American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Supporting American Revolutionaries

The American Vine, A Sermon
Jacob Duche; (1738-1798)
The American Vine, A Sermon . . .
Philadelphia: James Humphreys, 1775
Rare Book & Special Collections Division

Reverend Jacob Duche reached the oratorical pinnacle of patriotic preachers with this sermon delivered to the Continental Congress on July 20, 1775. Duche, an Anglican minister in Philadelphia, delivered this fervent plea for heavenly support of the American Revolutionaries when he was chaplain of the Continental Congress. Reverend Duche, who was the brother-in-law of noted composer and patriot Francis Hopkinson, later denounced General Washington and the patriotic cause before fleeing as a loyalist to England in 1777.

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