Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 663-666 >> 664

664 - Complex See Reference-Name (NR)

MARC 21 Authority - Full
October 1999

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Explanatory text (R)
$b - Heading referred to (R)
$t - Title referred to (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Explanatory text and the headings referred to that are required in a reference record for names when relationships exist between an unestablished name and one or more established names that cannot be adequately conveyed by simple cross references generated from 4XX See From Tracing fields in the established heading records.

Appropriate only in traced reference records for names.

1XX field in the record contains an unestablished name referred from. Field 664 contains the explanatory text for the see reference and the established headings referred to. The unestablished heading in field 1XX is also traced in a 4XX field in a record for each of the established headings referred to in field 664. Subfield $w/3 (Reference display) in each of the 4XX fields contains code b (Reference not displayed, field 664 used). Code b indicates that the generation of a simple cross reference from the 4XX field should be suppressed.

Cross references may be generated from the 1XX and 664 fields. A reference instruction phrase is incorporated into the text of subfield $a. Examples of complex cross reference displays are provided in the Tracing and Reference Fields-General Information section.




$a - Explanatory text
Includes a reference instruction phrase such as see: or search under:.
$b - Heading referred to
Established headings to which the heading in field 1XX of the record refers. Except for subfield $t, no subelements within the heading referred to are separately subfield coded. Each heading referred to is contained in a separate subfield $b.
$t - Title referred to
Title portion of a name-title heading referred to. Each title referred to under a single name is contained in a separate subfield $t.
008/09 c
[traced reference record]
100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
008/09 a
[established heading record]
100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
400 1#$wnnnb$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
008/09 c
[traced reference record]
100 1#$aMahfouz, Naguib
664 ##$asearch under$bMahfuz, Najib, 1882-$bMahfuz, Najib, 1912-
008/09 a
[established heading record]
100 1#$aMahfuz, Najib,$d1882-
400 1#$wnnnb$aMahfouz, Naguib
008/09 a
[established heading record]
100 1#$aMahfuz, Najib,$d1912-
400 1#$wnnnb$aMahfouz, Naguib
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Reference Record Fields - Reference records must contain a Leader, a Directory, and the following variable fields: 001 (Control Number), 003 (Control Number Identifier) 005 (Date and Time of Latest Transaction), 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements), 040 (Cataloging Source), and 1XX (Heading).
Punctuation and Spacing - Punctuation and spacing conventions described in the name heading General Information sections are also applicable to the Heading ($b) and Title ($t) subfields in field 664. Field 664 does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the data ends with an abbreviation, an initial/letter, or data that ends with a mark of punctuation.

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