Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 6XX >> 680

680 - Scope Note (R)

MARC 21 Classification - Full
October 2008

First Indicator
Hierarchical force
0 - Not applicable or no hierarchical force
1 - Hierarchical force
2 - Semihierarchical force

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span (R)
$c - Classification number-ending number of span (R)
$i - Explanatory text (R)
$t - Topic (R)
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R)
$z - Table identification (R)
$5 - Institution to which field applies (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)


Information about the classification number or number span in field 153 (Classification Number) that describes its scope in the scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Schedule and Edition).

Used for information such as an explanation and examples of the kinds of topics classed in the number or contrasting information regarding the scope and usage of other similar classification numbers. A separate 680 field is used when different types of notes are used or different characteristics apply. The information in this field is intended for display to public catalog users in addition to guiding classifiers.



First Indicator - Hierarchical force
Whether or not the note applies to subordinate classification numbers.
0 - Not applicable or no hierarchical force
Note is from a classification scheme that does not make distinctions between hierarchical and non-hierarchical force or that the note has no hierarchical force.
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aPR2754.A$cPR3754.Z$hEnglish literature$hEnglish renaissance (1500-1640)$hThe drama$hIndividual authors$hShakespeare, William$hCollected works$hModern editions$j20th century. By editor, publisher, etc., A-Z
680 0#$iClass here editions first edited in the 20th century
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a598.65$hNatural sciences and mathematics$kLife sciences$kNatural history of specific kinds of organisms$kPlants and animals$hAnimals$kSpecific taxonomic groups of animals$hAves (Birds)$kLand birds$hGalliformes and Columbiformes$jColumbiformes
680 0#$iIncluding Pteroclididae (sand grouse), dodos
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a331.255$hSocial sciences$hEconomics$kEconomics of labor, finance, land, energy$hLabor economics$hConditions of employment$hOther conditions of employment$jFringe benefits
680 0#$iIncluding health and employee assistance programs, insurance, unemployment compensation
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a364.162$hSocial sciences$hSocial problems & services; associations $kSocial problems and services$hCriminology$hCriminal offenses$hOffenses against property$jLarceny (Theft)
680 0#$iIncluding burglary, embezzlement, fencing
1 - Hierarchical force
Note applies to subordinate classification numbers.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a355.031$hSocial sciences$hPublic administration and military science $hMilitary science$kBasic considerations of military science$hMilitary situation and policy$jMilitary relations
680 1#$iClass here military alliances, mutual security pacts
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a153.4$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology $hPsychology $kSpecific topics in psychology$hConscious mental processes and intelligence $jThought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment
680 1#$iFormer heading: Cognition (Knowledge)
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a634.653$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hAgriculture and related technologies$kSpecific plant crops$hOrchards, fruits, forestry$kOrchards and their fruits$hTropical and subtropical fruits$hPapayas, avocados, mangosteens$jAvocados
680 1#$iVariant name: alligator pears
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a004.7$hGeneralities$hData processing. Computer science$jPeripherals
680 1#$iInput, output, storage devices that work with a computer but are not part of its central processing unit or internal storage
[Input devices are classed in 004.76, output devices in 004.77, and storage devices in 004.56]
2 - Semihierarchical force
Note applies only to some of the subordinate classification numbers, which are specified in the note.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a704.9432$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$kFine and decorative arts$k Standard subdivisions of fine and decorative arts$hSpecial topics in fine and decorative arts. History and description with respect to kinds of persons$h Iconography$hSpecific subjects$hNature and still life$jAnimals
680 2#$iHunting scenes are classed in$a704.9432,$iwithout use of$a704.943201$c704.943209; $ihunting scenes in which a specific animal is the center of interest are classed with the animal in$a704.94322$c704.94329
Second Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).


$a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span
Used to amplify the explanatory text of the note.
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aHB848$cHB3697$hEconomic theory. Demography$jDemography. Population. Vital events
680 0#$iIncluding statistical works on specific aspects of population and vital events, as for example,$aHB1321$cHB1528, $iMortality
$c - Classification number-ending number of span
Used to amplify the explanatory text of the scope note.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a785.6$c785.9$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hMusic$kPrinciples, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments$kEnsembles, voices, instruments$k Instruments and their music$hEnsembles with only one instrument per part$k Specific kinds of ensembles$jEnsembles consisting of only one instrumental group
680 1#$iThe inclusion of "only one kind" in the$a785.6$c785.9$iheadings limits the subdivisions to individual kind of instruments, not to family of instruments. For example, a string quartet, which usually consists of two violins, a viola, and a cello is classed in$a785.7194$istring quartets, not$a785.72194$iviolin quartets
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z2$a3$c9$hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons$jSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
680 1#$iAn area is classed in its present number even if it had a different affiliation at the time under consideration, e.g., Arizona under Mexican sovereignty$z2$a791$i(not $z2$a72)
$i - Explanatory text
Explains the scope of the classification number. This subfield is repeated when other subfields are embedded in in the explanatory text.
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$zT2$a.H1$hTable for exhibitions. Trade shows$hSpecial exhibitions$jParts of the exposition
680 0#$iWorks on various exhibits which cannot well be classified with any one subject, e.g., a work on an educational exhibit, goes in class L, Education, subdivision Exhibits, but a work on Machinery hall is classed here
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a780.94$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hMusic$hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment$jEurope. Western Europe
680 0#$iUse only for works that stress that they are discussing the European origin and character of music in contrast to music from other sources
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a670$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$jManufacturing
680 1#$iGeneral aspects: planning, design, fabrication
$t - Topic
Topics that describe the scope.
680 1#$iClass here$treservoir engineering;$tenhanced, secondary, tertiary recovery;$twell flooding
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table
Sequence number or other identifier for an internal classification subarrangement or add table. If the first or only add table found at a classification number is the number 1, succeeding integers are used for any following add tables found at that number.
$z - Table identification
Identification of the table to which the classification number in the note belongs, if the classification number recorded in field 680 is part of a table. For a classification number span, subfield $z is given only once, before the first number.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z2$a3$c9$hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons$jSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
680 1#$iAn area is classed in its present number even if it had a different affiliation at the time under consideration, e.g., $t Arizona under Mexican sovereignty$z2$a791$i(not $z2$a72)
$5 - Institution to which field applies
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$6 - Linkage
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Dewey Decimal Classification - The following types of notes indicate whether the note applies to subordinate classification numbers in DDC:
No hierarchical force Hierarchical force
(first indicator, value 0) (first indicator, value 1)
Contains Former heading
Example Variant name
Common names Former name
Including Class here
General aspects
Footnote symbols are omitted, and the instructions to which they refer are converted to the appropriate note.


$t - Topic [NEW, 2008]
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table [NEW, 2008]

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