[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 46, Volume 4]

[Revised as of October 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 46CFR108.114]

[Page 122-123]


                            TITLE 46_SHIPPING

                  (This book contains parts 90 to 139)




PART 108_DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT--Table of Contents


                 Subpart B_Construction and Arrangement


Sec.  108.114  Appliances for watertight and weathertight integrity.

    (a) Appliances to ensure watertight integrity include watertight 

doors, hatches, scuttles, bolted manhole covers, or other watertight 

closures for openings in watertight decks and bulkheads.

    (b) Appliances to ensure weathertight integrity include weathertight 

doors and hatches, closures for air pipes, ventilators, ventilation 

intakes and outlets, and closures for other openings in deckhouses and 


    (c) Each internal opening fixed with appliances to ensure watertight 

integrity which are used intermittently during operation of the unit 

while afloat must meet the following:

    (1) Each door, hatch, and scuttle must--

    (i) Be remotely controlled from a normally manned control station, 

and be operable locally from both sides of the bulkhead; or

    (ii) If there is no means of remote control there must be an alarm 

system which signals whether the appliance is open or closed both 

locally at each appliance and in a normally manned control station.

    (2) Each closing appliance must remain watertight under the design 

water pressure of the watertight boundary of which it is a part.

    (d) Each external opening fitted with an appliance to ensure 

weathertight integrity must be located so that it would not be submerged 

below the final equilibrium waterline if the unit is subjected 

simultaneously to--

    (1) Damage causing flooding described in Sec.  174.075 through Sec.  

174.085 of this chapter; and

    (2) A wind heeling moment calculated in accordance with Sec.  

174.055 of this chapter using a wind velocity of 50 knots (25.8 meters 

per second).

[CGD 73-251, 43 FR 56808, Dec. 4, 1978, as amended by CGD 79-023, 48 FR 

51008, Nov. 4, 1983]

[[Page 123]]

                        Fire Protection: General