Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 6XX >> 683

683 - Application Instruction Note (R)

MARC 21 Classification - Full
October 2008

First Indicator
Type of note
0 - General application
1 - Special arrangement of classification topics
2 - Optional classification

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span (R)
$c - Classification number-ending number of span (R)
$i - Explanatory text (R)
$p - Corresponding classification field (R)
$t - Topic (R)
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R)
$z - Table identification (R)
$5 - Institution to which field applies (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)


Instructions for applying tables, subarrangements, or additions to classification numbers.

A separate 683 field is used when different types of notes are recorded or when the note only applies to certain institutions that are identified in subfield $5 (Institution to which field applies). The information in this field is primarily intended to guide classifiers and is often not written in a form adequate for public user display.



First Indicator - Type of note
Type of application instruction note.
0 - General application
Note contains general instructions on the application of the classification number, and the note does not fall into one of the categories represented by one of the other defined values.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a780$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$jMusic
683 0#$iIn building numbers, do not add by use of 0 or 1 (alone or in combination) more than twice, e.g., history of rock protest songs$a782.421661592$i(not $a782.42166159209)
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aN6370$cN6494$hVisual arts$hHistory$hModern art$jBy century
683 0#$iUnder each century is provided a “General” number followed by a number for “Special aspects or movements.” The latter is used for historical movements, etc. that are considered international.
1 - Special arrangement of classification topics
Note contains information about the special arrangement of topics within a classification number or span, for instance alphabetical or chronological.
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aPQ4367.A7$cPQ4367.Z$hItalian literature$hIndividual authors$hIndividual authors and works to 1400$hDante Alighieri, 1265-1321 $hBiography and criticism$aBiography$hPortraits$jSpecial portraits. By artist, A-Z
683 1#$iArrange alphabetically by name of artist
2 - Optional classification
Note contains information about the application of optional classification numbers. A record for an optional classification number is indicated in 008/09 (Standard or optional designation), code b (optional).
008/09 p
[Optional classification number]
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a789$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hMusic$jComposers and traditions of music
683 2#$iOptional number and subdivisions; prefer$a780$c788
Second Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).


$a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span
Used to amplify the explanatory text of the note.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a973.56$hGeography, history, and auxiliary disciplines$kHistory of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds$kGeneral history of modern world, of extraterrestrial worlds$hGeneral history of North America$kCountries and localities$hUnited States$h1809-1845$jAdministration of Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
680 0#$81.1$iIncluding Black Hawk War, 1832
683 2#$81.2$i(Option: Class Black Hawk War in$a970.5)$p253
$c - Classification number-ending number of span
Ending number of a classification number span that is part of the instruction note.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a420$c490$hLanguage$jSpecific languages
683 2#$i(Option: For any group of languages, add notation$z4$a04$ito the base number and then add notation$z4$a01$c8 $ifrom Table 4, e.g., grammar of Celtic languages$a491.6045)$p761
$i - Explanatory text
Explains the scope of the classification number. This subfield is repeated when other subfields intervene in the explanatory text.
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aKJA798$cKJA994$hRoman law$hSources$hBy period$hPre-Justinian periods. Fontes antejustiniani$hIndividual sources and groups of sources$hJurists' law. Jus$jIndividual jurists or titles
683 1#$iIndividual jurists and titles are interfiled and arranged alphabetically
$p - Corresponding classification field
For optional instruction notes (first indicator is coded 2), this subfield contains the tag of the field in which the data would appear if it were not an option. This subfield allows for an easier conversion from an optional instruction to the standard instruction. If it cannot be determined which field the data would fall into if it were not part of an optional instruction, this subfield may be omitted. If the data is a reference and can be recorded in field 253 (Complex See Reference) or field 453 (Invalid Number Tracing), the choice of which tag to use is made according to how the text reads, not how it might read if it were made into a tracing.
For example, "do not use; class in" would be in field 253 as it now appears. If the data could be recorded in either field 153 or 253/353, choose 153.
008/09 b
[Optional classification number]
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a789.1$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hMusic$hComposers and traditions of music$jGeneral principles of traditions of music
683 2#$i(If Option A is used with either Option B or C, class here comprehensive works on traditions of music)$p680
[If this number were not optional, the note would be in field 680 (Scope Note).]
$t - Topic
Topics that describe the scope.
683 0#$iIn building numbers, do not add by use of 0 or 1 (alone or in combination) more than twice, e.g., $thistory of rock protest songs$a782.421661592$i(not $a782.42166159209)
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table
Sequence number or other identifier for an internal classification subarrangement or add table. If the first or only add table found at a classification number is the number 1, succeeding integers are used for any following add tables found at that number.
$z - Table identification
Identification of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 683 belongs, if the classification number is part of a table. For a classification number span, subfield $z is given only once, before the first number.
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$zN1$a75.7.A12$c75.7.Z$hTables of regions or countries (100 numbers) $hAsia. The Orient$hCentral Asia$jRussia in Asia
683 0#$ifor Russia in Asia as a whole, use the numbers provided for Central Asia: for Siberia use local numbers of the R.S.F.S.R., e.g.$zN1$a56$ietc.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a420$c490$hLanguage$jSpecific languages
683 2#$i(Option: For any group of languages, add notation$z4$a04$ito the base number and then add notation$z4$a01$c8 $ifrom Table 4, e.g., grammar of Celtic languages$a491.6045)$p761
$5 - Institution to which field applies
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$6 - Linkage
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Library of Congress Classification - All application instruction notes in LCC contain a first indicator value of 0 (General application).
Dewey Decimal Classification - All option notes in DDC are recorded in field 683, even though they would be recorded in a different field if not optional except for optional notes and numbers in internal subarrangement or add table entries (field 763).
153 ##$z2$a32$hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons$kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds$hThe ancient world$jEgypt
683 2#$i(Option: Class Egypt in$z2$a62;$iAlexandria in$z2$a621;$iGiza, Memphis in$z2$a622;$iAbydos, Karnak, Luxor, Thebes in$z2$a623)$p253
[If this were not an option note, the note as now written would either be in 253 (Complex See Reference), or rewritten as four separate class elsewhere references in field 553.]
Punctuation and Spacing - Punctuation and spacing are matters of judgment.


$t - Topic [NEW, 2008]
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table [NEW, 2008]

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