Library of Congress Bicentennial: 1800-2000
News from the Library of Congress

Libraries, Creativity, Liberty

Public Affairs Office
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August 5, 1999
Contact: Audrey Fischer (202) 707-0022

Political Cartoonist Paul Conrad to Discuss His New Book on September 8 at the Library

Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Paul Conrad will discuss his new book at the Library of Congress on Wednesday, Sept. 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mumford Room, on the sixth floor of the James Madison Memorial Building, 101 Independence Ave. S.E. His presentation, part of the Center for the Book's "Books & Beyond" author series, is cosponsored by the Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon. It is free and open to the public.

Mr. Conrad was chief editorial cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times from 1964 to 1993. A selection of his cartoons will be on display at the Sept. 8 presentation, which also celebrates Mr. Conrad's continuing gifts to the Library. In 1994, he donated 52 drawings dating from 1969 to 1993 and covering such topics as the Vietnam War, the presidency, and foreign relations.

Today Paul Conrad's work is syndicated by the Los Angeles Times and appears in newspapers around the world. In addition to winning Pulitzer Prizes in 1964, 1971, and 1984, he has won many other professional accolades in his more than five decades as a political cartoonist. His book, Drawing the Line (Los Angeles Times, 1999), presents 200 bold black-and-white drawings that span the period from the 1960s to President Clinton's administration.

The Center for the Book was established in 1977 to stimulate public interest in books, reading, and libraries. For information about its activities, visit its Web site at

The Swann Foundation, administered by the Prints and Photographs Division, supports a continuing program at the Library of Congress of preservation, publication, exhibition, acquisition, and scholarly research in the related fields of cartoon, caricature, and illustrations. For more information, visit the Swann Foundation web site at

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ISSN 0731-3527