American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Arbiter of Fashion

Fashions for December 1884
"Fashions for December 1884,"
Delineator, A Monthly Magazine
Vol. 24, no. 6.
Page 2
London and New York:
Butterick Publishing Co.
General Collections
Copyright deposit (202.1)

For one dollar per year, the Butterick Publishing Company brought women across the country the latest styles and homemaking news. Women could purchase paper patterns for twenty-five to thirty cents and re-create in Nebraska or California the clothes of the Parisian haute monde. From 1873 to 1937, the Delineator was one of the major American fashion magazines with a circulation in 1900 of 480,000. Its French, German, and Spanish editions displayed aspects of American attitudes and a way of life to the Western world through editorials, articles, advertisements, and, in later editions, serialized fiction.

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