Library of Congress >> MARC >> Community Information >> 01X-08X >> 066

066 - Character Sets Present (NR)

MARC 21 Community Information - Full
October 2000

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Primary G0 character set (NR)
$b - Primary G1 character set (NR)
$c - Alternate G0 or G1 character set (R)


Specifies the character sets for data content in records encoded with character sets other than ISO 10646 (or Unicode).

Field alerts users that special processing may be required. The codes for identifying character sets are all but the first character of the escape sequences that designate the sets (the first character is the escape character, hex 1B).

Characters that make up the escape sequences, as well as other details about character encoding of MARC records, are described in MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media.




$a - Primary G0 character set
Code identifying the primary character set composed of the Intermediate and Final characters of the escape sequence that designates and invokes the default G0 character set.
Since MARC Latin (including ASCII, MARC Greek, MARC subscript, or MARC superscript) is the MARC default set, if it is the primary set it does not need to be identified in this subfield.
066 ##$a(N
[The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 28 (ASCII graphic "(" opening parenthesis) that identifies the character set as one byte per character and its use as a G0 set, and the Final character is hex 4E (ASCII graphic "N") that identifies the Basic Cyrillic set.]
066 ##$a$1
[The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 24 (ASCII graphic "$") that identifies the character set as multiple bytes per character and its use as a G0 set, and the Final character is hex 31 (ASCII graphic "1") that identifies the Chinese, Japanese, Korean character set.]
$b - Primary G1 character set
Code identifying the primary extension character set composed of the Intermediate and Final characters of the escape sequence that designates and invokes the default G1 character set.
Since ANSEL is the MARC default set if it is the primary extended set it does not need to be identified in this subfield.
066 ##$b$)1
[The Intermediate characters in the designation sequence are hex 24 hex 29 (ASCII graphics "$)") that identify the character set as multiple bytes per character and its use as a G1 set, and the Final character is hex 31 (ASCII graphic "1") that identifies the East Asian character code for bibliographic use (ANSI/NISO Z39.64).]
066 ##$b)Q
[The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 29 (ASCII graphic ")") that identifies the character set as one byte per character and its use as a G1 set, and the Final character is hex 51 (ASCII graphic "Q") that identifies the Extended Cyrillic character set.]
$c - Alternate G0 or G1 character set
Code identifying an alternative character set used as either G0 or G1 sets composed of the Intermediate and Final characters of each escape sequence that will be used to designate an alternate graphic character set used in the record.
Intermediate character(s) indicate whether the set is single or multibyte and whether it will be designated as a G0 or G1 set. The subfield is repeated for each additional character set present.
066 ##$c)2
[The Intermediate character in the designation sequence is hex 29 (ASCII graphic ")" ) that identifies the character set as the G1 set and one byte per character, and the Final character is hex 32 (ASCII graphic "2") that identifies the Hebrew character set.]

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