X53 - Classification Numbers-General Information
MARC 21 Classification
October 2008
"Full" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Format for Classification Data that contains detailed descriptions of every data element, along with examples, input conventions and history sections.
"Concise" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Concise Format for Classification Data that contains abridged descriptions of every data element, along with examples.
First Indicator 153
Undefined # - Undefined
Source of classification number 0 - Schedule 1 - Table
Second Indicator Undefined # - Undefined
Subfield Codes
Name portion $a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span (R) $c - Classification number-ending number of span (R)
$e - Classification number hierarchy-single number or beginning number of span (R) [153]
$f - Classification number hierarchy-ending number of span (R) [153]
$z - Table identification (R)
Caption portion $h - Caption hierarchy (R) $j - Caption (NR) $k - Summary number span caption hierarchy (R)
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R)
| Tracing and control subfields $i - Reference instruction phrase (NR) [453/553] $t - Topic (NR) [453/553] $w - Control subfield (NR) [453/553] $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
Content designators identify the subelements occurring in classification numbers that
are constructed according to the classification scheme that is identified in field 084
(Classification Scheme and Edition). These fields may contain a single classification
number (008/07, Type of number, code a) or a span of classification numbers (008/07,
code b or c) from a schedule (008/06, Kind of record, code a) or from a table (008/06,
code b) and its associated caption (subfield $j) and caption hierarchy (subfields $h and
$k). The subject context of the classification number is indicated by the preceding
hierarchy captions contained in repeatable subfields $h and $k. (Fields 153, 453, and
553 must contain at least one subfield $a and one subfield $j.)
First Indicator - Undefined [153]
Undefined and contains a blank (#).
First Indicator - Source of classification number [453/553]
Whether the classification number is from a schedule or a
table. It facilitates in sorting the tracing into the correct source.
0 - Schedule Classification number is from a schedule. A number which is synthesized by
using add instructions is considered a schedule number.
084 |
0#$alcc [Library of Congress Classification] |
153 |
##$aKK1261$cKK1261.5$hLaw of Germany and West Germany$hCivil law. Bürgerliches Recht$hProperty. Law of things. Sachenrecht$jRight of property. Constitutional
453 |
0#$wj$aKK1275$hLaw of Germany and West Germany$hCivil Law. Bürgerliches Recht$hProperty. Law of things. Sachenrecht$jOwnership. Eigentum$jRight of ownership |
1 - Table Classification number is from a table. The table is identified in subfield $z
(Table identification).
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$z1$a014$hStandard Subdivisions$hPhilosophy and theory$jLanguage and communication |
453 |
1#$wahna$z1$a0142$hStandard Subdivisions$hPhilosophy and theory$hLanguage and communication$jEtymology |
Second Indicator - Undefined Undefined and contains a blank (#).
$a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span
084 |
0#$alcc [Library of Congress Classification] |
153 |
##$aPQ4315.25$hItalian literature$hIndividual authors.$hIndividual authors and works to 1400.$hDante Alighieri, 1265-1321.$hTranslations$hEnglish.$hDivina commedia.$hInferno.$jParticular cantos |
084 |
0#$afcps [Canadian FC Classification] |
153 |
##$aFC2601$cFC2650$hCanada$hCanadian Local History. Provinces, territories and
extra-provincial regions$jPrince Edward Island
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a786.67$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hMusic$kPrinciples, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments$kInstruments and their music$kSpecific instruments and their music$hKeyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion
instruments$hMechanical and aeolian instruments$kMechanical instruments$jMechanical stringed instruments
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a332.454$hSocial sciences$hEconomics$hFinancial economics$hMoney$jForeign exchange |
453 |
0#$wahna$a332.45$hSocial sciences$hEconomics$hFinancial economics$hMoney$hForeign exchange$jForeign exchange with a paper standard |
$c - Classification number-ending number of span
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a153.94001$c153.94999$hPhilosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology$hPsychology$kSpecific topics in psychology$hConscious mental processes and intelligence$hIntelligence and aptitudes$hAptitude tests$jTests for aptitudes in specific fields |
084 |
0#$alcc [Library of Congress Classification] |
153 |
##$aBL1112.2$cBL1137.72$hReligions. Mythology. Rationalism$hReligion$hHistory and principles of religions$hAsian. Oriental$hBy religion$hHinduism$hSacred books. Sources$jVedic texts |
453 |
0#$wanna$aPK3000$cPK3581$hIndo-Iranian philology and literature$jVedic literature |
$e - Classification number hierarchy-single number
or beginning number of span 153Link to the next number or number span upwards
in the classification number hierarchy. Subfield
$e will provide hierarchical links in
classification schemes where hierarchy is
expressed by the notation.
