American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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The Kin-der-Kids

The Kin-der-Kids
Lyonel Feininger
[The Kin-der-Kids]
How the Jimjam relief expedition set out
Published in the Chicago Tribune,
June 24, 1906
Prints & Photographs Division
Copyright deposit, 1906 (194.7)

In 1906, well before Lyonel Feininger became a preeminent early modernist painter, the Chicago Tribune hired him to raise the quality of its Sunday comic supplement. Feininger, who was born in New York and educated and worked in Germany as an artist, produced two comic strips, The Kin-der-Kids and Wee Willie Winkie's World, breaking the boundaries of the new medium by manipulating time, space and color, and experimenting with abstraction. Despite both strips' popular appeal, the
Tribune could not afford Feininger's salary, and, after nine months, the strips ceased to appear.

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