Contains standard numbers, classification numbers, codes, and other data elements relating to the record.
Field 016 - National Library of Canada Record Control Number [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
Both indicator positions were undefined. The defined subfield codes were
$a (NLC record control number) and $z (Canceled/invalid NLC
control number).
Field 024 - Other Standard Identifier [NEW, 2003]
Field 031 - Musical Incipits Information [NEW, 2004]
Field 034 - Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data [NEW, 2006]
Field 055 - Library and Archives Canada Call Number [RENAMED, 2004]
Field 055, formerly National Library of Canada Call Number, was renamed to
reflect change in the institution’s name.
Field 058 - LC Classification Number Assigned in Canada [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
The first indicator was undefined. The second indicator was defined to indicate
source of the number (0 = LC classification number assigned by NLC, 1 = LC
classification number assigned by contributing library). The subfield codes
were: $a (LC classification number - single number or beginning number of a
range), $b (LC classification number - end number of a range), $c (Explanatory
term), $5 (Library to which class number applies), and $6 (Linkage). Data
previously recorded in this field is now recorded in field 053 (LC
Classification Number).
Field 063 - NLM Classification Number Assigned by NLM [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
Both indicators were undefined. The subfield codes were: $a (NLM classification
number - single number or beginning number of a range), $b (NLM classification
number - end number of a range), $c (Explanatory term).
Field 065 - Other Classification Number [NEW, 2002]
Field 068 - NLM Classification Number Assigned in Canada [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
The first indicator was undefined. The second indicator was defined to indicate
source of the number (0 = NLM classification number assigned by NLC, 1 = NLM
classification number assigned by the contributing library). The subfield codes
were: $a (NLM classification number - single number or beginning number of a
range), $b (NLM classification number - end number of a range), $c (Explanatory
term), $5 (Library to which class number applies).
Field 088 - Document Shelving Number (CODOC) [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
Both indicator positions were undefined. The subfield code was: $a (Document
shelving number (CODOC)).
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