive Programs Office and the Office of Strategic Initiatives, this institute invites educators from across the country to learn about Benjamin Franklin through the Library's primary and web based materials. Participants will leave with strategies and materials they can use in their school districts, schools, and classrooms.


Friday, April 28, 2006; 9 am - 4 pm
Or Saturday, April 29, 2006; 9 am - 4 pm


The Learning Center, First Floor, James Madison Building of the Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, DC


Educators from around the country


Provide educators with an opportunity to engage in discovery learning and to develop strategies to teach about Benjamin Franklin with Library of Congress primary sources.

The Library of Congress, home to the second largest collection of Benjamin Franklin papers in the world, celebrates the tercentenary of the statesman's birth with an exhibition titled "Benjamin Franklin: In His Own Words."

The exhibition contains manuscripts, prints and other artifacts attesting to Franklin's eclectic talents and interests. These include his designs for bifocal glasses; his writings on electricity, fire prevention and cures for the common cold; cartoons and engravings espousing his political views; a religious treatise; and the first English-language imprint of his autobiography (London, 1793).

Educators will see how they can make the American Memory virtual collections REAL for students. Participants will learn to use images, texts, maps, sound recordings, and films, and will engage in activities that will help make this era in our country's history "come alive" for students.

Registration is limited to the first 25 applicants for either date. Use form below.

For more information contact Susan Mordan at (202) 707-9203

First Name:

Last Name:

Professional Title:

Teacher     Library/Media Specialist
Media/Technology Specialist     Other

Name of Institution: (if applicable)

Street Address:

City: State: Zipcode:



Please select appropriate date:

Friday, April 28, 2006; 9 am - 4 pm

Saturday, April 29, 2006; 9 am - 4 pm

Please let us know if you have questions or comments regarding your registration.

For more information, or to register by phone, call 202-707-9203.