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a616.1$c616.9$jSpecific diseases$e616 |
$f - Classification number hierarchy-ending number
of span 153
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a616.1$c616.8$jDiseases of specific
systems and organs$e616.1$f616.9
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a616.5$jDiseases of integument$e616.1$f616.8 |
$h - Caption hierarchy Caption for each higher level of the caption hierarchy that precedes the caption
for a classification number or span that is contained in subfield $j (Caption).
The caption at the highest level is recorded in the first subfield $h. The caption
at each successive level is recorded in sequence in separate subfields $h up to
and including the level that precedes the caption contained in subfield $j.
Captions for all levels of the hierarchy are recorded in the field. If the caption
in subfield $j is the highest level of the hierarchy, subfield $h is not used.
(However, some systems may wish to omit some levels of the hierarchy for display
purposes.) A caption hierarchy for classification numbers in a summary number span
in the Dewey Decimal Classification is contained in subfield $k (Summary
number span caption hierarchy).
084 |
0#$alcc [Library of Congress Classification] |
153 |
##$aQL638.E55$hZoology$hChordates. Vertebrates$hFishes$hSystematic divisions$hOsteichthys (Bony fishes). By family, A-Z$hFamilies$jEngraulidae (Anchovies) |
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a306.36$hSocial sciences$kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology$hCulture and institutions$kCultural institutions$hEconomic institutions$jSystems of labor |
553 |
0#$wl$a331$hSocial sciences$hEconomics$kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy$jLabor economics$tsociology of labor |
$i - Reference instruction phrase [453/553]Reference instruction phrase for a tracing that cannot be system generated from
the codes defined for subfield $w (Control subfield). Subfield $i is appropriate
only in field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) and field 553 (Valid Number Tracing).
Guidelines for applying subfield $i are provided in the Tracing and Reference
Fields-General Information section.
$j - Caption Lowest caption in the caption hierarchy for a classification number or span.
084 |
0#$alcc [Library of Congress Classification] |
153 |
##$aKK253$cKK1803$hLaw of Germany and West Germany$hHistory of law. Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte$hBy period$hPeriod from ca. 919 to ca. 1867. Hochmittelalter,
Spätmittelalter und Neuzeit$hSources. Rechtsquellen$hImperial laws and legislation. Reichsabschiede$hIndividual. By date$jRatisbon (Franz II.
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a600$jTechnology (Applied sciences) |
$k - Summary number span caption hierarchy Caption at a level higher than the last for a summary number span when the
classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition)
is the Dewey Decimal Classification. Caption hierarchies for single
classification numbers, defined numbers spans, or other types of summary number
spans are contained in subfield $h. The last caption in the caption hierarchy for
a summary number span in field 153 (008/07, Type of number, code c for summary
number span) is recorded in subfield $j.
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a220.12$hReligion$hBible$kGeneralities$hOrigins and authenticity$jCanon |
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$a005.52$hComputer science, information, general works$hComputer programming, programs, data$hGeneral purpose application programs$jWord processing |
453 |
0#$wanna$a652.5$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hManagement and auxiliary sciences$kAuxiliary services$hProcesses of written communication$jWord processing |
$t - Topic [453/553]Topic to which the tracing applies. Subfield $t is appropriate only in field 453
(Invalid Number Tracing) and field 553 (Valid Number Tracing). Guidelines for
applying subfield $t are provided in the Tracing and Reference Fields-General
Information section.
$w - Control subfield [453/553]Up to four character positions (designated as $w/0, $w/1, etc.) that indicate
whether special instructions apply to the display of the 453 or 553 tracing,
whether the reference should be displayed, and whether a field 685 (History Note)
is associated with the tracing. Subfield $w is appropriate only in field 453
(Invalid Number Tracing) and field 553 (Valid Number Tracing) fields. Guidelines
for applying the codes defined for subfield $w are provided in the Tracing and
Reference Fields-General Information section.
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table Sequence number or other identifier for an internal classification subarrangement
or add table. If the first or only add table found at a classification number
is the number 1, succeeding integers are used for any following add tables
found at that number.
$z - Table identification Identification of the table to which the classification number belongs. The
identification of the table by which a classification number or span is further
subarranged is contained in field 762 (Table Identification). Subfield $z is not
repeatable; it is input before the first element of the classification number in
the first subfield $a.
