Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 01X-09X >> 028

028 - Publisher Number (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2001

First Indicator
Type of publisher number
0 - Issue number
1 - Matrix number
2 - Plate number
3 - Other music number
4 - Videorecording number
5 - Other publisher number

Second Indicator
Note/added entry controller
0 - No note, no added entry
1 - Note, added entry
2 - Note, no added entry
3 - No note, added entry

Subfield Codes
$a - Publisher number (NR)
$b - Source (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Formatted number used for sound recordings, printed music, and videorecordings. Publisher's numbers that are given in an unformatted form are recorded in field 500 (General Note). A print constant identifying the kind of publisher number may be generated based on the value in the first indicator position.

Numbers that are identified as stock numbers are recorded in field 037 (Source of Acquisition). In case of doubt as to whether a number is a publisher’s number, record the number in field 500 or 037. Repeatable for multiple numbers associated with an item.



First Indicator - Type of publisher number
Second Indicator - Note/added entry controller
Whether a note and/or an added entry generated from the content of this field is required for display.
0 - No note, no added entry
Neither a note or an added entry needs to be generated.
028 00$aRF 202$bRBF
500 ##$aRBF: RF 202(x)A-RF 202(x)D. Imperfect: Side D scratched.
[An issue number for which no note or added entry is desired; note provides other information.]
028 40$aMV600167$bMGM/UA
[A videorecording number for which no note or added entry are desired.]
1 - Note, added entry
Both a note and an added entry need to be displayed.
2 - Note, no added entry
Note is displayed, but no added entry is required.
3 - No note, added entry
No note is displayed but an added entry is required.


$a - Publisher number
028 00$aGV-201A$bGood Vibrations Records
028 11$aL27410X$bChaparral
028 40$aVA5386$bVestron Video
$b - Source
Source of the publisher number. Varies according to the type of publication and the type of publisher's number being recorded. For sound recordings and videorecordings, the label name is recorded in subfield $b. For printed music, the publisher's name is recorded in subfield $b.
028 00$aM4X-31427$bColumbia
028 10$aJ-18961M-A$bCountry Line
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Field 028 does not end with a mark of punctuation. All spacing and punctuation internal to the number are carried in field 028.
Display Constants
PL. no.:
Publisher's no.:
The legends Pl. no.: and Publisher's no.: are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as display constants associated with the value in the first and second indicator positions.


Indicator 2 - [CAN/MARC only]
0 - Print a note [REDEFINED, 1997]
1 - Do not print a note [REDEFINED, 1997]

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