American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Fort Ticonderoga
Battle Plan

Project for the attack of Ticonderoga
William Brasier.
Project for the attack of Ticonderoga,
proposed to be put in execution
as near as the circumstances and
ground will admit
, 1759.
Manuscript map.
Geography & Map Division (21B.4)

This 1759 manuscript map dating from the era of the French and Indian War, shows a battle plan proposed by the British for their encounter with French troops near Fort Ticonderoga, New York. Drawn by William Brasier, this map is from the collection of William Faden, one of the most prominent British publishers of American Revolutionary battle maps. His collection includes many beautifully colored manuscript maps that later were incorporated into engraved maps of the period and were printed and sold by Faden in London.

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