[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 46, Volume 4]

[Revised as of October 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 46CFR108.540]

[Page 146-147]


                            TITLE 46_SHIPPING

                  (This book contains parts 90 to 139)




PART 108_DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT--Table of Contents


                     Subpart E_Lifesaving Equipment


Sec.  108.540  Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements.

    (a) Each muster station must have sufficient space to accommodate 

all persons assigned to muster at that station. One or more muster 

stations must be close to each embarkation station.

    (b) Each muster station and embarkation station must be readily 

accessible from accommodation and work areas.

    (c) Each lifeboat must be arranged to be boarded and launched 

directly from the stowed position.

    (d) Each lifeboat must be arranged to be boarded by its full 

complement of persons within 3 minutes from the time the instruction to 

board is given.

    (e) Each davit-launched and free-fall survival craft muster station 

and embarkation station for a survival craft which is boarded before it 

is launched must be arranged to enable stretcher cases to be placed in 

the survival craft.

    (f) Means must be provided for bringing each davit-launched survival 

craft against the side of the unit and holding it alongside to allow 

persons to be--

    (1) Safely embarked in the case of a survival craft intended to be 

boarded over the edge of the deck; and

    (2) Safely disembarked after a drill in the case of a survival craft 

not intended to be moved to the stowed position with a full complement 

of persons on board.

    (g) Each davit-launched liferaft launching arrangement must have a 

means to hold the liferaft in the embarkation position that--

    (1) Will hold the liferaft securely in high winds;

    (2) Can be rapidly engaged in the proper position for boarding; and

    (3) Can be rapidly released for launching by one person from within 

the loaded liferaft.

    (h) Each launching station or each two adjacent launching stations 

must have an embarkation ladder as follows:

    (1) Each embarkation ladder must be approved under approval series 

160.117 or be a rope ladder approved under approval series 160.017, and 

must be installed in a way that--

    (i) Each embarkation ladder must extend in a single length, from the 

deck to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition with the unit 

listed not less than up to 15 degrees either way; or

    (ii) Each embarkation ladder may be replaced by a device approved to 

provide safe and rapid access to survival craft in the water, if the 

OCMI permits the device, provided that there is at least one embarkation 

ladder on each side of the unit.

    (2) An embarkation ladder is not required if--

    (i) The distance from the embarkation deck to the unit's lightest 

operating waterline is less than 3 meters (10 feet); and

    (ii) The unit is not in international service.

    (3) If the embarkation ladders cannot be supported against a 

vertical flat surface, the unit must instead be provided with at least 

two widely-separated fixed metal ladders or stairways extending from the 

deck to the surface of the water and meet the following:

    (i) Each inclined fixed ladder must meet the requirements under 

Sec.  108.159.

    (ii) Each vertical fixed ladder must meet the requirements under 

Sec.  108.160 for fixed ladders, except that the vertical bars in cages 

must be open at least 500 millimeters (20 inches) on one side throughout 

the length of the ladder, and cages are not required in the

[[Page 147]]

area subject to wave action or on ladders inside the legs of a self-

elevating unit.

    (iii) If a fixed ladder cannot be installed, the OCMI may accept an 

alternate means of embarkation with sufficient capacity for all persons 

permitted on board to safely descend to the waterline.

    (4) Alternate means of embarkation under paragraphs (h)(1)(ii) and 

(h)(3) of this section, such as portable slides, safety booms, moveable 

ladders, elevators, and controlled descent devices, must be acceptable 

to the OCMI. An alternate means of embarkation must have sufficient 

capacity to permit persons to safely descend to the waterline at a rate 

comparable to the device which the alternate means of embarkation 


[CGD 84-069, 61 FR 25291, May 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 52814, Oct. 

1, 1998]