[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 32, Volume 6, Parts 800 to End] [Revised as of July 1, 1999] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 32CFR2001.22] [Page 442] TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER XX--INFORMATION SECURITY OVERSIGHT OFFICE, NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION PART 2001--CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION--Table of Contents Subpart B--Identification and Markings Sec. 2001.22 Derivative classification [2.2]. (a) General. Information classified derivatively on the basis of source documents or classification guides shall bear all markings prescribed in Sec. 2001.20 and Sec. 2001.21, except as provided in this section. Information for these markings shall be carried forward from the source document or taken from instructions in the appropriate classification guide. (b) Source of derivative classification. (1) The derivative classifier shall concisely identify the source document or the classification guide on the ``Derived From'' line, including the agency and, where available, the office of origin, and the date of the source or guide. An example might appear as: Derived From: Memo, ``Funding Problems,'' October 20, 1995, Ofc. of Admin., Department of Good Works or Derived From: CG No. 1, Department of Good Works, dated October 20, 1995 (i) When a document is classified derivatively on the basis of more than one source document or classification guide, the ``Derived From'' line shall appear as: Derived From: Multiple Sources (ii) The derivative classifier shall maintain the identification of each source with the file or record copy of the derivatively classified document. When practicable, this list should be included in or with all copies of the derivatively classified document. (2) A document derivatively classified on the basis of a source document that is itself marked ``Multiple Sources'' shall cite the source document on its ``Derived From'' line rather than the term ``Multiple Sources.'' An example might appear as: Derived From: Report entitled, ``New Weapons,'' dated October 20, 1995, Department of Good Works, Office of Administration (c) Reason for classification. The reason for the original classification decision, as reflected in the source document(s) or classification guide, is not required to be transferred in a derivative classification action. If included, however, it shall conform to the standards in Sec. 2001.21(a)(3). (d) Declassification instructions. (1) The derivative classifier shall carry forward the instructions on the ``Declassify On'' line from the source document to the derivative document, or the duration instruction from the classification guide. (2) When a document is classified derivatively on the basis of more than one source document or more than one element of a classification guide, the ``Declassify On'' line shall reflect the longest duration of any of its sources. (i) When a document is classified derivatively from a source document(s) or classification guide that contains the declassification instruction, ``Originating Agency's Determination Required,'' or ``OADR,'' unless otherwise instructed by the original classifier, the derivative classifier shall carry forward: (A) The fact that the source document(s) was marked with this instruction; and (B) The date of origin of the most recent source document(s), classification guide, or specific information, as appropriate to the circumstances. (ii) An example might appear as: Declassify On: Source marked ``OADR'', Date of source: October 20, 1990 (iii) This marking will permit the determination of when the classified information is 25 years old and, if permanently valuable, subject to automatic declassification under section 3.4 of the Order. (e) Overall marking. The derivative classifier shall conspicuously mark the classified document with the highest level of classification of information included in the document, as provided in Sec. 2001.21(b). (f) Portion marking. Each portion of a derivatively classified document shall be marked in accordance with its source, and as provided in Sec. 2001.21(c).