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President Bush Highlights Importance of Free Trade with Chile
President Ricardo Lagos of Chile and President George W. Bush meet during the Special Summit of the Americas in Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 12, 2004. White House photo by Eric Draper
President Ricardo Lagos of Chile and President George W. Bush meet during the Special Summit of the Americas in Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 12, 2004. White House photo by Eric Draper Full Story
President George W. Bush talks with the Prime Minister Owen Arthur of Barbados during the inaugural ceremony of the Special Summit of the Americas in Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 12, 2004. White House photo by Paul Morse
President George W. Bush addresses the participants of the Special Summit of the Americas during the inaugural ceremony in Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 12, 2004. "My country is committed to free and fair trade for this hemisphere through the free trade area of the Americas and through the growing number of bilateral free trade agreements we have completed and are negotiating," said President Bush. White House photo by Eric Draper
President Ricardo Lagos of Chile and President George W. Bush meet during the Special Summit of the Americas in Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 12, 2004. White House photo by Eric Draper
President George W. Bush and President Vicente Fox of Mexico participate in a press conference Jan. 12, 2004. "The bonds of friendship and shared values between our two nations are strong," said President Bush. "We have worked together to overcome many mutual challenges, and that work is yielding results." White House photo by Paul Morse

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