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March 23, 1994
Contact: Craig D'Ooge (202) 707-9189

Walter Annenberg Provides Endowment for Center for Book

James H. Billington, the Librarian of Congress, announced today that the Annenberg Foundation will contribute $1 million dollars to the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board to establish an endowment for the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.

"Through his foundation, Ambassador Annenberg is making this generous donation to honor Librarian of Congress Emeritus Daniel J. Boorstin, who created the Center for the Book in 1977," said Dr. Billington. "The endowment, to be established in 1996, will be named for Daniel J. Boorstin and his wife, Ruth F. Boorstin, and will help us recognize and honor Dr. Boorstin's unique contributions to this institution by giving permanence to this distinctive creation of the Boorstin era."

The Center for the Book uses all media to promote books, reading, and libraries. Its influence has grown steadily and now reaches across the nation through a network of 29 affiliated state centers. The Center has in recent years enlisted 128 national, civic, and educational organizations as reading promotion partners. The Center for the Book has been directed since its creation by Dr. John Y. Cole; its projects and publications are supported by private donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations.

For information about the Center for the Book, write or call the Center for the Book, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540-8200, telephone (202) 707-5221.

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PR 94-057
ISSN 0731-3527

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