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January 28, 1994
Press Contact: Barbara Bryant (202) 707-9197

Bibliography of Works by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in the Library of Congress Now Available

The Library of Congress has just published Works by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in the Library of Congress. This 122-page volume contains 974 entries that list the author's collected and selected works, anthologies, abridged and juvenile editions, individual works, and translations into foreign languages. The book also features 14 black-and-white illustrations inspired by Cervantes' writing including Salvador Dali's drawing of in Don Quixote's world, and Josef Ximeno's illustration of a jealous swain from Los seis libros de Galatea (Madrid, 1784), a pastoral romance and Cervantes' first major prose work.

The bibliography was compiled by Reynaldo Aguirre, Senior Bibliographic Specialist in the Hispanic Division at the Library of Congress. In his introduction to the volume, Mr. Aguirre cites Cervantes' best known work, the novel Don Quixote (1605), to explain the author's important contributions to his country's literature and historical memory.

"In Don Quixote Cervantes masterfully fused chivalric idealism with the picaresque novel, creating two major characters in Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. He also reproduced life in sixteenth-century Spain for posterity."

The Library of Congress acquired its first collection of Spanish books in 1815, as part of Thomas Jefferson's private library, which he sold to Congress. The collection consisted of five works by or about the author, plus a six-volume set of the Spanish Royal Academy's El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha (1787, 1781) and another edition in four volumes.

The bibliography offers an indication of the international popularity of Cervantes' work, listing translations in Bulgarian, Chinese, Lithuanian, Marathi, Norwegian, Oriya, Tajik, and Uzbek. The Name Index contains some 700 names and references to editors, compilers, commentators, translators and illustrators.

Works by Miguel de hardcover for $18. Copies may be purchased from the Library's Sales Shop or directly from the U.S. Government Printing Office at the following address:

U.S. Government Printing Office
Superintendent of Documents
Mail Stop: SSOP
Washington, D.C. 20402-9328

Please include the following stock number when ordering: 030-001- 00146-6. Credit card orders may be placed by phone at (202) 783- 3238.

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PR 94-020
ISSN 0731-3527

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