Background: The Library of Congress Conservation and Preservation Research and Testing Divisions are conducting research to resolve uncertainties about sticky shed syndrome (also called “sticktion”), a ubiquitous preservation challenge for recorded sound and moving images on magnetic tape. In sticky shed, degradation leads tapes to deposit a gummy residue in playback equipment, which can stop equipment during use, and can damage a sound or video signal layer. The phenomenon appears most common in analog audio and video tapes manufactured using polyester-urethane (PEU) binders beginning in the 1970s. Unanswered questions concern causes, detection, and treatment of the problem.
Contributing Study: Van Zelst, L., “Sticky Shed Syndrome: Characterization, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Project Description: The purpose of this study was to understand the phenomenon of sticky shed, to identify a diagnosis tool, and to resolve important treatment questions. The study used a variety of sophisticated analytical and experimental methods to examine three types of Ampex tape widely regarded as susceptible to sticky shed.
Outcomes/Findings: The study resulted in the following key findings:
Library of Congress Library Services
Acknowledgements: Library of Congress and the staff of the Preservation Directorate
March 2008. Van Zelst, L., draft final report submitted March 2008. Characterization, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Sticky Shed Syndrome. Report of a study for Library of Congress Preservation Directorate.