084 |
0#$alcc [Library of Congress Classification] |
153 |
##$zN1$a49.6$hTables of regions or countries (100 numbers)$hEurope$jGerman, Austrian, and Swiss
453 |
1#$wj$zN1$a47.82$hTables of regions or countries (100 numbers)$hEurope$jAustrian, German, and Swiss |
084 |
0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification] |
153 |
##$z2$a482$c484$hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons$kSpecific continents, countries, localities;
extraterrestrial worlds$kModern world; extraterrestrial worlds$hEurope. Western Europe$hScandinavia$jDivisions of Norway
553 |
1#$wjg$z2$a481$hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons$kSpecific continents, countries, localities;
extraterrestrial worlds$kModern world; extraterrestrial worlds$hEurope. Western Europe$hScandinavia$jNorway$tdivisions of Norway
$8 - Field link and sequence number
Order of Subfields - Caption hierarchy (in subfields $h and $k) and caption (in subfield $j) follow the
classification number(s) or number span. A table number in field 153 (Classification
Number) is identified in 008/06 (Kind of record), code b and in field 453/553 (Invalid
or Valid Number Tracing) is identified by the first indicator, value 1 (Source of
classification number). For table numbers, subfield $z is the first subfield(s).
Invalid Classification Numbers - Punctuation (for LCC, parentheses; for DDC, brackets) indicating that
the number is invalid is not input as data. For display purposes, punctuation may be
generated around the number to designate that it is invalid, or in cases where one
number of the span is invalid around the portion which is invalid. For a classification
number in field 153 (Classification Number), the information about its validity is
included in 008/08 (Classification validity). For a classification number in field 453
or 553, the punctuation indicating invalidity may be generated on the basis of the
Number Spans - Beginning and ending numbers of a number span are usually separated by a hyphen in a
display. This hyphen may be generated as a display constant preceding subfield $c.
Display of Classification Numbers and Captions - Conventions for the display of classification numbers and captions as they appear in the
published schedules are considered local information and are not treated in this
Library of Congress Classification - The below scheme-specification conventions apply to the Library of Congress
Classification system.
Classification Number Elements - In recording a span of classification numbers, the beginning number of the span is
recorded in a single subfield $a, followed by the ending number of the span recorded in
subfield $c. Note that all elements of the ending number of the span are to be recorded,
even if they duplicate elements recorded for the beginning number of the span. In field
453 (Invalid Number Tracing) the classification number in subfield $a is an invalid
number assigned to ensure appropriate placement. (Frequently .2 is added to the previous
classification number used.) In field 553 (Valid Number Tracing) the classification
number in subfield $a (and subfield $c if appropriate) is the same as the classification
number under which the reference is made.
153 |
##$aR126.A$cR126.Z$hMedicine (General)$hGeneral works$hThrough 1800$jAncient Greek |
453 |
0#$wj$aR134.82$hMedicine (General)$hHistory$hBy period$hAncient$jBiography [The previous classification number in the hierarchy is R134.8
(Paleopathology) |
153 |
##$aF1404$cF1405.9$hLatin America. Spanish America$hLatin America (General)$hCongresses$jPan American conferences |
553 |
0#$wj$aE11$hAmerica$hGeneral$jPeriodicals. Societies. Collections (serial)$tinternational American Conferences [The see also tracing appears under the caption for E11 (Periodicals.
Societies. Collections (serial): For international American conferences see
F1404-F1405.9.] |
Punctuation - Decimal points used to separate digit portions of a classification number are recorded
as they appear. Generally, punctuation (commas, periods, dashes, etc.) occurring within
the caption are included in recording the caption in both subfields $h (Caption
hierarchy) and $j (Caption), except for a period following the data in $j. A blank is
encoded before additional elements that are not simple numeric or alphanumeric elements,
such as a date or ordinal number.
Internal table identification - If the table is an internal subarrangement coded as an external table, subfield $z
contains the first classification number under which the subarrangement should appear
followed by /1 if only one subarrangement, /2, /3, etc. for multiple subarrangements.
Full instructions are given under Scheme Specific Conventions in field 763 (Internal
Subarrangement or Add Table Entry).
Dewey Decimal Classification - The below scheme-specification conventions apply to the Dewey Decimal Classification
Classification Number Elements - Dewey Decimal Classification numbers are contained in a single subfield $a.
Optional Classification Numbers - An optional classification number is designated for display purposes by enclosing the
whole number in parentheses. It is not necessary to include the parentheses as part of
the data in the field. The information is included in 008/09 (Standard or optional
Summary Number Span Caption Hierarchy - A summary number span caption hierarchy (subfield $k) is the caption hierarchy for what
DDC calls centered entries. Subfield $k is used by the DDC
to identify captions appearing as centered entries.
Table Numbers - Dewey Decimal Classification table numbers may use the letter "T" followed by
two dashes before the table number. The "T" and the two dashes may be generated as a
display constant for subfield $z (e.g., $z2$a72982 may be displayed as T2--72982).
$e - Classification number hierarchy--single number or beginning number of span [NEW, 2008]
$f - Classification number hierarchy--ending number of span [NEW, 2008]
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table [NEW, 2008]
$z - Table identification [REDEFINED, 2008]Subfield$z was redefined as repeatable.