[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 46, Volume 4]

[Revised as of October 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 46CFR90.05-10]

[Page 13]


                            TITLE 46_SHIPPING

                  (This book contains parts 90 to 139)






                        Subpart 90.05_Application


Sec.  90.05-10  Application to vessels on an international voyage.

    (a) Except for yachts and fishing vessels and as provided in 

paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, the regulations in this 

subchapter that apply to a vessel on an ``international voyage'' apply 

to a vessel that--

    (1) Is mechanically propelled and of at least 500 gross tons; and

    (2) Is engaged on a voyage--

    (i) From a country to which the International Convention for Safety 

of Life at Sea, 1974, (SOLAS 74) applies, to a port outside that country 

or the reverse;

    (ii) From any territory, including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 

all possessions of the United States and all lands held by the United 

States under a protectorate or mandate, whose international relations 

are the responsibility of a contracting SOLAS 74 government, or which is 

administered by the United Nations, to a port outside the territory or 

the reverse; or

    (iii) Between the contiguous states of the United States and the 

states of Hawaii or Alaska or between the states of Hawaii and Alaska.

    (b) The regulations that apply to a vessel on an ``international 

voyage'' in this subchapter do not apply to ships engaged on a voyage 

solely on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River as far east as a 

straight line drawn from Cap de Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island, 

the 63d Meridian;

    (c) The Commandant or his authorized representative may exempt any 

vessel on an international voyage from the requirements of this 

subchapter if the vessel--

    (1) Makes a single international voyage in exceptional 

circumstances; and

    (2) Meets safety requirements prescribed for the voyage by the 


    (d) The Commandant or his authorized representative may exempt any 

vessel from the construction requirements of this subchapter if the 

vessel does not proceed more than 20 nautical miles from the nearest 

land in the course of its voyage.

[CGD 72-131R, 38 FR 29320, Oct. 24, 1973, as amended by CGD 90-008, 55 

FR 30661, July 26, 1990; CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25288, May 20, 1996]